-- (c) Susumu Katayama
extracted haskell-src-free stuff that can be used with Hat.
(This looks like Bindging.hs....)
module MagicHaskeller.CoreLang where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Data.Array
import Debug.Trace
import qualified MagicHaskeller.PolyDynamic as PD
import Data.Char(chr,ord,isDigit)
import MagicHaskeller.TyConLib
import MagicHaskeller.ReadTHType(thTypeToType)
#ifdef FORCE
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Bits
import Data.Function(fix)
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.List(genericLength, genericIndex)
infixl :$
type Var = Int16
data CoreExpr = S | K | I | B | C | S' | B' | C' | Y
| Lambda CoreExpr | X !Int8
| FunLambda CoreExpr | FunX Int8
| Tuple !Int8
| Primitive {primId :: !Var}
| PrimCon {primId :: !Var}
| Context Dictionary
| CoreExpr :$ CoreExpr
| Case CoreExpr [(Var,Int8,CoreExpr)]
| Fix CoreExpr Int8 [Int8]
| VarName String
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
newtype Dictionary = Dict {undict :: PD.Dynamic} deriving (Show)
instance Ord Dictionary where
compare _ _ = EQ
instance Eq Dictionary where
_ == _ = True
#ifdef FORCE
instance NFData CoreExpr where
rnf (Lambda e) = rnf e
rnf (X i) = rnf i
rnf (Tuple i) = rnf i
rnf (Primitive _) = ()
rnf (c :$ d) = rnf c `seq` rnf d
rnf e = ()
arityCE :: CoreExpr -> Int
arityCE (Lambda e) = 1 + arityCE e
arityCE (FunLambda e) = 1 + arityCE e
arityCE _ = 0
isAbsent :: Int -> CoreExpr -> Bool
isAbsent numArgs expr = isa (2^numArgs 1) expr /= 0
isa :: Integer -> CoreExpr -> Integer
isa bits (X n) = clearBit bits $ fromIntegral n
isa bits (Lambda e) = isa (bits `unsafeShiftL` 1) e `unsafeShiftR` 1
isa bits (f :$ e ) = isa (isa bits f) e
isa bits Primitive{} = bits
isa bits PrimCon{} = bits
isa bits Context{} = bits
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
instance Ord Exp where
compare (VarE n0) (VarE n1) = n0 `compare` n1
compare (VarE n0) _ = LT
compare (ConE n0) (VarE n1) = GT
compare (ConE n0) (ConE n1) = n0 `compare` n1
compare (ConE n0) _ = LT
compare (AppE _ _) (VarE _) = GT
compare (AppE _ _) (ConE _) = GT
compare (AppE e0 f0) (AppE e1 f1) = case compare e0 e1 of EQ -> compare f0 f1
c -> c
compare (AppE _ _) _ = LT
compare a b = show a `compare` show b
instance Read Exp where
readsPrec _ str = [(error "ReadS Exp is not implemented yet", str)]
type VarLib = Array Var PD.Dynamic
type VarPriorityLib = Array Var Int
actualVarName :: String -> Exp
actualVarName = VarE . mkName . stripByd_
stripByd_ ('b':'y':d:'_':name) | isDigit d = name
stripByd_ ('-':'-':'#':name) = dropWhile (=='#') name
stripByd_ name = name
headIsX :: CoreExpr -> Bool
headIsX (Lambda e) = headIsX e
headIsX (FunLambda e) = headIsX e
headIsX (f :$ e) = headIsX f
headIsX (X _) = True
headIsX (FunX _) = True
headIsX _ = False
isAPrimitiveCombinator :: CoreExpr -> Bool
isAPrimitiveCombinator (Lambda e) = isAPrimitiveCombinator e
isAPrimitiveCombinator (FunLambda e) = isAPrimitiveCombinator e
isAPrimitiveCombinator (X _) = True
isAPrimitiveCombinator (FunX _) = True
isAPrimitiveCombinator (Primitive _) = False
