----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : FRP.UISF.Widget -- Copyright : (c) Daniel Winograd-Cort 2014 -- License : see the LICENSE file in the distribution -- -- Maintainer : dwc@cs.yale.edu -- Stability : experimental -- -- A simple Graphical User Interface based on FRP. It uses the SOE -- graphics library, and draws custom widgets on the screen. -- -- SOE graphics uses OpenGL as the primitive drawing routine, and -- GLFW library to provide window and input support. -- -- The monadic UI concept is borrowed from Phooey by Conal Elliott. {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo, Arrows, TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-} module FRP.UISF.Widget where import FRP.UISF.SOE import FRP.UISF.UIMonad import FRP.UISF.UISF import FRP.UISF.AuxFunctions (SEvent, Time, timer, edge, delay, constA, concatA) import Control.Arrow import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Shorthand and Helper Functions ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Default padding between border and content padding :: Int padding = 3 -- Introduce a shorthand for overGraphic (//) :: Graphic -> Graphic -> Graphic (//) = overGraphic -- And a nice way to make a graphic under only certain conditions whenG :: Bool -> Graphic -> Graphic whenG b g = if b then g else nullGraphic ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Widgets ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- -- Text Label -- ---------------- -- | Labels are always left aligned and vertically centered. label :: String -> UISF a a label s = mkBasicWidget layout draw where (minw, minh) = (length s * 8 + padding * 2, 16 + padding * 2) layout = makeLayout (Fixed minw) (Fixed minh) draw ((x, y), (w, h)) = withColor Black $ text (x + padding, y + padding) s ----------------- -- Display Box -- ----------------- -- | DisplayStr is an output widget showing the instantaneous value of -- a signal of strings. displayStr :: UISF String () displayStr = mkWidget "" d (\v v' _ _ -> ((), v, v /= v')) draw where minh = 16 + padding * 2 d = makeLayout (Stretchy 8) (Fixed minh) draw b@((x,y), (w, _h)) _ s = let n = (w - padding * 2) `div` 8 in withColor Black (text (x + padding, y + padding) (take n s)) // box pushed b // withColor White (block b) -- | display is a widget that takes any show-able value and displays it. display :: Show a => UISF a () display = arr show >>> displayStr -- | withDisplay is a widget modifier that modifies the given widget -- so that it also displays its output value. withDisplay :: Show b => UISF a b -> UISF a b withDisplay sf = proc a -> do b <- sf -< a display -< b returnA -< b -------------- -- Text Box -- -------------- -- | Textbox is a widget showing the instantaneous value of a signal of -- strings. -- -- The textbox widget will often be used with ArrowLoop (the rec keyword). -- However, it uses 'delay' internally, so there should be no fear of a blackhole. -- -- The textbox widget supports mouse clicks and typing as well as the -- left, right, end, home, delete, and backspace special keys. textbox :: UISF String String textbox = focusable $ conjoin $ proc s -> do inFocus <- isInFocus -< () k <- getEvents -< () ctx <- getCTX -< () rec let (s', i) = if inFocus then update s iPrev ctx k else (s, iPrev) iPrev <- delay 0 -< i displayStr -< seq i s' inf <- delay False -< inFocus b <- if inf then timer -< 0.5 else returnA -< Nothing b' <- edge -< not inFocus --For use in drawing the cursor rec willDraw <- delay True -< willDraw' let willDraw' = maybe