module ShellCheck.AnalyzerLib where
import ShellCheck.AST
import ShellCheck.ASTLib
import ShellCheck.Data
import ShellCheck.Interface
import ShellCheck.Parser
import ShellCheck.Regex
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Test.QuickCheck.All (forAllProperties)
import Test.QuickCheck.Test (quickCheckWithResult, stdArgs, maxSuccess)
type Analysis = AnalyzerM ()
type AnalyzerM a = RWS Parameters [TokenComment] Cache a
nullCheck = const $ return ()
data Checker = Checker {
perScript :: Root -> Analysis,
perToken :: Token -> Analysis
runChecker :: Parameters -> Checker -> [TokenComment]
runChecker params checker = notes
root = rootNode params
check = perScript checker `composeAnalyzers` (\(Root x) -> void $ doAnalysis (perToken checker) x)
notes = snd $ evalRWS (check $ Root root) params Cache
instance Monoid Checker where
mempty = Checker {
perScript = nullCheck,
perToken = nullCheck
mappend x y = Checker {
perScript = perScript x `composeAnalyzers` perScript y,
perToken = perToken x `composeAnalyzers` perToken y
composeAnalyzers :: (a -> Analysis) -> (a -> Analysis) -> a -> Analysis
composeAnalyzers f g x = f x >> g x
data Parameters = Parameters {
hasLastpipe :: Bool,
hasSetE :: Bool,
variableFlow :: [StackData],
parentMap :: Map.Map Id Token,
shellType :: Shell,
shellTypeSpecified :: Bool,
rootNode :: Token
data Cache = Cache {}
data Scope = SubshellScope String | NoneScope deriving (Show, Eq)
data StackData =
StackScope Scope
| StackScopeEnd
| Assignment (Token, Token, String, DataType)
| Reference (Token, Token, String)
deriving (Show)
data DataType = DataString DataSource | DataArray DataSource
deriving (Show)
data DataSource =
SourceFrom [Token]
| SourceExternal
| SourceDeclaration
| SourceInteger
| SourceChecked
deriving (Show)
data VariableState = Dead Token String | Alive deriving (Show)
defaultSpec root = AnalysisSpec {
asScript = root,
asShellType = Nothing,
asCheckSourced = False,
asExecutionMode = Executed
pScript s =
pSpec = ParseSpec {
psFilename = "script",
psScript = s,
psCheckSourced = False
in prRoot . runIdentity $ parseScript (mockedSystemInterface []) pSpec
producesComments :: Checker -> String -> Maybe Bool
producesComments c s = do
root <- pScript s
let spec = defaultSpec root
let params = makeParameters spec
return . not . null $ runChecker params c
makeComment :: Severity -> Id -> Code -> String -> TokenComment
makeComment severity id code note =
TokenComment id $ Comment severity code note
addComment note = tell [note]
warn :: MonadWriter [TokenComment] m => Id -> Code -> String -> m ()
warn id code str = addComment $ makeComment WarningC id code str
err id code str = addComment $ makeComment ErrorC id code str
info id code str = addComment $ makeComment InfoC id code str
style id code str = addComment $ makeComment StyleC id code str
makeParameters spec =
let params = Parameters {
rootNode = root,
shellType = fromMaybe (determineShell root) $ asShellType spec,
hasSetE = containsSetE root,
hasLastpipe =
case shellType params of
Bash -> containsLastpipe root
Dash -> False
Sh -> False
Ksh -> True,
shellTypeSpecified = isJust $ asShellType spec,
parentMap = getParentTree root,
variableFlow = getVariableFlow params root
} in params
where root = asScript spec
containsSetE root = isNothing $ doAnalysis (guard . not . isSetE) root
isSetE t =
case t of
T_Script _ str _ -> str `matches` re
T_SimpleCommand {} ->
t `isUnqualifiedCommand` "set" &&
("errexit" `elem` oversimplify t ||
"e" `elem` map snd (getAllFlags t))
_ -> False
re = mkRegex "[[:space:]]-[^-]*e"
containsLastpipe root =
isNothing $ doAnalysis (guard . not . isShoptLastPipe) root
isShoptLastPipe t =
case t of
T_SimpleCommand {} ->
t `isUnqualifiedCommand` "shopt" &&
("lastpipe" `elem` oversimplify t)
