-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.20.0. -- -- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack -- -- hash: 2e1eaee8b7234a112a27864df9c9c2b2880c16f1768a7e233a90748284b60fa3 name: Parallel-Arrows-BaseSpec version: synopsis: BaseSpecs used for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ and Co. description: BaseSpecs used for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ and Co. This package contains tests for basic features and even skeletons. See the tests for the dummy backend (from @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@) in @src/test@ or one of the backends (e.g. @Parallel-Arrows-Multicore@) for actual implementations. category: Parallelism,Arrows homepage: https://github.com/s4ke/Parrows#readme bug-reports: https://github.com/s4ke/Parrows/issues maintainer: Martin Braun license: MIT license-file: LICENSE.md build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 extra-source-files: package.yaml stack.yaml source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/s4ke/Parrows library hs-source-dirs: src/main ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: Parallel-Arrows-Definition == , base >=4.7 && <5.0 , deepseq , hspec ==2.* , split exposed-modules: BaseSpec.BasicSpecBase BaseSpec.CompleteSpecBase BaseSpec.SkeletonCheckBase BaseSpec.TorusSpecBase other-modules: Paths_Parallel_Arrows_BaseSpec default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite spec type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: DefinitionSpec.hs hs-source-dirs: src/test ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: Parallel-Arrows-BaseSpec , Parallel-Arrows-Definition == , base , hspec ==2.* , split other-modules: DummySpec Paths_Parallel_Arrows_BaseSpec default-language: Haskell2010