-- -- (c) Susumu Katayama -- \begin{code}
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}

module MagicHaskeller.ProgramGenerator where
import MagicHaskeller.Types
import MagicHaskeller.TyConLib
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import MagicHaskeller.CoreLang
import Control.Monad.Search.Combinatorial
import MagicHaskeller.PriorSubsts
import Data.List(partition, sortBy, genericLength)
import Data.Ix(inRange)

import MagicHaskeller.Instantiate

import MagicHaskeller.Expression

import MagicHaskeller.T10
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Debug.Trace

import Data.Monoid
import System.Random

import MagicHaskeller.MyDynamic

import MagicHaskeller.Options

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
import Prelude hiding ((<$>))

-- replacement of LISTENER. Now replaced further with |guess|
-- listen = False

-- | annotated 'Typed [CoreExpr]'
type Prim = (Int, Int, Type, TyVar, Typed [CoreExpr])

class WithCommon a where
    extractCommon :: a -> Common

-- | ProgramGenerator is a generalization of the old @Memo@ type. 
class WithCommon a => ProgramGenerator a where
    -- | |mkTrie| creates the generator with the default parameters.
    mkTrie :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> a
    mkTrie cmn c t = mkTrieOpt cmn c t t
    mkTrieOpt :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> a
    mkTrieOpt cmn c _ t = mkTrie cmn c t
                         -- error "This program generator does not take an optional primitive set."
    matchingPrograms, matchingProgramsWOAbsents, unifyingPrograms :: Search m => Type -> a -> m AnnExpr
    matchingPrograms ty memodeb = unifyingPrograms (quantify ty) memodeb
    matchingProgramsWOAbsents ty memodeb = mapDepth (filter (not . isAbsent (getArity ty) . toCE)) $ matchingPrograms ty memodeb
class WithCommon a => ProgramGeneratorIO a where
    -- | |mkTrie| creates the generator with the default parameters.
    mkTrieIO :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> IO a
    mkTrieIO cmn c t = mkTrieOptIO cmn c t t
    mkTrieOptIO :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> IO a
    mkTrieOptIO cmn c _ t = mkTrieIO cmn c t
                         -- error "This program generator does not take an optional primitive set."
    -- | Use memoization requiring IO
    matchingProgramsIO, unifyingProgramsIO :: Type -> a -> RecompT IO AnnExpr -- Should I define SearchT?
    matchingProgramsIO ty memodeb = unifyingProgramsIO (quantify ty) memodeb
    -- Another option might be to create @newtype MemoToFile = NT (RecompT (StateT Params IO))@, and define @instance Search MemoToFile@. One drawback of this approach is that @Params@ is separated from @Options@.  
extractTCL :: WithCommon a => a -> TyConLib
extractTCL = tcl . extractCommon
extractVL :: WithCommon a => a -> VarLib
extractVL = vl . extractCommon
extractRTrie :: WithCommon a => a -> RTrie
extractRTrie = rt . extractCommon
reducer :: Common -> CoreExpr -> Dynamic
reducer cmn = execute (opt cmn) (vl cmn)

data Common = Cmn {opt :: Opt (), tcl :: TyConLib, vl :: VarLib, pvl :: VarLib, rt :: RTrie}

mkCommon :: Options -> [Primitive] -> [Primitive] -> Common
mkCommon opts totals partials = 
                          tyconlib = primitivesToTCL totals
                          optunit  = forget opts
                      in Cmn {opt = optunit, tcl = tyconlib, vl = primitivesToVL tyconlib totals, pvl = primitivesToVL tyconlib partials, rt = mkRandTrie (nrands opts) tyconlib (stdgen opts)}

-- | options for limiting the hypothesis space.
type Options = Opt [[Primitive]]

retsTVar (_, _, TV tv, _, _) = True
retsTVar _                   = False

annotateTCEs :: Typed [CoreExpr] -> Prim
annotateTCEs tx@(_:::t) = let (numcs, arity, retty) = getAritiesRet t
                          in (numcs, arity, retty, maxVarID t + 1, tx) -- arity is the shorter arity that does not count contexts.

