{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Generators where import Protolude import qualified Data.Text as Txt import Hedgehog import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import qualified Hyrax.Abi.Fasta as F -- | Generate random set of nucleotides, including ambiguous ones nucsGen :: GenT Identity Text nucsGen = Gen.text (Range.linear 1 1000) (Gen.element "ACGTMRWSYKVHDBNX") -- | Generate random set of nucleotides, no ambiguous ones nucsNoIupacGen :: (Monad m) => PropertyT m Text nucsNoIupacGen = forAll $ Gen.text (Range.linear 1 1000) (Gen.element "ACGT") -- | Generate data to construct a fasta "file" -- List of tuples of (name, lines of reads) -- maxReads controls the max number in the list genFastaData :: Int -> Gen [(Int, [Text])] genFastaData maxReads = Gen.list (Range.linear 1 maxReads) $ (,) <$> Gen.int (Range.linear 1 9999) <*> Gen.list (Range.linear 1 15) nucsGen -- | Convert fasta data to a single string toFastaTxt :: Bool -> [(Int, [Text])] -> Text toFastaTxt addSpaces is = Txt.intercalate "\n" $ toRead <$> is where toRead (weight, ls) = let sp = if addSpaces then " " else "" in ">" <> sp <> show weight <> "\n" <> Txt.intercalate "\n" ls -- | Convert fasta data to the expected list of FASTA values toFasta :: [(Int, [Text])] -> [F.Fasta] toFasta is = toRead <$> is where toRead (weight, ls) = F.Fasta (show weight) $ Txt.concat ls