module Database.MetaHDBC.SqlTypeIdExpQ
( fromSqlTypeId, toSqlTypeId
, fromSqlColDesc, toSqlColDesc
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Database.HDBC
import Data.Convertible
fromSqlColDesc :: SqlColDesc -> ExpQ
fromSqlColDesc desc =
case (colNullable desc) of
(Just False) -> fromSqlTypeId (colType desc)
_ -> [| maybeFromTypeId $(fromSqlTypeId (colType desc)) |]
maybeFromTypeId :: Convertible SqlValue a => (SqlValue -> a) -> (SqlValue -> Maybe a)
maybeFromTypeId _ = fromSql
toSqlColDesc :: SqlColDesc -> ExpQ
toSqlColDesc desc =
case (colNullable desc) of
(Just True) -> [| maybeToTypeId $(toSqlTypeId (colType desc)) |]
_ -> toSqlTypeId (colType desc)
maybeToTypeId :: Convertible a SqlValue => (a -> SqlValue) -> (Maybe a -> SqlValue)
maybeToTypeId _ = toSql
fromSqlTypeId :: SqlTypeId -> ExpQ
fromSqlTypeId SqlCharT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlVarCharT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlLongVarCharT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlWCharT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlWVarCharT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlWLongVarCharT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlSmallIntT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Int) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlIntegerT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Int) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlTinyIntT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Int) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlBigIntT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Integer) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlRealT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Float) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlFloatT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Float) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlDoubleT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Double) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlDecimalT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Double) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlNumericT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Double) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlBinaryT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlVarBinaryT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlLongVarBinaryT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlDateT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlTimeT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlTimestampT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlUTCDateTimeT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlUTCTimeT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId (SqlIntervalT _) = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlBitT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Bool) |]
fromSqlTypeId SqlGUIDT = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> Bool) |]
fromSqlTypeId (SqlUnknownT _) = [| fromSql :: (SqlValue -> String) |]
toSqlTypeId :: SqlTypeId -> ExpQ
toSqlTypeId SqlCharT = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlVarCharT = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlLongVarCharT = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlWCharT = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlWVarCharT = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlWLongVarCharT = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlSmallIntT = [| toSql :: (Int -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlIntegerT = [| toSql :: (Int -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlTinyIntT = [| toSql :: (Int -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlBigIntT = [| toSql :: (Integer -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlRealT = [| toSql :: (Float -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlFloatT = [| toSql :: (Float -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlDoubleT = [| toSql :: (Double -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlDecimalT = [| toSql :: (Double -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlNumericT = [| toSql :: (Double -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlBinaryT = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlVarBinaryT = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId SqlLongVarBinaryT = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId (SqlUnknownT _) = [| toSql :: (String -> SqlValue) |]
toSqlTypeId x = error ("toSqlTypeId: " ++ show x ++
" not implemented for SqlTypeIdExpQ.toSqlTypeId yet.")