splitPrims :: [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> ([Prim],[Prim])
splitPrims = partition retsTVar . map annotateTCEs

splitPrimss :: [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> ([[Prim]],[[Prim]])
splitPrimss = unzip . map splitPrims

splitPrimss :: Search m => [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> (m Prim, m Prim)
splitPrimss pss = case unzip $ map splitPrims pss of (pssf, psss) -> (fromMx $ Mx pssf, fromMx $ Mx psss)

mapSum :: (MonadPlus m, Delay m) => (a -> m b) -> [[a]] -> m b
mapSum f = foldr (\xs y -> msum (map f xs) `mplus` delay y) mzero 

-- avail$B$K$7$m(BType$B$K$7$m(Bapply$B$5$l$F$$$k!%(B
-- $B$@$+$i$3$=!$(BrunAnotherPS$BE*$K(BemptySubst$B$KBP$7$F<B9T$7$?J}$,8zN(E*$J$O$:!)(B $B$G$b!$(BSubstitution$B$C$F$=$s$J$K$G$+$/$J$i$J$+$C$?$N$G$O!)(BFiniteMap$B$G$b(Bassoc list$B$G$bJQ$o$i$J$+$C$?5$$,!%(B

applyDo :: (Functor m, Monad m) => ([Type] -> Type -> PriorSubsts m a) -> [Type] -> Type -> PriorSubsts m a
applyDo fun avail ty = do subst <- getSubst
                          fun (map (apply subst) avail) (apply subst ty)

wind :: (a->a) -> ([Type] -> Type -> a) -> [Type] -> Type -> a
wind g f avail (t0 :-> t1) = g $ wind g f (t0 : avail) t1
wind _ f avail reqret      = f avail reqret

wind_ :: ([Type] -> Type -> a) -> [Type] -> Type -> a
wind_ = wind id

{-# SPECIALIZE fromAssumptions :: (Search m) => Common -> Int -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr]) -> (Type -> Type -> PriorSubsts m ()) -> Type -> [Type] -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr] #-}
fromAssumptions :: (Search m, Expression e) => Common -> Int -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> (Type -> Type -> PriorSubsts m ()) -> Type -> [Type] -> PriorSubsts m [e]
fromAssumptions cmn lenavails behalf mps reqret avail = msum $ map (retMono cmn lenavails behalf (flip mps reqret)) (fromAvail avail)

retMono :: (Search m, Expression e) => Common -> Int -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m ()) -> (Int8, (Int,[Type],Type)) -> PriorSubsts m [e]
retMono cmn lenavails behalf tok fromBlah
                  = do let (n, (arity,args,retty)) = fromBlah
                       tok retty
                       convertPS (ndelay $ fromIntegral arity) $
                              fap behalf args (map (mkHead (reducer cmn) lenavails 0 arity) [X n])
fromAvail :: [Type] -> [(Int8, (Int,[Type],Type))]
fromAvail = zipWith (\ n t -> (n, revSplitArgs t)) [0..]

-- ConstrL$B$G$O(Bmatch$B$G$O%@%a!%M}M3$O(BDec. 2, 2007$B$N(Bnotes$B$r;2>H!%(B
mguAssumptions :: (Functor m, MonadPlus m) => Type -> [Type] -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr]
mguAssumptions  patty assumptions = applyDo mguAssumptions' assumptions patty
mguAssumptions' assumptions patty = msum $ zipWith (\n t -> mguPS patty t >> return [X n]) [0..] assumptions

{-# SPECIALIZE matchAssumptions :: (Functor m, MonadPlus m) => Common -> Int -> Type -> [Type] -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr] #-}
matchAssumptions :: (Functor m, MonadPlus m, Expression e) => Common -> Int -> Type -> [Type] -> PriorSubsts m [e]
matchAssumptions cmn lenavails reqty assumptions
    = do s <- getSubst
         let newty = apply s reqty
             (numcxts, arity) = getArities newty
         msum $ zipWith (\n t -> matchPS newty t >> return [mkHead (reducer cmn) lenavails numcxts arity (X n)]) [0..] assumptions
-- match $B$N>l9g!$DL>o$O(Breqty$B$NJ}$@$1(Bapply subst$B$9$l$P$h$$!%(B

