name: Octree version: 0.4 stability: beta homepage: package-url: synopsis: Simple unbalanced Octree for storing data about 3D points description: Octree data structure is relatively shallow data structure for space partitioning. category: Data license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Michal J. Gajda copyright: Copyright by Michal J. Gajda '2012 maintainer: bug-reports: build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 tested-with: GHC==7.0.4,GHC==7.4.1,GHC==7.4.2,GHC==7.6.0 source-repository head type: git location: Library build-depends: base>=4.0 && < 4.7, AC-Vector >= 2.3.0, QuickCheck >= 2.4.0 exposed-modules: Data.Octree other-modules: Data.Octree.Internal exposed: True extensions: ScopedTypeVariables -- I do not know how to make it work. To test use: runghc tests/test_Octree.hs Test-suite test_Octree Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Build-depends: base>=4.0 && < 4.7, AC-Vector >= 2.3.0, QuickCheck >= 2.4.0 Main-is: tests/test_Octree.hs