_ -> False
prop_determineShell0 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#!/bin/sh") == Sh
prop_determineShell1 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#!/usr/bin/env ksh") == Ksh
prop_determineShell2 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "") == Bash
prop_determineShell3 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#!/bin/sh -e") == Sh
prop_determineShell4 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript
"#!/bin/ksh\n#shellcheck shell=sh\nfoo") == Sh
prop_determineShell5 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript
"#shellcheck shell=sh\nfoo") == Sh
prop_determineShell6 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#! /bin/sh") == Sh
prop_determineShell7 = determineShell (fromJust $ pScript "#! /bin/ash") == Dash
determineShell t = fromMaybe Bash $ do
shellString <- foldl mplus Nothing $ getCandidates t
shellForExecutable shellString
forAnnotation t =
case t of
(ShellOverride s) -> return s
_ -> fail ""
getCandidates :: Token -> [Maybe String]
getCandidates t@T_Script {} = [Just $ fromShebang t]
getCandidates (T_Annotation _ annotations s) =
map forAnnotation annotations ++
[Just $ fromShebang s]
fromShebang (T_Script _ s t) = executableFromShebang s
executableFromShebang :: String -> String
executableFromShebang = shellFor
shellFor s | "/env " `isInfixOf` s = head (drop 1 (words s)++[""])
shellFor s | ' ' `elem` s = shellFor $ takeWhile (/= ' ') s
shellFor s = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse $ s
getParentTree :: Token -> Map.Map Id Token
getParentTree t =
snd . snd $ runState (doStackAnalysis pre post t) ([], Map.empty)
pre t = modify (first ((:) t))
post t = do
(_:rest, map) <- get
case rest of [] -> put (rest, map)
(x:_) -> put (rest, Map.insert (getId t) x map)
getTokenMap :: Token -> Map.Map Id Token
getTokenMap t =
execState (doAnalysis f t) Map.empty
f t = modify (Map.insert (getId t) t)
isStrictlyQuoteFree = isQuoteFreeNode True
isQuoteFree = isQuoteFreeNode False
isQuoteFreeNode strict tree t =
(isQuoteFreeElement t == Just True) ||
head (mapMaybe isQuoteFreeContext (drop 1 $ getPath tree t) ++ [False])
isQuoteFreeElement t =
case t of
T_Assignment {} -> return True
T_FdRedirect {} -> return True
_ -> Nothing
isQuoteFreeContext t =
case t of
TC_Nullary _ DoubleBracket _ -> return True
TC_Unary _ DoubleBracket _ _ -> return True
TC_Binary _ DoubleBracket _ _ _ -> return True
TA_Sequence {} -> return True
T_Arithmetic {} -> return True
T_Assignment {} -> return True
T_Redirecting {} -> return False
T_DoubleQuoted _ _ -> return True
T_DollarDoubleQuoted _ _ -> return True
T_CaseExpression {} -> return True
T_HereDoc {} -> return True
T_DollarBraced {} -> return True
T_ForIn {} -> return (not strict)
T_SelectIn {} -> return (not strict)
_ -> Nothing
isParamTo :: Map.Map Id Token -> String -> Token -> Bool
isParamTo tree cmd =
go x = case Map.lookup (getId x) tree of
Nothing -> False
Just parent -> check parent
check t =
case t of
T_SingleQuoted _ _ -> go t
T_DoubleQuoted _ _ -> go t
T_NormalWord _ _ -> go t
T_SimpleCommand {} -> isCommand t cmd
T_Redirecting {} -> isCommand t cmd
_ -> False
getClosestCommand :: Map.Map Id Token -> Token -> Maybe Token
getClosestCommand tree t =
findFirst findCommand $ getPath tree t
findCommand t =
case t of
T_Redirecting {} -> return True
T_Script {} -> return False
_ -> Nothing
getClosestCommandM t = do
tree <- asks parentMap
return $ getClosestCommand tree t
usedAsCommandName tree token = go (getId token) (tail $ getPath tree token)
go currentId (T_NormalWord id [word]:rest)
| currentId == getId word = go id rest
go currentId (T_DoubleQuoted id [word]:rest)
| currentId == getId word = go id rest
go currentId (T_SimpleCommand _ _ (word:_):_)
