{- arch-tag: CSV tests main file Copyright (C) 2005-2011 John Goerzen All rights reserved. For license and copyright information, see the file LICENSE -} module Str.CSVtest(tests) where import Test.HUnit import Data.CSV import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec test_csv = let f inp exp = TestLabel inp $ TestCase $ exp @=? case parse csvFile "" inp of Right x -> Right x Left y -> Left (show y) in [ f "" (Right []), f "\n" (Right [[""]]), f "1,2,3\n" (Right [["1", "2", "3"]]), f "This is a,Test,Really\n" (Right [["This is a", "Test", "Really"]]), f "l1\nl2\n" (Right [["l1"], ["l2"]]), f "NQ,\"Quoted\"\n" (Right [["NQ", "Quoted"]]), f "1Q,\"\"\"\"\n" (Right [["1Q", "\""]]), f ",\"\"\n" (Right [["", ""]]), f "\"Embedded\"\"Quote\"\n" (Right [["Embedded\"Quote"]]) ] tests = TestList [TestLabel "csv" (TestList test_csv)]