isAPrimitiveCombinator (PrimCon _) = False
isAPrimitiveCombinator (Context _) = False
isAPrimitiveCombinator (f :$ e) = isAPrimitiveCombinator f && isAPrimitiveCombinator e
isAPrimitiveCombinator (Fix _ _ _) = True
isAPrimitiveCombinator _ = True
removeAbsents :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
removeAbsents (Lambda e) = removeAbsents e
removeAbsents e
= let args = unboundXs 0 e :: Int
newArity = popCount args
in napply newArity Lambda $ adjustXs args 0 e
adjustXs args dep (Lambda e) = Lambda $ adjustXs args (dep+1) e
adjustXs args dep (X n) | diff >= 0 = X $ fromIntegral (popCount ((bit (fromIntegral diff) 1) .&. args)) + dep
where diff = n dep
adjustXs args dep (f :$ x) = adjustXs args dep f :$ adjustXs args dep x
adjustXs _ _ e = e
unboundXs dep (Lambda e) = unboundXs (dep+1) e
unboundXs dep (X n) | diff>=0 = bit (fromIntegral diff) where diff = ndep
unboundXs dep (f :$ e) = unboundXs dep f .|. unboundXs dep e
unboundXs dep _ = 0
subexprs :: CoreExpr -> [CoreExpr]
subexprs e = sub 0 e
sub dep (Lambda e) = sub (succ dep) e
sub dep e = napply dep Lambda e : concatMap (sub dep) (args e)
branches :: CoreExpr -> [CoreExpr]
branches e = bra 0 e
bra dep (Lambda e) = bra (succ dep) e
bra dep e@(_:$_) = napply dep Lambda e : concatMap (bra dep) (args e)
bra _ _ = []
parentsOfLeaves :: CoreExpr -> [CoreExpr]
parentsOfLeaves e | isALeaf e = []
| otherwise = pol 0 e
pol dep (Lambda e) = pol (succ dep) e
pol dep e = case filter (not . isALeaf) $ args e of [] -> [napply dep Lambda e]
branches -> concatMap (pol dep) branches
args (f :$ e) = e : args f
args _ = []
isALeaf :: CoreExpr -> Bool
isALeaf (Lambda e) = isALeaf e
isALeaf (_ :$ _) = False
isALeaf _ = True
ceToPriority :: VarPriorityLib -> CoreExpr -> Int
ceToPriority vpl (Lambda e) = ceToPriority vpl e
ceToPriority vpl (FunLambda e) = ceToPriority vpl e
ceToPriority vpl (f :$ x) = 1 + ceToPriority vpl f + ceToPriority vpl x
ceToPriority _ (X _) = 0
ceToPriority _ (FunX _) = 0
ceToPriority vpl (Primitive i) = vpl ! i
ceToPriority vpl (PrimCon i) = vpl ! i
ceToPriority vpl (Context dict)= 0
exprToTHExp, exprToTHExpLite :: VarLib -> CoreExpr -> Exp
exprToTHExp vl e = exprToTHExp' True vl $ lightBeta e
exprToTHExpLite vl e = exprToTHExp' False vl $ lightBeta e
exprToTHExp' pretty vl e = x2hsx (fromIntegral $ ord 'a'1 :: Int8) (fromIntegral $ ord 'a' 1) e
where x2hsx :: Int8 -> Int8 -> CoreExpr -> Exp
x2hsx dep fdep (Lambda e) =
case x2hsx (dep+1) fdep e of LamE pvars expr -> LamE (pvar:pvars) expr
expr -> LamE [pvar] expr
where var = mkName [chr $ fromIntegral (dep+1)]
pvar | not pretty || 0 `occursIn` e = VarP var
| otherwise = WildP
x2hsx dep fdep (FunLambda e) =
case x2hsx dep (fdep+1) e of LamE pvars expr -> LamE (pvar:pvars) expr
expr -> LamE [pvar] expr
where var = mkName ['f', chr $ fromIntegral (fdep+1)]
pvar | not pretty || 0 `funOccursIn` e = VarP var
| otherwise = WildP
x2hsx dep fdep (X n) = VarE (mkName [chr $ fromIntegral (dep n :: Int8)])
x2hsx dep fdep (FunX n) = VarE (mkName ['f', chr $ fromIntegral (fdep n)])
x2hsx _ _ (Primitive n) = x2hsxPrim n
