MiniAgda by Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter --- opening "" --- --- scope checking --- --- type checking --- type Nat : Set term : < : Nat > term Nat.succ : ^(n : Nat) -> < Nat.succ n : Nat > term add : Nat -> Nat -> Nat { add = \ y -> y ; add (Nat.succ x) = \ y -> Nat.succ (add x y) } type Stream : - Size -> Set term Stream.cons : .[i : Size] -> ^(y1 : Nat) -> ^(y2 : Stream i) -> < Stream.cons i y1 y2 : Stream $i > term tail : Stream # -> Stream # { tail (Stream.cons [.#] x xs) = xs } term head : Stream # -> Nat { head (Stream.cons [.#] x xs) = x } term nth : Nat -> Stream # -> Nat { nth xs = head xs ; nth (Nat.succ x) xs = nth x (tail xs) } term one : Nat term one = Nat.succ term fib' : (x : Nat) -> (y : Nat) -> .[i : Size] -> Stream i { fib' x y $[i < #] = Stream.cons [i] x (fib' y (add x y) [i]) } term fib : Stream # term fib = fib' one one [?2] term four : Nat term four = Nat.succ (Nat.succ (Nat.succ one)) term fibfour : Nat term fibfour = nth four fib type Leq : ^ Nat -> ^ Nat -> Set term Leq.lqz : .[x : Nat] -> < Leq.lqz x : Leq x > term Leq.lqs : .[x : Nat] -> .[y : Nat] -> ^(y2 : Leq x y) -> < Leq.lqs x y y2 : Leq (Nat.succ x) (Nat.succ y) > type Increasing : - Size -> ^ Stream # -> Set term : .[i : Size] -> .[x : Nat] -> .[y : Nat] -> ^(y3 : Leq x y) -> .[tl : Stream #] -> ^(y5 : Increasing i (Stream.cons [#] y tl)) -> < i x y y3 tl y5 : Increasing $i (Stream.cons [#] x (Stream.cons [#] y tl)) > type Eq : ++(A : Set) -> ^(a : A) -> ^ A -> Set term Eq.refl : .[A : Set] -> .[a : A] -> < Eq.refl : Eq A a a > term proof : Eq (Stream #) (tail fib) (tail fib) term proof = Eq.refl term double : Stream # -> Stream # term double = \ s -> Stream.cons [?3] (head s) s type Bool : Set term : < : Bool > term Bool.ff : < Bool.ff : Bool > term leq : Nat -> Nat -> Bool { leq y = ; leq (Nat.succ x) = Bool.ff ; leq (Nat.succ x) (Nat.succ y) = leq x y } term ite : Bool -> .[A : Set] -> A -> A -> A { ite [A] a1 a2 = a1 ; ite Bool.ff [A] a1 a2 = a2 } term merge : .[i : Size] -> (Nat -> Nat -> Bool) -> Stream # -> Stream # -> Stream i { merge $[i < #] le (Stream.cons [.#] x xs) (Stream.cons [.#] y ys) = ite (le x y) [Stream $i] (Stream.cons [i] x (merge [i] le xs (Stream.cons [#] y ys))) (Stream.cons [i] y (merge [i] le (Stream.cons [#] x xs) ys)) } term first : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> A -> B -> A { first [A] [B] a b = a } term map : .[i : Size] -> (Nat -> Nat) -> Stream i -> Stream i { map $[i < #] f (Stream.cons [.i] x xl) = Stream.cons [i] (f x) (map [i] f xl) } term evil : .[i : Size] -> Stream i { evil $[i < #] = map [$i] (\ y -> Nat.succ y) (Stream.cons [i] (evil [i])) } --- evaluating --- fibfour has whnf (head (tail (tail (tail (tail (fib' one one ?2)))))) fibfour evaluates to head (tail (tail (tail (tail (fib' (Nat.succ (Nat.succ ?2))))) --- closing "" ---