-- not sure if this is more efficient than doing mguAssumptions and returning ().
mguAssumptions_ :: (Functor m, MonadPlus m) => Type -> [Type] -> PriorSubsts m ()
mguAssumptions_  patty assumptions = applyDo mguAssumptions_' assumptions patty
mguAssumptions_' assumptions patty = msum $ map (mguPS patty) assumptions

{-# SPECIALIZE retPrimMono ::  (Search m) => Common -> Int -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr]) -> (Type -> Type -> PriorSubsts m ()) -> Type -> Prim -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr] #-}
retPrimMono :: (Search m, Expression e) => Common -> Int -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> (Type -> Type -> PriorSubsts m ()) -> Type -> Prim -> PriorSubsts m [e]
retPrimMono cmn lenavails clbehalf lltbehalf behalf mps reqret (numcxts, arity, retty, numtvs, xs:::ty)
                                              = do tvid <- reserveTVars numtvs
                                                   mps (mapTV (tvid+) retty) reqret
                                                   convertPS (ndelay $ fromIntegral arity) $
                                                             funApSub clbehalf lltbehalf behalf (mapTV (tvid+) ty) (map (mkHead (reducer cmn) lenavails numcxts arity) xs)
funApSub :: (Search m, Expression e) => (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> Type -> [e] -> PriorSubsts m [e]
funApSub = funApSubOp (<$>)
funApSubOp op clbehalf lltbehalf behalf = faso
    where faso (t:=>ts) funs
              = do args <- clbehalf t
                   faso ts (liftM2 op funs args)
          faso (t:> ts) funs
              = do args <- lltbehalf t
                   faso ts (liftM2 op funs args)
          -- original. 
          faso (t:->ts) funs
              = do args <- behalf t
                   faso ts (liftM2 op funs args)
          faso _        funs = return funs
-- original$B$G(BrevGetArgs$B7PM3$K$9$k$H!$(BfoldM$B$r;H$C$?>l9g$HF1$88zN($K$J$k!%(B
funApSub behalf t funs = fap behalf (revGetArgs t) funs
revGetArgs (t:->u) = t : revGetArgs u
revGetArgs _       = []
fap behalf (t:ts) funs = do args <- behalf t
                            fap behalf ts (liftM2 (<$>) funs args)
fap _      _      funs = return funs
{- mapM$B$r;H$&(B $B0lHVCY$$!%(B
fap behalf ts funs = do args <- mapM behalf ts
                        return (foldl (liftM2 (<$>)) funs args)
 -- foldM$B$r;H$&!%$J$<$+$3$l$,0lHVB.$$(B
fap behalf ts funs = foldM (\fs t -> do args <- behalf t
                                        return $ liftM2 (<$>) fs args)

-- fap behalf ts funs = mapAndFoldM (liftM2 (<$>)) funs behalf ts
mapAndFoldM op n f []     = return n
mapAndFoldM op n f (x:xs) = do y <- f x
                               mapAndFoldM op (n `op` y) f xs