| currentId == getId word = True
go _ _ = False
getPath tree t = t :
case Map.lookup (getId t) tree of
Nothing -> []
Just parent -> getPath tree parent
getPathM t = do
map <- asks parentMap
return $ getPath map t
isParentOf tree parent child =
elem (getId parent) . map getId $ getPath tree child
parents params = getPath (parentMap params)
pathTo t = do
parents <- reader parentMap
return $ getPath parents t
findFirst :: (a -> Maybe Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
findFirst p l =
case l of
[] -> Nothing
(x:xs) ->
case p x of
Just True -> return x
Just False -> Nothing
Nothing -> findFirst p xs
tokenIsJustCommandOutput t = case t of
T_NormalWord id [T_DollarExpansion _ cmds] -> check cmds
T_NormalWord id [T_DoubleQuoted _ [T_DollarExpansion _ cmds]] -> check cmds
T_NormalWord id [T_Backticked _ cmds] -> check cmds
T_NormalWord id [T_DoubleQuoted _ [T_Backticked _ cmds]] -> check cmds
_ -> False
check [x] = not $ isOnlyRedirection x
check _ = False
getVariableFlow params t =
let (_, stack) = runState (doStackAnalysis startScope endScope t) []
in reverse stack
startScope t =
let scopeType = leadType params t
in do
when (scopeType /= NoneScope) $ modify (StackScope scopeType:)
when (assignFirst t) $ setWritten t
endScope t =
let scopeType = leadType params t
in do
setRead t
unless (assignFirst t) $ setWritten t
when (scopeType /= NoneScope) $ modify (StackScopeEnd:)
assignFirst T_ForIn {} = True
assignFirst T_SelectIn {} = True
assignFirst _ = False
setRead t =
let read = getReferencedVariables (parentMap params) t
in mapM_ (\v -> modify (Reference v:)) read
setWritten t =
let written = getModifiedVariables t
in mapM_ (\v -> modify (Assignment v:)) written
leadType params t =
case t of
T_DollarExpansion _ _ -> SubshellScope "$(..) expansion"
T_Backticked _ _ -> SubshellScope "`..` expansion"
T_Backgrounded _ _ -> SubshellScope "backgrounding &"
T_Subshell _ _ -> SubshellScope "(..) group"
T_CoProcBody _ _ -> SubshellScope "coproc"
T_Redirecting {} ->
if fromMaybe False causesSubshell
then SubshellScope "pipeline"
else NoneScope
_ -> NoneScope
parentPipeline = do
parent <- Map.lookup (getId t) (parentMap params)
case parent of
T_Pipeline {} -> return parent
_ -> Nothing
causesSubshell = do
(T_Pipeline _ _ list) <- parentPipeline
if length list <= 1
then return False
else if not $ hasLastpipe params
then return True
else return . not $ (getId . head $ reverse list) == getId t
getModifiedVariables t =
case t of
T_SimpleCommand _ vars [] ->
concatMap (\x -> case x of
T_Assignment id _ name _ w ->
[(x, x, name, dataTypeFrom DataString w)]
_ -> []
) vars
c@T_SimpleCommand {} ->
getModifiedVariableCommand c
TA_Unary _ "++|" var -> maybeToList $ do
name <- getLiteralString var
return (t, t, name, DataString $ SourceFrom [t])
TA_Unary _ "|++" var -> maybeToList $ do
name <- getLiteralString var
return (t, t, name, DataString $ SourceFrom [t])
TA_Assignment _ op lhs rhs -> maybeToList $ do
guard $ op `elem` ["=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "+=", "-=", "<<=", ">>=", "&=", "^=", "|="]
name <- getLiteralString lhs
return (t, t, name, DataString $ SourceFrom [rhs])
TC_Unary id _ "-v" token -> maybeToList $ do
str <- fmap (takeWhile (/= '[')) $
flip getLiteralStringExt token $ \x ->
case x of
T_Glob _ s -> return s
_ -> Nothing
guard . not . null $ str
return (t, token, str, DataString $ SourceChecked)
T_DollarBraced _ l -> maybeToList $ do
let string = bracedString t
let modifier = getBracedModifier string
guard $ ":=" `isPrefixOf` modifier
return (t, t, getBracedReference string, DataString $ SourceFrom [l])
t@(T_FdRedirect _ ('{':var) op) ->
[(t, t, takeWhile (/= '}') var, DataString SourceInteger) | not $ isClosingFileOp op]
t@(T_CoProc _ name _) ->