willDraw (const $ not willDraw) b --if isJust b then not willDraw else willDraw canvas' displayLayout drawCursor -< case (inFocus, b, b', i == iPrev) of (True, Just _, _, _) -> Just (willDraw, i) (True, _, _, False) -> Just (willDraw, i) (False, _, Just _, _) -> Just (False, i) _ -> Nothing returnA -< s' where minh = 16 + padding * 2 displayLayout = makeLayout (Stretchy 8) (Fixed minh) update s i _ (Key c _ True) = (take i s ++ [c] ++ drop i s, i+1) update s i _ (SKey BACKSPACE _ True) = (take (i-1) s ++ drop i s, max (i-1) 0) update s i _ (SKey DEL _ True) = (take i s ++ drop (i+1) s, i) update s i _ (SKey LEFT _ True) = (s, max (i-1) 0) update s i _ (SKey RIGHT _ True) = (s, min (i+1) (length s)) update s _i _ (SKey END _ True) = (s, length s) update s _i _ (SKey HOME _ True) = (s, 0) update s _i c (Button (x,_) True True) = (s, min (length s) $ (x - xoffset c) `div` 8) update s i _ _ = (s, max 0 $ min i $ length s) drawCursor (False, _) _ = nullGraphic drawCursor (True, i) (w,_h) = let linew = padding + i*8 in if linew > w then nullGraphic else withColor Black $ line (linew, padding) (linew, 16+padding) xoffset = fst . fst . bounds -- | This variant of the textbox takes a static argument that is -- the initial value in the textbox. Then, it takes a stream of -- 'SEvent String' and only externally updates the contents of the -- textbox when an event occurs. textboxE :: String -> UISF (SEvent String) String textboxE startingVal = proc ms -> do rec s' <- delay startingVal -< ts let s = maybe s' id ms ts <- textbox -< maybe s id ms returnA -< ts ----------- -- Title -- ----------- -- | Title frames a UI by borders, and displays a static title text. title :: String -> UISF a b -> UISF a b title l uisf = compressUISF (modsf uisf) where (tw, th) = (length l * 8, 16) drawit ((x, y), (w, h)) g = withColor Black (text (x + 10, y) l) // withColor' bg (block ((x + 8, y), (tw + 4, th))) // box marked ((x, y + 8), (w, h - 16)) // g modsf sf a (CTX _ bbx@((x,y), (w,h)) _,f,t,inp) = do (l,db,f',action,ts,(v,nextSF)) <- expandUISF sf a (CTX TopDown ((x + 4, y + 20), (w - 8, h - 32)) False, f, t, inp) let d = l { hFixed = hFixed l + 8, vFixed = vFixed l + 36, minW = max (tw + 20) (minW l), minH = max 36 (minH l) } return (d, db, f', first (drawit bbx) action, ts, (v,compressUISF (modsf nextSF))) ------------ -- Button -- ------------ -- | A button is a focusable input widget with a state of being on or off. -- It can be activated with either a button press or the enter key. -- (Currently, there is no support for the space key due to non-special -- keys not having Release events.) -- Buttons also show a static label. -- -- The regular button is down as long as the mouse button or key press is -- down and then returns to up. button :: String -> UISF () Bool button = genButton False -- | The sticky button, on the other hand, once -- pressed, remains depressed until is is clicked again to be released. -- Thus, it looks like a button, but it behaves more like a checkbox. stickyButton :: String -> UISF () Bool stickyButton = genButton True -- This is used to create the buttons. genButton :: Bool -> String -> UISF () Bool genButton sticky l = focusable $ mkWidget False d (if sticky then processSticky else processRegular) draw where (tw, th) = (8 * length l, 16) (minw, minh) = (tw + padding * 2, th + padding * 2) d = makeLayout (Stretchy minw) (Fixed minh) draw b@((x,y), (w,h)) inFocus down = let x' = x + (w - tw) `div` 2 + if down then 0 else -1 y' = y + (h - th) `div` 2 + if down