-- Initial XSaiga.cabal generated by cabal init. For further -- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/ name: XSaiga version: synopsis: An implementation of a polynomial-time top-down parser suitable for NLP -- description: homepage: http://hafiz.myweb.cs.uwindsor.ca/proHome.html license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Dr. Rahmatullah Hafiz, Dr. Richard Frost, Shane Peelar, and Eric Matthews maintainer: peelar@uwindsor.ca -- copyright: category: Text build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 description: This package contains an implementation of the X-SAIGA project's top-down polynomial-time parser which is suitable for natural language processing (NLP) applications[1][2]. An example program "Solarman" is included which uses the parser to transform natural language queries about the solar system into combinators which compute the correct answer. Solarman uses event-based triplestore semantics[3] as the basis for the computation, using either a SPARQL endpoint or an in-program triplestore as the source of information. By default, the built-in triplestore is used. Solarman conforms to the CGI interface and can be put on any conforming webserver. For more information about Solarman and the queries it supports, see [4]. . \[1] . \[2] . \[3] . \[4] Library build-depends: base, pretty exposed-modules: AGParser2, TypeAg2 Executable Solarman main-is: Main.hs other-modules: SolarmanTriplestore Getts build-depends: base ==4.6.*, containers ==0.5.*, pretty ==1.1.*, cgi ==3001.1.*, rdf4h ==1.2.*, hsparql ==0.2.*, text ==0.11.* extensions: DoAndIfThenElse