{-# OPTIONS -XDeriveDataTypeable -XQuasiQuotes -F -pgmF MonadLoc #-} module Main where import MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All import Text.Blaze.Html5 as El import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as At hiding (step) import Data.Typeable import Data.Monoid import Data.String import Text.Hamlet -- For error traces import Control.Monad.Loc import TestREST import Actions import IncreaseInt import ShopCart import AjaxSample import IncreaseString import AutoCompList import ListEdit import AutoComplete import LoginSample import CheckBoxes import Multicounter import Combination import Options import ContentManagement import PreventGoingBack import Counter import PushDecrease import Dialog import PushSample import Grid import Radio import SumView main= do setAdminUser "admin" "admin" syncWrite SyncManual setFilesPath "Demos/" addMessageFlows [("shop" , runFlow $ shopCart `showSource` "ShopCart.hs") ,("navigation", runFlow $ transientNav testREST `showSource` "TestREST.hs")] runNavigation "" $ transientNav mainmenu attr= fromString text= fromString data Options= CountI | CountS | Radio | Login | TextEdit |Grid | Autocomp | AutocompList | ListEdit |Shop | Action | Ajax | Select | CheckBoxes | PreventBack | Multicounter | Combination | FViewMonad | Counter | WDialog |Push |PushDec |Trace deriving (Bounded, Enum,Read, Show,Typeable) mainmenu= do setHeader stdheader setTimeouts 100 0 r <- ask $ wcached "menu" 0 $ b << "PUSH" ++> br ++> wlink Push << b << "Example of a widget with push" <|> br ++> wlink PushDec << b << "A push counter" <|> br ++> br ++> b << "ERROR TRACES" ++> br ++> wlink Trace << b << "Execution traces for errors" <|> br ++> br ++> b << "DIFFERENT KINDS OF FLOWS" ++> br ++> a ! href (attr "/navigation") << "REST navigation" -- ordinary Blaze.Html link ++> br ++> a ! href (attr "/shop") << "stateful flow: shopping" -- ordinary Blaze.Html link ++> br ++> br ++> b << "BASIC" ++> br ++> wlink CountI << b << "increase an Int" <|> br ++> wlink CountS << b << "increase a String" <|> br ++> wlink Select << b << "select options" <|> br ++> wlink CheckBoxes << b << "checkboxes" <|> br ++> wlink Radio << b << "Radio buttons" <++ br <> br <> b << "WIDGET ACTIONS & CALLBACKS" <|> br ++> wlink Action << b << "Example of action, executed when a widget is validated" <|> br ++> wlink FViewMonad << b << "in page flow: sum of three numbers" <|> br ++> wlink Counter << b << "Counter" <|> br ++> wlink Multicounter << b << "Multicounter" <|> br ++> wlink Combination << b << "combination of three active widgets" <|> br ++> wlink WDialog << b << "modal dialog" <|> br ++> br ++> b << "DYNAMIC WIDGETS" ++> br ++> wlink Ajax << b << "AJAX example" <|> br ++> wlink Autocomp << b << "autocomplete" <|> br ++> wlink AutocompList << b << "autocomplete List" <|> br ++> wlink ListEdit << b << "list edition" <|> br ++> wlink Grid << b << "grid" <|> br ++> wlink TextEdit << b << "Content Management" <|> br ++> br ++> b << "OTHERS" ++> br ++> wlink Login << b << "login/logout" <|> br ++> wlink PreventBack << b << "Prevent going back after a transaction" case r of CountI -> clickn 0 `showSource` "IncreaseInt.hs" CountS -> clicks "1" `showSource` "IncreaseString.hs" Action -> actions 1 `showSource` "actions.hs" Ajax -> ajaxsample `showSource` "AjaxSample.hs" Select -> options `showSource` "Options.hs" CheckBoxes -> checkBoxes `showSource` "CheckBoxes.hs" TextEdit -> textEdit `showSource` "TextEdit.hs" Grid -> grid `showSource` "Grid.hs" Autocomp -> autocomplete1 `showSource` "Autocomplete.hs" AutocompList -> autocompList `showSource` "AutoCompList.hs" ListEdit -> wlistEd `showSource` "ListEdit.hs" Radio -> radio `showSource` "Radio.hs" Login -> loginSample `showSource` "LoginSample.hs" PreventBack -> preventBack `showSource` "PreventGoingBack.hs" Multicounter-> multicounter `showSource` "Multicounter.hs" FViewMonad -> sumInView `showSource` "SumView.hs" Counter -> counter `showSource` "Counter.hs" Combination -> combination `showSource` "Combination.hs" WDialog -> wdialog1 `showSource` "Dialog.hs" Push -> pushSample `showSource` "PushSample.hs" PushDec -> pushDecrease `showSource` "PushDecrease.hs" Trace -> traceSample `showSource` "TraceSample.hs" showSource w filename = do host <- getRawParam "Host" `onNothing` return "mflowdemo.herokuapp.com/" let path= attr $ "http://" <> host <> ('/':filename) addHeader $ source path w where source path html = El.div $ do html br br hr h3 $ text "SOURCE CODE:" iframe ! At.style sty ! At.height (attr "400") ! At.src path $ b $ text "no iframes" sty= attr "float:left\ \;width:100%\ \;margin-left:5px;margin-right:10px;overflow:auto;" traceSample= do page $ h2 << "Error trace example" ++> p << "MFlow now produces execution traces in case of error by making use of the backtracking mechanism" ++> p << "It is more detailed than a call stack" ++> p << "this example has a deliberate error" ++> br ++> p << "You must be logged as admin to see the trace" ++> wlink () << p << "pres here" page $ p << "Please login with admin/admin" ++> userWidget (Just "admin") userLogin u <- getCurrentUser page $ p << "The trace will appear after you press the link. press one of the options available at the bottom of the page" ++> p << ("user="++ u) ++> br ++> wlink () << "press here" page $ error $ "this is the error" stdheader c= docTypeHtml $ El.head << (El.title << "MFlow examples" <> link ! rel ( attr "stylesheet") ! type_ ( attr "text/css") ! href (attr "http://jqueryui.com/resources/demos/style.css")) <> (body $ a ! At.style (attr "align:center;") ! href ( attr "http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/MFlow/") << h1 << "MFlow examples" <> br <> hr <> (El.div ! At.style (attr "float:left\ \;width:50%\ \;margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;overflow:auto;") $ br <> c) <> (El.div ! At.style (attr "float:right;width:45%;overflow:auto;") $ br <> p << a ! href (attr "/html/MFlow/index.html") << "MFlow package description and documentation" <> p << a ! href (attr "https://github.com/agocorona/MFlow/blob/master/Demos") << "see demos source code" <> p << a ! href (attr "https://github.com/agocorona/MFlow/issues") << "bug tracker" <> p << a ! href (attr "https://github.com/agocorona/MFlow") << "source repository" <> p << a ! href (attr "http://hackage.haskell.org/package/MFlow") << "Hackage repository" <> [shamlet| |] ))