[(t, t, fromMaybe "COPROC" name, DataArray SourceInteger)]
T_ForIn id str [] _ -> [(t, t, str, DataString SourceExternal)]
T_ForIn id str words _ -> [(t, t, str, DataString $ SourceFrom words)]
T_SelectIn id str words _ -> [(t, t, str, DataString $ SourceFrom words)]
_ -> []
isClosingFileOp op =
case op of
T_IoDuplicate _ (T_GREATAND _) "-" -> True
T_IoDuplicate _ (T_LESSAND _) "-" -> True
_ -> False
getReferencedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (T_NormalWord _ (T_Literal _ x:_):rest)) =
case x of
"export" -> if "f" `elem` flags
then []
else concatMap getReference rest
"declare" -> if any (`elem` flags) ["x", "p"]
then concatMap getReference rest
else []
"readonly" ->
if any (`elem` flags) ["f", "p"]
then []
else concatMap getReference rest
"trap" ->
case rest of
head:_ -> map (\x -> (head, head, x)) $ getVariablesFromLiteralToken head
_ -> []
_ -> []
getReference t@(T_Assignment _ _ name _ value) = [(t, t, name)]
getReference t@(T_NormalWord _ [T_Literal _ name]) | not ("-" `isPrefixOf` name) = [(t, t, name)]
getReference _ = []
flags = map snd $ getAllFlags base
getReferencedVariableCommand _ = []
getModifiedVariableCommand base@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (T_NormalWord _ (T_Literal _ x:_):rest)) =
filter (\(_,_,s,_) -> not ("-" `isPrefixOf` s)) $
case x of
"read" ->
let params = map getLiteral rest in
catMaybes . takeWhile isJust . reverse $ params
"getopts" ->
case rest of
opts:var:_ -> maybeToList $ getLiteral var
_ -> []
"let" -> concatMap letParamToLiteral rest
"export" ->
if "f" `elem` flags then [] else concatMap getModifierParamString rest
"declare" -> if any (`elem` flags) ["F", "f", "p"] then [] else declaredVars
"typeset" -> declaredVars
"local" -> concatMap getModifierParamString rest
"readonly" ->
if any (`elem` flags) ["f", "p"]
then []
else concatMap getModifierParamString rest
"set" -> maybeToList $ do
params <- getSetParams rest
return (base, base, "@", DataString $ SourceFrom params)
"printf" -> maybeToList $ getPrintfVariable rest
"mapfile" -> maybeToList $ getMapfileArray base rest
"readarray" -> maybeToList $ getMapfileArray base rest
_ -> []
flags = map snd $ getAllFlags base
stripEquals s = let rest = dropWhile (/= '=') s in
if rest == "" then "" else tail rest
stripEqualsFrom (T_NormalWord id1 (T_Literal id2 s:rs)) =
T_NormalWord id1 (T_Literal id2 (stripEquals s):rs)
stripEqualsFrom (T_NormalWord id1 [T_DoubleQuoted id2 [T_Literal id3 s]]) =
T_NormalWord id1 [T_DoubleQuoted id2 [T_Literal id3 (stripEquals s)]]
stripEqualsFrom t = t
declaredVars = concatMap (getModifierParam defaultType) rest
defaultType = if any (`elem` flags) ["a", "A"] then DataArray else DataString
getLiteral t = do
s <- getLiteralString t
when ("-" `isPrefixOf` s) $ fail "argument"
return (base, t, s, DataString SourceExternal)
getModifierParamString = getModifierParam DataString
getModifierParam def t@(T_Assignment _ _ name _ value) =
[(base, t, name, dataTypeFrom def value)]
getModifierParam def t@T_NormalWord {} = maybeToList $ do
name <- getLiteralString t
guard $ isVariableName name
return (base, t, name, def SourceDeclaration)
getModifierParam _ _ = []
letParamToLiteral token =
if var == ""
then []
else [(base, token, var, DataString $ SourceFrom [stripEqualsFrom token])]
where var = takeWhile isVariableChar $ dropWhile (`elem` "+-") $ concat $ oversimplify token
getSetParams (t:_:rest) | getLiteralString t == Just "-o" = getSetParams rest
getSetParams (t:rest) =
let s = getLiteralString t in
case s of
Just "--" -> return rest
Just ('-':_) -> getSetParams rest
_ -> return (t:fromMaybe [] (getSetParams rest))
getSetParams [] = Nothing
getPrintfVariable list = f $ map (\x -> (x, getLiteralString x)) list
