{- | Non monadic low level primitives that implement the MFlow application server.
See "MFlow.Form" for the higher level interface that you may use.

it implements an scheduler of  'Processable'  messages that are served according with
the source identification and the verb invoked.
The scheduler executed the appropriate workflow (using the workflow package).
The workflow will send additional messages to the source and wait for the responses.
The diaglog is identified by a 'Token', which is associated to the flow.
. The computation state is optionally logged. On timeout, the process is killed. When invoked again,
the execution state is recovered as if no interruption took place.

There is no asumption about message codification, so instantiations
of this scheduler for different infrastructures is possible,
including non-Web based ones as long as they support or emulate cookies.

"MFlow.Hack" is an instantiation for the Hack interface in a Web context.

"MFlow.Wai" is a instantiation for the WAI interface.

"MFlow.Forms" implements a monadic type safe interface with composabe widgets and and applicative
combinator as well as an higher comunication interface.

"MFlow.Forms.XHtml" is an instantiation for the Text.XHtml format

"MFlow.Forms.Blaze.Html" is an instantaiation for  blaze-html

"MFlow.Forms.HSP"  is an instantiation for the Haskell Server Pages  format

There are some @*.All@ packages thant contain a mix of these instantiations.
For exmaple, "MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All" includes most of all necessary for using MFlow with
Wai <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/wai> and
Blaze-html <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/blaze-html>

In order to manage resources, there are primitives that kill the process and its state after a timeout.

All these details are hidden in the monad of "MFlow.Forms" that provides an higher level interface.

Fragment based streaming: 'sendFragment'  are  provided only at this level.

'stateless' and 'transient' server processeses are also possible. the first are request-response
 . `transient` processes do not persist after timeout, so they restart anew after a timeout or a crash.


{-# LANGUAGE  DeriveDataTypeable, UndecidableInstances
              ,ExistentialQuantification, MultiParamTypeClasses
module MFlow (
Flow, Params, HttpData(..),Processable(..)
, Token(..), ProcList
-- * low level comunication primitives. Use `ask` instead
,flushRec, receive, receiveReq, receiveReqTimeout, send, sendFlush, sendFragment
, sendEndFragment
-- * Flow configuration
,addMessageFlows,getMessageFlows, transient, stateless,anonymous
,noScript,hlog, setNotFoundResponse,getNotFoundResponse,
-- * ByteString tags
-- | very basic but efficient tag formatting
btag, bhtml, bbody,Attribs, addAttrs

-- * static files
-- * internal use
,addTokenToList,deleteTokenInList, msgScheduler,serveFile)

import Control.Concurrent.MVar 
import Data.IORef
import GHC.Conc(unsafeIOToSTM)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Maybe(isJust, isNothing, fromMaybe, fromJust)
import Data.Char(isSeparator)
import Data.List(isPrefixOf,isSuffixOf,isInfixOf, elem , span, (\\))
import Control.Monad(when)

import Data.Monoid
import Control.Concurrent(forkIO,threadDelay,killThread, myThreadId, ThreadId)
import Data.Char(toLower)

import Unsafe.Coerce
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.TCache.DefaultPersistence  hiding(Indexable(..))
import Data.TCache.Memoization
import  Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B  (readFile,ByteString, concat,pack, unpack,empty,append,cons,fromChunks)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (ByteString(Chunk))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.IO
import System.Time
import Control.Workflow
import MFlow.Cookies
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Control.Exception as CE

--import Debug.Trace
--(!>)= flip trace

type Flow= (Token -> Workflow IO ())

data HttpData = HttpData Params [Cookie] ByteString | Error WFErrors ByteString deriving (Typeable, Show)

--instance ToHttpData HttpData where
-- toHttpData= id
--instance ToHttpData ByteString where
-- toHttpData bs= HttpData [] [] bs

instance Monoid HttpData where
 mempty= HttpData [] [] empty
 mappend (HttpData h c s) (HttpData h' c' s')= HttpData (h++h') (c++ c') $ mappend s s'

-- | List of (wfname, workflow) pairs, to be scheduled depending on the message's pwfname
type ProcList = WorkflowList IO Token ()

data Req  = forall a.( Processable a, Typeable a)=> Req a   deriving Typeable

type Params =  [(String,String)]

class Processable a where
     pwfname :: a -> String
     puser :: a -> String
     pind :: a -> String
     getParams :: a -> Params
--     getServer ::a -> String
--     getPath :: a -> String
--     getPort :: a -> Int

instance Processable Token where
     pwfname = twfname
     puser = tuser
     pind = tind
     getParams = tenv

instance Processable  Req   where
    pwfname (Req x)= pwfname x
    puser (Req x)= puser x
    pind (Req x)= pind x   
    getParams (Req x)= getParams  x
--    getServer (Req x)= getServer  x
--    getPath (Req x)= getPath  x
--    getPort (Req x)= getPort  x

data Resp  = Fragm HttpData
           | EndFragm HttpData
           | Resp HttpData

