module Data.Array.Accelerate.Fourier.Planned (
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate, directionMode,
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate2, directionModes,
) where
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Convolution.Adhoc as Convolution
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Permutation as Permutation
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.NumberTheory as NumberTheory
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Fourier.Private as Fourier
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Fourier.Sign as Sign
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Fourier.Private
(SubTransform(SubTransform), SubTransformPair(SubTransformPair),
PairTransform, Transform, )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Fourier.Utility (scaleDown, )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Fourier.Sign (Sign(Sign))
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.LinearAlgebra as LinAlg
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LinearAlgebra
(zipExtrudedVectorWith, zipExtrudedMatrixWith, )
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Utility.Lift.Exp as Exp
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Utility.Lift.Exp (expr)
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Utility.Sliced as Sliced
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate as A
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Data.Complex (Complex, conjugate, )
import Data.Array.Accelerate
(Exp, Acc, Array, DIM1, DIM2, (:.)((:.)), Elt, Slice, Shape, )
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import Control.Monad (liftM2, )
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), )
import Data.Traversable (for, )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapPair, )
transform ::
(Slice sh, Shape sh, A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a, Num a, Ord a) =>
Sign a -> Int -> Transform (sh:.Int) (Complex a)
transform sign len = transformWithCache $ cache sign len
transformDecompose ::
(Slice sh, Shape sh, A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a, Num a, Ord a) =>
Sign a -> Int ->
Transform (sh :. Int) (Complex a)
transformDecompose =
transformWithPlanner planDecomposeWithMapUpdate
transformWithPlanner ::
(Slice sh, Shape sh, A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a, Num a, Ord a) =>
(Integer -> State.State PlanMap Plan) ->
Sign a -> Int ->
Transform (sh :. Int) (Complex a)
transformWithPlanner planner sign len =
transformWithCache $
(flip State.evalState smallPlanMap $ planner $ fromIntegral len) $
directionMode sign len
transformWithCache ::
(Slice sh, Shape sh, A.RealFloat a) =>
Cache (Complex a) -> Transform (sh:.Int) (Complex a)
transformWithCache ch =
case ch of
CacheIdentity -> id
CacheSmall size ->
case size of
LevelCache2 zs -> Fourier.transform2 zs
LevelCache3 zs -> Fourier.transform3 zs
LevelCache4 zs -> Fourier.transform4 zs
LevelCache5 zs -> Fourier.transform5 zs
CacheRadix2 level subCache ->
transformRadix2InterleavedTime level $
subTransformWithCache subCache
CacheSplitRadix chain ->
Fourier.finishSplitRadix . fst .
transformSplitRadixInterleavedTimeChain chain .
CachePrime level subCaches ->
transformPrime level $
fmap subTransformPairWithCache subCaches
CacheCoprime level subCaches ->
transformCoprime level $
subTransformPairWithCache subCaches
CacheComposite level subCaches ->
transformComposite level $
subTransformPairWithCache subCaches
CacheChirp level subCaches ->
transformChirp level $
subTransformPairWithCache subCaches
subTransformWithCache ::
(A.RealFloat a) => Cache (Complex a) -> SubTransform (Complex a)
subTransformWithCache ch = SubTransform (transformWithCache ch)
subTransformPairWithCache ::
(A.RealFloat a) =>
(Cache (Complex a), Cache (Complex a)) -> SubTransformPair (Complex a)
subTransformPairWithCache (ch0,ch1) =
SubTransformPair (transformWithCache ch0) (transformWithCache ch1)
data Plan = Plan Integer PlanStructure
deriving (Show)
data PlanStructure =
| PlanSmall LevelSmall
| PlanRadix2 Plan
| PlanSplitRadix Plan
| PlanPrime (Maybe Plan)
| PlanCoprime (Plan, Plan)
| PlanComposite (Plan, Plan)
| PlanChirp Plan