{-# SPECIALIZE retGen :: (Search m) => Common -> Int -> (Type -> Type -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreExpr]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr]) -> Type -> Prim -> PriorSubsts m [CoreExpr] #-}
retGen, retGenOrd, retGenTV1
    :: (Search m, Expression e) => Common -> Int -> (Type -> Type -> [e] -> [e]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> (Type -> PriorSubsts m [e]) -> Type -> Prim -> PriorSubsts m [e]
retGen cmn lenavails fe clbehalf lltbehalf behalf = retGen' (funApSub clbehalf lltbehalf behalf) cmn lenavails fe clbehalf lltbehalf behalf
retGen' fas cmn lenavails fe clbehalf lltbehalf behalf reqret (numcxts, arity, _retty, numtvs, xs:::ty)
                                          = convertPS (ndelay $ fromIntegral arity) $
                                            do tvid <- reserveTVars numtvs -- $B$3$N!J:G=i$N!K(BID$B$=$N$b$N!J$D$^$jJV$jCM$N(BtvID$B!K$O$9$0$K;H$o$l$J$/$J$k(B
                                               -- let typ = apply (unitSubst tvid reqret) (mapTV (tvid+) ty) -- mapTV$B$H(Bapply$B$O(Bhylo-fusion$B$G$-$k$O$:$@$,!$>!<j$K$5$l$k!)(B
                                               --                                                              -- unitSubst$B$r(Binline$B$K$7$J$$$HBLL\$+(B
                                               a <- mkSubsts (tvndelay $ opt cmn) tvid reqret
                                               exprs <- funApSub clbehalf lltbehalf behalf (mapTV (tvid+) ty) (map (mkHead (reducer cmn) lenavails numcxts (arity+a)) xs)
                                               gentvar <- applyPS (TV tvid)
                                               guard (orderedAndUsedArgs gentvar) -- $B$3$NJU$N(Bcheck$B$r(BTVn$B$KF~$kA0$NAa$$CJ3,$K$d$k$N$O(B1$B$D$N9M$(J}$@$,!$(BTVn$BCf$K(Breplace$B$5$l$?$j$O$7$J$$$N$+(B?
                                               fas gentvar (fe gentvar ty exprs)
-- retGenOrd can be used instead of retGen, when not reorganizing.
retGenOrd cmn lenavails fe clbehalf lltbehalf behalf = retGen' (funApSub'' False) cmn lenavails fe clbehalf lltbehalf behalf
--                    funApSub'' filtexp (TV _ :-> _)     funs = mzero -- mkSubsts$B$GF3F~$5$l$?(Btyvars$B$,;H$o$l$F$$$J$$%1!<%9!%(Breplace$B$5$l$?7k2L(BTV$B$C$F%1!<%9$O$H$j$"$($:L5;k(B....
                    funApSub'' filtexp (t:->ts@(u:->_)) funs
--                        | t > u     = mzero
                        | otherwise = do args  <- behalf t
                                         funApSub'' (t==u) ts (if filtexp then [ f <$> e | f <- funs, e <- args, let _:$d = toCE f, d <= toCE e ]
                                                                         else liftM2 (<$>) funs args)
-- $B$F$f!<$+(Bt$B$H(Bu$B$,F1$8$J$i$P$b$C$H$$$m$s$J$3$H$,$G$-$=$&!%(B
                    funApSub'' filtexp (t:->ts) funs
                                    = do args  <- behalf t
                                         return (if filtexp then [ f <$> e | f <- funs, e <- args, let _:$d = toCE f, d <= toCE e]
                                                            else liftM2 (<$>) funs args)
                    funApSub'' _fe _t funs = return funs

orderedAndUsedArgs (TV _ :-> _) = False -- mkSubsts$B$GF3F~$5$l$?(Btyvars$B$,;H$o$l$F$$$J$$%1!<%9!%(Breplace$B$5$l$?7k2L(BTV$B$C$F%1!<%9$O$H$j$"$($:L5;k(B....
orderedAndUsedArgs (t:->ts@(u:->_)) | t > u     = False
                             | otherwise = orderedAndUsedArgs ts
orderedAndUsedArgs _ = True