x2hsx _ _ (PrimCon n) = x2hsxPrim n
x2hsx dep fdep (p@(Primitive _) :$ e :$ e0 :$ e1) | hdIsCxt e = x2hsxPrim3 dep fdep p e0 e1
x2hsx dep fdep (p@(PrimCon _) :$ e :$ e0 :$ e1) | hdIsCxt e = x2hsxPrim3 dep fdep p e0 e1
x2hsx dep fdep (p@(Primitive _) :$ e0 :$ e1) = x2hsxPrim3 dep fdep p e0 e1
x2hsx dep fdep (p@(PrimCon _) :$ e0 :$ e1) = x2hsxPrim3 dep fdep p e0 e1
x2hsx dep fdep (Y :$ FunLambda e) = case x2hsx dep fdep (FunLambda e) of LamE [WildP] expr -> expr
LamE (WildP:pvs) expr -> LamE pvs expr
expr -> VarE 'fix `AppE` expr
x2hsx dep fdep (Y :$ Lambda e) = case x2hsx dep fdep (Lambda e) of LamE [WildP] expr -> expr
LamE (WildP:pvs) expr -> LamE pvs expr
expr -> VarE 'fix `AppE` expr
x2hsx dep fdep (e0 :$ e1) | hdIsCxt e1 = x2hsx dep fdep e0
| otherwise = x2hsx dep fdep e0 `AppE` x2hsx dep fdep e1
x2hsx dep fdep (Case ce ts) = CaseE (x2hsx dep fdep ce) (map (tsToMatch dep fdep) ts)
x2hsx dep fdep (Fix ce n is)
= case x2hsx dep fdep (FunLambda (napply (fromIntegral n) Lambda ce)) of
LamE (WildP:ps) e -> foldl AppE (LamE ps e) $ map (x2hsx dep fdep . X) is
LamE (VarP name : ps) (CaseE (VarE n) ms)
| VarP n `elem` ps -> LetE [FunD name (map (\(Match p b decls) -> Clause (map (replacePat n p) ps) b decls) ms)]
(foldl AppE (VarE name) $ map (x2hsx dep fdep . X) is)
LamE (VarP name : ps) e -> LetE [FunD name [Clause ps (NormalB e) []]]
(foldl AppE (VarE name) $ map (x2hsx dep fdep . X) is)
x2hsx dep _ (VarName str) = VarE (mkName str)
x2hsx _ _ Y = VarE 'fix
x2hsx _ _ K = VarE 'const
x2hsx _ _ B = VarE '(.)
x2hsx _ _ C = VarE 'flip
x2hsx _ _ S = VarE $ mkName "ap"
x2hsx _ _ I = VarE 'id
x2hsx _ _ S' = VarE $ mkName "sprime"
x2hsx _ _ B' = VarE $ mkName "bprime"
x2hsx _ _ C' = VarE $ mkName "cprime"
x2hsx _ _ e = error ("exprToTHExp: converting " ++ show e)
x2hsxPrim n = case PD.dynExp (vl ! n) of
ConE name -> ConE $ mkName $ nameBase name
VarE name -> actualVarName $ nameBase name
e -> e
x2hsxPrim3 dep fdep p e0 e1
| hdIsCxt e0 = x2hsx dep fdep (p :$ e1)
| otherwise
= let hsx0 = x2hsx dep fdep e0
hsx1 = x2hsx dep fdep e1
n = primId p
in case PD.dynExp (vl ! n) of
e@(VarE name) | head base `elem` "!@#$%&*+./<=>?\\^|-~"
-> InfixE (Just hsx0) (actualVarName base) (Just hsx1)
| otherwise -> (actualVarName base `AppE` hsx0) `AppE` hsx1
where base = nameBase name
e@(ConE name) | namestr == ":" -> case hsx1 of ListE hsxs -> ListE (hsx0 : hsxs)
ConE n | nameBase n == "[]" -> ListE [hsx0]
_ -> InfixE (Just hsx0) (ConE $ mkName ":") (Just hsx1)
| head namestr == ':' -> InfixE (Just hsx0) (ConE $ mkName namestr) (Just hsx1)
| otherwise -> (ConE (mkName namestr) `AppE` hsx0) `AppE` hsx1
namestr = nameBase name
e -> (e `AppE` hsx0) `AppE` hsx1
hdIsCxt (Context{}) = True
hdIsCxt (e :$ _) = hdIsCxt e
hdIsCxt _ = False
replacePat name new (VarP o) | o==name = AsP name new
replacePat _ _ old = old
tsToMatch dep fdep (ctor, arity, expr)
= case PD.dynExp (vl ! ctor) of
ConE name -> case x2hsx dep fdep (napply arint Lambda expr) of
LamE pvars ex -> case compare (length pvars) arint of
LT -> error "too few lambda abstractions in Case...can't happen!"