deriving (Show)
plan :: Integer -> Plan
plan n =
State.evalState (planWithMapUpdate n) smallPlanMap
planWithMapUpdate :: Integer -> State.State PlanMap Plan
planWithMapUpdate n = do
p <- planDecomposeWithMapUpdate n
if planCountPrimes p < 3
then return p
else planChirpWithMapUpdate NumberTheory.ceiling5Smooth n
planCountPrimes :: Plan -> Int
planCountPrimes (Plan _ struct) =
case struct of
PlanIdentity -> 0
PlanSmall _ -> 0
PlanRadix2 p -> planCountPrimes p
PlanSplitRadix p -> planCountPrimes p
PlanPrime mp -> 1 + maybe 0 planCountPrimes mp
PlanCoprime (m, n) -> max (planCountPrimes m) (planCountPrimes n)
PlanComposite (m, n) -> max (planCountPrimes m) (planCountPrimes n)
PlanChirp p -> planCountPrimes p
type PlanMap = Map.Map Integer Plan
smallPlanMap :: PlanMap
smallPlanMap =
Map.fromAscList $ zipWith (\n struct -> (n, Plan n struct)) [0..] $
PlanIdentity :
PlanIdentity :
PlanSmall Level2 :
PlanSmall Level3 :
PlanSmall Level4 :
PlanSmall Level5 :
planDecomposeWithMap :: Integer -> State.State PlanMap Plan
planDecomposeWithMap n =
fmap (Plan n) $
case divMod n 2 of
(n2,0) ->
case (0::Int) of
0 -> PlanSplitRadix <$> planDecomposeWithMapUpdate n2
1 -> PlanComposite <$> planDecomposeWithMapUpdate2 (2,n2)
_ -> PlanRadix2 <$> planDecomposeWithMapUpdate n2
_ ->
let facs = NumberTheory.fermatFactors n
case filter (\(a,b) -> a>1 && gcd a b == 1) facs of
q2 : _ -> PlanCoprime <$> planDecomposeWithMapUpdate2 q2
_ ->
let (q2 : _) = facs
in if fst q2 == 1
PlanPrime <$>
if False
then return Nothing
else Just <$> planDecomposeWithMapUpdate (n1)
else PlanComposite <$> planDecomposeWithMapUpdate2 q2
planDecomposeWithMapUpdate :: Integer -> State.State PlanMap Plan
planDecomposeWithMapUpdate n = do
item <- State.gets (Map.lookup n)
case item of
Just p -> return p
Nothing -> do
m <- planDecomposeWithMap n
State.modify (Map.insert n m)
return m
planDecomposeWithMapUpdate2 ::
(Integer, Integer) -> State.State PlanMap (Plan, Plan)
planDecomposeWithMapUpdate2 =
uncurry (liftM2 (,)) .
mapPair (planDecomposeWithMapUpdate,planDecomposeWithMapUpdate)
data Cache a =
| CacheSmall (LevelCacheSmall (Exp a))
| CacheRadix2 (LevelCacheRadix2 a) (Cache a)
| CacheSplitRadix (CacheSplitRadixChain a)
| CachePrime (LevelCachePrime a) (Maybe (Cache a, Cache a))
| CacheCoprime LevelCacheCoprime (Cache a, Cache a)
| CacheComposite (LevelCacheComposite a) (Cache a, Cache a)
| CacheChirp (LevelCacheChirp a) (Cache a, Cache a)
deriving (Show)
data CacheSplitRadixChain a =
CacheSplitRadixCons (LevelCacheSplitRadix a) (CacheSplitRadixChain a)
| CacheSplitRadixEnd (Cache a) (Cache a)
deriving (Show)
cache ::
(A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a, Num a, Ord a) =>
Sign a -> Int -> Cache (Complex a)
cache sign len =
(plan $ fromIntegral len)
(directionMode sign len)
cacheDuplex ::
(a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b, A.FromIntegral Int b, Num b) =>
Int -> (Cache a, Cache a)
cacheDuplex len =
let p = plan $ fromIntegral len
in flip State.evalState Map.empty $
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate2 (p,p) (directionModes len)
data Direction = Forward | Inverse
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type CacheMap a = Map.Map (Integer,Direction) (Cache a)
cacheFromPlan ::
(a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b, A.FromIntegral Int b, Num b) =>
Plan -> (Direction, Sign b) -> Cache a
cacheFromPlan p z =
State.evalState (cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate p z) Map.empty
cacheFromPlanWithMap ::
(a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b, Num b, A.FromIntegral Int b) =>
Plan -> (Direction, Sign b) ->
State.State (CacheMap a) (Cache a)
cacheFromPlanWithMap (Plan len struct) dsign@(_d,sign) =
case struct of
PlanIdentity -> return $ CacheIdentity
PlanSmall size -> return $ CacheSmall $
case size of
Level2 -> LevelCache2 $ Fourier.cache2 $ A.constant sign
Level3 -> LevelCache3 $ Fourier.cache3 $ A.constant sign
Level4 -> LevelCache4 $ Fourier.cache4 $ A.constant sign
Level5 -> LevelCache5 $ Fourier.cache5 $ A.constant sign
PlanRadix2 subPlan@(Plan len2 _) ->
CacheRadix2 (levelCacheRadix2 len2 sign) <$>
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate subPlan dsign
