module System.Unix.Mount
( umountBelow
, umount
, isMountPoint
, withMount
, WithProcAndSys(runWithProcAndSys)
, withProcAndSys
, withTmp
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (empty)
import Data.List
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.IO (readFile, hPutStrLn, stderr)
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Monad.Catch (bracket, MonadCatch, MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans, lift, liftIO, MonadIO)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as L (ByteString, empty)
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(OtherError))
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitFailure, ExitSuccess))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import System.IO.Error
import System.Process (CreateProcess, proc)
import System.Process.ListLike (readCreateProcess, showCreateProcessForUser)
umountBelow :: Bool
-> FilePath
-> IO [(FilePath, (ExitCode, String, String))]
umountBelow lazy belowPath =
do procMount <- readFile "/proc/mounts"
let mountPoints = map (unescape . (!! 1) . words) (lines procMount)
maybeMounts = filter (isPrefixOf belowPath) (concat (map tails mountPoints))
args path = ["-f"] ++ if lazy then ["-l"] else [] ++ [path]
needsUmount <- filterM isMountPoint maybeMounts
results <- mapM (\ path -> hPutStrLn stderr ("umountBelow: umount " ++ intercalate " " (args path)) >> umount (args path) >>= return . ((,) path)) needsUmount
let results' = map fixNotMounted results
mapM_ (\ (result, result') -> hPutStrLn stderr (show result ++ (if result /= result' then " -> " ++ show result' else ""))) (zip results results')
procMount' <- readFile "/proc/mounts"
results'' <- if procMount /= procMount' then umountBelow lazy belowPath else return []
return $ results' ++ results''
fixNotMounted (path, (ExitFailure 1, "", err)) | err == ("umount: " ++ path ++ ": not mounted\n") = (path, (ExitSuccess, "", ""))
fixNotMounted x = x
umountSucceeded :: (FilePath, (String, String, ExitCode)) -> Bool
umountSucceeded (_, (_,_,ExitSuccess)) = True
umountSucceeded _ = False
unescape :: String -> String
unescape [] = []
unescape ('\\':'0':'4':'0':rest) = ' ' : (unescape rest)
unescape ('\\':'0':'1':'1':rest) = '\t' : (unescape rest)
unescape ('\\':'0':'1':'2':rest) = '\n' : (unescape rest)
unescape ('\\':'1':'3':'4':rest) = '\\' : (unescape rest)
unescape (c:rest) = c : (unescape rest)
escape :: String -> String
escape [] = []
escape (' ':rest) = ('\\':'0':'4':'0':escape rest)
escape ('\t':rest) = ('\\':'0':'1':'1':escape rest)
escape ('\n':rest) = ('\\':'0':'1':'2':escape rest)
escape ('\\':rest) = ('\\':'1':'3':'4':escape rest)
escape (c:rest) = c : (escape rest)
umount :: [String] -> IO (ExitCode, String, String)
umount args = readProcessWithExitCode "umount" args ""
isMountPoint :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isMountPoint path =
exists <- doesDirectoryExist (path ++ "/.")
parentExists <- doesDirectoryExist (path ++ "/..")
case (exists, parentExists) of
(True, True) ->
id <- getFileStatus (path ++ "/.") >>= return . deviceID
parentID <- getFileStatus (path ++ "/..") >>= return . deviceID
return $ id /= parentID
_ ->
return True
readProcess :: CreateProcess -> L.ByteString -> IO L.ByteString
readProcess p input = do
(code, out, _err) <- readCreateProcess p input :: IO (ExitCode, L.ByteString, L.ByteString)
case code of
ExitFailure n -> ioError (mkIOError OtherError (showCreateProcessForUser p ++ " -> " ++ show n) Nothing Nothing)
ExitSuccess -> return out
withMount :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> FilePath -> m a -> m a
withMount directory mountpoint task =
bracket pre (\ _ -> post) (\ _ -> task)
mount = proc "mount" ["--bind", directory, mountpoint]
umount = proc "umount" [mountpoint]
umountLazy = proc "umount" ["-l", mountpoint]
pre = liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True mountpoint
readProcess mount L.empty
post = liftIO $ do
readProcess umount L.empty
`catch` (\ (e :: IOError) ->
do hPutStrLn stderr ("Exception unmounting " ++ mountpoint ++ ", trying -l: " ++ show e)
readProcess umountLazy L.empty)
newtype WithProcAndSys m a = WithProcAndSys { runWithProcAndSys :: m a } deriving (Functor, Monad, Applicative)
instance MonadTrans WithProcAndSys where
lift = WithProcAndSys
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (WithProcAndSys m) where
liftIO task = WithProcAndSys (liftIO task)
withProcAndSys :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> WithProcAndSys m a -> m a
withProcAndSys "/" task = runWithProcAndSys task
withProcAndSys root task = do
exists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist root
case exists of
True -> withMount "/proc" (root </> "proc") $ withMount "/sys" (root </> "sys") $ runWithProcAndSys task
False -> liftIO $ ioError $ mkIOError doesNotExistErrorType "chroot directory does not exist" Nothing (Just root)
withTmp :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> m a -> m a
withTmp root task = withMount "/tmp" (root </> "tmp") task