usedArg n (TV m :-> _) = n /= m
usedArg _ _            = True

retGenTV1 cmn lenavails fe clbehalf lltbehalf behalf reqret (numcxts, arity, _retty, numtvs, xs:::ty)
                                          = convertPS (ndelay $ fromIntegral arity) $
                                            do tvid <- reserveTVars numtvs -- $B$3$N!J:G=i$N!K(BID$B$=$N$b$N!J$D$^$jJV$jCM$N(BtvID$B!K$O$9$0$K;H$o$l$J$/$J$k(B
                                               -- let typ = apply (unitSubst tvid reqret) (mapTV (tvid+) ty) -- mapTV$B$H(Bapply$B$O(Bhylo-fusion$B$G$-$k$O$:$@$,!$>!<j$K$5$l$k!)(B
                                               --                                                              -- unitSubst$B$r(Binline$B$K$7$J$$$HBLL\$+(B
                                               a <- mkSubst (tvndelay $ opt cmn) tvid reqret
                                               exprs <- funApSub clbehalf lltbehalf behalf (mapTV (tvid+) ty) (map (mkHead (reducer cmn) lenavails numcxts (arity+a)) xs)
                                               gentvar <- applyPS (TV tvid)
                                               guard (usedArg (tvid+1) gentvar)
                                               funApSub clbehalf lltbehalf behalf gentvar (fe gentvar ty exprs)

retGenTV0 cmn lenavails fe clbehalf lltbehalf behalf reqret (numcxts, arity, _retty, numtvs, xs:::ty)
                                          = convertPS (ndelay $ fromIntegral arity) $
                                            do tvid <- reserveTVars numtvs -- $B$3$N!J:G=i$N!K(BID$B$=$N$b$N!J$D$^$jJV$jCM$N(BtvID$B!K$O$9$0$K;H$o$l$J$/$J$k(B
                                               -- let typ = apply (unitSubst tvid reqret) (mapTV (tvid+) ty) -- mapTV$B$H(Bapply$B$O(Bhylo-fusion$B$G$-$k$O$:$@$,!$>!<j$K$5$l$k!)(B
                                               --                                                              -- unitSubst$B$r(Binline$B$K$7$J$$$HBLL\$+(B
                                               updatePS (unitSubst tvid reqret)
                                               exprs <- funApSub clbehalf lltbehalf behalf (mapTV (tvid+) ty) (map (mkHead (reducer cmn) lenavails numcxts arity) xs)
                                               gentvar <- applyPS (TV tvid)
                                               return $ fe gentvar ty exprs

filtExprs :: Expression e => Bool -> Type -> Type -> [e] -> [e]
filtExprs g a b | g         = filterExprs a b
                | otherwise = id

-- LISTENER$B$+(BDESTRUCTIVE$B$,(Bdefine$B$5$l$F$$$k$H$-$N!$3F%1!<%9$N(Boptimization
filterExprs :: Expression e => Type -> Type -> [e] -> [e]
filterExprs gentvar ty = filter (cond . getArgExprs . toCE)
    where cond es = case gentvar of _:->_ -> not (retSameVal ty es) && not (includesStrictArg es) && anyRec ty es && not (constEq ty es)
                                    _     -> not (retSameVal ty es) && not (includesStrictArg es)

getArgExprs e = gae e []
gae (f:$e) es = gae f (e:es)
gae _      es = es

-- forall w x y. list_para w (\_ -> x) (\c d e f -> e (blah)) = \_ -> x $BE*$J$b$N(B.
constEq (t:->u) (e@(Lambda d):es) | returnsAtoA t = recHead t e && constEq u es
                                  | otherwise     = not (isUsed 0 d) && ceq e u es
constEq (t:->u) (_:_)             = False -- not case/cata/para, so should pass.
constEq (_:> u) (_           :es) = constEq u es
constEq _       []                = True
ceq d (t:->u) (e@(Lambda _):es) | returnsAtoA t = recHead t e && ceq d u es
                                | otherwise     = d == e      && ceq d u es
ceq d (t:->u) (_:_)             = False -- not case/cata/para, so should pass.
ceq d (_:> u) (_           :es) = ceq d u es
ceq _ _       []                = True

recHead (t:->u@(_:->_))     (Lambda e)                   = recHead u e
recHead (TV tv0 :-> TV tv1) (Lambda (Lambda (X 1 :$ _))) = tv0 == 0 && tv1 == 0   -- $BJ#?t(Brec$B$,$"$k>l9g!$:G8e$NE[$@$1(Brec$B$H$7$FG'$a$k$3$H$K$J$C$A$c$&$N$G!$:GE,2=$N0UL#$G$O$A$g$C$H$@$1%6%k(B
recHead _u                  _e                           = False

