module System.OpenCL.Wrappers.ProgramObject 

import Control.Monad.Cont
import System.OpenCL.Wrappers.Types
import System.OpenCL.Wrappers.Errors
import System.OpenCL.Wrappers.Utils
import System.OpenCL.Wrappers.Raw
import Foreign(alloca,peek,withArray,Ptr,nullFunPtr,nullPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe(unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
import Foreign.C
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.ByteString as SBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as SBS

clCreateProgramWithSource :: Context -> String -> IO (Either ErrorCode Program) 
clCreateProgramWithSource ctx source =
    withCString source $ \cSource ->
        withArray [cSource] $ \sourcesP ->
            wrapErrorEither $ raw_clCreateProgramWithSource ctx 1 sourcesP nullPtr

clCreateProgramWithBinary :: Context -> [(DeviceID,SBS.ByteString)] ->  IO (Either ErrorCode Program)
clCreateProgramWithBinary context devbin_pair = 
    withArray (map (fromIntegral . SBS.length) bins) $ \lengths -> 
    withArray (map (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr . bsPtr) bins) $ \binaries ->
    withArray device_list $ \devices -> 
    alloca $ \binary_status ->
    alloca $ \errcode_ret -> do
        program <- raw_clCreateProgramWithBinary context (fromIntegral num_devices) devices lengths binaries binary_status errcode_ret
        errcode <- ErrorCode <$> peek errcode_ret
        binstatus <- ErrorCode <$> peek binary_status
        if errcode == clSuccess && binstatus == clSuccess
            then return $ Right program
            else return $ Left (if errcode == clSuccess then binstatus else errcode)
    where bsPtr (SBS.PS p _ _) = p
          num_devices = length device_list
          (device_list,bins) = unzip devbin_pair
clRetainProgram :: Program -> IO (Maybe ErrorCode) 
clRetainProgram prog = wrapError $ raw_clRetainProgram prog

clReleaseProgram :: Program -> IO (Maybe ErrorCode) 
clReleaseProgram prog = wrapError $ raw_clReleaseProgram prog

clBuildProgram :: Program -> [DeviceID] -> String -> (Maybe BuildProgramCallback) -> Ptr () -> IO (Maybe ErrorCode)
clBuildProgram program devices ops pfn_notifyF user_data = 
    withArray devices $ \device_list -> 
    withCString ops $ \options -> do 
        pfn_notify <- maybe (return nullFunPtr) wrapBuildProgramCallback pfn_notifyF
        wrapError $ raw_clBuildProgram program (fromIntegral num_devices) device_list options pfn_notify user_data
    where num_devices = length devices   

clUnloadCompiler :: IO (Maybe ErrorCode)
clUnloadCompiler = wrapError $ raw_clUnloadCompiler

clGetProgramInfo :: Program -> ProgramInfo -> IO (Either ErrorCode CLProgramInfoRetval)
clGetProgramInfo program (ProgramInfo param_name) = (wrapGetInfo $ raw_clGetProgramInfo program param_name) >>=
    either (return.Left) (\(x,size) -> fmap Right $ let c = (ProgramInfo param_name) in case () of 
            | c == clProgramReferenceCount -> peekOneInfo ProgramInfoRetvalCLUint x
            | c == clProgramContext        -> peekOneInfo ProgramInfoRetvalContext x
            | c == clProgramNumDevices     -> peekOneInfo ProgramInfoRetvalCLUint x
            | c == clProgramDevices        -> peekManyInfo ProgramInfoRetvalDeviceIDList x size
            | c == clProgramSource         -> peekStringInfo ProgramInfoRetvalString x
            | c == clProgramBinarySizes    -> peekManyInfo ProgramInfoRetvalCLsizeiList x size
            | c == clProgramBinaries       -> peekManyInfo ProgramInfoRetvalPtrList x size
            | otherwise                    -> undefined)

clGetProgramBuildInfo :: Program -> DeviceID -> ProgramBuildInfo -> IO (Either ErrorCode CLProgramBuildInfoRetval)
clGetProgramBuildInfo program devID (ProgramBuildInfo param_name) = (wrapGetInfo $ raw_clGetProgramBuildInfo program devID param_name) >>=
    either (return.Left) (\(x,_) -> fmap Right $ let c = (ProgramBuildInfo param_name) in case () of
            | c == clProgramBuildStatus -> peekOneInfo (ProgramBuildInfoRetvalBuildStatus . BuildStatus) x
            | True                      -> peekStringInfo (ProgramBuildInfoRetvalString) x )