MiniAgda by Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter --- opening "" --- --- scope checking --- --- type checking --- type Bool : Set term Bool.true : < Bool.true : Bool > term Bool.false : < Bool.false : Bool > type List : ++(A : Set) -> Set term List.nil : .[A : Set] -> < List.nil : List A > term List.cons : .[A : Set] -> ^(head : A) -> ^(tail : List A) -> < List.cons head tail : List A > type Prod : ++(A : Set) -> ++(B : Set) -> Set term Prod.pair : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> ^(fst : A) -> ^(snd : B) -> < Prod.pair fst snd : Prod A B > term fst : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> (pair : Prod A B) -> A { fst [A] [B] (Prod.pair #fst #snd) = #fst } term snd : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> (pair : Prod A B) -> B { snd [A] [B] (Prod.pair #fst #snd) = #snd } type Id : ^(a : Bool) -> ^ Bool -> Set block fails as expected, error message: Id /// constructor Id.refl /// new Id : (^(a : Bool::Tm) -> ^ Bool -> Set) /// new a : Bool /// inferExpr: expected Id a to be a type! --- evaluating --- --- closing "" ---