| Module : Database.Sqlite.SqliteFunctions Copyright : (c) 2004 Oleg Kiselyov, Alistair Bayley License : BSD-style Maintainer : oleg@pobox.com, alistair@abayley.org Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Simple wrappers for Sqlite functions (FFI). > {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} > {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} > module Database.Sqlite.SqliteFunctions where > import Prelude hiding (catch) > import Foreign.C.UTF8 > import Foreign > import Foreign.C > import Foreign.Ptr > import Control.Monad > import Control.Exception.Extensible > import Data.Dynamic > import Data.Int > data DBHandleStruct = DBHandleStruct > type DBHandle = Ptr DBHandleStruct > data StmtStruct = StmtStruct > type StmtHandle = Ptr StmtStruct > type Blob = Ptr Word8 > type SqliteCallback a = FunPtr (Ptr a -> CInt -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CString -> IO Int) > type FreeFunPtr = FunPtr ( Ptr Word8 -> IO () ) > data SqliteException = SqliteException Int String > deriving (Typeable) > instance Show SqliteException where > show (SqliteException i s) = "SqliteException " ++ (show i) ++ " " ++ s > catchSqlite :: IO a -> (SqliteException -> IO a) -> IO a > throwSqlite :: SqliteException -> a > instance Exception SqliteException > catchSqlite = catch > throwSqlite = throw > sqliteOK :: CInt > sqliteOK = 0 > sqliteERROR :: CInt > sqliteERROR = 1 > sqliteROW :: CInt > sqliteROW = 100 > sqliteDONE :: CInt > sqliteDONE = 101 > cStr :: CStringLen -> CString > cStr = fst > cStrLen :: CStringLen -> CInt > cStrLen = fromIntegral . snd Apparently Sqlite's UTF16 is in "host native byte order", whatever that means. > type UTF16CString = CString > type UTF8CString = CString > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_open" sqliteOpen > :: UTF8CString -> Ptr DBHandle -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_close" sqliteClose > :: DBHandle -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_prepare" sqlitePrepare > :: DBHandle -> UTF8CString -> CInt -> Ptr StmtHandle -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_exec" sqliteExec > :: DBHandle -> UTF8CString -> SqliteCallback a -> Ptr a -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_column_count" sqliteColumnCount > :: StmtHandle -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_step" sqliteStep > :: StmtHandle -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_finalize" sqliteFinalise > :: StmtHandle -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_reset" sqliteReset > :: StmtHandle -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_changes" sqliteChanges > :: DBHandle -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_last_insert_rowid" sqliteLastInsertRowid > :: DBHandle -> IO CLLong > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_free" sqliteFree > :: Ptr a -> IO () > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_errcode" sqliteErrcode > :: DBHandle -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_errmsg" sqliteErrmsg > :: DBHandle -> IO UTF8CString column_bytes tells us how big a value is in the result set. * For blobs it's the blob size. * For strings, the string is converted to UTF-8 and then the size in bytes is given. * There's a "16" version which converts to UTF-16. The terminating Null isn't counted. * For ints and doubles the size of the result after conversion to string is returned (well, we already know how many bytes the raw value requires, don't we?) > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_column_bytes" sqliteColumnBytes > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> IO Int > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_column_blob" sqliteColumnBlob > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> IO Blob > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_column_double" sqliteColumnDouble > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> IO CDouble > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_column_int" sqliteColumnInt > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_column_int64" sqliteColumnInt64 > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> IO CLLong > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_column_text" sqliteColumnText > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> IO UTF8CString > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_column_text16" sqliteColumnText16 > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> IO UTF16CString > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_bind_blob" sqliteBindBlob > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> Blob -> CInt -> FreeFunPtr -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_bind_double" sqliteBindDouble > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> CDouble -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_bind_int" sqliteBindInt > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_bind_int64" sqliteBindInt64 > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> CLLong -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_bind_null" sqliteBindNull > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_bind_text" sqliteBindText > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> UTF8CString -> CInt -> FreeFunPtr -> IO CInt > foreign import ccall "sqlite.h sqlite3_bind_text16" sqliteBindText16 > :: StmtHandle -> CInt -> UTF16CString -> CInt -> FreeFunPtr -> IO CInt ------------------------------------------------------------------- > getError :: DBHandle -> IO SqliteException > getError db = do > errcodec <- sqliteErrcode db > errmsgc <- sqliteErrmsg db > errmsg <- peekUTF8String errmsgc > return $ SqliteException (fromIntegral errcodec) errmsg > getAndRaiseError :: Int -> DBHandle -> IO a > getAndRaiseError rc db = do > ex@(SqliteException e m) <- getError db > if e == 0 > then throwSqlite (SqliteException rc m) > else throwSqlite ex > return undefined > errorTest :: DBHandle -> CInt -> IO a -> IO a > errorTest db rc action = do > case () of > _ | rc == sqliteOK -> action > | rc == sqliteDONE -> action > | rc == sqliteROW -> action > | otherwise -> getAndRaiseError (fromIntegral rc) db > testForError :: DBHandle -> CInt -> a -> IO a > testForError db rc retval = errorTest db rc (return retval) > testForErrorWithPtr :: (Storable a) => DBHandle -> CInt -> Ptr a -> IO a > testForErrorWithPtr db rc ptr = errorTest db rc (peek ptr >>= return) > openDb :: String -> IO DBHandle > openDb dbName = > withUTF8String dbName $ \cstr -> > alloca $ \dbptr -> do > rc <- sqliteOpen cstr dbptr > if dbptr == nullPtr > then do > throwSqlite (SqliteException (fromIntegral rc) "Null handle returned when opening database") > return undefined > else do > db <- peek dbptr > if rc == sqliteOK > then return db > else do > ex <- getError db > _ <- sqliteClose db > throwSqlite ex > return undefined > closeDb :: DBHandle -> IO () > closeDb db = do > rc <- sqliteClose db > testForError db rc () | This function is not used internally, so it's only provided as a user convenience. > stmtExec :: DBHandle -> String -> IO Int > stmtExec db sqlText = > withUTF8String sqlText $ \cstr -> do > rc <- sqliteExec db cstr nullFunPtr nullPtr nullPtr > rows <- sqliteChanges db > testForError db rc (fromIntegral rows) > stmtChanges :: DBHandle -> IO Int > stmtChanges db = do > rows <- sqliteChanges db > return (fromIntegral rows) > stmtPrepare :: DBHandle -> String -> IO StmtHandle > stmtPrepare db sqlText = > withUTF8StringLen sqlText $ \(cstr, clen) -> > alloca $ \stmtptr -> > alloca $ \unusedptr -> do > rc <- sqlitePrepare db cstr (fromIntegral clen) stmtptr unusedptr > testForErrorWithPtr db rc stmtptr > stmtFetch :: DBHandle -> StmtHandle -> IO CInt > stmtFetch db stmt = do > rc <- sqliteStep stmt > testForError db rc rc > stmtFinalise :: DBHandle -> StmtHandle -> IO () > stmtFinalise db stmt = do > rc <- sqliteFinalise stmt > testForError db rc () > stmtReset :: DBHandle -> StmtHandle -> IO () > stmtReset db stmt = do > rc <- sqliteReset stmt > testForError db rc () > checkColumnRange :: StmtHandle -> Int -> IO () > checkColumnRange stmt col = do > nc <- sqliteColumnCount stmt > if (fromIntegral nc < col) || col < 1 > then throwSqlite (SqliteException (-1) ("Attempted fetch from invalid column number " ++ show col)) > else return () |Column numbers are zero-indexed, so subtract one from given index (we present a one-indexed interface). > colValInt :: StmtHandle -> Int -> IO Int > colValInt stmt colnum = do > checkColumnRange stmt colnum > cint <- sqliteColumnInt stmt (fromIntegral (colnum - 1)) > return (fromIntegral cint) > colValInt64 :: StmtHandle -> Int -> IO Int64 > colValInt64 stmt colnum = do > checkColumnRange stmt colnum > cllong <- sqliteColumnInt64 stmt (fromIntegral (colnum - 1)) > return (fromIntegral cllong) > colValDouble :: StmtHandle -> Int -> IO Double > colValDouble stmt colnum = do > checkColumnRange stmt colnum > cdbl <- sqliteColumnDouble stmt (fromIntegral (colnum - 1)) > return (realToFrac cdbl) > colValString :: StmtHandle -> Int -> IO (Maybe String) > colValString stmt colnum = do > checkColumnRange stmt colnum > cstrptr <- sqliteColumnText stmt (fromIntegral (colnum - 1)) > if cstrptr == nullPtr > then return Nothing > else do > str <- peekUTF8String cstrptr > return (Just str) > colValBlob :: StmtHandle -> Int -> IO (ForeignPtr Blob) > colValBlob stmt colnum = do > checkColumnRange stmt colnum > let ccolnum = fromIntegral (colnum - 1) > bytes <- sqliteColumnBytes stmt ccolnum > src <- sqliteColumnBlob stmt ccolnum > buffer <- mallocForeignPtrBytes bytes > withForeignPtr buffer $ \dest -> copyBytes dest src bytes > return (castForeignPtr buffer) Unlike column numbers, bind positions are 1-indexed, so there's no need to subtract one from the given position. > bindDouble :: DBHandle -> StmtHandle -> Int -> Double -> IO () > bindDouble db stmt pos value = do > rc <- sqliteBindDouble stmt (fromIntegral pos) (realToFrac value) > testForError db rc () > bindInt :: DBHandle -> StmtHandle -> Int -> Int -> IO () > bindInt db stmt pos value = do > rc <- sqliteBindInt stmt (fromIntegral pos) (fromIntegral value) > testForError db rc () > bindInt64 :: DBHandle -> StmtHandle -> Int -> Int64 -> IO () > bindInt64 db stmt pos value = do > rc <- sqliteBindInt64 stmt (fromIntegral pos) (fromIntegral value) > testForError db rc () > bindNull :: DBHandle -> StmtHandle -> Int -> IO () > bindNull db stmt pos = do > rc <- sqliteBindNull stmt (fromIntegral pos) > testForError db rc () > bindString :: DBHandle -> StmtHandle -> Int -> String -> IO () > bindString db stmt pos value = > withUTF8StringLen value $ \(cstr, clen) -> do > rc <- sqliteBindText stmt (fromIntegral pos) cstr (fromIntegral clen) nullFunPtr > testForError db rc () > bindBlob :: DBHandle -> StmtHandle -> Int -> Blob -> Int -> IO () > bindBlob db stmt pos value size = do > rc <- sqliteBindBlob stmt (fromIntegral pos) value (fromIntegral size) nullFunPtr > testForError db rc ()