module Cat.Cat (idleTextures, hurtTextures, walkTextures, springBootsTextures, speedBootsTextures, rainBootsTextures, ponchoTextures, shieldTextures, umbrellaTextures, skateboardTextures, pogostickTextures, fallUmbrellaTextures, upsUmbrellaTextures, laserTextures, Cat(Cat), initCat, catPos, catVelocity, catDirection, catTexture, catItemName, catItemDuration, catAnimations, drawCat, catHitbox, catPoly, updateCatVel, updateCatPos, updateCatAnim, updateCatItemDuration) where import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL import Nxt.Graphics import Nxt.Types import Settings.CatSettings as CatSettings import Settings.Path data CatAnimations = CatAnimations { idleTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], hurtTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], walkTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], springBootsTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], speedBootsTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], rainBootsTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], ponchoTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], shieldTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], umbrellaTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], skateboardTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], pogostickTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], fallUmbrellaTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], upsUmbrellaTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], laserTextures :: [Nxt.Types.Texture] } data Cat = Cat { catPos :: Vector2d, catVelocity :: Vector2d, catDirection :: Direction, catTexture :: [Nxt.Types.Texture], catItemName :: String, catItemDuration :: Maybe Int, catAnimations :: CatAnimations } -- initCatAnimations initCatAnimations :: IO CatAnimations initCatAnimations = do dataPath <- getDataDir idleTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-idle/cat-idle") 1 CatSettings.catWalkFrameTime hurtTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-hurt/cat-hurt") 1 CatSettings.catWalkFrameTime walkTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-walk/cat-walk") 10 CatSettings.catWalkFrameTime springBootsTex <- cycleTextures2 (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-springboots/cat-springboots") 3 4 CatSettings.catSpringFrameTime speedBootsTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-speedboots/cat-speedboots") 10 CatSettings.catSpeedFrameTime rainBootsTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-rainboots/cat-rainboots") 10 CatSettings.catRainFrameTime ponchoTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-poncho/cat-poncho") 10 CatSettings.catPonchoFrameTime shieldTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-shield/cat-shield") 10 CatSettings.catShieldFrameTime umbrellaTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-umbrella/cat-umbrella") 10 CatSettings.catUmbrellaFrameTime skateboardTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-skateboard/cat-skateboard") 4 CatSettings.catSkateFrameTime pogostickTex <- cycleTextures2 (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-pogostick/cat-pogostick") 2 3 CatSettings.catPogoFrameTime fallUmbrellaTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-umbrella/cat-fall-umbrella") 1 CatSettings.catFallUmbrellaFrameTime upsUmbrellaTex <- cycleTextures (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-upside-down-umbrella/cat-upside-down-umbrella") 1 CatSettings.catFallUmbrellaFrameTime laserTex <- repeatTexturesN (dataPath ++ "/data/cat/cat-laser/cat-laser") 29 30 38 5 41 3 return (CatAnimations idleTex hurtTex walkTex springBootsTex speedBootsTex rainBootsTex ponchoTex shieldTex umbrellaTex skateboardTex pogostickTex fallUmbrellaTex upsUmbrellaTex laserTex) -- initCat initCat :: Vector2d -> IO Cat initCat initPos = do animations <- initCatAnimations let walkTex = walkTextures animations return (Cat initPos (CatSettings.catWalkVelX, 0.0) DirRight walkTex "" Nothing animations) -- drawCat drawCat :: Cat -> IO () -- the below pattern match is for a very crude hack for the post victory laser screen :( drawCat (Cat (540.0, 340.0) _ _ catTex _ _ _) = Nxt.Graphics.drawTextureFlip 540.0 340.0 (head catTex) (1.0::GLdouble) False drawCat (Cat (catPosX, catPosY) _ catDir catTex _ _ _) = Nxt.Graphics.drawTextureFlip (catPosX - (fromIntegral (textureWidth (head catTex)) / 2)) catPosY (head catTex) (1.0::GLdouble) fliped where fliped = case catDir of DirLeft -> True DirRight -> False -- catHitbox catHitbox :: Cat -> Nxt.Types.Rect catHitbox (Cat (catPosX, catPosY) _ catDir _ _ _ _) = Nxt.Types.Rect (catPosX + xOffset - (width / 2)) catPosY width height where width = 50.0 height = 80.0 xOffset = case catDir of DirRight -> 25.0 DirLeft -> -25.0 -- catPoly catPoly :: Cat -> Nxt.Types.Poly catPoly (Cat (catPosX, catPosY) _ catDir _ _ _ _) = Poly 4 [(catPosX + xOffset - (width / 2), catPosY), (catPosX + xOffset + (width / 2), catPosY), (catPosX + xOffset + (width / 2), catPosY + height), (catPosX + xOffset - (width / 2), catPosY + height)] where width = 50.0 height = 80.0 xOffset = case catDir of DirRight -> 25.0 DirLeft -> -25.0 -- updateCatVel updateCatVel :: Cat -> Nxt.Types.Vector2d -> Cat updateCatVel c@(Cat (catPosX, catPosY) _ catDir _ _ _ _) (newVelX, newVelY) = c {catPos = (catPosX + newVelX, catPosY + newVelY), catVelocity = (newVelX, newVelY), catDirection = newDir} where newDir = if newVelX < 0.0 then DirLeft else if newVelX > 0.0 then DirRight else catDir -- updateCatPos updateCatPos :: Cat -> Nxt.Types.Vector2d -> Cat updateCatPos cat pos = cat {catPos = pos} -- updateCatAnim updateCatAnim :: Cat -> Cat updateCatAnim cat = cat {catTexture = tail (catTexture cat)} -- updateCatItemDuration updateCatItemDuration :: Cat -> Cat updateCatItemDuration c@(Cat _ _ _ _ _ Nothing _) = c updateCatItemDuration c@(Cat _ _ _ _ _ (Just itemDur) anim) = if itemDur <= 0 then c {catItemDuration = Nothing, catItemName = "NoItem", catTexture = walkTextures anim} else c {catItemDuration = Just (itemDur - 1)}