{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} -- Last modified by: Daniel Winograd-Cort -- Last modified on: 5/25/2013 -- This file is a set of various UI examples showing off the features -- of the various widgets in UISF. module FRP.UISF.Examples.Examples where import FRP.UISF import FRP.UISF.SOE (withColor', rgb, polygon) import Numeric (showHex) -- | This example displays the time from the start of the GUI application. timeEx :: UISF () () timeEx = title "Time" $ getTime >>> display -- | This example shows off 'button's and state by presenting a plus and -- minus button with a counter that is adjusted by them. buttonEx :: UISF () () buttonEx = title "Buttons" $ topDown $ proc _ -> do (x,y) <- leftRight (proc _ -> do x <- edge <<< button "+" -< () y <- edge <<< button "-" -< () returnA -< (x, y)) -< () rec v <- delay 0 -< (case (x,y) of (Just _, Nothing) -> v+1 (Nothing, Just _) -> v-1 _ -> v) display -< v -- | This example shows off the 'checkbox' widgets. checkboxEx :: UISF () () checkboxEx = title "Checkboxes" $ topDown $ proc _ -> do x <- checkbox "Monday" False -< () y <- checkbox "Tuesday" True -< () z <- checkbox "Wednesday" True -< () let v = bin x ++ bin y ++ bin z displayStr -< v where bin True = "1" bin False = "0" -- | This example shows off the 'radio' button widget. radioButtonEx :: UISF () () radioButtonEx = title "Radio Buttons" $ topDown $ radio list 0 >>> arr (list!!) >>> displayStr where list = ["apple", "orange", "banana"] -- | This example shows off integral sliders (horizontal 'hiSlider's in -- this case). shoppinglist :: UISF () () shoppinglist = title "Shopping List" $ topDown $ proc _ -> do a <- title "apples" $ hiSlider 1 (0,10) 3 -< () b <- title "bananas" $ hiSlider 1 (0,10) 7 -< () title "total" $ display -< (a + b) -- | This example shows off both vertical sliders as well as the 'canvas' -- widget. The canvas widget can be used to easily create custom graphics -- in the GUI. Here, it is used to make a color swatch that is -- controllable with RGB values by the sliders. colorDemo :: UISF () () colorDemo = setSize (300, 220) $ title "Color" $ pad (4,0,4,0) $ leftRight $ proc _ -> do r <- newColorSlider "R" -< () g <- newColorSlider "G" -< () b <- newColorSlider "B" -< () prevRGB <- delay (0,0,0) -< (r,g,b) changed <- delay True -< (r,g,b) == prevRGB let rect = withColor' (rgb r g b) (box ((0,0),d)) pad (4,8,0,0) $ canvas d -< if changed then Just rect else Nothing where d = (170,170) newColorSlider l = title l $ topDown $ proc _ -> do v <- viSlider 16 (0,255) 0 -< () _ <- displayStr -< showHex v "" returnA -< v box ((x,y), (w, h)) = polygon [(x, y), (x + w, y), (x + w, y + h), (x, y + h)] -- | This example shows off the 'textboxE' widget. Text can be typed in, and -- that text is transferred to the 'display' widget below when the button -- is pressed. textboxdemo :: UISF () () textboxdemo = setLayout (makeLayout (Stretchy 150) (Fixed 100)) $ title "Saving Text" $ topDown $ proc _ -> do str <- leftRight $ label "Text: " >>> textboxE "" -< Nothing b <- button "Save text to below" -< () rec str' <- delay "" -< if b then str else str' leftRight $ label "Saved value: " >>> displayStr -< str' returnA -< () -- | This is the main demo that incorporates all of the other examples -- together. In addition to demonstrating how -- different widgets can connect, it also shows off the tabbing -- behavior built in to the GUI. Pressing tab cycles through focuable -- elements, and pressing shift-tab cycles in reverse. main :: IO () main = runUI (defaultUIParams {uiSize=(500, 500)}) $ (leftRight $ (bottomUp $ timeEx >>> buttonEx) >>> (topDown $ checkboxEx >>> arr id) >>> radioButtonEx) >>> (leftRight $ shoppinglist >>> colorDemo) >>> textboxdemo >>> arr id