PlanSplitRadix subPlan@(Plan len2 subStruct) -> do
subCache <- cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate subPlan dsign
case subCache of
CacheSplitRadix chain ->
return $
CacheSplitRadix $
CacheSplitRadixCons (levelCacheSplitRadix len2 sign) chain
_ ->
case subStruct of
PlanSplitRadix subsubPlan -> do
subsubCache <- cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate subsubPlan dsign
return $ CacheSplitRadix $
CacheSplitRadixCons (levelCacheSplitRadix len2 sign) $
CacheSplitRadixEnd subCache subsubCache
_ ->
return $ CacheRadix2 (levelCacheRadix2 len2 sign) subCache
PlanPrime maybeSubPlan ->
(\maybeSubCaches ->
(levelCachePrime len
(fmap (subTransformWithCache . fst) maybeSubCaches) sign)
for maybeSubPlan
(\subPlan ->
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate2 (subPlan,subPlan)
(directionModes $ fromInteger $ len1))
PlanCoprime subPlans@(Plan n _, Plan m _) ->
CacheCoprime (levelCacheCoprime (n,m)) <$>
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate2 subPlans (dsign, dsign)
PlanComposite subPlans@(Plan n _, Plan m _) ->
CacheComposite (levelCacheComposite (n,m) sign)
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate2 subPlans (dsign, dsign)
PlanChirp subPlan@(Plan padlen _) ->
(\subCaches ->
(levelCacheChirp len padlen
(subTransformWithCache (fst subCaches)) sign)
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate2 (subPlan,subPlan)
(directionModes $ fromInteger padlen)
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate ::
(a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b, A.FromIntegral Int b, Num b) =>
Plan -> (Direction, Sign b) ->
State.State (CacheMap a) (Cache a)
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate p@(Plan len _) z = do
let key = (len, fst z)
item <- State.gets (Map.lookup key)
case item of
Just c -> return c
Nothing -> do
m <- cacheFromPlanWithMap p z
State.modify (Map.insert key m)
return m
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate2 ::
(a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b, A.FromIntegral Int b, Num b) =>
(Plan, Plan) -> ((Direction, Sign b), (Direction, Sign b)) ->
State.State (CacheMap a) (Cache a, Cache a)
cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate2 (p0,p1) (dm0,dm1) =
liftM2 (,)
(cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate p0 dm0)
(cacheFromPlanWithMapUpdate p1 dm1)
directionMode ::
(Num a, Ord a) =>
Sign a -> Int -> (Direction, Sign a)
directionMode (Sign sign) len =
(if sign>0 then fst else snd) $ directionModes len
directionModes ::
(Num a) =>
Int -> ((Direction, Sign a), (Direction, Sign a))
directionModes _len =
((Inverse, Sign.inverse), (Forward, Sign.forward))
data LevelSmall = Level2 | Level3 | Level4 | Level5
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
data LevelCacheSmall a =
LevelCache2 a
| LevelCache3 (a,a)
| LevelCache4 (a,a,a)
| LevelCache5 (a,a,a,a)
deriving (Show)
data LevelCacheRadix2 a = LevelCacheRadix2 (Acc (Array DIM1 a))
deriving (Show)
levelCacheRadix2 ::
(A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a) =>
Integer -> Sign a -> LevelCacheRadix2 (Complex a)
levelCacheRadix2 n2 sign =
LevelCacheRadix2 $
Fourier.twiddleFactors2 (A.constant sign) (expInteger n2)
transformRadix2InterleavedTime ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b) =>
LevelCacheRadix2 a ->
SubTransform a ->
Transform (sh:.Int) a
(LevelCacheRadix2 twiddles) (SubTransform subTrans) =
Fourier.transformRadix2InterleavedTime twiddles subTrans
data LevelCacheSplitRadix a =
LevelCacheSplitRadix a (Acc (Array DIM1 a), Acc (Array DIM1 a))
deriving (Show)
levelCacheSplitRadix ::
(A.RealFloat a, Num a, A.FromIntegral Int a) =>
Integer -> Sign a -> LevelCacheSplitRadix (Complex a)
levelCacheSplitRadix n2 sign =
LevelCacheSplitRadix (Fourier.imagSplitRadixPlain sign) $
Fourier.twiddleFactorsSRPair (A.constant sign) (expInteger (div n2 2))
transformSplitRadixInterleavedTime ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b) =>
LevelCacheSplitRadix a ->
SubPairTransform a ->
PairTransform (sh:.Int:.Int) a
(LevelCacheSplitRadix imag twiddles) (SubPairTransform subTrans) =
Fourier.ditSplitRadixStep (A.constant imag) twiddles .