f ((_, Just "-v") : (t, Just var) : _) = return (base, t, var, DataString $ SourceFrom list)
f (_:rest) = f rest
f [] = fail "not found"
getMapfileArray base arguments = do
lastArg <- listToMaybe (reverse arguments)
name <- getLiteralString lastArg
guard $ isVariableName name
return (base, lastArg, name, DataArray SourceExternal)
getModifiedVariableCommand _ = []
getIndexReferences s = fromMaybe [] $ do
match <- matchRegex re s
index <- match !!! 0
return $ matchAllStrings variableNameRegex index
re = mkRegex "(\\[.*\\])"
getOffsetReferences mods = fromMaybe [] $ do
match <- matchRegex re mods
offsets <- match !!! 0
return $ matchAllStrings variableNameRegex offsets
re = mkRegex "^ *:([^-=?+].*)"
getReferencedVariables parents t =
case t of
T_DollarBraced id l -> let str = bracedString t in
(t, t, getBracedReference str) :
map (\x -> (l, l, x)) (
getIndexReferences str
++ getOffsetReferences (getBracedModifier str))
TA_Expansion id _ ->
if isArithmeticAssignment t
then []
else getIfReference t t
T_Assignment id mode str _ word ->
[(t, t, str) | mode == Append] ++ specialReferences str t word
TC_Unary id _ "-v" token -> getIfReference t token
TC_Unary id _ "-R" token -> getIfReference t token
TC_Binary id DoubleBracket op lhs rhs ->
if isDereferencing op
then concatMap (getIfReference t) [lhs, rhs]
else []
t@(T_FdRedirect _ ('{':var) op) ->
[(t, t, takeWhile (/= '}') var) | isClosingFileOp op]
x -> getReferencedVariableCommand x
specialReferences name base word =
if name `elem` [
"PS1", "PS2", "PS3", "PS4",
map (\x -> (base, base, x)) $
getVariablesFromLiteralToken word
else []
literalizer t = case t of
TA_Index {} -> return ""
T_Glob _ s -> return s
_ -> Nothing
getIfReference context token = maybeToList $ do
str <- getLiteralStringExt literalizer token
guard . not $ null str
when (isDigit $ head str) $ fail "is a number"
return (context, token, getBracedReference str)
isDereferencing = (`elem` ["-eq", "-ne", "-lt", "-le", "-gt", "-ge"])
isArithmeticAssignment t = case getPath parents t of
this: TA_Assignment _ "=" lhs _ :_ -> lhs == t
_ -> False
dataTypeFrom defaultType v = (case v of T_Array {} -> DataArray; _ -> defaultType) $ SourceFrom [v]
isCommand token str = isCommandMatch token (\cmd -> cmd == str || ('/' : str) `isSuffixOf` cmd)
isUnqualifiedCommand token str = isCommandMatch token (== str)
isCommandMatch token matcher = fromMaybe False $ do
cmd <- getCommandName token
return $ matcher cmd
isConfusedGlobRegex :: String -> Bool
isConfusedGlobRegex ('*':_) = True
isConfusedGlobRegex [x,'*'] | x /= '\\' = True
isConfusedGlobRegex _ = False
isVariableStartChar x = x == '_' || isAsciiLower x || isAsciiUpper x
isVariableChar x = isVariableStartChar x || isDigit x
variableNameRegex = mkRegex "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"
prop_isVariableName1 = isVariableName "_fo123"
prop_isVariableName2 = not $ isVariableName "4"
prop_isVariableName3 = not $ isVariableName "test: "
isVariableName (x:r) = isVariableStartChar x && all isVariableChar r
isVariableName _ = False
getVariablesFromLiteralToken token =
getVariablesFromLiteral (fromJust $ getLiteralStringExt (const $ return " ") token)
prop_getVariablesFromLiteral1 =
getVariablesFromLiteral "$foo${bar//a/b}$BAZ" == ["foo", "bar", "BAZ"]
getVariablesFromLiteral string =
map (!! 0) $ matchAllSubgroups variableRegex string
variableRegex = mkRegex "\\$\\{?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)"
prop_getBracedReference1 = getBracedReference "foo" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference2 = getBracedReference "#foo" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference3 = getBracedReference "#" == "#"
prop_getBracedReference4 = getBracedReference "##" == "#"
prop_getBracedReference5 = getBracedReference "#!" == "!"
