{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances, FunctionalDependencies #-}

{- |
Copyright    : 2006-2007 Cale Gibbard, Russell O'Connor, Dan Doel, Remi Turk, Eric Kidd.
License      : OtherLicense
Stability    : experimental
Portability  : non-portable (multi-parameter type classes, undecidable instances)

A type class for random number generation monads.  See
<http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/NewMonads/MonadRandom> for the original
version of this code.

Instances of this type class include 'Control.Monad.Random.Rand' and
monads created using 'Control.Monad.Random.RandT'.


module Control.Monad.Random.Class (
    ) where

import System.Random

-- | An interface to random number generation monads.
class (Monad m) => MonadRandom m where
    -- | Return a randomly-selected value of type @a@.  See
    -- 'System.Random.random' for details.
    getRandom :: (Random a) => m a
    -- | Return an infinite stream of random values of type @a@.  See
    -- 'System.Random.randoms' for details.
    getRandoms :: (Random a) => m [a]
    -- | Return a randomly-selected value of type @a@ in the range
    -- /[lo,hi]/.  See 'System.Random.randomR' for details.
    getRandomR :: (Random a) => (a,a) -> m a
    -- | Return an infinite stream of randomly-selected value of type @a@
    -- in the range /[lo,hi]/.  See 'System.Random.randomRs' for details.
    getRandomRs :: (Random a) => (a,a) -> m [a]

-- | An interface to monads with splittable state (as most random number generation monads will have).
-- The intention is that the 'getSplit' action splits the state, returning one half of the result, and
-- setting the new state to the other.
class (Monad m) => MonadSplit s m | m -> s where
    getSplit :: m s