# NGLess: NGS Processing with Less Work ![NGLess logo](NGLess-logo-128x64.png) Ngless is a domain-specific language for NGS (next-generation sequencing data) processing. 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If you are using NGLess, please cite: > _NG-meta-profiler: fast processing of metagenomes using NGLess, a > domain-specific language_ by Luis Pedro Coelho, Renato Alves, Paulo Monteiro, > Jaime Huerta-Cepas, Ana Teresa Freitas, Peer Bork, Microbiome (2019) > [https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-019-0684-8](https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-019-0684-8) ![NGLess cartoon](docs/NGLess-cartoon.svg) ## Example ngless "1.4" input = fastq(['ctrl1.fq','ctrl2.fq','stim1.fq','stim2.fq']) input = preprocess(input) using |read|: read = read[5:] read = substrim(read, min_quality=26) if len(read) < 31: discard mapped = map(input, reference='hg19') write(count(mapped, features=['gene']), ofile='gene_counts.csv', format={csv}) ## Installing See the [install documentation](https://ngless.embl.de/install.html) for more information. ### Bioconda The recommended way to install NGLess is through [bioconda](https://bioconda.github.io): conda install -c bioconda ngless ### Docker Alternatively, a docker container with NGLess is available at [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/nglesstoolkit/ngless): docker run -v $PWD:/workdir -w /workdir -it nglesstoolkit/ngless:1.4.0 ngless --version Adapt the mount flags (``-v``) as needed. ### Linux You can download a [statically linked version of NGless 1.4.0](https://github.com/ngless-toolkit/ngless/releases/download/v1.4.0/NGLess-v1.4.0-Linux-static-full) This should work across a wide range of Linux versions (please [report](https://github.com/ngless-toolkit/ngless/issues) any issues you encounter): curl -L -O https://github.com/ngless-toolkit/ngless/releases/download/v1.4.0/NGLess-v1.4.0-Linux-static-full chmod +x NGLess-v1.4.0-Linux-static-full ./NGLess-v1.4.0-Linux-static-full This downloaded file bundles bwa, samtools and megahit (also statically linked). ### From Source Installing/compiling from source is also possible. Clone [https://github.com/ngless-toolkit/ngless](https://github.com/ngless-toolkit/ngless) #### Dependencies The simplest way to get an environment with all the dependencies is to use conda: conda create -n ngless conda activate ngless conda config --add channels conda-forge conda install stack cairo bzip2 gmp zlib perl wget xz pkg-config make You should have `gcc` installed (or another C-compiler). The following sequence of commands should download and build the software git clone https://github.com/ngless-toolkit/ngless cd ngless stack setup make To install, you can use the following command (replace `` with the directory where you wish to install, default is `/usr/local`): make make ## Running Sample Test Scripts on Local Machine For developers who have successfully compiled and installed NGless, running the test scripts in the `tests` folder would be the next line of action to have the output of sample test cases. cd tests Once in the `test` directory, select any of the test folders to run NGless. For example, here we would run the `regression-fqgz` test: cd regression-fqgz ngless ungzip.ngl After running this script open the newly generated folder `ungzip.ngl.output_ngless` and view the template in the **index.html** file. For developers who have done this much more datasets for testing purposes can be referenced and used by reading these documentation links: **[Human Gut Metagenomics Functional & Taxonomic Profiling](https://ngless.embl.de/tutorial-gut-metagenomics.html#)** **[Ocean Metagenomics Functional Profiling](https://ngless.embl.de/tutorial-ocean-metagenomics.html)** **[Ocean Metagenomics Assembly and Gene Prediction](https://ngless.embl.de/tutorial-assembly-gp.html)** ## More information - [Full documentation](https://ngless.embl.de/) - [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)](https://ngless.embl.de/faq.html) - [ngless mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ngless) - [What's new log](https://ngless.embl.de/whatsnew.html) - [NGless 1.4.0 Release Documentation](https://ngless.embl.de/whatsnew.html#version-1-4-0) ## Authors - [Luis Pedro Coelho](https://luispedro.org) (email: [luispedro@big-data-biology.org](mailto:luispedro@big-data-biology.org)) (on twitter: [@luispedrocoelho](https://twitter.com/luispedrocoelho)) - Paulo Monteiro - Renato Alves - [Ana Teresa Freitas](https://web.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/ana.freitas/) - Peer Bork