{-| Module : WeakSets Description : Pure sets are nested sets which only contain other sets all the way down. They allow to explore basic set theory. Copyright : Guillaume Sabbagh 2022 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : guillaumesabbagh@protonmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : portable Pure sets are nested sets which only contain other sets all the way down. They allow to explore basic set theory. Every mathematical object is a set, usual constructions such as Von Neumann numbers and Kuratowski pairs are implemented. It is a tree where the order of the branches does not matter. Functions with the same name as pure set functions are suffixed with the letter 'P' for pure to avoid name collision. -} module Math.PureSet ( -- * `PureSet` datatype PureSet(..), pureSet, -- * Mathematical constructions using sets emptySet, singleton, pair, first, second, cartesianProduct, numberToSet, (||||), (&&&&), isInP, isIncludedInP, card, powerSetP, -- * Formatting functions prettify, formatPureSet, ) where import Data.WeakSet (Set) import Data.WeakSet.Safe import qualified Data.WeakSet as S import Data.List (intersect, nub, intercalate, subsequences) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, catMaybes) -- | A `PureSet` is a `Set` of other pure sets. data PureSet = PureSet (Set PureSet) deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Construct a `PureSet` from a list of pure sets. pureSet :: [PureSet] -> PureSet pureSet = (PureSet).set -- | Peel a `PureSet` into a `Set`. pureSetToSet :: PureSet -> Set PureSet pureSetToSet (PureSet xs) = xs -- | Construct the empty set. emptySet :: PureSet emptySet = pureSet [] -- | Construct the singleton containing a given set. singleton :: PureSet -> PureSet singleton x = pureSet $ [x] -- | Construct an ordered pair from two sets according to Kuratowski's definition of a tuple. pair :: PureSet -> PureSet -> PureSet pair x y = PureSet $ set [singleton x, pureSet $ [x,y]] -- | Return the first element of a pair according to Kuratowski's definition of a tuple. first :: PureSet -> PureSet first (PureSet s) | length l /= 2 = error $ "Math.PureSet.first : malformed pair " ++ (show s) | otherwise = anElement f where l = setToList s a = l !! 0 b = l !! 1 PureSet f = if card a == 1 then a else b -- | Return the second element of a pair according to Kuratowski's definition of a tuple. second :: PureSet -> PureSet second i@(PureSet s) | length l /= 2 = error $ "Math.PureSet.second : malformed pair " ++ (show s) | otherwise = if r2 !! 0 == first i then r2 !! 1 else r2 !! 0 where l = setToList s a = l !! 0 b = l !! 1 PureSet r = if card a == 2 then a else b r2 = setToList r -- | Construct the cartesian product of two sets. cartesianProduct :: PureSet -> PureSet -> PureSet cartesianProduct (PureSet xs) (PureSet ys) = pureSet $ [pair x y | x <- setToList xs, y <- setToList ys] -- | Union of two pure sets. (||||) :: PureSet -> PureSet -> PureSet (||||) (PureSet xs) (PureSet ys) = PureSet $ xs ||| ys -- | Intersection of two pure sets. (&&&&) :: PureSet -> PureSet -> PureSet (&&&&) (PureSet xs) (PureSet ys) = PureSet $ xs |&| ys -- | Difference of two pure sets. (\\\\) :: PureSet -> PureSet -> PureSet (\\\\) (PureSet xs) (PureSet ys) = PureSet $ xs |-| ys -- | Transform a number into its Von Neumann construction numberToSet :: (Num a, Eq a) => a -> PureSet numberToSet 0 = emptySet numberToSet n = (numberToSet (n-1)) |||| (singleton (numberToSet (n-1))) -- | Return wether a pure set is in another one. isInP :: PureSet -> PureSet -> Bool isInP x (PureSet xs) = x `isIn` xs -- | Return wether a pure set is included in another one. isIncludedInP :: PureSet -> PureSet -> Bool isIncludedInP (PureSet xs) (PureSet ys) = xs `isIncludedIn` ys -- | Return the size of a pure set. card :: PureSet -> Int card (PureSet xs) = cardinal xs -- | Return the set of subsets of a given set. powerSetP :: PureSet -> PureSet powerSetP (PureSet xs) = PureSet $ PureSet <$> S.powerSet xs -- | Prettify a pure set according to usual mathematical notation. prettify :: PureSet -> String prettify (PureSet xs) | cardinal xs == 0 = "{}" | otherwise = "{" ++ (intercalate ", " $ prettify <$> setToList xs) ++ "}" -- | Format pure sets such that if numbers are recognized, they are transformed into integer and if pairs are recognized, they are transformed into pairs. formatPureSet :: PureSet -> String formatPureSet x | (not.null) $ toNumber x = show.fromJust $ toNumber x | (not.null) $ toPair x = fromJust.toPair $ x | otherwise = "{"++intercalate "," (formatPureSet <$> (setToList.pureSetToSet $ x))++"}" where toNumber s@(PureSet xs) | s == emptySet = Just 0 | otherwise = let numbers = setToList $ toNumber <$> xs anyMissing = null $ foldr1 (>>) numbers maxNb = maximum $ catMaybes numbers in if (not anyMissing) && (set (Just <$> [0..maxNb])) == (set numbers) then Just (maxNb + 1) else Nothing toPair x@(PureSet xs) | cardinal xs == 2 = case () of () | ((card $ (setToList xs) !! 0) == 1 && (card $ (setToList xs) !! 1) == 2) && (first x) `isInP` ((setToList xs) !! 1) -> Just $ "(" ++ (formatPureSet.first $ x) ++ "," ++ (formatPureSet.second $ x) ++ ")" | ((card $ (setToList xs) !! 1) == 1 && (card $ (setToList xs) !! 0) == 2) && (first x) `isInP` ((setToList xs) !! 0) -> Just $ "(" ++ (formatPureSet.first $ x) ++ "," ++ (formatPureSet.second $ x) ++ ")" | otherwise -> Nothing | otherwise = Nothing