module Data.ABC.GIA
, newGIA
, Lit
, true
, false
, proxy
, AIG.LitView(..)
, litView
, readAiger
, writeAigerWithLatches
, writeCNF
, check_exists_forall
, AIG.Proxy
, AIG.SomeGraph(..)
, AIG.IsLit(..)
, AIG.IsAIG(..)
, AIG.Network(..)
, AIG.SatResult(..)
, AIG.VerifyResult(..)
) where
import Prelude hiding (and, not, or)
import qualified Prelude
import Control.Exception hiding (evaluate)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.AIG as AIG
import Data.AIG.Interface (LitView(..))
import qualified Data.AIG.Trace as Tr
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VM
import Foreign hiding (void, xor)
import System.Directory
import Data.ABC.Internal.ABC
import Data.ABC.Internal.ABCGlobal
import Data.ABC.Internal.AIG
import Data.ABC.Internal.CEC
import Data.ABC.Internal.Field
import Data.ABC.Internal.GIA
import Data.ABC.Internal.GiaAig
import Data.ABC.Internal.Main
import Data.ABC.Internal.Orphan
import Data.ABC.Internal.VecInt
import qualified Data.ABC.AIG as AIG
import Data.ABC.Util
enumRange :: (Eq a, Enum a) => a -> a -> [a]
enumRange i n | i == n = []
| otherwise = i : enumRange (succ i) n
newtype GIA s = GIA { _giaPtr :: ForeignPtr Gia_Man_t_ }
newtype Lit s = L { _unLit :: GiaLit }
deriving (Eq, Storable, Ord)
proxy :: AIG.Proxy Lit GIA
proxy = AIG.Proxy id
withGIAPtr :: GIA s -> (Gia_Man_t -> IO a) -> IO a
withGIAPtr (GIA g) m = withForeignPtr g m
newGIA :: IO (AIG.SomeGraph GIA)
newGIA = do
p <- giaManStart 4096
giaManHashAlloc p
AIG.SomeGraph . GIA <$> newForeignPtr p_giaManStop p
readAiger :: FilePath -> IO (AIG.Network Lit GIA)
readAiger path = do
b <- doesFileExist path
unless b $ do
fail $ "Data.ABC.GIA.readAiger: file does not exist"
let skipStrash = False
bracketOnError (giaAigerRead path skipStrash False) giaManStop $ \p -> do
rn <- getGiaManRegNum p
when (rn /= 0) $ fail "Networks do not yet support latches."
cov <- giaManCos p
co_num <- fromIntegral <$> vecIntSize cov
outputs <- forN co_num $ \i -> do
idx <- GiaVar <$> vecIntEntry cov (fromIntegral i)
o <- giaManObj p idx
L <$> fanin0Lit o idx
clearVecInt cov
fp <- newForeignPtr p_giaManStop p
return (AIG.Network (GIA fp) outputs)
instance AIG.IsLit Lit where
not (L x) = L (giaLitNot x)
L x === L y = x == y
true :: Lit s
true = L giaManConst1Lit
false :: Lit s
false = L giaManConst0Lit
instance Tr.Traceable Lit where
compareLit x y = compare x y
showLit x = show (unGiaLit (_unLit x))
writeAigerWithLatches :: FilePath
-> AIG.Network Lit GIA
-> Int
-> IO ()
writeAigerWithLatches path ntk latchCount =
withNetworkPtr ntk $ \p -> do
flip finally (setGiaManRegNum p 0) $ do
ci_num <- giaManCiNum p
let co_num = AIG.networkOutputCount ntk
when (latchCount < 0) $ fail "Latch count must be positive."
when (fromIntegral latchCount > ci_num) $ do
fail "Latch count exceeds number of inputs."
when (latchCount > co_num) $ do
fail "Latch count exceeds number of outputs."