subTrans .
transformSplitRadixInterleavedTimeChain ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b) =>
CacheSplitRadixChain a ->
PairTransform (sh:.Int:.Int) a
transformSplitRadixInterleavedTimeChain chain =
case chain of
CacheSplitRadixCons level remChain ->
transformSplitRadixInterleavedTime level $
SubPairTransform (transformSplitRadixInterleavedTimeChain remChain)
CacheSplitRadixEnd subCache2 subCache1 ->
mapPair (transformWithCache subCache2, transformWithCache subCache1)
newtype LevelCacheComposite a =
LevelCacheComposite (Acc (Array DIM2 a))
deriving (Show)
levelCacheComposite ::
(A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a) =>
(Integer, Integer) -> Sign a -> LevelCacheComposite (Complex a)
levelCacheComposite (n,m) sign =
LevelCacheComposite $
Fourier.twiddleFactors (A.constant sign) (expInteger n) (expInteger m)
transformComposite ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b) =>
LevelCacheComposite a ->
SubTransformPair a ->
Transform (sh:.Int) a
(LevelCacheComposite twiddles)
(SubTransformPair subTransN subTransM) =
Fourier.merge .
subTransN .
LinAlg.transpose .
zipExtrudedMatrixWith (*) twiddles .
subTransM .
Sliced.sliceHorizontal (A.shape twiddles)
newtype LevelCacheCoprime = LevelCacheCoprime (Integer, Integer)
deriving (Show)
levelCacheCoprime :: (Integer, Integer) -> LevelCacheCoprime
levelCacheCoprime = LevelCacheCoprime
transformCoprime ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b) =>
LevelCacheCoprime ->
SubTransformPair a ->
Transform (sh:.Int) a
(LevelCacheCoprime (n,m)) (SubTransformPair subTransN subTransM) =
permuteSkewGridInv .
subTransM .
LinAlg.transpose .
subTransN .
permuteSkewGrid (expInteger m) (expInteger n)
permuteSkewGrid ::
(Slice sh, Shape sh, Elt a) =>
Exp Int -> Exp Int -> LinAlg.Vector sh a -> LinAlg.Matrix sh a
permuteSkewGrid m n arr =
let (sh:.nm) = Exp.unlift (expr:.expr) $ A.shape arr
in A.backpermute
(A.lift (sh :. m :. n))
(Exp.modify (expr:.expr:.expr) $
\(ix:.k:.j) -> ix :. mod (n*k + m*j) nm)
permuteSkewGridInv ::
(Slice sh, Shape sh, Elt a) =>
LinAlg.Matrix sh a -> LinAlg.Vector sh a
permuteSkewGridInv arr =
let (sh:.m:.n) = Exp.unlift (expr:.expr:.expr) $ A.shape arr
in A.backpermute
(A.lift (sh :. n*m))
(Exp.modify (expr:.expr) $
\(ix:.k) -> ix :. mod k m :. mod k n)
data LevelCachePrime a =
LevelCachePrime (Permutation.T, Permutation.T) (Acc (Array DIM1 a))
deriving (Show)
levelCachePrime ::
(A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a) =>
Integer ->
Maybe (SubTransform (Complex a)) ->
Sign a -> LevelCachePrime (Complex a)
levelCachePrime n maybeSubTrans sign =
let len = fromInteger n
perm = A.use $ Permutation.multiplicative len
kernel = (Sign.cisRat (A.constant sign) (A.constant len) . (1+)) perm
in LevelCachePrime
(Permutation.reverse perm, Permutation.inverse perm)
(maybe id
(\(SubTransform subTrans) -> scaleDown . subTrans)
maybeSubTrans kernel)
transformPrime ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b) =>
LevelCachePrime a ->
Maybe (SubTransformPair a) ->
Transform (sh:.Int) a
transformPrime (LevelCachePrime (rev, inv) zs) maybeSubTranss =
let conv =
case maybeSubTranss of
Nothing ->
\xs ->
(Convolution.cyclic Convolution.karatsuba)
(LinAlg.extrudeVector (A.indexTail $ A.shape xs) zs)
Just subTranss ->
convolveSingleSpectrumCyclicCache subTranss zs
in \arr ->
let x0 = Sliced.head arr
