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Villefort- Villefort is a task manager and time tracker

Safe HaskellNone




writeDate :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m () Source #

writes date to local database

readDate :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m D Source #

reads date from local database

writeDay :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m () Source #

writes day of week from local database

readDay :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m Int Source #

read day of week from local database

checkDay :: D -> D -> Bool Source #

Checks day equality on two internal date representations

checkMonth :: D -> D -> Bool Source #

Checks month equality on two internal date representations

checkYear :: D -> D -> Bool Source #

Checks year equality on two internal date representations

runDaily :: VConfig -> D -> D -> IO () Source #

Runs daily user defined tasks

runMonthly :: D -> D -> IO () Source #

Runs monthyl user defined tasks TODO

runYearly :: D -> D -> IO () Source #

Runs yearly user defined tasks TODO

runWeekly :: VConfig -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source #

Runs days of the week specific tasks

selector :: (Num a, Eq a) => VConfig -> a -> [IO [String]] Source #

selects correct tasks based on day of the week

man :: VConfig -> IO () Source #

dailyCheck :: VConfig -> IO b Source #

Run daily check for updates