{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- | Unsupervized construction of RNA family models -- For more information on RNA family models consult -- Testcommand: dist/build/RNAlien/RNAlien -i ~egg/initialfasta/RybB.fa -c 3 -o /scr/kronos/egg/temp/ > ~egg/Desktop/alieninitialtest module Main where import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Directory import Bio.Sequence.Fasta import Bio.RNAlienData import Bio.RNAlienLibrary import Data.Maybe import Data.Either.Unwrap import Data.Time import qualified System.FilePath as FP import Paths_RNAlien (version) import Data.Version (showVersion) data Options = Options { inputFastaFilePath :: String, outputPath :: String, inputTaxId :: Maybe Int, inputnSCICutoff :: Maybe Double, inputEvalueCutoff :: Maybe Double, inputBlastDatabase :: Maybe String, lengthFilter :: Bool, coverageFilter :: Bool, singleHitperTax :: Bool, blastSoftmasking :: Bool, inputQuerySelectionMethod :: String, inputQueryNumber :: Int, threads :: Int, taxonomyRestriction :: Maybe String, sessionIdentificator :: Maybe String, performEvaluation :: Bool, checkSetup :: Bool } deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) options :: Options options = Options { inputFastaFilePath = def &= name "i" &= help "Path to input fasta file", outputPath = def &= name "o" &= help "Path to output directory. Default: current working directory", inputTaxId = Nothing &= name "t" &= help "NCBI taxonomy ID number of input RNA organism", inputnSCICutoff = Just (1 :: Double) &= name "z" &= help "Only candidate sequences with a normalized structure conservation index (nSCI) higher than this value are accepted. Default: 1", inputEvalueCutoff = Just (0.001 :: Double) &= name "e" &= help "Evalue cutoff for cmsearch filtering. Default: 0.001", inputBlastDatabase = Just "nt" &= name "b" &= help "Specify name of blast database to use. Default: nt", lengthFilter = True &= name "l" &= help "Filter blast hits per genomic length. Default: True", coverageFilter = True &= name "a" &= help "Filter blast hits by coverage of at least 80%. Default: True", singleHitperTax = False &= name "s" &= help "Only the best blast hit per taxonomic entry is considered. Default: False", blastSoftmasking = False &= name "f" &= help "Toggles blast query softmasking, meaning masking of non-conserved regions on the query. Default: False", inputQuerySelectionMethod = "filtering" &= name "m" &= help "Method for selection of queries (filtering,clustering). Default: filtering", inputQueryNumber = (5 :: Int) &= name "n" &= help "Number of queries used for candidate search. Default: 5", threads = 1 &= name "c" &= help "Number of available cpu slots/cores. Default: 1", taxonomyRestriction = Nothing &= name "r" &= help "Restrict search space to taxonomic kingdom (bacteria,archea,eukaryia). Default: not set", sessionIdentificator = Nothing &= name "d" &= help "Optional session id that is used instead of automatically generated one.", performEvaluation = True &= name "x" &= help "Perform evaluation step. Default: True", checkSetup = False &= name "g" &= help "Just prints installed tool versions and performs connection check. Default: False" } &= summary ("RNAlien " ++ alienVersion) &= help "Florian Eggenhofer, Ivo L. Hofacker, Christian Hoener zu Siederdissen - 2013 - 2017" &= verbosity main :: IO () main = do Options{..} <- cmdArgs options verboseLevel <- getVerbosity let tools = if inputQuerySelectionMethod == "clustering" then ["clustalo","mlocarna","RNAfold","RNAalifold","cmcalibrate","cmstat","cmbuild","RNAz","RNAcode"] else ["mlocarna","RNAfold","RNAalifold","cmcalibrate","cmstat","cmbuild","RNAz","RNAcode"] -- Generate SessionID sessionId <- createSessionID sessionIdentificator timestamp <- getCurrentTime currentWorkDirectory <- getCurrentDirectory let selectedOutputPath = if null outputPath then currentWorkDirectory else outputPath let temporaryDirectoryPath = FP.addTrailingPathSeparator selectedOutputPath ++ sessionId ++ "/" createDirectoryIfMissing False temporaryDirectoryPath networkCheck <- checkNCBIConnection if checkSetup then do toolsCheck <- checkTools tools inputQuerySelectionMethod temporaryDirectoryPath let setupCheckPath = temporaryDirectoryPath ++ "setupCheck" let toolCheckResult = either id id toolsCheck let networkCheckResult = either id id networkCheck writeFile setupCheckPath (toolCheckResult ++ "\n" ++ networkCheckResult ++ "\n") else if isLeft networkCheck then do putStrLn ("Error - Could not contact NCBI server: " ++ fromLeft networkCheck ++ "\n") logMessage ("Error - Could not contact NCBI server: " ++ fromLeft networkCheck ++ "\n") temporaryDirectoryPath else do createDirectoryIfMissing False (temporaryDirectoryPath ++ "log") -- Create Log files writeFile (temporaryDirectoryPath ++ "Log") ("RNAlien " ++ alienVersion ++ "\n") writeFile (temporaryDirectoryPath ++ "log/warnings") ("") logMessage ("Timestamp: " ++ (show timestamp) ++ "\n") temporaryDirectoryPath logMessage ("Temporary Directory: " ++ temporaryDirectoryPath ++ "\n") temporaryDirectoryPath inputFasta <- readFasta inputFastaFilePath if null inputFasta then do putStrLn "Error: Input fasta file is empty." logMessage "Error: Input fasta file is empty.\n" temporaryDirectoryPath else do let iterationNumber = 0 toolsCheck <- checkTools tools inputQuerySelectionMethod temporaryDirectoryPath if isLeft toolsCheck then do putStrLn ("Error - Not all required tools could be found in $PATH: " ++ fromLeft toolsCheck ++ "\n") logMessage ("Error - Not all required tools could be found in $PATH: " ++ fromLeft toolsCheck ++ "\n") temporaryDirectoryPath else do logToolVersions inputQuerySelectionMethod temporaryDirectoryPath let inputSequence = reformatFasta (head inputFasta) initialTaxId <- setInitialTaxId inputBlastDatabase temporaryDirectoryPath inputTaxId inputSequence let checkedTaxonomyRestriction = checkTaxonomyRestriction taxonomyRestriction let staticOptions = StaticOptions temporaryDirectoryPath sessionId (fromJust inputnSCICutoff) inputTaxId singleHitperTax inputQuerySelectionMethod inputQueryNumber lengthFilter coverageFilter blastSoftmasking threads inputBlastDatabase checkedTaxonomyRestriction (setVerbose verboseLevel) let initialization = ModelConstruction iterationNumber inputSequence [] initialTaxId Nothing (fromJust inputEvalueCutoff) False [] [] logMessage (show initialization) temporaryDirectoryPath modelConstructionResults <- modelConstructer staticOptions initialization let resultTaxonomyRecordsCSVTable = constructTaxonomyRecordsCSVTable modelConstructionResults writeFile (temporaryDirectoryPath ++ "result.csv") resultTaxonomyRecordsCSVTable if performEvaluation then do resultEvaluation <- evaluateConstructionResult staticOptions modelConstructionResults appendFile (temporaryDirectoryPath ++ "Log") resultEvaluation resultSummary modelConstructionResults staticOptions writeFile (temporaryDirectoryPath ++ "done") "" else do resultSummary modelConstructionResults staticOptions writeFile (temporaryDirectoryPath ++ "done") "" alienVersion :: String alienVersion = showVersion version