module MagicHaskeller.LibExcel(module MagicHaskeller.LibExcel, module MagicHaskeller.LibExcelStaged) where
import MagicHaskeller
import MagicHaskeller.LibExcelStaged
import MagicHaskeller.Types(size)
import Control.Monad(liftM2)
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import MagicHaskeller.FastRatio
import qualified Data.Generics as G
import MagicHaskeller.ProgGenSF(mkTrieOptSFIO)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
succOnlyForNumbers = True
last' = (\x xs -> last (x:xs))
ppExcel :: Exp -> Exp
ppExcel (AppE (AppE (AppE (AppE (AppE (AppE (VarE name) e1) e2) e3) e4) e5) e6) | Just stem <- stripPrefix "6'" $ reverse nb = mkUncurried (reverse stem) (map ppExcel [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6])
where nb = nameBase name
ppExcel (AppE (AppE (AppE (AppE (AppE (VarE name) e1) e2) e3) e4) e5) | Just stem <- stripPrefix "5'" $ reverse nb = mkUncurried (reverse stem) (map ppExcel [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5])
where nb = nameBase name
ppExcel (AppE (AppE (AppE (InfixE (Just e1) (VarE name) (Just e2)) e3) e4) e5) | nameBase name == "." = ppExcel $ ((e1 `AppE` (e2 `AppE` e3)) `AppE` e4) `AppE` e5
ppExcel (AppE (AppE (InfixE (Just e1) (VarE name) (Just e2)) e3) e4) | nameBase name == "." = ppExcel $ (e1 `AppE` (e2 `AppE` e3)) `AppE` e4
ppExcel (AppE (AppE (AppE (AppE (ConE name) e1) e2) e3) e4) | nameBase name == "(,,,)" = ppExcel $ TupE [e1, e2, e3, e4]
ppExcel (AppE (AppE (AppE (AppE (VarE name) e1) e2) e3) e4) | nb == "flip" = ppExcel $ ((e1 `AppE` e3) `AppE` e2) `AppE` e4
| nb == "sUBST4" = mkUncurried "sUBSTITUTE" (map ppExcel [e1, e2, e3, mkVarOp lit1 "+" (absE `AppE` e4)])
| Just stem <- stripPrefix "4'" $ reverse nb = mkUncurried (reverse stem) (map ppExcel [e1, e2, e3, e4])
where nb = nameBase name
ppExcel (AppE (InfixE (Just e1) (VarE name) (Just e2)) e3) | nameBase name == "." = ppExcel $ e1 `AppE` (e2 `AppE` e3)
ppExcel (AppE (e@(AppE (AppE (ConE name) p) t)) f) | nameBase name == "(,,)" = ppExcel $ TupE [p,t,f]
ppExcel (AppE (e@(AppE (AppE (VarE name) p) t)) f)
= case reverse $ nameBase name of
"xIdnif" -> mkVarOp (mkUncurried "finD" [char7, mkUncurried "sUBSTITUTE" [mkUncurried "concatenate" [ppp,ppt], ppp, char7, ppExcel $ mkVarOp lit1 "+" (absE `AppE` f) ]]) "-" lit1
"pilf" -> ppExcel $ (ppp `AppE` ppf) `AppE` ppt
"." -> ppExcel (p `AppE` (t `AppE` f))
'3':'\'':stem -> ppExcel $ mkUncurried (reverse stem) [p,t,f]
_ -> ppExcel e `AppE` ppf
where ppp = ppExcel p
ppt = ppExcel t
ppf = ppExcel f
ppExcel (AppE f@(AppE (ConE name) lj) e) | nameBase name == "(,)" = ppExcel $ TupE [lj, e]
ppExcel (AppE (AppE (VarE name) e1) e2) | nb == "fLOOR0" = case ppe2 of LitE (IntegerL n) | n>0 -> floore1e2
| otherwise -> lit0
LitE (RationalL n) | n>0 -> floore1e2
| otherwise -> lit0
AppE (VarE nm) _ | nameBase nm == "pI" -> floore1e2
_ -> mkIF (mkVarOp ppe2 ">" lit0) floore1e2 lit0
| nb == "countStr" = case ppe2 of LitE (StringL "") -> lit0
LitE (StringL _) -> counted
ListE [] -> lit0