EQ -> Match (mkPat nameb pvars) (NormalB ex) []
GT -> Match (mkPat nameb tk) (NormalB $ LamE dr ex) []
where (tk,dr) = splitAt arint pvars
| otherwise -> Match (ConP (mkName nameb) []) (NormalB ex) []
where nameb = nameBase name
arint = fromIntegral arity
mkPat ":" [pv1,pv2] = InfixP pv1 (mkName ":") pv2
mkPat (':':_) [pv1,pv2] = InfixP pv1 (mkName nameb) pv2
mkPat nmb pvs = ConP (mkName nameb) pvs
VarE name | nameBase name == "succ" ->
case x2hsx (dep+1) fdep expr of
ex -> Match (VarP succn) (GuardedB [(NormalG (InfixE (Just $ VarE succn) (VarE $ mkName ">") (Just $ LitE $ IntegerL 0)),ex)]) [ValD (VarP name) (NormalB (InfixE (Just $ VarE succn) (VarE $ mkName "-") (Just $ LitE (IntegerL 1)))) []]
where str = [chr $ fromIntegral (dep+1)]
name = mkName str
succn = mkName ("succ"++str)
| nameBase name == "negate" ->
case x2hsx (dep+1) fdep expr of
ex -> Match (VarP negn) (GuardedB [(NormalG (InfixE (Just $ VarE negn) (VarE $ mkName "<") (Just $ LitE $ IntegerL 0)),ex)]) [ValD (VarP name) (NormalB ((VarE 'negate) `AppE` (VarE negn))) []]
where str = [chr $ fromIntegral (dep+1)]
name = mkName str
negn = mkName ("neg"++str)
LitE lit -> Match (LitP lit) (NormalB $ x2hsx dep fdep expr) []
e -> error (pprint e ++ " : non-constructor where a constructor is expected.")
n `occursIn` Lambda e = succ n `occursIn` e
n `occursIn` FunLambda e = n `occursIn` e
n `occursIn` X m = n==m
n `occursIn` (f :$ e) = (n `occursIn` f) || (n `occursIn` e)
n `occursIn` Case x ts = n `occursIn` x || any (\(_,a,ce) -> (n+a) `occursIn` ce) ts
n `occursIn` Fix e m is = n `elem` is || (n+m) `occursIn` e
_ `occursIn` _ = False
n `funOccursIn` Lambda e = n `funOccursIn` e
n `funOccursIn` FunLambda e = succ n `funOccursIn` e
n `funOccursIn` FunX m = n==m
n `funOccursIn` (f :$ e) = (n `funOccursIn` f) || (n `funOccursIn` e)
n `funOccursIn` Case x ts = n `funOccursIn` x || any (\(_,a,ce) -> n `funOccursIn` ce) ts
n `funOccursIn` Fix e _ _ = succ n `funOccursIn` e
_ `funOccursIn` _ = False
lightBeta :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
lightBeta (Fix e m is) | 0 `funOccursIn` e = Fix (lightBeta e) m is
| otherwise = liftFun 0 $ nlift 0 m $ foldr ($) (lightBeta e) $ zipWith replace [m1,m2..0] $ map (m+) is
lightBeta (Lambda e) = Lambda $ lightBeta e
lightBeta (FunLambda e) = FunLambda $ lightBeta e
lightBeta (Lambda e :$ X n) = lightBeta $ nlift 0 1 $ replace 0 n e
lightBeta (f :$ e) = lightBeta f :$ lightBeta e
lightBeta (Case x ts) = Case (lightBeta x) (map (\(c,a,ce) -> (c,a,lightBeta ce)) ts)
lightBeta e = e
replace o n e@(X i) | i==o = X n
replace o n (Lambda e) = Lambda (replace (succ o) (succ n) e)
replace o n (FunLambda e) = FunLambda $ replace o n e
replace o n (f :$ e) = replace o n f :$ replace o n e
replace o n (Case x ts) = Case (replace o n x) (map (\(c,a,ce) -> (c,a,replace (o+a) (n+a) ce)) ts)
replace o n (Fix e m is) = Fix (replace (o+m) (n+m) e) m (map (\x -> if x==o then n else x) is)
replace o n e = e
liftFun th (FunX i) | th<i = FunX (pred i)
liftFun th (Lambda e) = Lambda (liftFun th e)
liftFun th (FunLambda e) = FunLambda (liftFun (succ th) e)
liftFun th (f :$ e) = liftFun th f :$ liftFun th e
liftFun th (Case x ts) = Case (liftFun th x) (map (\(c,a,ce) -> (c,a,liftFun th ce)) ts)
