{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}  -- for instance SliceIxConv sl

-- |Embedded array processing language: user-visible array operations
--  Copyright (c) 2009 Manuel M T Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Sean Lee
--  License: BSD3
--- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------

module Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar (

  -- * Array representation
  Array(..), Scalar, Vector,

  -- * Class of element types and of array shapes
  Elem(..), ElemRepr, ElemRepr', FromShapeRepr,

  -- * Array shapes
  DIM0, DIM1, DIM2, DIM3, DIM4, DIM5,

  -- * Array indexing and slicing
  ShapeBase, Shape, Ix(..), All(..), SliceIx(..), convertSliceIndex,
  -- * Conversion between the internal and surface array representation
  fromArray, toArray, Arrays(..),
  -- * Array shape query, indexing, and conversions
  shape, (!), fromIArray, toIArray, fromList, toList

) where

-- standard library
import Data.Array.IArray (IArray)
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as IArray
import qualified Data.Ix           as IArray
import Data.Typeable
import Unsafe.Coerce

-- friends
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Data
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Representation as Repr
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Delayed        as Repr

infixl 9 !

-- |Representation change for array element types
-- ----------------------------------------------

-- |Type representation mapping
-- The idea is to use '()' and '(,)' as type-level nil and snoc to construct 
-- snoc-lists of types.
type family ElemRepr a :: *
type instance ElemRepr () = ()
type instance ElemRepr All = ((), ())
type instance ElemRepr Int = ((), Int)
type instance ElemRepr Int8 = ((), Int8)
type instance ElemRepr Int16 = ((), Int16)
type instance ElemRepr Int32 = ((), Int32)
type instance ElemRepr Int64 = ((), Int64)
type instance ElemRepr Word = ((), Word)
type instance ElemRepr Word8 = ((), Word8)
type instance ElemRepr Word16 = ((), Word16)
type instance ElemRepr Word32 = ((), Word32)
type instance ElemRepr Word64 = ((), Word64)
type instance ElemRepr CShort = ((), CShort)
type instance ElemRepr CUShort = ((), CUShort)
type instance ElemRepr CInt = ((), CInt)
type instance ElemRepr CUInt = ((), CUInt)
type instance ElemRepr CLong = ((), CLong)
type instance ElemRepr CULong = ((), CULong)
type instance ElemRepr CLLong = ((), CLLong)
type instance ElemRepr CULLong = ((), CULLong)
type instance ElemRepr Float = ((), Float)
type instance ElemRepr Double = ((), Double)
type instance ElemRepr CFloat = ((), CFloat)
type instance ElemRepr CDouble = ((), CDouble)
type instance ElemRepr Bool = ((), Bool)
type instance ElemRepr Char = ((), Char)
type instance ElemRepr CChar = ((), CChar)
type instance ElemRepr CSChar = ((), CSChar)
type instance ElemRepr CUChar = ((), CUChar)
type instance ElemRepr (a, b) = (ElemRepr a, ElemRepr' b)
type instance ElemRepr (a, b, c) = (ElemRepr (a, b), ElemRepr' c)
type instance ElemRepr (a, b, c, d) = (ElemRepr (a, b, c), ElemRepr' d)
type instance ElemRepr (a, b, c, d, e) = (ElemRepr (a, b, c, d), ElemRepr' e)

-- To avoid overly nested pairs, we use a flattened representation at the
-- leaves.
type family ElemRepr' a :: *
type instance ElemRepr' () = ()
type instance ElemRepr' All = ()
type instance ElemRepr' Int = Int
type instance ElemRepr' Int8 = Int8
type instance ElemRepr' Int16 = Int16
type instance ElemRepr' Int32 = Int32
type instance ElemRepr' Int64 = Int64
type instance ElemRepr' Word = Word
type instance ElemRepr' Word8 = Word8
type instance ElemRepr' Word16 = Word16
type instance ElemRepr' Word32 = Word32
type instance ElemRepr' Word64 = Word64
type instance ElemRepr' CShort = CShort
type instance ElemRepr' CUShort = CUShort
type instance ElemRepr' CInt = CInt
type instance ElemRepr' CUInt = CUInt
type instance ElemRepr' CLong = CLong
type instance ElemRepr' CULong = CULong
type instance ElemRepr' CLLong = CLLong
type instance ElemRepr' CULLong = CULLong
type instance ElemRepr' Float = Float
type instance ElemRepr' Double = Double
type instance ElemRepr' CFloat = CFloat
type instance ElemRepr' CDouble = CDouble
type instance ElemRepr' Bool = Bool
type instance ElemRepr' Char = Char
type instance ElemRepr' CChar = CChar
type instance ElemRepr' CSChar = CSChar
type instance ElemRepr' CUChar = CUChar
type instance ElemRepr' (a, b) = (ElemRepr a, ElemRepr' b)
type instance ElemRepr' (a, b, c) = (ElemRepr (a, b), ElemRepr' c)
type instance ElemRepr' (a, b, c, d) = (ElemRepr (a, b, c), ElemRepr' d)
type instance ElemRepr' (a, b, c, d, e) = (ElemRepr (a, b, c, d), ElemRepr' e)

