module Combination ( combination, wlogin) where import MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All import Counter(counterWidget) import Data.String text= fromString combination = ask $ do p << "Three active widgets in the same page with autoRefresh. Each widget refresh itself \ \with Ajax. If Ajax is not active, they will refresh by sending a new page." ++> hr ++> p << "Login widget (use admin/admin)" ++> autoRefresh (pageFlow "r" wlogin) <++ hr **> p << "Counter widget" ++> autoRefresh (pageFlow "c" (counterWidget 0)) <++ hr **> p << "Dynamic form widget" ++> autoRefresh (pageFlow "f" formWidget) <++ hr **> wlink () << b << "exit" formWidget :: View Html IO () formWidget= do (n,s) <- (,) <$> p << "Who are you?" ++> getString Nothing getString Nothing getRadio[radiob "work?",radiob "study?"] <++ br r<- case flag of "work?" -> pageFlow "l" $ Left <$> b << "do you enjoy your work? " ++> getBool True "yes" "no" <** submitButton "ok" <++ br "study?"-> pageFlow "r" $ Right <$> b << "do you study in " ++> getRadio[radiob "University" ,radiob "High School"] u <- getCurrentUser p << ("You are "++n++" "++s) ++> p << ("And your user is: "++ u) ++> case r of Left fl -> p << ("You work and it is " ++ show fl ++ " that you enjoy your work") ++> noWidget Right stu -> p << ("You study at the " ++ stu) ++> noWidget hint s= [("placeholder",s)] onClickSubmit= [("onclick","if(window.jQuery){\n\ \$(this).parent().submit();}\n\ \else {this.form.submit()}")] radiob s n= wlabel (text s) $ setRadio s n notValid msg Nothing -> login name >> return name) `wcallback` (\name -> b << ("logged as " ++ name) ++> p << ("navigate away of this page before logging out") ++> wlink "logout" << b << " logout") `wcallback` const (logout >> wlogin) focus = [("onload","this.focus()")] -- to run it alone: --main= runNavigation "" $ transientNav combination