liftFun th (Fix e m is) = Fix (liftFun (succ th) e) m is
liftFun _ e = e
nlift :: Int8 -> Int8 -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
nlift th n (X i) | th<i = X (in)
nlift th n (Lambda e) = Lambda (nlift (succ th) n e)
nlift th n (FunLambda e) = FunLambda (nlift th n e)
nlift th n (f :$ e) = nlift th n f :$ nlift th n e
nlift th n (Case x ts) = Case (nlift th n x) (map (\(c,a,ce) -> (c,a,nlift (th+a) n ce)) ts)
nlift th n (Fix e m is) = Fix (nlift (th+m) n e) m (map (nliftInt th n) is)
nlift th n e = e
nliftInt :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8
nliftInt th n i | th < i = in
| otherwise = i
napply n f x = iterate f x `genericIndex` n
type Primitive = (HValue, Exp, Type)
newtype HValue = HV (forall a. a)
primitivesToTCL :: [Primitive] -> TyConLib
primitivesToTCL ps = let (_,_,ts) = unzip3 ps in thTypesToTCL ts
primitivesToVL :: TyConLib -> [Primitive] -> VarLib
primitivesToVL tcl ps = dynamicsToVL (map (primitiveToDynamic tcl) ps ++ defaultPrimitives)
dynamicsToVL :: [PD.Dynamic] -> VarLib
dynamicsToVL = listToArray
prioritiesToVPL :: [Int] -> VarPriorityLib
prioritiesToVPL = listToArray
listToArray :: (Integral i, Ix i) => [a] -> Array i a
listToArray ds = listArray (0, genericLength ds 1) ds
primitiveToDynamic :: TyConLib -> Primitive -> PD.Dynamic
primitiveToDynamic tcl (HV x, e, ty) = PD.unsafeToDyn tcl (thTypeToType tcl ty) x e
defaultVarLib :: VarLib
defaultVarLib = primitivesToVL undefined []
lenDefaultPrimitives = genericLength defaultPrimitives
defaultPrimitives :: [PD.Dynamic]
= [
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|()::()|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|(,) ::a->b->(a,b)|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|(,,) ::a->b->c->(a,b,c)|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|(,,,) ::a->b->c->d->(a,b,c,d)|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|(,,,,) ::a->b->c->d->e->(a,b,c,d,e)|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|(,,,,,) ::a->b->c->d->e->f->(a,b,c,d,e,f)|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|(,,,,,,)::a->b->c->d->e->f->g->(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|Left :: a -> Either a b|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|Right :: b -> Either a b|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|Nothing :: Maybe a|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|Just :: a -> Maybe a|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|LT :: Ordering|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|EQ :: Ordering|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|GT :: Ordering|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|(+)::Int->Int->Int|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|False::Bool|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|True::Bool|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|[]::[a]|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|(:)::a->[a]->[a]|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|0::Int|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|succ::Int->Int|]),
$(PD.dynamic [|defaultTCL|] [|negate::Int->Int|])]