module Database.MetaHDBC.Connection where import Database.HDBC as HDBC import Database.HDBC.ODBC as HDBC import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as M import Control.Concurrent.MVar {- Caching prepared statements Investigating various optimizations - maybe we can avoid the need for seperate run and prepare statements. * Automatic prepare: ** Change connection to data Connection = (HDBC.Connection, Map String Statement) ** On each execute: *** At compile-time: compute a string stmtId = Module name ++ line number *** At run-time: Lookup the Stement in the map via stmtId *** if do not statement exist then create it *** execute query The computed map-key should be as short as possible. Think about, at compile-time, generating globally unique Int-s. The unique id-s must be attached to a connection somehow, as two identical sql statements with two different connections should be prepared twice. The map (SmartConnection) solution below do just that. We could also compress the string (at compile-time) to archieve better comparison speed. . We can a UTF-8 library to encode the [Char . See also . See also and . = Database generated unique numbers = We could create a table (String, Int), and generate unique numbers this way. Or maybe it could be a single row table with the next unique number. The unique numbers would be generated at compile-time. = Data.Unique = We could use unsafePerformIO and newUnique. But where do we place this call? If we place it in the Template Haskell ExpQ-code (the code to be spliced in) and generate the Unique values at run-time, then the user must place no-inline pragmas and compile with -fno-cse. See . Not a good option. We could also generate the unique values at compile-time. But then what about seperate compilation. Wouldn't that reset the unique counter? And how unique is the Unique? Unique within the splice. Unique within the compilation? If the latter, a combination of (Language.Haskell.TH.currentModule, newUnique) should be safe. = Concurrent statements which are equal (the same SQL) ? = Note, in this context, concurrently do not imply multi-threaded. It just means that we have started to execute a statement and before fetching all the rows, then we start another execution of the same statement. What if we want two statements, containing the same SQL, to be executed concurrently? This cannot not be done, as they are cached and returns the same statement. The user would have to have two connections. If we used (module name, newUnique) then we could actually do it provided that user duplicated his SQL statements. = Module name and line number = * -} type HashTable k v = M.BasicHashTable k v data CachingConnection = CachingConnection { hdbcConnection :: HDBC.Connection , statementMap :: MVar (HashTable String HDBC.Statement) } cachingConnection :: String -> IO CachingConnection cachingConnection dsn = do conn <- connectODBC dsn stmtMap <- newMVar =<< return $ CachingConnection conn stmtMap -- FIXME: remove putStrLn-s cachingPrepare :: CachingConnection -> String -> IO HDBC.Statement cachingPrepare conn sqlStmt = do putStrLn "Entering cachingPrepare" maybeStmt <- withMVar (statementMap conn) (\m -> M.lookup m sqlStmt) case maybeStmt of Just stmt -> putStrLn "Returning existing stmt" >> return stmt Nothing -> secondLookup where secondLookup :: IO HDBC.Statement secondLookup = do -- We do not want the ODBC-call prepare to occur while locking -- the MVar, as it can potentially take a logn time. putStrLn "Creating new stmt" stmt <- prepare (hdbcConnection conn) sqlStmt withMVar (statementMap conn) (\m -> do -- need to make another lookup, in case another thread -- has created the statement in between the first lookup -- and "now". maybeStmt <- M.lookup m sqlStmt case maybeStmt of Just otherThreadsStmt -> return otherThreadsStmt Nothing -> do M.insert m sqlStmt stmt return stmt ) {- import System.IO.Unsafe cachingStmt dsn extendedSql = do (vars, parsedSqlExpr, paramInfo, columnInfo) <- runIO $ inferTypes dsn extendedSql (parmPatterns, parmExpr) <- fromParams (zip vars paramInfo) [| \conn -> $( lamE (map varP parmPatterns) [| do let preStmt = foobar conn parsedSqlExpr rows <- fetchRows preStmt $( parmExpr ) $( if null columnInfo then [| return () |] else [| return $ map ( $(fromRow columnInfo) ) rows |] ) |] ) |] {-# NOINLINE foobar #-} foobar conn parsedSqlExpr = unsafePerformIO ((putStrLn "preparing statement" >> prepare conn parsedSqlExpr) `rethrowDoing` "calling prepare") -- do (conn, params, prepareStmtQ, executeExpQ) <- prepareParts dsn extendedSql -- lamE (map varP (conn:params)) (doE [noBindS (appE [| return . id |] (doE [prepareStmtQ])), executeExpQ]) -}