setGiaManRegNum p (fromIntegral latchCount)
giaAigerWrite p path False False
instance AIG.IsAIG Lit GIA where
newGraph _ = newGIA
trueLit _ = true
falseLit _ = false
newInput g = L <$> withGIAPtr g giaManAppendCi
and g (L x) (L y) = withGIAPtr g $ \p -> L <$> giaManHashAnd p x y
xor g (L x) (L y) = withGIAPtr g $ \p -> L <$> giaManHashXor p x y
mux g (L c) (L x) (L y) = withGIAPtr g $ \p -> L <$> giaManHashMux p c x y
inputCount g = fromIntegral <$> withGIAPtr g giaManCiNum
getInput g i =
withGIAPtr g $ \p -> do
cnt <- giaManCiNum p
assert (0 <= i && i < fromIntegral cnt) $
L . giaVarLit <$> giaManCiVar p (fromIntegral i)
aigerNetwork _ = readAiger
abstractEvaluateAIG (GIA fp) = litEvaluator fp
writeAiger path g = do
withNetworkPtr g $ \p -> do
giaAigerWrite p path False False
checkSat ntk l = do
giaNetworkAsAIGMan (AIG.Network ntk [l]) $ \pMan -> do
alloca $ \pp -> do
(poke pp =<< abcNtkFromAigPhase pMan)
(abcNtkDelete =<< peek pp)
(AIG.checkSat' pp)
cec gx gy = do
withNetworkPtr gx $ \x -> do
withNetworkPtr gy $ \y -> do
input_count_x <- giaManCiNum x
input_count_y <- giaManCiNum y
output_count_x <- vecIntSize =<< giaManCos x
output_count_y <- vecIntSize =<< giaManCos y
assert (input_count_x == input_count_y) $ do
assert (output_count_x == output_count_y) $ do
bracket (giaManMiter x y 0 True False False False) giaManStop $ \m -> do
r <- cecManVerify m cecManCecDefaultParams
case r of
1 -> return AIG.Valid
0 -> do
pCex <- giaManCexComb m
when (pCex == nullPtr) $ error "cec: Generated counter-example was invalid"
cex <- peekAbcCex pCex
let r2 = pData'inputs'Abc_Cex cex
case r2 of
[] -> error "cec: Generated counter-example had no inputs"
[bs] -> return (AIG.Invalid bs)
_ -> error "cec: Generated counter example has too many frames"
1 -> fail "cec: failed"
_ -> error "cec: Unrecognized return code"
evaluator g inputs = do
withGIAPtr g $ \p -> do
vecSize <- fromIntegral <$> giaManObjNum p
vec <- VM.replicate vecSize False
input_count <- fromIntegral <$> giaManCiNum p
when (length inputs /= input_count) $ do
fail $ "evaluate given " ++ show (length inputs)
++ " when " ++ show input_count ++ " expected."
forM_ ([0..] `zip` inputs) $ \(i, b) -> do
cid <- giaVarIndex <$> giaManCiVar p i
assert (0 <= cid && cid < vecSize) $ do
VM.write vec cid b
forM_ (enumRange 1 vecSize) $ \i -> do
let var = GiaVar (fromIntegral i)
o <- giaManObj p var
isAnd <- giaObjIsAndOrConst0 o
when isAnd $ do
i0 <- giaVarIndex <$> giaObjFaninId0 o var
c0 <- giaObjFaninC0 o
i1 <- giaVarIndex <$> giaObjFaninId1 o var
c1 <- giaObjFaninC1 o
assert (0 <= i0 && i0 < vecSize) $ do
b0 <- vec i0
assert (0 <= i1 && i1 < vecSize) $ do
b1 <- vec i1
let r = (c0 /= b0) && (c1 /= b1)
VM.write vec i r
pureEvaluateFn <$> V.freeze vec
pureEvaluateFn :: V.Vector Bool -> Lit s -> Bool
pureEvaluateFn v (L l) = assert inRange (c /= (v V.! i))
where i = fromIntegral $ unGiaVar $ giaLitVar l
c = giaLitIsCompl l
inRange = 0 <= i && i < V.length v
withNetworkPtr :: AIG.Network Lit GIA -> (Gia_Man_t -> IO a) -> IO a
withNetworkPtr = withNetworkPtr_Munge
_withNetworkPtr_Copy :: AIG.Network Lit GIA -> (Gia_Man_t -> IO a) -> IO a
_withNetworkPtr_Copy (AIG.Network ntk out) m = do
withGIAPtr ntk $ \p -> do
ncos <- vecIntSize =<< giaManCos p
assert( ncos == 0 ) $ do
bracket (giaManDupNormalize p) giaManStop
(\p' -> mapM_ (\(L o) -> giaManAppendCo p' o) out >> m p')
withNetworkPtr_Munge :: AIG.Network Lit GIA -> (Gia_Man_t -> IO a) -> IO a
withNetworkPtr_Munge (AIG.Network ntk out) m = do
withGIAPtr ntk $ \p -> do
orig_oc <- readAt giaManNObjs p
let reset = do
n <- readAt giaManNObjs p
cov <- giaManCos p
ncos <- vecIntSize cov
assert (orig_oc == n ncos) $ do
forN_ (fromIntegral ncos) $ \i -> do
var <- vecIntEntry cov (fromIntegral i)
assert (var >= orig_oc) $ do
clearGiaObj =<< giaManObj p (GiaVar var)
clearVecInt cov
writeAt giaManNObjs p orig_oc
