{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Config where import Common.Type import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Label import System.Console.GetOpt data Solver = Naive1 | Naive2 | BarnsHut deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show) data Config = Config { -- How to execute the simulation _configSolver :: Solver -- How to present the output , _configWindowSize :: Int , _configShouldDrawTree :: Bool , _configRate :: Int -- System setup , _configBodyCount :: Int , _configBodyMass :: R , _configTimeStep :: R , _configEpsilon :: R -- Initial conditions , _configStartDiscSize :: R , _configStartSpeed :: R -- Terminating conditions , _configMaxSteps :: Maybe Int -- Dump final particle locations to file , _configDumpFinal :: Maybe FilePath } deriving Show $(mkLabels [''Config]) defaults :: Config defaults = Config { _configSolver = Naive2 -- no barns-hut yet! , _configWindowSize = 1000 , _configShouldDrawTree = False -- no barns-hut yet! , _configRate = 30 , _configBodyCount = 1000 , _configBodyMass = 1600 , _configTimeStep = 1 , _configEpsilon = 50 , _configStartDiscSize = 500 , _configStartSpeed = 1 , _configMaxSteps = Nothing , _configDumpFinal = Nothing } -- | The set of available command-line options -- options :: [OptDescr (Config -> Config)] options = [ Option ['s'] ["solver"] (ReqArg (set configSolver . solver) "ALGORITHM") ("solver to use, one of: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show [minBound .. maxBound :: Solver])) , Option [] ["size"] (ReqArg (set configWindowSize . read) "INT") (describe configWindowSize "visualisation size") , Option [] ["framerate"] (ReqArg (set configRate . read) "INT") (describe configRate "visualisation frame rate") , Option [] ["draw-tree"] (NoArg (set configShouldDrawTree True)) "draw the Barns-Hut quad tree" , Option ['n'] ["bodies"] (ReqArg (set configBodyCount . read) "INT") (describe configBodyCount "number of bodies in the simulation") , Option [] ["mass"] (ReqArg (set configBodyMass . read) "FLOAT") (describe configBodyMass "mass of each body") , Option [] ["timestep"] (ReqArg (set configTimeStep . read) "FLOAT") (describe configTimeStep "time step between simulation states") , Option [] ["epsilon"] (ReqArg (set configEpsilon . read) "FLOAT") (describe configEpsilon "smoothing parameter") , Option [] ["disc"] (ReqArg (set configStartDiscSize . read) "FLOAT") (describe configStartDiscSize "initial size of particle disc") , Option [] ["speed"] (ReqArg (set configStartSpeed . read) "FLOAT") (describe configStartSpeed "initial rotation speed of the disc") , Option [] ["max-steps"] (ReqArg (set configMaxSteps . read) "INT") (describe configMaxSteps "exit simulation after this many steps") , Option [] ["dump-final"] (ReqArg (set configDumpFinal . Just) "FILE") "dump final body positions to file" ] where solver algorithm | a `elem` ["n1", "naive1"] = Naive1 | a `elem` ["n2", "naive2"] = Naive2 | a `elem` ["bh", "barnshut", "barns-hut"] = BarnsHut | otherwise = error $ "Unknown solver method: " ++ algorithm where a = map toLower algorithm describe f msg = msg ++ " (" ++ show (get f defaults) ++ ")" -- | Process the command line options -- header :: [String] header = [ "accelerate-nbody (c) [2012..2013] The Accelerate Team" , "" , "Usage: accelerate-nbody [OPTIONS]" , "" ] footer :: [String] footer = [ "" ]