ListE _ -> counted
_ -> mkIF (mkVarOp ppe2 "<>" (LitE $ StringL "")) counted lit0
| nb == "dropLeft" = mkUncurried "right" [ppe1, mkVarOp (ppExcel $ lenE `AppE` ppe1) "-" ppe2]
| Just stem <- stripPrefix "2'" $ reverse nb = ppExcel $ mkUncurried (reverse stem) [e1, e2]
where nb = nameBase name
ppe1 = ppExcel e1
ppe2 = ppExcel e2
counted = ppExcel $ mkVarOp (mkVarOp (lenE `AppE` e1) "-" (lenE `AppE` (mkSUBST4 [e1, ppe2, LitE (StringL "")]))) "/" (lenE `AppE` ppe2)
floore1e2 = mkUncurried "fLOOR" [ppe1, ppe2]
ppExcel (AppE (InfixE m@(Just _) op Nothing) e) = ppExcel (InfixE m op (Just e))
ppExcel (AppE (InfixE Nothing op m@(Just _)) e) = ppExcel (InfixE (Just e) op m)
ppExcel (AppE v@(VarE name) e)
= case nameBase name of
"negate" -> case ppe of LitE (IntegerL i) -> LitE $ IntegerL $ (i)
LitE (RationalL r) -> LitE $ RationalL $ (r)
_ -> mkVarOp (LitE $ IntegerL 0) "-" ppe
"abs" -> case ppe of LitE (IntegerL i) -> LitE $ IntegerL $ abs i
LitE (RationalL r) -> LitE $ RationalL $ abs r
ParensE _ -> AppE (ppv v) ppe
_ -> AppE (ppv v) $ ParensE ppe
"floor" -> ppe
"fromIntegral" -> ppe
"succ" -> case ppe of
LitE (IntegerL i) -> LitE $ IntegerL $ succ i
LitE (RationalL r) -> LitE $ RationalL $ succ r
LitE (CharL c) -> LitE $ CharL $ succ c
InfixE (Just (LitE (IntegerL n))) (VarE nm) (Just e)
| nameBase nm == "+" -> mkVarOp (LitE $ IntegerL $ succ n) "+" e
AppE (VarE nm) e
| succOnlyForNumbers &&
nameBase nm == "succ" -> mkVarOp (LitE $ IntegerL 2) "+" e
_ -> AppE (ppv v) ppe
"left1" -> case ppe of
LitE (StringL xs) -> LitE $ StringL $ take 1 xs
ListE es -> ListE $ take 1 $ map ppExcel es
ArithSeqE (FromToR (LitE (IntegerL f)) (LitE (IntegerL t))) -> ListE [LitE $ IntegerL f]
AppE (VarE name) e' | nameBase name == "left1" -> ppe
_ -> AppE leftE $ TupE [ppe, LitE $ IntegerL 1]
"right1" -> case ppe of
LitE (StringL xs) -> LitE $ StringL $ right(xs,1)
ListE es -> ListE $ right(map ppExcel es, 1)
AppE (VarE name) e' | nameBase name == "right1" -> ppe
_ -> AppE rightE $ TupE [ppe, LitE $ IntegerL 1]
"reverse" -> case ppe of
LitE (StringL xs) -> LitE $ StringL $ reverse xs
ListE es -> ListE $ reverse $ map ppExcel es
ArithSeqE (FromToR (LitE (IntegerL f)) (LitE (IntegerL t))) -> ArithSeqE $ FromThenToR (LitE $ IntegerL t) (LitE $ IntegerL $ t1) (LitE $ IntegerL f)
AppE (VarE name) e' | nameBase name == "reverse" -> e'
_ -> AppE reverseE ppe
"len" -> case ppe of
LitE (StringL xs) -> LitE $ IntegerL $ toInteger $ length xs
ListE es -> LitE $ IntegerL $ toInteger $ length es
ArithSeqE (FromToR (LitE (IntegerL f)) (LitE (IntegerL t))) -> LitE $ IntegerL $ t f + 1
AppE (VarE name) e' | nameBase name == "reverse" -> AppE lenE e'
ParensE _ -> AppE lenE ppe
_ -> AppE lenE (ParensE ppe)
"sum" -> case ppe of
AppE (VarE name) e' | nameBase name == "reverse" -> AppE sumE e'
_ -> AppE sumE ppe
"product" -> case ppe of
AppE (VarE name) e' | nameBase name == "reverse" -> AppE productE e'
_ -> AppE productE ppe
nb -> case ppe of
TupE _ -> AppE (ppv v) ppe
