# Shpadoinkle Html
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This module provides named functions for generating Html, and other browser utilities.
For example, instead of writing
view = h "div" [ ("class", PText "foo") ]
[ h "span" [] [ text "hi there" ] ]
we can write
view = div "foo" [ span_ [ "hi there" ] ]
which is a bit nicer, and eleminates the risk of typeos in tag names. It also
provies some nice `IsString` instances for ergonomics.
## Keyboard
This module provides pattern synonyms for common key codes. For example:
div [ onKeyup $ \case
Enter -> fireLazors
UpArrow -> jump
DownArrow -> crouch
LeftArrow -> move -1
RightArrow -> move 1
which is a bit nicer, and harder to get wrong than using magic int's to
identify keys.
## Browser utilities
We provide high level apis to lower level browser apis. Including
- Local Storage
I know it's just one right now.
But this is the place to contribute more. Such as
- Scroll Position
- XHR Requests
- Visibility API
- Notifications
- ect...