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Villefort- Villefort is a task manager and time tracker

Safe HaskellNone




getDatesOfPrevWeek :: IO [Day] Source #

Return the list of days in the previous week

getDatesOfThisWeek :: IO [Day] Source #

Return the list of days that have happened this week

getStartOfWeek :: IO Day Source #

returns the start of the date

fromZonedTimeToDay :: String -> Day Source #

Convert from string to Day datatype

getDatesOfWeek :: IO [Day] Source #

returns the days that have happened this week

weeklyStats :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m String Source #

generates weekly page

getSummaryDay :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => Day -> m String Source #

returns a summary table for each day

getPrevWeek :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m [[String]] Source #

returns the subject and total times completed last week

getThisWeek :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m [[String]] Source #

returns the subject and total times completed this week

genTabs :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m String Source #

creates the difference table for last week and this week

getDoneDay :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => String -> m [[String]] Source #

ges the todos finished today

spec1 :: [[String]] -> [[String]] -> [[String]] Source #

algorithm to sort different weeks subject and days nicely so that it displays well

selectNum :: Bool -> (String, [String]) -> [String] Source #

looks up number in table if it's not avaible default to zero

zipWithPadding :: a -> b -> [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] Source #

zips with padding when one list runs out it fills in a default value

merge1 :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] Source #

Merges two lists

firstSecond :: [[String]] -> [[String]] Source #

extracts the right table data for diff table s

getSubWeek :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => String -> String -> m [[String]] Source #

returns subject and times between start and end days