prop_getBracedReference6 = getBracedReference "!#" == "#"
prop_getBracedReference7 = getBracedReference "!foo#?" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference8 = getBracedReference "foo-bar" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference9 = getBracedReference "foo:-bar" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference10= getBracedReference "foo: -1" == "foo"
prop_getBracedReference11= getBracedReference "!os*" == ""
prop_getBracedReference12= getBracedReference "!os?bar**" == ""
prop_getBracedReference13= getBracedReference "foo[bar]" == "foo"
getBracedReference s = fromMaybe s $
nameExpansion s `mplus` takeName noPrefix `mplus` getSpecial noPrefix `mplus` getSpecial s
noPrefix = dropPrefix s
dropPrefix (c:rest) = if c `elem` "!#" then rest else c:rest
dropPrefix "" = ""
takeName s = do
let name = takeWhile isVariableChar s
guard . not $ null name
return name
getSpecial (c:_) =
if c `elem` "*@#?-$!" then return [c] else fail "not special"
getSpecial _ = fail "empty"
nameExpansion ('!':rest) = do
let suffix = dropWhile isVariableChar rest
guard $ suffix /= rest
first <- suffix !!! 0
guard $ first `elem` "*?"
return ""
nameExpansion _ = Nothing
prop_getBracedModifier1 = getBracedModifier "foo:bar:baz" == ":bar:baz"
prop_getBracedModifier2 = getBracedModifier "!var:-foo" == ":-foo"
prop_getBracedModifier3 = getBracedModifier "foo[bar]" == "[bar]"
getBracedModifier s = fromMaybe "" . listToMaybe $ do
let var = getBracedReference s
a <- dropModifier s
dropPrefix var a
dropPrefix [] t = return t
dropPrefix (a:b) (c:d) | a == c = dropPrefix b d
dropPrefix _ _ = []
dropModifier (c:rest) | c `elem` "#!" = [rest, c:rest]
dropModifier x = [x]
potentially :: Monad m => Maybe (m ()) -> m ()
potentially = fromMaybe (return ())
headOrDefault _ (a:_) = a
headOrDefault def _ = def
(!!!) list i =
case drop i list of
[] -> Nothing
(r:_) -> Just r
whenShell l c = do
shell <- asks shellType
when (shell `elem` l ) c
filterByAnnotation asSpec params =
filter (not . shouldIgnore)
token = asScript asSpec
idFor (TokenComment id _) = id
shouldIgnore note =
any (shouldIgnoreFor (getCode note)) $
getPath parents (T_Bang $ idFor note)
shouldIgnoreFor num (T_Annotation _ anns _) =
any hasNum anns
hasNum (DisableComment ts) = num == ts
hasNum _ = False
shouldIgnoreFor _ T_Include {} = not $ asCheckSourced asSpec
shouldIgnoreFor _ _ = False
parents = parentMap params
getCode (TokenComment _ (Comment _ c _)) = c
isCountingReference (T_DollarBraced id token) =
case concat $ oversimplify token of
'#':_ -> True
_ -> False
isCountingReference _ = False
isQuotedAlternativeReference t =
case t of
T_DollarBraced _ _ ->
getBracedModifier (bracedString t) `matches` re
_ -> False
re = mkRegex "(^|\\]):?\\+"
return []
runTests = $( [| $(forAllProperties) (quickCheckWithResult (stdArgs { maxSuccess = 1 }) ) |])