{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

-- | Index structures for left- and right-linear grammars. Do not use this
-- index for general linear- or context-free grammars.
-- Internally, both 'PointL' and 'PointR' work a lot like 'Subword's, but in
-- non-terminals we only store the left- or right part.

module Data.Array.Repa.Index.Points where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Array.Repa.Index
import Data.Array.Repa.Shape
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving
import GHC.Base (quotInt, remInt)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.All

import Data.Array.Repa.ExtShape
import Data.Array.Repa.Index.Subword

-- | A point in left-linear grammars. In @(i:.j)@, @j@ is the non-terminal
-- storage point, @i==0@ always for the non-terminal, while @i>=0@ for
-- terminals, which are on the right of the non-terminal. (This is why
-- left-linear grammars are called left-linear: they recurse on the left).
-- PS: all this left/right talk deals with the RHS of a production rule, the
-- LHS is always a non-terminal ;-)

newtype PointL = PointL (Int:.Int)
  deriving (Eq,Read,Show)

pointL :: Int -> Int -> PointL
pointL i j = PointL (i:.j)
{-# INLINE pointL #-}

-- | A point in right-linear grammars.

newtype PointR = PointR (Int:.Int)

pointR :: Int -> Int -> PointR
pointR i j = PointR (i:.j)
{-# INLINE pointR #-}

-- * Instances

derivingUnbox "PointL"
  [t| PointL -> (Int,Int) |]
  [| \ (PointL (i:.j)) -> (i,j) |]
  [| \ (i,j) -> PointL (i:.j) |]

derivingUnbox "PointR"
  [t| PointR -> (Int,Int) |]
  [| \ (PointR (i:.j)) -> (i,j) |]
  [| \ (i,j) -> PointR (i:.j) |]

instance Shape sh => Shape (sh :. PointL) where
  {-# INLINE [1] rank #-}
  rank   (sh  :. _)
    = rank sh + 1

  {-# INLINE [1] zeroDim #-}
  zeroDim = zeroDim :. PointL (0:.0)

  {-# INLINE [1] unitDim #-}
  unitDim = unitDim :. PointL (0:.1)

  {-# INLINE [1] intersectDim #-}
  intersectDim (sh1 :. PointL (i:.j)) (sh2 :. PointL (k:.l))
    = (intersectDim sh1 sh2 :. PointL (max i k :. min j l))

  {-# INLINE [1] addDim #-}
  addDim (sh1 :. PointL (i:.j)) (sh2 :. PointL (k:.l))
    = addDim sh1 sh2 :. PointL (i+k:.j+l)

  -- NOTE size is calculated NOT as upper-triangular, but linear!
  {-# INLINE [1] size #-}
  size  (sh1 :. PointL (i:.j)) = size sh1 * (j-i)

  {-# INLINE [1] sizeIsValid #-}
  sizeIsValid (sh1 :. PointL (i:.j))
    | size sh1 > 0
    = i>=0 && i<=j && j <= maxBound `div` size sh1
    | otherwise
    = False

  -- NOTE only the @j@ coordinate is used for indexing NTs, @i@ is just for
  -- convenience. @l@ however restricts the NT to some value @>0@ if desired.
  {-# INLINE [1] toIndex #-}
  toIndex (sh1 :. PointL(l:.r)) (sh1' :. PointL(i:.j))
    = toIndex sh1 sh1' * (r-l) + (j-l)

  {-# INLINE [1] fromIndex #-}
  fromIndex (ds :. d) n  = undefined -- fromIndex ds (n `quotInt` d) :. r
      r = undefined

  -- | TODO fix for lower bounds check!
  {-# INLINE [1] inShapeRange #-}
  inShapeRange (zs :. PointL (_:._)) (sh1 :. PointL (l:.n)) (sh2 :. PointL (i:.j))
    = i<=j && l<=i && j<n && (inShapeRange zs sh1 sh2)

  {-# NOINLINE listOfShape #-}
  listOfShape (sh :. PointL (i:.j)) = i : j : listOfShape sh

  {-# NOINLINE shapeOfList #-}
  shapeOfList xx
   = case xx of
    []     -> error $ stage ++ ".toList: empty list when converting to  (_ :. Int)"
    [x]    -> error $ stage ++ ".toList: only single element remaining!"
    i:j:xs -> shapeOfList xs :. PointL (i:.j)

  {-# INLINE deepSeq #-}
  deepSeq (sh :. n) x = deepSeq sh (n `seq` x)

instance ExtShape sh => ExtShape (sh:.PointL) where
  {-# INLINE [1] subDim #-}
  subDim (sh1:.PointL (i:.j)) (sh2:.PointL (k:.l)) = subDim sh1 sh2 :. PointL (i-k:.j-l)
  {-# INLINE [1] rangeList #-}
  rangeList _ _ = error "PointL:rangeList not implemented"

instance NFData PointL where
  rnf (PointL (i:.j)) = i `seq` rnf j
  {-# INLINE rnf #-}

-- TODO maybe vary the left border, too? Since this invalidates that @i==0@ in
-- @PointL (i:.j)@, we would need to make sure that the memoizers for NTs get
-- notified ...

instance Arbitrary PointL where
  arbitrary = do
    b <- choose (0,100)
    return $ pointL 0 b
  shrink (PointL (i:.j))
    | i<j = [pointL i $ j-1]
    | otherwise = []

instance Arbitrary z => Arbitrary (z:.PointL) where
  arbitrary = (:.) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
  shrink (z:.s) = (:.) <$> shrink z <*> shrink s