ConE name | nameBase name == "()" -> AppE (ppv v) ppe
_ -> AppE (ppv v) (ParensE ppe)
where ppe = ppExcel e
ppExcel e@(VarE _) = ppv e
ppExcel e@(ConE _) = ppv e
ppExcel (AppE f x) = case ppx of
TupE _ -> ppExcel f `AppE` ppx
_ -> ppExcel f `AppE` ParensE ppx
where ppx = ppExcel x
ppExcel (InfixE me1 op me2)
= let j1 = fmap ppExcel me1
j2 = fmap ppExcel me2
in case op of
VarE opname ->
case (j1,j2) of
(Just (LitE (IntegerL i1)), Just (LitE (IntegerL i2))) ->
case nameBase opname of "+" -> LitE $ IntegerL $ i1+i2
"-" -> LitE $ IntegerL $ i1i2
"*" -> LitE $ IntegerL $ i1*i2
_ -> theDefault
(Just (LitE (IntegerL i1)), Just (InfixE (Just (LitE (IntegerL i2))) (VarE inopn) me3))
| nameBase opname == "+" && nameBase inopn `elem` ["+","-"] -> InfixE (Just $ LitE $ IntegerL $ i1+i2) (VarE $ ppopn inopn) me3
(Just e, Just (LitE (IntegerL 1)))
| nameBase opname `elem` ["/","*"] -> e
_ -> theDefault
where theDefault = InfixE j1 (VarE $ ppopn opname) j2
ppExcel (LamE pats e) = LamE pats (ppExcel e)
ppExcel (TupE es) = TupE (map ppExcel es)
ppExcel (ListE es) = ListE (map ppExcel es)
ppExcel (SigE e ty) = ppExcel e `SigE` ty
ppExcel e = e
ppv (VarE name) = VarE $ ppopn name
ppv (ConE name) = ConE $ ppopn name
ppopn name = mkName $ nameBase name
ppdrop m0j e
= case ppExcel e of
AppE (AppE (VarE drn) (LitE (IntegerL i))) list | nameBase drn == "drop" -> droppy (m0j + i) list
ppe -> droppy m0j ppe
where droppy i e = (dropE `AppE` (LitE $ IntegerL i)) `AppE` e
constE = VarE $ mkName "const"
flipE = VarE $ mkName "flip"
plusE = VarE $ mkName "+"
dropE = VarE $ mkName "drop"
reverseE = VarE $ mkName "reverse"
lengthE = VarE $ mkName "length"
sumE = VarE $ mkName "sum"
productE = VarE $ mkName "product"
leftE = VarE $ mkName "left"
rightE = VarE $ mkName "right"
lenE = VarE $ mkName "len"
absE = VarE $ mkName "abs"
mkIF p t f = VarE (mkName "iF") `AppE` TupE [p, t, f]
mkUncurried str es = VarE (mkName str) `AppE` TupE es
mkSUBST4 = mkUncurried "sUBSTITUTE"
mkVarOp e1 op e2 = InfixE (Just e1) (VarE $ mkName op) (Just e2)
char7 = VarE (mkName "char") `AppE` LitE (IntegerL 7)
lit0 = LitE (IntegerL 0)
lit1 = LitE (IntegerL 1)
procSucc n (AppE (VarE name) e) | nameBase name == "succ" = procSucc (n+1) e
procSucc n (LitE (CharL c)) = LitE $ CharL $ iterate succ c `genericIndex` n
procSucc n (LitE (IntegerL i)) = LitE $ IntegerL $ n+i
procSucc n (LitE (RationalL r)) = LitE $ RationalL $ fromInteger n + r
procSucc n e | succOnlyForNumbers = InfixE (Just $ LitE $ IntegerL n) (VarE $ mkName "+") (Just $ ppExcel e)
| otherwise = iterate (AppE (VarE $ mkName "succ")) (ppExcel e) `genericIndex` n
nrnds = repeat 5
mkPgExcel :: IO ProgGenSF
mkPgExcel = mkPGXOpts mkTrieOptSFIO options{tv0=True,nrands=repeat 20,timeout=Just 100000} [] [] excel [[],[],[]]
mkPgExcels :: Int -> IO ProgGenSF
mkPgExcels sz = mkPGXOpts mkTrieOptSFIO options{memoCondPure = \t d -> size t < sz && 0<d , tv0=True,nrands=repeat 20,timeout=Just 100000} [] [] excel [[],[],[]]
(<>) = (/=)
excel = [$(p [| (" " :: [Char], "," :: [Char], "-" :: [Char],