-- windUntilRec$B$C$F$N$,$"$l$P6&M-2DG=(B (CPS$B$J46$8(B)

retSameVal (_:>u)  (_:es) = retSameVal u es
retSameVal (t:->u) (e:es) = (returnsId t e && rsv u es) || rsv' (retVal t e) u es
retSameVal _       _      = False
rsv (_:>u)  (_:es) = rsv u es
rsv (t:->u) (e:es) = (returnsId t e && rsv u es) || rsv' (retVal t e) u es
rsv _       _      = True
rsv' rve (_:>u)  (_:es) = rsv' rve u es
rsv' rve (t:->u) (e:es) = (returnsId t e || retVal t e == rve) && rsv' rve u es
rsv' _   _       _      = True

-- returnsAtoA is True when the type returns a->a, where the tvID of a is 0.
returnsAtoA (TV tv0 :-> TV tv1) = tv0 == 0 && tv1 == 0
returnsAtoA (t      :-> u)      = returnsAtoA u
returnsAtoA _                   = False

-- $BF1;~$K(BreturnsAtoA$B$b%A%'%C%/$7$F$k$N$b%]%$%s%H!%(B
returnsId (t:->u@(_:->_))     (Lambda e)     = returnsId u e
returnsId (TV tv0 :-> TV tv1) e              = tv0 == 0 && tv1 == 0 && isId e
returnsId _u                  _e             = False -- $B$3$3$G(B(_u,_e)$B$,(B(TV _, Lambda _)$B$C$F$3$H$b$"$jF@$k!%(B_u$B$,(Bt:->u$B$J$N$K(B_e$B$,(BLambda$B$G$J$$$C$F$N$O$"$j$($J$$$+!%(B
{- $B$3$l$@$H!$7k2L$H$7$F:G8e$N0z?t$HJV$jCM$N7?$,F1$8$@$1$I$b$H$b$H$N(BPrim$B>e$G$O0c$&!$$H$$$&2DG=@-$,$"$jF@$k!%(B
returnsId (t:->u) (Lambda e) = returnsId u e
returnsId (_:->_) _          = error "returnsId: impossible"
returnsId (TV tv) (X 0)      = tvID tv == 0
returnsId _u      _e         = False -- $B$3$3$G(B(_u,_e)$B$,(B(TV _, Lambda _)$B$C$F$3$H$b$"$jF@$k!%(B_u$B$,(Bt:->u$B$J$N$K(B_e$B$,(BLambda$B$G$J$$$C$F$N$O$"$j$($J$$$+!%(B

-- isId checks if the argument is eta-equivalent to id, i.e. (Lambda (X 0)). Note that expressions are eta-expanded.
-- for example, isId (Lambda (Lambda (Lambda ((X 2 :$ X 1) :$ X 0)))) is True.
-- There is no need to tell that isId (Lambda ((Lambda (X 0)) :$ X 0)) is True, because this beta-reducible expression would not be synthesized.
isId e = isId' 0 e
isId' n (Lambda e) = isId' (n+1) e
isId' n e          = isId'' n 0 e
isId'' n m (e :$ X i) = i==m && isId'' n (m+1) e
isId'' n m (X i)      = i==m && n == m+1
isId'' _ _ _          = False

retVal t e = rv t 0 e
rv (_:->t) n (Lambda e) = rv t (n+1) e
rv (_:->_) _ _          = error "rv: impossible"
rv _       n e          = mapsub n e