then 0 else -1 in withColor Black (text (x', y') l) // whenG inFocus (box marked b) // box (if down then pushed else popped) b processRegular _ s b evt = (s', s', s /= s') where s' = case evt of Button _ True down -> case (s, down) of (False, True) -> True (True, False) -> False _ -> s MouseMove pt -> (pt `inside` b) && s SKey ENTER _ down -> down Key ' ' _ down -> down _ -> s processSticky _ s _ evt = (s', s', s /= s') where s' = case evt of Button _ True True -> not s SKey ENTER _ True -> not s Key ' ' _ True -> not s _ -> s --------------- -- Check Box -- --------------- -- | Checkbox allows selection or deselection of an item. -- It has a static label as well as an initial state. checkbox :: String -> Bool -> UISF () Bool checkbox l state = proc _ -> do rec s <- delay state -< s' e <- edge <<< toggle state d draw -< s let s' = maybe s (const $ not s) e returnA -< s' where (tw, th) = (8 * length l, 16) (minw, minh) = (tw + padding * 2, th + padding * 2) d = makeLayout (Stretchy minw) (Fixed minh) draw ((x,y), (_w,h)) inFocus down = let x' = x + padding + 16 y' = y + (h - th) `div` 2 b = ((x + padding + 2, y + h `div` 2 - 6), (12, 12)) in withColor Black (text (x', y') l) // whenG inFocus (box marked b) // whenG down (withColor' gray3 $ polyline [(x + padding + 5, y + h `div` 2), (x + padding + 7, y + h `div` 2 + 3), (x + padding + 11, y + h `div` 2 - 2)]) // box pushed b // withColor White (block b) --------------------- -- Check Box Group -- --------------------- -- | The checkGroup widget creates a group of 'checkbox'es that all send -- their outputs to the same output stream. It takes a static list of -- labels for the check boxes and assumes they all start unchecked. -- -- The output stream is a list of each a value that was paired with a -- String value for which the check box is checked. checkGroup :: [(String, a)] -> UISF () [a] checkGroup sas = let (s, a) = unzip sas in constA (repeat ()) >>> concatA (zipWith checkbox s (repeat False)) >>> arr (map fst . filter snd . zip a) --checkGroup :: [String] -> UISF () [Bool] --checkGroup ss = constA (repeat ()) >>> -- concatA (zipWith checkbox ss (repeat False)) ------------------- -- Radio Buttons -- ------------------- -- | Radio button presents a list of choices and only one of them can be -- selected at a time. It takes a static list of choices (as Strings) -- and the index of the initially selected one, and the widget itself -- returns the continuous stream representing the index of the selected -- choice. radio :: [String] -> Int -> UISF () Int radio labels i = proc _ -> do rec s <- delay i -< s'' s' <- aux 0 labels -< s let s'' = maybe s id s' returnA -< s'' where aux :: Int -> [String] -> UISF Int (SEvent Int) aux _ [] = arr (const Nothing) aux j (l:ls) = proc n -> do u <- edge <<< toggle (i == j) d draw -< n == j v <- aux (j + 1) ls -< n returnA -< maybe v (const $ Just j) u where (tw, th) = (8 * length l, 16) (minw, minh) = (tw + padding * 2, th + padding * 2) d = makeLayout (Stretchy minw) (Fixed minh) draw ((x,y), (_w,h)) inFocus down = let x' = x + padding + 16 y' = y + (h - th) `div` 2 in withColor Black (text (x', y') l) // whenG down (circle gray3 (x,y) (5,6) (9,10)) // circle gray3 (x,y) (2,3) (12,13) // circle gray0 (x,y) (2,3) (13,14) // whenG inFocus (circle gray2 (x,y) (0,0) (14,15)) -------------- -- List Box -- -------------- -- | The listbox widget creates a box with selectable entries. -- The input stream is the list of entries as well as which entry is -- currently selected, and the output