#include #include {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} -- | For full details on the Windows named pipes API see -- -- module System.Win32.NamedPipes ( -- * Named pipe server APIs createNamedPipe, pIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, -- ** Parameter types LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, OpenMode, pIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, pIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND, pIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND, fILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, PipeMode, pIPE_TYPE_BYTE, pIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE, pIPE_READMODE_BYTE, pIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, pIPE_WAIT, pIPE_NOWAIT, pIPE_ACCEPT_REMOTE_CLIENTS, pIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS, -- * Named pipe client APIs -- ** connect to a named pipe connect, -- ** waiting for named pipe instances waitNamedPipe, TimeOut, nMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT, nMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER, ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (when) import Foreign.C.String (withCString) import System.Win32.Types hiding (try) import System.Win32.File -- | The named pipe open mode. -- -- This must specify one of: -- -- * 'pIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX' -- * 'pIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND' -- * 'pIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND' -- -- It may also specify: -- -- * 'fILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH' -- * 'fILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED' -- -- It may also specify any combination of: -- -- * 'wRITE_DAC' -- * 'wRITE_OWNER' -- * 'aCCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY' -- type OpenMode = UINT #{enum OpenMode, , pIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX = PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX , pIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND = PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND , pIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND = PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND } -- | The pipe mode. -- -- One of the following type modes can be specified. The same type mode must be -- specified for each instance of the pipe. -- -- * 'pIPE_TYPE_BYTE' -- * 'pIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE' -- -- One of the following read modes can be specified. Different instances of the -- same pipe can specify different read modes. -- -- * 'pIPE_READMODE_BYTE' -- * 'pIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE' -- -- One of the following wait modes can be specified. Different instances of the -- same pipe can specify different wait modes. -- -- * 'pIPE_WAIT' -- * 'pIPE_NOWAIT' -- -- One of the following remote-client modes can be specified. Different -- instances of the same pipe can specify different remote-client modes. -- -- * 'pIPE_ACCEPT_REMOTE_CLIENT' -- * 'pIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENT' -- type PipeMode = UINT #{enum PipeMode, , pIPE_TYPE_BYTE = PIPE_TYPE_BYTE , pIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE = PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE , pIPE_READMODE_BYTE = PIPE_READMODE_BYTE , pIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE = PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE , pIPE_WAIT = PIPE_WAIT , pIPE_NOWAIT = PIPE_NOWAIT , pIPE_ACCEPT_REMOTE_CLIENTS = PIPE_ACCEPT_REMOTE_CLIENTS , pIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS = PIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS } -- | If the 'createNamedPipe' @nMaxInstances@ parameter is -- 'pIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES', the number of pipe instances that can be created -- is limited only by the availability of system resources. pIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES :: DWORD pIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES = #const PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES -- | Creates an instance of a named pipe and returns a handle for subsequent -- pipe operations. A named pipe server process uses this function either to -- create the first instance of a specific named pipe and establish its basic -- attributes or to create a new instance of an existing named pipe. -- -- For full details see -- -- -- To create a named pipe which can be associate with IO completion port on -- needs to pass 'fILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED' to 'OpenMode' argument, -- e.g. -- -- > Win32.createNamedPipe pipeName -- > (pIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX .|. fILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED) -- > (pIPE_TYPE_BYTE .|. pIPE_READMODE_BYTE) -- > pIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES -- > 512 -- > 512 -- > 0 -- > NothinROR -- -- createNamedPipe :: String -- ^ A unique pipe name of the form @\\.\pipe\{pipename}@ -- The `pipename` part of the name can include any -- character other than a backslash, including -- numbers and special characters. The entire pipe -- name string can be up to 256 characters long. -- Pipe names are not case sensitive. -> OpenMode -> PipeMode -> DWORD -- ^ nMaxInstances -> DWORD -- ^ nOutBufferSize -> DWORD -- ^ nInBufferSize -> DWORD -- ^ nDefaultTimeOut -> Maybe LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES -> IO HANDLE createNamedPipe name openMode pipeMode nMaxInstances nOutBufferSize nInBufferSize nDefaultTimeOut mb_attr = withTString name $ \ c_name -> failIf (==iNVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ("CreateNamedPipe ('" ++ name ++ "')") $ c_CreateNamedPipe c_name openMode pipeMode nMaxInstances nOutBufferSize nInBufferSize nDefaultTimeOut (maybePtr mb_attr) foreign import ccall unsafe "windows.h CreateNamedPipeW" c_CreateNamedPipe :: LPCTSTR -> DWORD -> DWORD -> DWORD -> DWORD -> DWORD -> DWORD -> LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES -> IO HANDLE -- | Timeout in milliseconds. -- -- * 'nMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT' indicates that the timeout value passed to -- 'createNamedPipe' should be used. -- * 'nMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER' - 'waitNamedPipe' will block forever, until a named -- pipe instance is available. -- type TimeOut = DWORD #{enum TimeOut, , nMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT = NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT , nMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER = NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER } -- | Wait until a named pipe instance is available. If there is no instance at -- hand before the timeout, it will error with 'ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT', i.e. -- @invalid argument (The semaphore timeout period has expired)@ -- -- It returns 'True' if there is an available instance, subsequent 'createFile' -- might still fail, if another thread will take turn and connect before, or if -- the other end shuts down the name pipe. -- -- It returns 'False' if timeout fired. -- waitNamedPipe :: String -- ^ pipe name -> TimeOut -- ^ nTimeOut -> IO Bool waitNamedPipe name timeout = withCString name $ \ c_name -> do r <- c_WaitNamedPipe c_name timeout e <- getLastError if | r -> pure r | e == eRROR_SEM_TIMEOUT -> pure False | otherwise -> failWith "waitNamedPipe" e -- 'c_WaitNamedPipe' is a blocking call, hence the _safe_ import. foreign import ccall safe "windows.h WaitNamedPipeA" c_WaitNamedPipe :: LPCSTR -- lpNamedPipeName -> DWORD -- nTimeOut -> IO BOOL -- | A reliable connect call, as designed in -- -- -- The arguments are passed directly to 'createFile'. -- -- Note we pick the more familiar posix naming convention, do not confuse this -- function with 'connectNamedPipe' (which corresponds to posix 'accept') -- connect :: String -- ^ file name -> AccessMode -- ^ dwDesiredAccess -> ShareMode -- ^ dwSharedMode -> Maybe LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES -- ^ lpSecurityAttributes -> CreateMode -- ^ dwCreationDisposition -> FileAttributeOrFlag -- ^ dwFlagsAndAttributes -> Maybe HANDLE -- ^ hTemplateFile -> IO HANDLE connect fileName dwDesiredAccess dwSharedMode lpSecurityAttributes dwCreationDisposition dwFlagsAndAttributes hTemplateFile = connectLoop where connectLoop = do -- `createFile` checks for `INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE` and retries if this is -- caused by `ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION`. mh <- try $ createFile fileName dwDesiredAccess dwSharedMode lpSecurityAttributes dwCreationDisposition dwFlagsAndAttributes hTemplateFile case mh :: Either IOException HANDLE of Left e -> do errorCode <- getLastError when (errorCode /= eRROR_PIPE_BUSY) $ throwIO e -- all pipe instance were busy, wait 20s and retry; we ignore the -- result _ <- waitNamedPipe fileName 5_000 connectLoop Right h -> pure h -- | [ERROR_PIPE_BUSY](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/system-error-codes--0-499-#ERROR_PIPE_BUSY): -- all pipe instances are busy. -- eRROR_PIPE_BUSY :: ErrCode eRROR_PIPE_BUSY = #const ERROR_PIPE_BUSY eRROR_SEM_TIMEOUT :: ErrCode eRROR_SEM_TIMEOUT = #const ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT