{- Copyright 2013-2021 NGLess Authors - License: MIT -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-} -- | Unit tests are their own programme. -- -- Unit tests written in Haskell have less overhead than full integration tests -- in the tests/ directory, but are not always as convenient. module Main where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.TH import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Text.Parsec (parse) import Text.Parsec.Combinator (eof) import System.Directory (removeDirectoryRecursive) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Conduit as C import Data.Conduit ((.|)) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (execState, modify') import Data.Convertible (convert) import Data.Conduit.Algorithms.Async (conduitPossiblyCompressedFile) import Language import Interpret import Tokens import FileManagement import NGLess import NGLess.NGLEnvironment (setupTestEnvironment) import Interpretation.Unique import Data.Sam import Data.FastQ import Utils.Conduit import Utils.Samtools (samBamConduit) import Utils.Here import qualified Data.GFF as GFF import Tests.Utils import Tests.Count (tgroup_Count) import Tests.FastQ (tgroup_FastQ) import Tests.IntGroups (tgroup_IntGroups) import Tests.Language (tgroup_Language) import Tests.LoadFQDirectory (tgroup_LoadFQDirectory) import Tests.NGLessAPI (tgroup_NGLessAPI) import Tests.Parse (tgroup_Parse) import Tests.Select (tgroup_Select) import Tests.Types (tgroup_Types) import Tests.Validation (tgroup_Validation) import Tests.Vector (tgroup_Vector) import Tests.Write (tgroup_Write) test_FastQ = [tgroup_FastQ] test_Validation = [tgroup_Validation] test_Count = [tgroup_Count] test_Parse = [tgroup_Parse] test_Types = [tgroup_Types] test_NGLessAPI = [tgroup_NGLessAPI] test_Vector = [tgroup_Vector] test_IntGroups = [tgroup_IntGroups] test_Select = [tgroup_Select] test_Language = [tgroup_Language] test_LoadFqDir = [tgroup_LoadFQDirectory] test_Write = [tgroup_Write] -- The main test driver sets up the config options then uses the automatically -- generated function main = do setupTestEnvironment $(defaultMainGenerator) removeDirectoryRecursive "testing_directory_tmp" -- Test Tokens module tokenize' fn t = map snd <$> (tokenize fn t) case_tok_cr = TNewLine @=? (case parse (Tokens.eol <* eof) "test" "\r\n" of { Right t -> t; Left _ -> error "Parse failed"; }) case_tok_single_line_comment = tokenize' "test" with_comment @?= Right expected where with_comment = "a=0# comment\nb=1\n" expected = [TWord "a",TOperator '=',TExpr (ConstInt 0),TNewLine,TWord "b",TOperator '=',TExpr (ConstInt 1),TNewLine] case_tok_single_line_comment_cstyle = tokenize' "test" with_comment @?= Right expected where with_comment = "a=0// comment\nb=1\n" expected = [TWord "a",TOperator '=',TExpr (ConstInt 0),TNewLine,TWord "b",TOperator '=',TExpr (ConstInt 1),TNewLine] case_tok_multi_line_comment = tokenize' "test" with_comment @?= Right expected where with_comment = "a=0/* This\n\nwith\nlines*/\nb=1\n" expected = [TWord "a",TOperator '=',TExpr (ConstInt 0),TIndent 0,TNewLine,TWord "b",TOperator '=',TExpr (ConstInt 1),TNewLine] case_tok_word_ = tokenize' "test" "word_with_underscore" @?= Right expected where expected = [TWord "word_with_underscore"] -- Test Types case_indent_comment = isOk "ParseFailed" $ parsetest indent_comment case_indent_space = isOk "ParseFailed" $ parsetest indent_space indent_comment = "ngless '0.0'\n\ \reads = fastq('input1.fq')\n\ \reads = preprocess(reads) using |read|:\n\ \ read = read[5:]\n\ \ # comment \n" indent_space = "ngless '0.0'\n\ \reads = fastq('input1.fq')\n\ \reads = preprocess(reads) using |read|:\n\ \ read = read[5:]\n\ \ \n" -- Type Validate pre process operations sr i s q = NGOShortRead (ShortRead i s $ VS.generate (B.length q) (convert . B.index q)) case_pre_process_indexation_1 = _evalIndex' (sr "@IRIS" "AGTACCAA" "aa`aaaaa") [Just (NGOInteger 5), Nothing] @?= (sr "@IRIS" "CAA" "aaa") case_pre_process_indexation_2 = _evalIndex' (sr "@IRIS" "AGTACCAA" "aa`aaaaa") [Nothing, Just (NGOInteger 3)] @?= (sr "@IRIS" "AGT" "aa`") case_pre_process_indexation_3 = _evalIndex' (sr "@IRIS" "AGTACCAA" "aa`aaaaa") [Just (NGOInteger 2), Just (NGOInteger 5)] @?= (sr "@IRIS" "TAC" "`aa") _evalIndex' a b = case _evalIndex a b of Right v -> v Left err -> error (show err) case_pre_process_length_1 = _evalUnary UOpLen (sr "@IRIS" "AGTACCAA" "aa`aaaaa") @?= Right (NGOInteger 8) case_bop_gte_1 = evalBinary BOpGTE (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool True) case_bop_gte_2 = evalBinary BOpGTE (NGOInteger 11) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool True) case_bop_gte_3 = evalBinary BOpGTE (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 11) @?= Right (NGOBool False) case_bop_gt_1 = evalBinary BOpGT (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool False) case_bop_gt_2 = evalBinary BOpGT (NGOInteger 11) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool True) case_bop_gt_3 = evalBinary BOpGT (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 11) @?= Right (NGOBool False) case_bop_lt_1 = evalBinary BOpLT (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool False) case_bop_lt_2 = evalBinary BOpLT (NGOInteger 11) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool False) case_bop_lt_3 = evalBinary BOpLT (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 11) @?= Right (NGOBool True) case_bop_lte_1 = evalBinary BOpLTE (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool True) case_bop_lte_2 = evalBinary BOpLTE (NGOInteger 11) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool False) case_bop_lte_3 = evalBinary BOpLTE (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 11) @?= Right (NGOBool True) case_bop_eq_1 = evalBinary BOpEQ (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool True) case_bop_eq_2 = evalBinary BOpEQ (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 0) @?= Right (NGOBool False) case_bop_neq_1 = evalBinary BOpNEQ (NGOInteger 0) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool True) case_bop_neq_2 = evalBinary BOpNEQ (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOBool False) case_bop_add_1 = evalBinary BOpAdd (NGOInteger 0) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOInteger 10) case_bop_add_2 = evalBinary BOpAdd (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 0) @?= Right (NGOInteger 10) case_bop_add_3 = evalBinary BOpAdd (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOInteger 20) case_bop_mul_1 = evalBinary BOpMul (NGOInteger 0) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOInteger 0) case_bop_mul_2 = evalBinary BOpMul (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 0) @?= Right (NGOInteger 0) case_bop_mul_3 = evalBinary BOpMul (NGOInteger 10) (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOInteger 100) case_bop_add_path_1 = evalBinary BOpPathAppend (NGOString "dir") (NGOString "file") @?= Right (NGOString "dir/file") case_bop_add_path_2 = evalBinary BOpPathAppend (NGOString "dir/subdir") (NGOString "file") @?= Right (NGOString "dir/subdir/file") case_bop_add_path_3 = evalBinary BOpPathAppend (NGOString "dir/subdir/") (NGOString "file") @?= Right (NGOString "dir/subdir/file") case_bop_add_path_4 = evalBinary BOpPathAppend (NGOString "../dir/subdir/") (NGOString "file") @?= Right (NGOString "../dir/subdir/file") case_bop_add_path_5 = evalBinary BOpPathAppend (NGOString "/abs/dir/subdir/") (NGOString "file") @?= Right (NGOString "/abs/dir/subdir/file") case_uop_minus_1 = _evalUnary UOpMinus (NGOInteger 10) @?= Right (NGOInteger (-10)) case_uop_minus_2 = _evalUnary UOpMinus (NGOInteger (-10)) @?= Right (NGOInteger 10) -- case_template_id = takeBaseNameNoExtensions "a/B/c/d/xpto_1.fq" @?= takeBaseNameNoExtensions "a/B/c/d/xpto_1.fq" case_template = takeBaseNameNoExtensions "a/B/c/d/xpto_1.fq" @?= "xpto_1" samStats :: FilePath -> NGLessIO (Int, Int, Int) samStats fname = C.runConduit (samBamConduit fname .| linesVC 1024 .| samStatsC) >>= runNGLess case_sam20 = do sam <- testNGLessIO $ asTempFile sam20 "sam" >>= samStats sam @?= (5,0,0) where sam20 = [here| @SQ SN:I LN:230218 @PG ID:bwa PN:bwa VN:0.7.7-r441 CL:/home/luispedro/.local/share/ngless/bin/ngless-0.0.0-bwa mem -t 1 /home/luispedro/.local/share/ngless/data/sacCer3/Sequence/BWAIndex/reference.fa.gz /tmp/preprocessed_sample20.fq1804289383846930886.gz IRIS:7:1:17:394#0 4 * 0 0 * * 0 0 GTCAGGACAAGAAAGACAANTCCAATTNACATT aaabaa`]baaaaa_aab]D^^`b`aYDW]aba AS:i:0 XS:i:0 IRIS:7:1:17:800#0 4 * 0 0 * * 0 0 GGAAACACTACTTAGGCTTATAAGATCNGGTTGCGG ababbaaabaaaaa`]`ba`]`aaaaYD\\_a``XT AS:i:0 XS:i:0 IRIS:7:1:17:1757#0 4 * 0 0 * * 0 0 TTTTCTCGACGATTTCCACTCCTGGTCNAC aaaaaa``aaa`aaaa_^a```]][Z[DY^ AS:i:0 XS:i:0 IRIS:7:1:17:1479#0 4 * 0 0 * * 0 0 CATATTGTAGGGTGGATCTCGAAAGATATGAAAGAT abaaaaa`a```^aaaaa`_]aaa`aaa__a_X]`` AS:i:0 XS:i:0 IRIS:7:1:17:150#0 4 * 0 0 * * 0 0 TGATGTACTATGCATATGAACTTGTATGCAAAGTGG abaabaa`aaaaaaa^ba_]]aaa^aaaaa_^][aa AS:i:0 XS:i:0 |] -- Parse GFF lines case_trim_attrs_1 = GFF._trimString " x = 10" @?= "x = 10" case_trim_attrs_2 = GFF._trimString " x = 10 " @?= "x = 10" case_trim_attrs_3 = GFF._trimString "x = 10 " @?= "x = 10" case_trim_attrs_4 = GFF._trimString "x = 10" @?= "x = 10" case_trim_attrs_5 = GFF._trimString " X " @?= "X" case_parse_gff_line = GFF.readGffLine gff_line @?= Right gff_structure where gff_line = "chrI\tunknown\texon\t4124\t4358\t.\t-\t.\tgene_id \"Y74C9A.3\"; transcript_id \"NM_058260\"; gene_name \"Y74C9A.3\"; p_id \"P23728\"; tss_id \"TSS14501\";" gff_structure = GFF.GffLine "chrI" "unknown" "exon" 4124 4358 Nothing GFF.GffNegStrand (-1) attrsExpected attrsExpected = [("gene_id","Y74C9A.3"), ("transcript_id" ,"NM_058260"), ("gene_name", "Y74C9A.3"), ("p_id", "P23728"), ("tss_id", "TSS14501")] -- _parseGffAttributes case_parse_gff_atributes_normal_1 = GFF._parseGffAttributes "ID=chrI;dbxref=NCBI:NC_001133;Name=chrI" @?= [("ID","chrI"),("dbxref","NCBI:NC_001133"),("Name","chrI")] case_parse_gff_atributes_normal_2 = GFF._parseGffAttributes "gene_id=chrI;dbxref=NCBI:NC_001133;Name=chrI" @?= [("gene_id","chrI"),("dbxref","NCBI:NC_001133"),("Name","chrI")] case_parse_gff_atributes_trail_del = GFF._parseGffAttributes "gene_id=chrI;dbxref=NCBI:NC_001133;Name=chrI;" @?= [("gene_id","chrI"),("dbxref","NCBI:NC_001133"),("Name","chrI")] case_parse_gff_atributes_trail_del_space = GFF._parseGffAttributes "gene_id=chrI;dbxref=NCBI:NC_001133;Name=chrI; " @?= [("gene_id","chrI"),("dbxref","NCBI:NC_001133"),("Name","chrI")] case_calc_sam_stats = testNGLessIO (samStats "test_samples/sample.sam.gz") >>= \r -> r @?= (2772,1310,1299) --- Unique.hs --File "test_samples/data_set_repeated.fq" has 216 reads in which 54 are unique. countC = loop (0 :: Int) where loop !n = C.await >>= maybe (return n) (const (loop $ n+1)) make_unique_test n = let enc = SolexaEncoding in do nuniq <- testNGLessIO $ do newfp <- performUnique "test_samples/data_set_repeated.fq" enc n C.runConduit $ conduitPossiblyCompressedFile newfp .| linesC .| fqDecodeC "testing" enc .| countC let n' = min n 4 nuniq @?= (n' * 54) case_unique_1 = make_unique_test 1 case_unique_2 = make_unique_test 2 case_unique_3 = make_unique_test 3 case_unique_4 = make_unique_test 4 case_unique_5 = make_unique_test 5 case_recursiveAnalyze = execState (recursiveAnalyse countFcalls expr) 0 @?= (1 :: Int) where countFcalls (FunctionCall _ _ _ _) = modify' (+1) countFcalls _ = return () expr = Assignment (Variable "varname") (FunctionCall (FuncName "count") (Lookup Nothing (Variable "mapped")) [(Variable "features", ListExpression [ConstStr "seqname"]) ,(Variable "multiple", ConstSymbol "all1")] Nothing) case_expand_path = do expandPath' "/nothing1/file.txt" [] @?= ["/nothing1/file.txt"] expandPath' "/nothing2/file.txt" [undefined] @?= ["/nothing2/file.txt"] expandPath' "/nothing3/file.txt" ["/home/luispedro/my-directory"] @?= ["/nothing3/file.txt"] expandPath' "<>/nothing4/file.txt" ["/home/luispedro/my-directory1"] @?= ["/home/luispedro/my-directory1/nothing4/file.txt"] expandPath' "<>/nothing4/file.txt" ["refs=/home/luispedro/my-directory1"] @?= [] expandPath' "<>/nothing/file.txt" ["/home/luispedro/my-directory" ,"/home/alternative/your-directory"] @?= ["/home/luispedro/my-directory/nothing/file.txt" ,"/home/alternative/your-directory/nothing/file.txt"] expandPath' "/nothing/file.txt" ["/home/luispedro/my-directory" ,"/home/alternative/your-directory"] @?= ["/home/luispedro/my-directory/nothing/file.txt" ,"/home/alternative/your-directory/nothing/file.txt"] expandPath' "/nothing/file.txt" ["refs=/home/luispedro/my-directory" ,"/home/alternative/your-directory"] @?= ["/home/luispedro/my-directory/nothing/file.txt" ,"/home/alternative/your-directory/nothing/file.txt"] expandPath' "/nothing/file.txt" ["refs=/home/luispedro/my-directory" ,"nope=/home/alternative/your-directory"] @?= ["/home/luispedro/my-directory/nothing/file.txt"] expandPath' "/nothing/file.txt" ["other=/home/luispedro/my-directory" ,"nope=/home/alternative/your-directory"] @?= [] expandPath' "/nothing/file.txt" [] @?= []