stream is the index of the newly -- selected entry. Note that the index can be greater than the length -- of the list (simply indicating no choice selected). listbox :: (Eq a, Show a) => UISF ([a], Int) Int listbox = focusable $ mkWidget ([], -1) layout process draw >>> delay (-1) where layout = makeLayout (Stretchy 80) (Stretchy 16) -- takes the rectangle to draw in and a tuple of the list of choices and the index selected lineheight = 16 --draw :: Show a => Rect -> ([a], Int) -> Graphic draw rect@(_,(w,_h)) _ (lst, i) = genTextGraphic rect i lst // box pushed rect // withColor White (block rect) where n = (w - padding * 2) `div` 8 genTextGraphic _ _ [] = nullGraphic genTextGraphic ((x,y),(w,h)) i (v:vs) = (if i == 0 then withColor White (text (x + padding, y + padding) (take n (show v))) // withColor Blue (block ((x,y),(w,lineheight))) else withColor Black (text (x + padding, y + padding) (take n (show v)))) // genTextGraphic ((x,y+lineheight),(w,h-lineheight)) (i - 1) vs process :: Eq a => ([a], Int) -> ([a], Int) -> Rect -> UIEvent -> (Int, ([a], Int), Bool) process (lst,i) olds bbx e = (i', (lst, i'), olds /= (lst, i')) where i' = case e of Button pt True True -> boundCheck $ pt2index pt SKey DOWN _ True -> min (i+1) (length lst - 1) SKey UP _ True -> max (i-1) 0 SKey HOME _ True -> 0 SKey END _ True -> length lst - 1 _ -> boundCheck i ((_,y),_) = bbx pt2index (_px,py) = (py-y) `div` lineheight boundCheck j = if j >= length lst then -1 else j ---------------- -- *** Sliders ---------------- -- $ Sliders are input widgets that allow the user to choose a value within -- a given range. They come in both continous and discrete flavors as well -- as in both vertical and horizontal layouts. -- -- Sliders take a boundary argument giving the minimum and maximum possible -- values for the output as well as an initial value. In addition, discrete -- (or integral) sliders take a step size as their first argument. hSlider, vSlider :: RealFrac a => (a, a) -> a -> UISF () a -- | Horizontal Continuous Slider hSlider = slider True -- | Vertical Continuous Slider vSlider = slider False hiSlider, viSlider :: Integral a => a -> (a, a) -> a -> UISF () a -- | Horizontal Discrete Slider hiSlider = iSlider True -- | Vertical Discrete Slider viSlider = iSlider False slider :: RealFrac a => Bool -> (a, a) -> a -> UISF () a slider hori (min, max) = mkSlider hori v2p p2v jump where v2p v w = truncate ((v - min) / (max - min) * fromIntegral w) p2v p w = let v = min + (fromIntegral (p - padding) / fromIntegral w * (max - min)) in if v < min then min else if v > max then max else v jump d w v = let v' = v + fromIntegral d * (max - min) * 16 / fromIntegral w in if v' < min then min else if v' > max then max else v' iSlider :: Integral a => Bool -> a -> (a, a) -> a -> UISF () a iSlider hori step (min, max) = mkSlider hori v2p p2v jump where v2p v w = w * fromIntegral (v - min) `div` fromIntegral (max - min) p2v p w = let v = min + fromIntegral (round (fromIntegral (max - min) * fromIntegral (p - padding) / fromIntegral w)) in if v < min then min else if v > max then max else v jump d _w v = let v' = v + step * fromIntegral d in if v' < min then min else if v' > max then max else v' --------------------- -- *** Graphs --------------------- --------------------- -- Real Time Graph -- --------------------- -- | The realtimeGraph widget creates a graph of the data with trailing values. -- It takes a dimension parameter, the length of the history of the graph -- measured in time, and a color for the