name: Rasenschach version: 0.1.1 cabal-version: >=1.2 build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE maintainer: homepage: synopsis: Soccer simulation description: Soccer simulation with simple graphics and highly configurable AI category: Game author: Martin Wöhrle data-files: 13ball.png 15ball.png 17ball.png 20THCENT.TTF 20ball.png 25ball.png 30ball.png SqueakyChalkSound.ttf ballM.wav chalkboard.png tockH.wav whistle.wav data-dir: "" extra-source-files: AI.hs AL.hs Animate.hs BallFSM.hs BasicTypes.hs Command.hs Data/FSM.hs GameFSM.hs GameLoop.hs Global.hs Grid.hs Helper.hs Lineup.hs Message.hs Object.hs ObjectBehaviour.hs ParseTeam.hs Parser.hs Physics.hs PlayerFSM.hs README Render.hs RenderBall.hs RenderGame.hs RenderPlayer.hs RenderUtil.hs Rules.hs States.hs executable Rasenschach build-depends: SDL -any, SDL-gfx -any, SDL-image -any, SDL-mixer -any, SDL-ttf -any, Yampa -any, array -any, base >=3 && <5, containers -any, convertible -any, directory -any, filepath -any, ghc -any, monad-loops -any, template-haskell -any, time -any main-is: Main.hs buildable: True cpp-options: -D NO_DEBUG_MODE extensions: CPP hs-source-dirs: . other-modules: Helper Message RenderBall Grid RenderUtil BallFSM PlayerFSM ObjectBehaviour BasicTypes Lineup Global RenderPlayer Rules ParseTeam Main RenderGame Render States GameLoop Physics GameFSM Command AI Main Parser Object Animate AL Data.FSM ghc-options: -O2