-- mapsub n ~= gmap (subtract n), but I will have to rewrite the definition of CoreExpr to prevent gmap from updating other Ints.
mapsub n (X m)      = X (m-n)
mapsub n (a :$ b)   = mapsub n a :$ mapsub n b
mapsub n (Lambda e) = Lambda (mapsub n e)
mapsub n e          = e

isConstrExpr (X _)      = False
isConstrExpr (Lambda _) = False
isConstrExpr (Context _) = False
isConstrExpr (f :$ _)   = isConstrExpr f
isConstrExpr (Primitive _) = False
isConstrExpr (PrimCon _) = True

isClosed = isClosed' 0
isClosed' dep (X n)      = n < dep
isClosed' dep (Lambda e) = isClosed' (dep+1) e
isClosed' dep (f :$ e)   = isClosed' dep f && isClosed' dep e
isClosed' _   _          = True

-- $B8zN($N$3$H$r9M$($k$H!$(BstrictArg$B$O:G=i$K;}$C$F$/$k$3$H$K$J$k!%!J>-MhE*$K$O!$:G=i$K$J$k$h$&$KJB$YJQ$($F(Bgenerate$B$7!$=*$C$F$+$i85$KLa$9$3$H$K$J$k!K(B
-- $B!J>/$J$/$H$b!$:G=i$K(Bexpand$B$9$k!%@)8B$,B?$$$N$GJ,4t$7$K$/$$$+$i!%!K(B
includesStrictArg (X n : es) = any (isUsed n) es
-- case$B$N%G!<%?$J$N$G(BLambda$B$OMh$J$$!%$"$H!$(BQuantify$B$O:G=i$+$i(Bexclude$B$5$l$F$$$k!%$H$$$&$o$1$G!$$3$3$K$O<B:]$K$O(B((_:$_):_)$B$+(B[]$B$7$+Mh$J$$!%(B
-- $B4X?tE,MQ$N>l9g$O$a$s$I$/$5$$$7%A%'%C%/$b%3%9%H$,$+$+$k$N$GAGDL$7$K$9$k!%(B
includesStrictArg _        = False
includesStrictArg [] = False
includesStrictArg es = case last es of X n  -> any (isUsed n) (init es)
                                       _:$_ -> False -- $B4X?tE,MQ$N>l9g$O$a$s$I$/$5$$$7%A%'%C%/$b%3%9%H$,$+$+$k$N$GAGDL$7$K$9$k!%(B
-- case$B$N%G!<%?$J$N$G(BLambda$B$OMh$J$$!%$"$H!$(BQuantify$B$O:G=i$+$i(Bexclude$B$5$l$F$$$k!%(B

anyRec (_:>t)  (_:es) = anyRec t es
anyRec (t:->u) (e:es) = -- trace ("ar: t = "++show t++" and u = "++ show u) $
                    recursive t e || anyRec u es
anyRec (_:->_) _ = error "hoge"
anyRec _       []     = False
{- type$B$NJ}$r$R$C$/$jJV$9>l9g(B
anyRec (hd:tl@(_:_)) (f:$e) = recursive hd e || anyRec tl f
anyRec _             _      = False

recursive (t:->u@(_:->_))     (Lambda e) = recursive u e
recursive (TV tv0 :-> TV tv1) (Lambda e) = tv0 == 0 && tv1 == 0 && isUsed 0 e && not (constRec 0 e) -- $B$3$l$@$H!$(Brecursive$B$N$d$D$H(Bnot const.rec$B$N$d$D$,F1$8$G$J$/$F$O$J$i$J$$$,!$$=$N>r7o$OI,MW$+!)(B $B!J(Blist$B$G$d$C$F$$$k8B$j$O5$$K$7$J$/$F$$$$$C$FOC$b$"$k$1$I!K(B
recursive _                   _          = False

constRec dep (Lambda e) = constRec (dep+1) e
constRec dep (X n :$ e) | n == dep = not (belowIsUsed n e)
constRec _   _          = False
belowIsUsed dep (X n)      = dep > n
belowIsUsed dep (Lambda e) = belowIsUsed (dep+1) e
belowIsUsed dep (f :$ e)   = belowIsUsed dep f || belowIsUsed dep e
belowIsUsed _   _          = False

lastarg (_:->t@(_:->_)) = let Just (la,n) = lastarg t in Just (la, n+1)
lastarg (t:->_)         = Just (t, 1)
lastarg _               = Nothing