fromIntegral :: Int -> Double, floor :: Double -> Int,
0::Int, 1::Int, (1+)::Int->Int, 3::Int,
0::Double, 1::Double,
(<) :: Int -> Int -> Bool, (<=) :: Int -> Int -> Bool, (<>) :: Int -> Int -> Bool,
(<) :: Double -> Double -> Bool,
(<>) :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool,
not :: (->) Bool Bool, True :: Bool, False :: Bool, aND'2 :: (->) Bool ((->) Bool Bool), oR'2 :: (->) Bool ((->) Bool Bool), iF'3 :: (->) Bool (a -> a -> a),
(,) :: a -> b -> (a,b), (,,) :: a -> b -> c -> (a,b,c), (,,,) :: a -> b -> c -> d -> (a,b,c,d)) |])
++ $(p [| (
left1 :: [Char] -> [Char],
right1 :: [Char] -> [Char],
left'2 :: [Char] -> Int -> [Char],
right'2 :: [Char] -> Int -> [Char],
dropLeft :: [Char] -> Int -> [Char],
mid'3 :: [Char] -> Int -> Int -> [Char],
len :: (->) [Char] Int,
concatenate'2 :: (->) [Char] ([Char] -> [Char]),
concatenatE'3 :: (->) [Char] ([Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]),
concatenaTE'4 :: (->) [Char] ([Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]),
concatenATE'5 :: (->) [Char] ([Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]),
concateNATE'6 :: (->) [Char] ([Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]),
flip cEILING'2 . abs :: Double -> (->) Double Double,
fLOOR0 :: (->) Double (Double -> Double),
rOUND'2 :: (->) Double (Int -> Double),
roundup'2 :: (->) Double (Int -> Double),
rounddown'2 :: (->) Double (Int -> Double),
fIND'3 :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> Maybe Int,
ifERROR'2 :: Maybe a -> a -> a,
fact :: Int -> Maybe Int,
combin'2 :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int,
mOD'2 :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int,
degrees :: Double -> Double,
radians :: Double -> Double,
findIx :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> Int,
sUBsTITUTE'3 :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char],
sUBST4 :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> [Char],
countStr :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Int,
negate :: Int -> Int,
abs :: Int -> Int,
(+) :: (->) Int ((->) Int Int),
() :: Int -> Int -> Int,
(*) :: Int -> Int -> Int,
10 :: Double,
100 :: Double,
1000 :: Double,
negate :: Double -> Double,
abs :: Double -> Double,
sign :: Double -> Double,
(+) :: (->) Double ((->) Double Double),
() :: Double -> Double -> Double,
(*) :: Double -> Double -> Double,
(/) :: Double -> Double -> Double,
pI () :: Double
) |]),
$(p [| (
exp :: Double -> Double,
ln :: Double -> Maybe Double,
sQRT :: Double -> Maybe Double,
power'2 :: Double -> Double -> Maybe Double,
lOG'2 :: Double -> Double -> Maybe Double,
sin :: Double -> Double,
cos :: Double -> Double,
tan :: Double -> Double,
asin :: Double -> Double,
acos :: Double -> Double,
atan :: Double -> Double,
sinh :: Double -> Double,
cosh :: Double -> Double,
tanh :: Double -> Double,
asinh :: Double -> Double,
acosh :: Double -> Double,
atanh :: Double -> Double,
aTAN2'2 :: Double -> Double -> Double
) |]),
[] ]