-- |Surface types (tuples of scalars)
-- ----------------------------------

-- |Identifier for entire dimensions in slice descriptors
data All = All deriving (Typeable, Show)

class (Show a, Typeable a, 
       Typeable (ElemRepr a), Typeable (ElemRepr' a),
       ArrayElem (ElemRepr a), ArrayElem (ElemRepr' a)) 
      => Elem a where
  --elemType  :: {-dummy-} a -> TupleType (ElemRepr a)
  fromElem  :: a -> ElemRepr a
  toElem    :: ElemRepr a -> a

  --elemType' :: {-dummy-} a -> TupleType (ElemRepr' a)
  fromElem' :: a -> ElemRepr' a
  toElem'   :: ElemRepr' a -> a

instance Elem () where
  --elemType _ = UnitTuple
  fromElem = id
  toElem   = id

  --elemType' _ = UnitTuple
  fromElem' = id
  toElem'   = id

instance Elem All where
  --elemType _      = PairTuple UnitTuple UnitTuple
  fromElem All    = ((), ())
  toElem ((), ()) = All

  --elemType' _      = UnitTuple
  fromElem' All    = ()
  toElem' ()       = All

instance Elem Int where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Int8 where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Int16 where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Int32 where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Int64 where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Word where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Word8 where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Word16 where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Word32 where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Word64 where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CShort where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CUShort where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CInt where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CUInt where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CLong where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CULong where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CLLong where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CULLong where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Float where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Double where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CFloat where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CDouble where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Bool where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem Char where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CChar where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CSChar where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance Elem CUChar where
  --elemType       = singletonScalarType
  fromElem v     = ((), v)
  toElem ((), v) = v

  --elemType' _    = SingleTuple scalarType
  fromElem'      = id
  toElem'        = id

instance (Elem a, Elem b) => Elem (a, b) where
  elemType (_::(a, b)) 
    = PairTuple (elemType (undefined :: a)) (elemType' (undefined :: b))
  fromElem (a, b)  = (fromElem a, fromElem' b)
  toElem (a, b)  = (toElem a, toElem' b)

  elemType' (_::(a, b)) 
    = PairTuple (elemType (undefined :: a)) (elemType' (undefined :: b))
  fromElem' (a, b) = (fromElem a, fromElem' b)
  toElem' (a, b) = (toElem a, toElem' b)

instance (Elem a, Elem b, Elem c) => Elem (a, b, c) where
  elemType (_::(a, b, c)) 
    = PairTuple (elemType (undefined :: (a, b))) (elemType' (undefined :: c))
  fromElem (a, b, c) = (fromElem (a, b), fromElem' c)
  toElem (ab, c) = let (a, b) = toElem ab in (a, b, toElem' c)
  elemType' (_::(a, b, c)) 
    = PairTuple (elemType (undefined :: (a, b))) (elemType' (undefined :: c))
  fromElem' (a, b, c) = (fromElem (a, b), fromElem' c)
  toElem' (ab, c) = let (a, b) = toElem ab in (a, b, toElem' c)
instance (Elem a, Elem b, Elem c, Elem d) => Elem (a, b, c, d) where
  elemType (_::(a, b, c, d)) 
    = PairTuple (elemType (undefined :: (a, b, c))) (elemType' (undefined :: d))
  fromElem (a, b, c, d) = (fromElem (a, b, c), fromElem' d)
  toElem (abc, d) = let (a, b, c) = toElem abc in (a, b, c, toElem' d)

  elemType' (_::(a, b, c, d)) 
    = PairTuple (elemType (undefined :: (a, b, c))) (elemType' (undefined :: d))
  fromElem' (a, b, c, d) = (fromElem (a, b, c), fromElem' d)
  toElem' (abc, d) = let (a, b, c) = toElem abc in (a, b, c, toElem' d)

instance (Elem a, Elem b, Elem c, Elem d, Elem e) => Elem (a, b, c, d, e) where
  elemType (_::(a, b, c, d, e)) 
    = PairTuple (elemType (undefined :: (a, b, c, d))) 
                (elemType' (undefined :: e))
  fromElem (a, b, c, d, e) = (fromElem (a, b, c, d), fromElem' e)
  toElem (abcd, e) = let (a, b, c, d) = toElem abcd in (a, b, c, d, toElem' e)

  elemType' (_::(a, b, c, d, e)) 
    = PairTuple (elemType (undefined :: (a, b, c, d))) 
                (elemType' (undefined :: e))
  fromElem' (a, b, c, d, e) = (fromElem (a, b, c, d), fromElem' e)
  toElem' (abcd, e) = let (a, b, c, d) = toElem abcd in (a, b, c, d, toElem' e)