isRec n expr = isUsed (-n) expr
isUsed dep (X n)      = dep==n
isUsed dep (Lambda e) = isUsed (dep+1) e
isUsed dep (f :$ e)   = isUsed dep f || isUsed dep e
isUsed _   _          = False

mkSubsts :: Search m => Int -> TyVar -> Type -> PriorSubsts m Int
mkSubsts n tvid reqret  = base `mplus` ndelayPS n recurse
    where base    = do updatePS (unitSubst tvid reqret) -- $B$3$3$r(BsetSubst$B$K$7$F!$(BmguProgs$B$r8F$S=P$9$?$S$K7k2L$N(BSubst$B$r(BplusSubst$B$9$k$h$&$K$7$?J}$,!$L5BL$K(BSubst$B$,Bg$-$/$J$i$J$$!%(B
                                                     -- $B$a$s$I$/$5$$$+$i$3$&$7$F$k$1$I!$$b$7(BlookupSubst$B$,;~4V$r?)$$2a$.$k$J$i9M$($k!%(B
                       return 0
          recurse = do v <- newTVar
                       arity <- mkSubsts n tvid (TV v :-> reqret)
                       return (arity+1)

mkSubst :: Search m => Int -> TyVar -> Type -> PriorSubsts m Int
mkSubst n tvid reqret  = base `mplus` ndelayPS n first
    where base    = do updatePS (unitSubst tvid reqret) -- $B$3$3$r(BsetSubst$B$K$7$F!$(BmguProgs$B$r8F$S=P$9$?$S$K7k2L$N(BSubst$B$r(BplusSubst$B$9$k$h$&$K$7$?J}$,!$L5BL$K(BSubst$B$,Bg$-$/$J$i$J$$!%(B
                                                     -- $B$a$s$I$/$5$$$+$i$3$&$7$F$k$1$I!$$b$7(BlookupSubst$B$,;~4V$r?)$$2a$.$k$J$i9M$($k!%(B
                       return 0
          first   = do v <- newTVar
                       updatePS (unitSubst tvid (TV v :-> reqret))
                       return 1
mkRetty t = (getRet t, t)
-- getRet (t0:->t1) = getRet t1
-- getRet t         = t

-- MemoStingy$B$H$+$G$O(B
-- reorganize_ :: ([Type] -> PriorSubsts BF ()) -> [Type] -> PriorSubsts BF ()
-- $B$H$7$F;H$o$l$k$N$@$,!$(BG4ip$B$G$O2<5-$N7?$8$c$J$$$H!%(B
reorganizer_ :: ([Type] -> a) -> [Type] -> a
reorganizer_ fun avail = fun $ uniqSort avail

-- moved from T10.hs to make T10 independent of Types

-- hit decides whether to memoize or not.
hit :: Type -> [Type] -> Bool
-- hit ty tys = True -- always memo
-- hit ty tys = areMono (ty:tys) -- memo only tycons ... Subst$B$$$i$J$$$7!$(BavailsToReplacer$B$J$7$G!J(Bnewavail$B$J$7$G!KH=Dj$G$-$k!%$"$H$=$b$=$b!$(BMapType$B$K(Btv$B$d(Beval$B$,$$$i$J$$$7!$(Bencode/decode$B$b$$$i$J$/$J$k!%$?$@!$(Bmonomorphic$B$7$+$i$d$J$$$N$C$F!$$A$g$C$H>/$J2a$.$k5$$b$9$k!%(B
-- hit ty tys = sum (map size (ty:tys)) < 7
-- hit ty tys = sum (map size (ty:tys)) < 2
-- hit ty tys = sum (map size (ty:tys)) < 5
-- hit ty tys = sum (map size (ty:tys)) < 12
hit ty tys = sum (map size (ty:tys)) < 10

-- areMono = all (null.tyvars)

combs 0 xs = [[]]
combs n xs = []  : [ y:zs | y:ys <- tails xs, zs <- combs (n-1) ys ]
tails []        = []
tails xs@(_:ys) = xs : tails ys