res = Sliced.tail arr
in LinAlg.zipScalarVectorWith (+) x0 $
Sliced.cons (A.fold1 (+) res) $
Permutation.apply inv $
conv $
Permutation.apply rev res
transformChirp2 ::
(Slice sh, Shape sh, A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a, Num a, Ord a) =>
Sign a -> Int ->
Transform (sh :. Int) (Complex a)
transformChirp2 = transformChirpComplete NumberTheory.ceilingPowerOfTwo
transformChirp235 ::
(Slice sh, Shape sh, A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a, Num a, Ord a) =>
Sign a -> Int ->
Transform (sh :. Int) (Complex a)
transformChirp235 = transformChirpComplete NumberTheory.ceiling5Smooth
transformChirpComplete ::
(Slice sh, Shape sh, A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a, Num a, Ord a) =>
(Integer -> Integer) ->
Sign a -> Int ->
Transform (sh :. Int) (Complex a)
transformChirpComplete padLength =
transformWithPlanner (planChirpWithMapUpdate padLength)
planChirpWithMapUpdate ::
(Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> State.State PlanMap Plan
planChirpWithMapUpdate padLength len =
Plan len <$>
if len<2
then return PlanIdentity
else PlanChirp <$> planDecomposeWithMapUpdate (padLength (2*len1))
data LevelCacheChirp a =
LevelCacheChirp (Acc (Array DIM1 a)) (Acc (Array DIM1 a))
deriving (Show)
levelCacheChirp ::
(A.RealFloat a, A.FromIntegral Int a) =>
Integer -> Integer ->
SubTransform (Complex a) ->
Sign a -> LevelCacheChirp (Complex a)
levelCacheChirp len padlen (SubTransform subTrans) sign =
let chirp =
Fourier.chirp (A.constant sign) (expInteger padlen) (expInteger len)
in LevelCacheChirp
(A.take (expInteger len) chirp)
(scaleDown $ subTrans $ conjugate chirp)
transformChirp ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b) =>
LevelCacheChirp a ->
SubTransformPair a ->
Transform (sh:.Int) a
transformChirp (LevelCacheChirp chirp chirpSpec) subTranss =
let conv = convolveSingleSpectrumCyclicCache subTranss chirpSpec
twistChirp = zipExtrudedVectorWith (*) chirp
in \arr ->
twistChirp $
Sliced.take (Sliced.length arr) $
conv $
Sliced.pad 0 (A.length chirpSpec) $
twistChirp arr
convolveCyclic ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b,
A.RealFloat b, A.FromIntegral Int b, Num b) =>
Int ->
Acc (Array (sh:.Int) a) ->
Acc (Array (sh:.Int) a) ->
Acc (Array (sh:.Int) a)
convolveCyclic leni =
let len = fromIntegral leni
(z,zInv) = directionModes leni
in convolveCyclicCache $
(cacheFromPlan (plan len) z,
cacheFromPlan (plan len) zInv)
convolveCyclicCache ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b, A.FromIntegral Int b) =>
SubTransformPair a ->
Acc (Array (sh:.Int) a) ->
Acc (Array (sh:.Int) a) ->
Acc (Array (sh:.Int) a)
convolveCyclicCache transs@(SubTransformPair trans _) x =
convolveSpectrumCyclicCache transs $ scaleDown $ trans x
convolveSingleSpectrumCyclicCache ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b) =>
SubTransformPair a ->
Acc (Array DIM1 a) -> Transform (sh:.Int) a
convolveSingleSpectrumCyclicCache caches x y =
convolveSpectrumCyclicCache caches
(LinAlg.extrudeVector (A.indexTail $ A.shape y) x) y
convolveSpectrumCyclicCache ::
(Shape sh, Slice sh, a ~ Complex b, A.RealFloat b) =>
SubTransformPair a ->
Acc (Array (sh:.Int) a) -> Transform (sh:.Int) a
convolveSpectrumCyclicCache (SubTransformPair trans transInv) x y =
transInv $ A.zipWith (*) x (trans y)
expInteger :: (A.Num a) => Integer -> Exp a
expInteger = A.fromInteger