-- |Convenience functions
-- -

singletonScalarType :: IsScalar a => a -> TupleType ((), a)
singletonScalarType _ = PairTuple UnitTuple (SingleTuple scalarType)

-- |Surface arrays
-- ---------------

-- |Multi-dimensional arrays for array processing
data Array dim e where
  Array :: (Ix dim, Elem e) 
        => dim                        -- extent of dimensions = shape
        -> ArrayData (ElemRepr e)     -- data, same layout as in
        -> Array dim e

-- |Scalars
type Scalar e = Array DIM0 e

-- |Vectors
type Vector e = Array DIM1 e

-- |Shorthand for common shape types
type DIM0 = ()
type DIM1 = (Int)
type DIM2 = (Int, Int)
type DIM3 = (Int, Int, Int)
type DIM4 = (Int, Int, Int, Int)
type DIM5 = (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)

-- |Shape constraints and indexing
-- -

-- |Shape elements
class Elem shb => ShapeBase shb
instance ShapeBase Int
instance ShapeBase All

class Elem sh => Shape sh

instance Shape ()
instance Shape Int
instance Shape All
instance (ShapeBase a, ShapeBase b) => Shape (a, b)
instance (ShapeBase a, ShapeBase b, ShapeBase c) => Shape (a, b, c)
instance (ShapeBase a, ShapeBase b, ShapeBase c, ShapeBase d) 
  => Shape (a, b, c, d)
instance (ShapeBase a, ShapeBase b, ShapeBase c, ShapeBase d, ShapeBase e) 
  => Shape (a, b, c, d, e)

type family FromShapeBase shb :: *
type instance FromShapeBase Int = Int
type instance FromShapeBase ()  = All

type family FromShapeRepr shr :: *
type instance FromShapeRepr ()           = ()
type instance FromShapeRepr ((), a)      = FromShapeBase a
type instance FromShapeRepr (((), a), b) = (FromShapeBase a, FromShapeBase b)
type instance FromShapeRepr ((((), a), b), c) 
  = (FromShapeBase a, FromShapeBase b, FromShapeBase c)
type instance FromShapeRepr (((((), a), b), c), d) 
  = (FromShapeBase a, FromShapeBase b, FromShapeBase c, FromShapeBase d)
type instance FromShapeRepr ((((((), a), b), c), d), e) 
  = (FromShapeBase a, FromShapeBase b, FromShapeBase c, FromShapeBase d, 
     FromShapeBase e)

-- |Indices as n-tuples
class (Shape ix, Repr.Ix (ElemRepr ix)) => Ix ix where
  dim    :: ix -> Int           -- number of dimensions (>= 0)
  size   :: ix -> Int           -- for a *shape* yield the total number of 
                                -- elements in that array
  ignore :: ix                  -- identifies ignored elements in 'permute'
  index  :: ix -> ix -> Int     -- corresponding index into a linear, row-major 
                                -- representation of the array (first argument
                                -- is the shape)

  rangeToShape ::  (ix, ix) -> ix   -- convert a minpoint-maxpoint index
                                    -- into a shape
  shapeToRange ::  ix -> (ix, ix)

  dim         = Repr.dim . fromElem
  size        = Repr.size . fromElem
  ignore      = toElem Repr.ignore
  index sh ix = Repr.index (fromElem sh) (fromElem ix)
  rangeToShape (low, high) 
    = toElem (Repr.rangeToShape (fromElem low, fromElem high))
  shapeToRange ix
    = let (low, high) = Repr.shapeToRange (fromElem ix)
      (toElem low, toElem high)

instance Ix ()
instance Ix (Int)
instance Ix (Int, Int)
instance Ix (Int, Int, Int)
instance Ix (Int, Int, Int, Int)
instance Ix (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)