graphed line. -- The signal function then takes an input stream of time as well as -- (value,time) event pairs, but since there can be zero or more points -- at once, we use [] rather than 'SEvent' for the type. -- The values in the (value,time) event pairs should be between -1 and 1. realtimeGraph :: RealFrac a => Layout -> Time -> Color -> UISF [(a,Time)] () realtimeGraph layout hist color = arr ((),) >>> first getTime >>> mkWidget ([(0,0)],0) layout process draw where draw _ _ ([], _) = nullGraphic draw ((x,y), (w,h)) _ (lst@(_:_), t) = translateGraphic (x,y) $ withColor color $ polyline (map (adjust t) lst) where adjust t (i,t0) = (truncate $ fromIntegral w * (hist + t0 - t) / hist, buffer + truncate (fromIntegral (h - 2*buffer) * (1 + i)/2)) buffer = truncate $ fromIntegral h / 10 removeOld _ [] = [] removeOld t ((i,t0):is) = if t0+hist>=t then (i,t0):is else removeOld t is process (t,is) (lst,_) _ _ = ((), (removeOld t (lst ++ is), t), True) --------------- -- Histogram -- --------------- -- | The histogram widget creates a histogram of the input map. It assumes -- that the elements are to be displayed linearly and evenly spaced. histogram :: RealFrac a => Layout -> UISF (SEvent [a]) () histogram layout = mkWidget Nothing layout process draw where process Nothing Nothing _ _ = ((), Nothing, False) process Nothing (Just a) _ _ = ((), Just a, False) --TODO check if this should be True process (Just a) _ _ _ = ((), Just a, True) draw (xy, (w, h)) _ = translateGraphic xy . mymap (polyline . mkPts) where mkPts l = zip (reverse $ xs $ length l) (map adjust . normalize . reverse $ l) xs n = [0,(w `div` (n-1))..w] adjust i = buffer + truncate (fromIntegral (h - 2*buffer) * (1 - i)) normalize lst = map (/m) lst where m = maximum lst buffer = truncate $ fromIntegral h / 10 mymap :: ([a] -> Graphic) -> SEvent [a] -> Graphic mymap f (Just lst@(_:_)) = f lst mymap _ _ = nullGraphic -- | The histogramWithScale widget creates a histogram and an x coordinate scale. histogramWithScale :: RealFrac a => Layout -> UISF (SEvent [(a,String)]) () histogramWithScale layout = mkWidget Nothing layout process draw where process Nothing Nothing _ _ = ((), Nothing, False) process Nothing (Just a) _ _ = ((), Just a, False) --TODO check if this should be True process (Just a) _ _ _ = ((), Just a, True) draw (xy, (w, h)) _ = mymap (polyline . mkPts) mkScale where mkPts l = zip (reverse $ xs $ length l) (map adjust . normalize . reverse $ l) xs n = [sidebuffer,(sidebuffer+((w-sidebuffer*2) `div` (n-1)))..(w-sidebuffer)] adjust i = bottombuffer + truncate (fromIntegral (h - topbuffer - bottombuffer) * (1 - i)) normalize lst = map (/m) lst where m = maximum lst topbuffer = truncate $ fromIntegral h / 10 bottombuffer = max 20 topbuffer sidebuffer = 20 mkScale l = foldl (\pg (x,s) -> translateGraphic xy (withColor Black (text (x-((8*length s) `div` 2), h-12) s)) // pg) nullGraphic $ zip (xs $ length l) l mymap :: ([a] -> Graphic) -> ([String] -> Graphic) -> SEvent [(a,String)] -> Graphic mymap f g (Just lst@(_:_)) = let (fl,gl) = unzip lst in g gl // translateGraphic xy (f fl) mymap _ _ _ = nullGraphic ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Widget Builders ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | mkWidget is a helper function to make stateful widgets easier to write. -- In essence, it breaks down the idea of a widget into 4 constituent -- components: state, layout, computation, and drawing. -- -- As 'mkWidget' allows for making stateful widgets, the first parameter is -- simply the initial state. -- -- The layout is the static layout that this widget will use. It -- cannot be dependent on any streaming arguments, but a layout can have -- \"stretchy\" sides so that it can expand/shrink to fit an area. Learn -- more about making layouts in 'UIMonad's UI Layout section -- specifically, -- check out the 'makeLayout' function and the 'LayoutType' data type. -- -- The computation is where the logic of the widget is held. This -- function takes as input the streaming argument a, the widget's state, -- a Rect of coordinates indicating the area that has been allotted for -- this widget, and the 'UIEvent' that is triggering this widget's activation -- (see the definition of 'UIEvent' in SOE). The output consists of the -- streaming output, the new state, and the dirty bit, which represents -- whether the widget needs to be redrawn. -- -- Lastly, the drawing routine takes the same Rect as the computation, a -- Bool that is true when this widget is in focus and false otherwise, -- and the current state of the widget (technically, this state is the -- one freshly returned from the computation). Its output is the Graphic -- that this widget should display. mkWidget :: s -- ^ initial state -> Layout -- ^ layout -> (a -> s -> Rect -> UIEvent -> (b, s, DirtyBit)) -- ^ computation -> (Rect -> Bool -> s -> Graphic) -- ^ drawing routine -> UISF a b mkWidget i layout comp draw = proc a -> do rec s <- delay i -< s' (b, s') <- mkUISF aux -< (a, s) returnA -< b --loop $ second (delay i) >>> arr (uncurry inj) >>> mkUISF aux where aux (a,s) (ctx,f,t,e) = (layout, db, f, justGraphicAction g, nullCD, (b, s')) where rect = bounds ctx (b, s', db) = comp a s rect e g = draw rect (snd f == HasFocus) s' -- | Occasionally, one may want to display a non-interactive graphic in -- the UI. 'mkBasicWidget' facilitates this. It takes a layout and a -- simple drawing routine and produces a non-interacting widget. mkBasicWidget :: Layout -- ^ layout -> (Rect -> Graphic) -- ^ drawing routine -> UISF a a mkBasicWidget layout draw = mkUISF $ \a (ctx, f, _, _) -> (layout, False, f, justGraphicAction (draw $ bounds ctx), nullCD, a) -- | The toggle is useful in the creation of both 'checkbox'es and 'radio' -- buttons. It displays on/off according to its input, and when the mouse -- is clicked on it, it will output True (otherwise it outputs False). -- -- The UISF returned from a call to toggle accepts the state stream and -- returns whether the toggle is being clicked. toggle :: (Eq s) => s -- ^ Initial state value -> Layout -- ^ The layout for the toggle -> (Rect -> Bool -> s -> Graphic) -- ^ The drawing routine -> UISF s Bool toggle iState layout draw = focusable $ mkWidget iState layout process draw where process s s' _ e = (on, s, s /= s') where on = case e of Button _ True True -> True SKey ENTER _ True -> True Key ' ' _ True -> True _ -> False -- | The mkSlider widget builder is useful in the creation of all sliders. mkSlider :: Eq a => Bool -- ^ True for horizontal, False for vertical -> (a -> Int -> Int) -- ^ A function for converting a value to a position -> (Int -> Int -> a) -- ^ A function for converting a position to a value -> (Int -> Int -> a -> a) -- ^ A function for determining how much to jump when -- a click is on the slider but not the target -> a -- ^ The initial value for the slider -> UISF () a mkSlider hori val2pos pos2val jump val0 = focusable $ mkWidget (val0, Nothing) d process draw where rotP p@(x,y) ((bx,by),_) = if hori then p else (bx + y - by, by + x - bx) rotR r@(p,(w,h)) bbx = if hori then r else (rotP p bbx, (h,w)) (minw, minh) = (16 + padding * 2, 16 + padding * 2) (tw, th) = (16, 8) d = if hori then makeLayout (Stretchy minw) (Fixed minh) else makeLayout (Fixed minh) (Stretchy minw) val2pt val ((bx,by), (bw,_bh)) = let p = val2pos val (bw - padding * 2 - tw) in (bx + p + padding, by + 8 - th `div` 2 + padding) bar ((x,y),(w,_h)) = ((x + padding + tw `div` 2, y + 6 + padding), (w - tw - padding * 2, 4)) draw b inFocus (val, _) = let p@(mx,my) = val2pt val (rotR b b) in box popped (rotR (p, (tw, th)) b) // whenG inFocus (box marked $ rotR (p, (tw-2, th-2)) b) // withColor' bg (block $ rotR ((mx + 2, my + 2), (tw - 4, th - 4)) b) // box pushed (rotR (bar (rotR b b)) b) process _ (val, s) b evt = (val', (val', s'), val /= val') where (val', s') = case evt of Button pt' True down -> let pt = rotP pt' bbx in case (pt `inside` target, down) of (True, True) -> (val, Just (ptDiff pt val)) (_, False) -> (val, Nothing) (False, True) | pt `inside` bar' -> clickonbar pt _ -> (val, s) MouseMove pt' -> let pt = rotP pt' bbx in case s of Just pd -> (pt2val pd pt, Just pd) Nothing -> (val, s) SKey LEFT _ True -> if hori then (jump (-1) bw val, s) else (val, s) SKey RIGHT _ True -> if hori then (jump 1 bw val, s) else (val, s) SKey UP _ True -> if hori then (val, s) else (jump (-1) bw val, s) SKey DOWN _ True -> if hori then (val, s) else (jump 1 bw val, s) SKey HOME _ True -> (pos2val 0 (bw - 2 * padding - tw), s) SKey END _ True -> (pos2val bw (bw - 2 * padding - tw), s) _ -> (val, s) bbx@((bx,_by),(bw,_bh)) = rotR b b bar' = let ((x,y),(w,h)) = bar bbx in ((x,y-4),(w,h+8)) target = (val2pt val bbx, (tw, th)) ptDiff (x,_) val = let (x', y') = val2pt val bbx in (x' + tw `div` 2 - x, y' + th `div` 2 - x) pt2val (dx, _dy) (x,_y) = pos2val (x + dx - bx - tw `div` 2) (bw - 2 * padding - tw) clickonbar (x',_y') = let (x,_y) = val2pt val bbx val' = jump (if x' < x then -1 else 1) bw val in (val', s) -- | Canvas displays any graphics. The input is a signal of graphics -- events because we only want to redraw the screen when the input -- is there. canvas :: Dimension -> UISF (SEvent Graphic) () canvas (w, h) = mkWidget nullGraphic layout process draw where layout = makeLayout (Fixed w) (Fixed h) draw ((x,y),(w,h)) _ = translateGraphic (x,y) process (Just g) _ _ _ = ((), g, True) process Nothing g _ _ = ((), g, False) -- | canvas' uses a layout and a graphic generator. This allows it to -- behave similarly to 'canvas', but it can adjust in cases with stretchy layouts. canvas' :: Layout -> (a -> Dimension -> Graphic) -> UISF (SEvent a) () canvas' layout draw = mkWidget Nothing layout process drawit where drawit (pt, dim) _ = maybe nullGraphic (\a -> translateGraphic pt $ draw a dim) process (Just a) _ _ _ = ((), Just a, True) process Nothing a _ _ = ((), a, False) --------------- -- Cycle Box -- --------------- -- | cyclebox is a clickable widget that cycles through a predefined set -- set of appearances/output values. cyclebox :: Layout -> [(Rect -> Bool -> Graphic, b)] -> Int -> UISF () b cyclebox d lst start = focusable $ mkWidget start d process draw where len = length lst incr i = (i+1) `mod` len draw b inFocus i = (fst (lst!!i)) b inFocus process _ i b evt = (snd (lst!!i'), i', i /= i') where i' = case evt of Button _ True True -> incr i SKey ENTER _ True -> incr i Key ' ' _ True -> incr i _ -> i -- | cyclebox' is a cyclebox that additionally accepts input events that -- can set it to a particular appearance/output. cyclebox' :: Layout -> [(Rect -> Bool -> Graphic, b)] -> Int -> UISF (SEvent Int) b cyclebox' d lst start = focusable $ mkWidget start d process draw where len = length lst incr i = (i+1) `mod` len draw b inFocus i = (fst (lst!!i)) b inFocus process ei i b evt = (snd (lst!!i'), i', i /= i') where j = fromMaybe i ei i' = case evt of Button _ True True -> incr j SKey ENTER _ True -> incr j Key ' ' _ True -> incr j _ -> j ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Focus ------------------------------------------------------------ -- $ Any widget that wants to accept mouse button clicks or keystrokes -- must be focusable. The focusable function below achieves this. -- | Making a widget focusable makes it accessible to tabbing and allows -- it to see any mouse button clicks and keystrokes when it is actually -- in focus. focusable :: UISF a b -> UISF a b focusable widget = proc x -> do rec hasFocus <- delay False -< hasFocus' (y, hasFocus') <- compressUISF (h widget) -< (x, hasFocus) returnA -< y where h w (a, hasFocus) (ctx, (myid,focus),t, inp) = do lshift <- isKeyPressed LSHIFT rshift <- isKeyPressed RSHIFT let isShift = lshift || rshift (f, hasFocus') = case (focus, hasFocus, inp) of (HasFocus, _, _) -> (HasFocus, True) (SetFocusTo n, _, _) | n == myid -> (NoFocus, True) (_, _, Button pt _ True) -> (NoFocus, pt `inside` bounds ctx) (_, True, SKey TAB _ True) -> if isShift then (SetFocusTo (myid-1), False) else (SetFocusTo (myid+1), False) (_, _, _) -> (focus, hasFocus) focus' = if hasFocus' then HasFocus else NoFocus inp' = if hasFocus' then (case inp of SKey TAB _ _ -> NoUIEvent _ -> inp) else (case inp of Button _ _ True -> NoUIEvent Key _ _ _ -> NoUIEvent SKey _ _ _ -> NoUIEvent _ -> inp) redraw = hasFocus /= hasFocus' (l, db, _, act, tids, (b, w')) <- expandUISF w a (ctx, (myid,focus'), t, inp') return (l, db || redraw, (myid+1,f), act, tids, ((b, hasFocus'), compressUISF (h w'))) -- | Although mouse button clicks and keystrokes will be available once a -- widget marks itself as focusable, the widget may also simply want to -- know whether it is currently in focus to change its appearance. This -- can be achieved with the following signal function. isInFocus :: UISF () Bool isInFocus = getFocusData >>> arr ((== HasFocus) . snd) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- UI colors and drawing routine ------------------------------------------------------------ bg, gray0, gray1, gray2, gray3, blue3 :: RGB bg = rgb 0xec 0xe9 0xd8 gray0 = rgb 0xff 0xff 0xff gray1 = rgb 0xf1 0xef 0xe2 gray2 = rgb 0xac 0xa8 0x99 gray3 = rgb 0x71 0x6f 0x64 blue3 = rgb 0x31 0x3c 0x79 box :: [(RGB,RGB)] -> Rect -> Graphic box [] _ = nullGraphic box ((t, b):cs) ((x, y), (w, h)) = box cs ((x + 1, y + 1), (w - 2, h - 2)) // withColor' t (line (x, y) (x, y + h - 1) // line (x, y) (x + w - 2, y)) // withColor' b (line (x + 1, y + h - 1) (x + w - 1, y + h - 1) // line (x + w - 1, y) (x + w - 1, y + h - 1)) circle :: RGB -> Point -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Graphic circle c (x, y) (w1, h1) (w2, h2) = withColor' c $ arc (x + padding + w1, y + padding + h1) (x + padding + w2, y + padding + h2) 0 360 block :: Rect -> Graphic block ((x,y), (w, h)) = polygon [(x, y), (x + w, y), (x + w, y + h), (x, y + h)] pushed, popped, marked :: [(RGB,RGB)] pushed = [(gray2, gray0),(gray3, gray1)] popped = [(gray1, gray3),(gray0, gray2)] marked = [(gray2, gray0),(gray0, gray2)] inside :: Point -> Rect -> Bool inside (u, v) ((x, y), (w, h)) = u >= x && v >= y && u < x + w && v < y + h