module Text.Wordlint.Output where
import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Data.List
import Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes
import Text.Wordlint.Args
import Text.Wordlint.Linters
import Text.Wordlint.Words
import Text.Wordlint.Wordpairs
produceOutput :: (Show a, Eq a, Ord a, Num a, NumOps a) => Linter -> Wordpairs a -> IO ()
produceOutput linter wordpairs
| ishuman =
do mapM_ putStrLn (processHumanData wordpairs')
putStrLn ""
| iserrorfmt = putStrLn $ processDataError wordpairs' filename
| otherwise = processMachineData wordpairs'
where cargs = args linter
filename = if file cargs /= "" then file cargs else "stdin"
ishuman = human cargs
sortflag = sort_ cargs
iserrorfmt = sortflag == "error"
wordpairs' = checkSortFlag sortflag wordpairs
= summaryData (length wordpairs) (matchlength cargs)
(length $ inputdata linter)
processHumanData :: (Show a) => Wordpairs a -> [String]
processHumanData [] = ["No (more) matches found"]
processHumanData (x:xs) = ("\'" ++ word ++ "\'"
++ " at coordinates "
++ coordinates
++ " with an intervening distance of "
++ distance') : processHumanData xs
where word = getWordPairString x
coordinates = show (getWordpairCoords x)
distance' = take 7 (show (pdiff x))
processMachineData :: (Show a) => Wordpairs a -> IO ()
processMachineData x = printBox $ hsep 2 left (map (vcat left . map text)
(transpose $ ["Coord1", "Coord2", "Word", "Distance"]:processMachineData' x))
processMachineData' :: (Show a) => Wordpairs a -> [[String]]
processMachineData' [] = []
processMachineData' (x:xs) = words (coordinates1 coordinates'
++ " "
++ coordinates2 coordinates'
++ " "
++ word
++ " "
++ distance') : processMachineData' xs
where word = getWordPairString x
coordinates' = getWordpairCoords x
coordinates1 ((r1,s1),(_,_)) = show r1 ++ "," ++ show s1
coordinates2 ((_,_),(r2,s2)) = show r2 ++ "," ++ show s2
distance' = take 7 $ show (pdiff x)
processDataError :: (NumOps a) => Wordpairs a -> String -> String
processDataError [] _ = ""
processDataError (x:xs) fname = (fname ++ ":" ++ linum1 ++ ":" ++ colnum1 ++ ":" ++ word ++ "\n") ++
(fname ++ ":" ++ linum2 ++ ":" ++ colnum2 ++ ":" ++ word ++ "\n") ++
processDataError xs fname
where word = getWordPairString x
coordinates' = getWordpairCoords x
coordinates1 ((r1,_),(_,_)) = show r1
coordinates1' ((_,_),(r1,_)) = show r1
linum1 = coordinates1 coordinates'
linum2 = coordinates1' coordinates'
coordinates2 ((_,s1),(_,_)) = show s1
coordinates2' ((_,_),(_,s1)) = show s1
colnum1 = coordinates2 coordinates'
colnum2 = coordinates2' coordinates'
summaryData :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO()
summaryData x y z = do
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ "Found " ++ show x ++ " pairs of words "
++ show y ++ " or more characters in length out of "
++ show z ++ " words total."