-- Slices -aka generalised indices- as n-tuples
class (Shape sl, 
       Repr.SliceIx (ElemRepr sl), 
       Ix (Slice sl), Ix (CoSlice sl), Ix (SliceDim sl), 
       SliceIxConv sl) 
  => SliceIx sl where
  type Slice    sl :: *
  type CoSlice  sl :: *
  type SliceDim sl :: *
  sliceIndex :: sl -> Repr.SliceIndex (ElemRepr sl)
                                      (Repr.Slice (ElemRepr    sl))
                                      (Repr.CoSlice (ElemRepr  sl))
                                      (Repr.SliceDim (ElemRepr sl))

instance (Shape sl, 
          Repr.SliceIx (ElemRepr sl), 
          Ix (Slice sl), Ix (CoSlice sl), Ix (SliceDim sl), 
          SliceIxConv sl)
  => SliceIx sl where
  type Slice    sl = FromShapeRepr (Repr.Slice    (ElemRepr sl))
  type CoSlice  sl = FromShapeRepr (Repr.CoSlice  (ElemRepr sl))
  type SliceDim sl = FromShapeRepr (Repr.SliceDim (ElemRepr sl))
  sliceIndex = Repr.sliceIndex . fromElem

class SliceIxConv slix where
  convertSliceIndex :: slix {- dummy to fix the type variable -}
                    -> Repr.SliceIndex (ElemRepr slix)
                                       (Repr.Slice (ElemRepr    slix))
                                       (Repr.CoSlice (ElemRepr  slix))
                                       (Repr.SliceDim (ElemRepr slix))
                    -> Repr.SliceIndex (ElemRepr slix)
                                       (ElemRepr (Slice slix))
                                       (ElemRepr (CoSlice slix))
                                       (ElemRepr (SliceDim slix))

instance SliceIxConv slix where
  convertSliceIndex _ = unsafeCoerce
    -- FIXME: the coercion is safe given the definition of the involved
    --   families, but we really ought to code a proof for that instead

-- Conversion between internal and surface array representation
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Convert surface array representation to the internal one
fromArray :: Array dim e -> Repr.Array (ElemRepr dim) (ElemRepr e)
fromArray (Array shape adata) = Repr.Array (fromElem shape) adata
-- |Convert internal array representation to the surface one
toArray :: (Ix dim, Elem e)
        => Repr.Array (ElemRepr dim) (ElemRepr e) -> Array dim e
toArray (Repr.Array shape adata) = Array (toElem shape) adata
-- Conversion for tuples of arrays
class Repr.Delayable (ArraysRepr as) => Arrays as where
  type ArraysRepr as :: *
  fromArrays :: as -> ArraysRepr as
  toArrays   :: ArraysRepr as -> as
instance Arrays () where
  type ArraysRepr () = ()
  fromArrays () = ()
  toArrays   () = ()
instance (Ix dim, Elem e) => Arrays (Array dim e) where
  type ArraysRepr (Array dim e) = Repr.Array (ElemRepr dim) (ElemRepr e)
  fromArrays = fromArray
  toArrays   = toArray

instance (Arrays as1, Arrays as2) => Arrays (as1, as2) where
  type ArraysRepr (as1, as2) = (ArraysRepr as1, ArraysRepr as2)
  fromArrays (as1, as2) = (fromArrays as1, fromArrays as2)
  toArrays (as1, as2)   = (toArrays as1, toArrays as2)

-- Array operations
-- ----------------

-- |Yield an array's shape
shape :: Ix dim => Array dim e -> dim
shape (Array sh _) = sh

-- |Array indexing
(!) :: Array dim e -> dim -> e
-- (Array sh adata) ! ix = toElem (adata `indexArrayData` index sh ix)
-- FIXME: using this due to a bug in 6.10.x
(!) (Array sh adata) ix = toElem (adata `indexArrayData` index sh ix)

-- |Convert an 'IArray' to an accelerated array.
fromIArray :: (IArray a e, IArray.Ix dim, Ix dim, Elem e) 
           => a dim e -> Array dim e
fromIArray iarr = Array sh adata 
    sh = rangeToShape (IArray.bounds iarr)
    Repr.Array _ adata = Repr.newArray (fromElem sh)
                                       (fromElem . (iarr IArray.!) . toElem)

-- |Convert an accelerated array to an 'IArray'
toIArray :: (IArray a e, IArray.Ix dim, Ix dim, Elem e) 
         => Array dim e -> a dim e
toIArray arr@(Array sh _) 
  = let bnds = shapeToRange sh
    IArray.array bnds [(ix, arr!ix) | ix <- IArray.range bnds]
-- |Convert a list (with elements in row-major order) to an accelerated array.
fromList :: (Ix dim, Elem e) => dim -> [e] -> Array dim e
fromList sh l = Array sh adata 
    Repr.Array _ adata = Repr.newArray (fromElem sh) indexIntoList
    indexIntoList ix = fromElem $ l!!(Repr.index (fromElem sh) ix)

-- |Convert an accelerated array to a list in row-major order.
toList :: Array dim e -> [e]
toList (Array sh adata) = Repr.iter sh' idx (.) id []
    sh'    = fromElem sh
    idx ix = \l -> toElem (adata `indexArrayData` Repr.index sh' ix) : l

-- Convert an array to a string
instance Show (Array dim e) where
  show arr@(Array sh _adata) = "Array " ++ show sh ++ " " ++ show (toList arr)