(mapM_ (\(L o) -> giaManAppendCo p o) out)
(m p)
giaNetworkAsAIGMan :: AIG.Network Lit GIA
-> (Aig_Man_t -> IO a)
-> IO a
giaNetworkAsAIGMan ntk m = do
withNetworkPtr ntk $ \p -> do
bracket (giaManToAig p 0) aigManStop m
giaVarIndex :: GiaVar -> Int
giaVarIndex = fromIntegral . unGiaVar
fanin0Lit :: Gia_Obj_t -> GiaVar -> IO GiaLit
fanin0Lit o v = do
v0 <- giaObjFaninId0 o v
c0 <- giaObjFaninC0 o
return $ giaLitNotCond (giaVarLit v0) c0
fanin1Lit :: Gia_Obj_t -> GiaVar -> IO GiaLit
fanin1Lit o v = do
v0 <- giaObjFaninId1 o v
c0 <- giaObjFaninC1 o
return $ giaLitNotCond (giaVarLit v0) c0
litEvaluator :: ForeignPtr Gia_Man_t_ -> (LitView a -> IO a) -> IO (Lit s -> IO a)
litEvaluator fp viewFn = do
let memo r o t = do
m <- readIORef r
writeIORef r $! Map.insert o t m
return t
r <- newIORef Map.empty
let objTerm o = do
m0 <- readIORef r
case Map.lookup o m0 of
Just t -> return t
_ -> do
let c = giaIsComplement o
let o' = if c then giaRegular o else o
isTerm <- giaObjIsTerm o'
d0 <- giaObjDiff0 o'
case () of
_ | Prelude.not isTerm && d0 /= gia_none -> do
x <- objTerm =<< giaObjChild0 o'
y <- objTerm =<< giaObjChild1 o'
let and_ = if c then NotAnd else And
memo r o =<< viewFn (and_ x y)
| isTerm && d0 /= gia_none -> do
objTerm =<< giaObjChild0 o'
| Prelude.not isTerm -> do
memo r o =<< viewFn (if c then TrueLit else FalseLit)
| otherwise -> do
memo r o =<< viewFn . (if c then NotInput else Input) . fromIntegral
=<< giaObjDiff1 o'
return $ (\(L l) -> withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> objTerm =<< giaObjFromLit p l)
litView :: GIA s -> Lit s -> IO (LitView (Lit s))
litView g (L l)
| l == giaManConst0Lit = return FalseLit
| l == giaManConst1Lit = return TrueLit
| otherwise = do
let c = giaLitIsCompl l
let v = giaLitVar l
withGIAPtr g $ \p -> do
o <- giaManObj p v
t <- giaObjIsTerm o
d0 <- giaObjDiff0 o
if t && (d0 == gia_none) then do
idx <- fromIntegral <$> giaObjDiff1 o
return $ if c then NotInput idx else Input idx
else if t then do
l0 <- L <$> fanin0Lit o v
l1 <- L <$> fanin1Lit o v
return $ if c then NotAnd l0 l1 else And l0 l1
error $ "Invalid literal"
withBoolAsVecInt :: [Bool]
-> (Vec_Int_t -> IO a)
-> IO a
withBoolAsVecInt l f = do
let assign_vals :: [CInt]
assign_vals = fromIntegral . fromEnum <$> l
withArray assign_vals $ \pval -> do
withVecInt (fromIntegral (length l)) pval f
getVecIntAsBool :: Vec_Int_t
-> IO [Bool]
getVecIntAsBool v = do
sz <- vecIntSize v
forM [0..sz1] $ \i -> do
e <- vecIntEntry v i
case e of
1 -> return True
0 -> return False
1 -> return True
_ -> fail $ "getVecAsBool given bad value " ++ show e
writeCNF :: GIA s -> Lit s -> FilePath -> IO [Int]
writeCNF ntk l f = do
giaNetworkAsAIGMan (AIG.Network ntk [l]) $ \pMan -> do
vars <- AIG.writeAIGManToCNFWithMapping pMan f
ciCount <- aigManCiNum pMan
forM [0..(ciCount 1)] $ \i -> do
ci <- aigManCi pMan (fromIntegral i)
((vars SV.!) . fromIntegral) `fmap` (aigObjId ci)
data PartialSatResult
check_exists_forall :: GIA s
-> Int
-> Lit s
-> [Bool]
-> CInt
-> IO (Either String AIG.SatResult)
check_exists_forall ntk exists_cnt prop init_assign iter_cnt = do
ic <- AIG.inputCount ntk
when (exists_cnt > ic) $ do
fail $ "Number of extential variables exceeds number of variables."
when (exists_cnt + length init_assign /= ic) $ do
fail $ "Mismatch between number of variables and initial assignment."
giaNetworkAsAIGMan (AIG.Network ntk [prop]) $ \pMan -> do
bracket (abcNtkFromAigPhase pMan) abcNtkDelete $ \p -> do
let elts = replicate exists_cnt False ++ init_assign
withBoolAsVecInt elts $ \v -> do
r <- abcNtkQbf p exists_cnt iter_cnt v
case r of
1 -> return $ Right AIG.Unsat
0 -> Right . AIG.Sat . take exists_cnt <$> getVecIntAsBool v
1 -> return $ Left "Iteration limit reached."
2 -> return $ Left "Solver timeout."
_ -> fail "internal: Unexpected value returned by abcNtkQbf."