-- | a Token identifies a flow that handle messages. The scheduler compose a Token with every `Processable`
-- message that arrives and send the mesage to the appropriate flow.
data Token = Token{twfname,tuser, tind :: String , tenv:: Params, tsendq :: MVar Req, trecq :: MVar Resp}  deriving  Typeable

instance Indexable  Token  where
     key (Token w u i  _ _ _  )=
          if u== anonymous then  u++ i   -- ++ "@" ++ w
                           else  u       -- ++ "@" ++ w

instance Show Token where
     show t = "Token " ++ key t

instance Read Token where
     readsPrec _ ('T':'o':'k':'e': 'n':' ':str1)
       | anonymous `isPrefixOf` str1= [(Token  w anonymous i [] (newVar 0) (newVar 0), tail str2)]
       | otherwise                 = [(Token  w ui "0" []  (newVar 0) (newVar 0), tail str2)]


        (ui,str')= span(/='@') str1
        i        = drop (length anonymous) ui
        (w,str2) = span (not . isSeparator) $ tail str'
        newVar _= unsafePerformIO  $ newEmptyMVar

     readsPrec _ str= error $ "parse error in Token read from: "++ str

instance Serializable Token  where
  serialize  = pack . show
  deserialize= read . unpack

iorefqmap= unsafePerformIO  . newMVar $ M.empty

addTokenToList t@Token{..} =
   modifyMVar_ iorefqmap $ \ map ->
     return $ M.insert  ( tind  ++ twfname  ++ tuser ) t map

deleteTokenInList t@Token{..} =
   modifyMVar_ iorefqmap $ \ map ->
     return $ M.delete  (tind  ++ twfname  ++ tuser) map

getToken msg=  do
      qmap  <- readMVar iorefqmap
      let u= puser msg ; w= pwfname msg ; i=pind msg; penv= getParams msg
      let mqs = M.lookup ( i  ++ w  ++ u) qmap
      case mqs of
              Nothing  -> do
                 q <-   newEmptyMVar  -- `debug` (i++w++u)
                 qr <-  newEmptyMVar
                 let token= Token w u i penv q qr
                 addTokenToList token
                 return token

              Just token-> return token

-- | The anonymous user
anonymous= "anon#"

-- | It is the path of the root flow
noScript = "noscript"

instance  (Monad m, Show a) => Traceable (Workflow m a) where
       debugf iox str = do
              x <- iox
              return $ debug x (str++" => Workflow "++ show x)
-- | send a complete response 
send ::   Token  -> HttpData -> IO()
send  t@(Token _ _ _ _ _ qresp) msg=   do
      ( putMVar qresp  . Resp $  msg )  -- !> ("<<<<< send "++ thread t) 

sendFlush t msg= flushRec t >> send t msg     -- !> "sendFlush "

-- | send a response fragment. Useful for streaming. the last packet must sent trough 'send'
sendFragment ::  Token  -> HttpData -> IO()
sendFragment (Token _ _ _ _ _ qresp) msg=   putMVar qresp  . Fragm $  msg

{-# DEPRECATED sendEndFragment "use send to end a fragmented response instead" #-}
sendEndFragment ::   Token  -> HttpData -> IO()
sendEndFragment (Token _ _ _ _ _ qresp  ) msg=  putMVar qresp  $ EndFragm   msg

--emptyReceive (Token  queue _  _)= emptyQueue queue
receive ::  Typeable a => Token -> IO a
receive t= receiveReq t >>= return  . fromReq

flushRec t@(Token _ _ _ _ queue _)= do
   empty <-  isEmptyMVar  queue
   when (not empty) $ takeMVar queue >> return ()

receiveReq ::  Token -> IO Req
receiveReq t@(Token _ _ _ _ queue _)=   readMVar queue  -- !> (">>>>>> receive "++ thread t)

fromReq :: Typeable a => Req -> a
fromReq  (Req x) = x' where
      x'= case cast x of
           Nothing -> error $ "receive: received type: "++ show (typeOf x) ++ " does not match the desired type:" ++ show (typeOf  x')
           Just y  -> y

receiveReqTimeout :: Int
                  -> Integer
                  -> Token
                  -> IO Req
receiveReqTimeout 0 0 t= receiveReq t
receiveReqTimeout time time2 t=
  let id= keyWF (twfname t)  t in withKillTimeout id time time2 (receiveReq t)

delMsgHistory t = do
      let statKey=  keyWF (twfname t)  t                  -- !> "wf"      --let qnme= keyWF wfname t
      delWFHistory1 statKey                               -- `debug` "delWFHistory"

-- | executes a simple monadic computation that receive the params and return a response
-- It is used with `addMessageFlows`
-- There is a higuer level version @wstateless@ in "MFLow.Forms"
stateless ::  (Params -> IO HttpData) -> Flow
stateless f = transient proc
  proc t@(Token _ _ _ _ queue qresp) = loop t queue qresp
  loop t queue qresp=do
    req <- takeMVar queue                       -- !> (">>>>>> stateless " ++ thread t)
    resp <- f (getParams req)
    (putMVar qresp  $ Resp  resp  ) -- !> ("<<<<<< stateless " ++thread t)
    loop t queue qresp                          -- !>  ("enviado stateless " ++ thread t)

-- | Executes a monadic computation that send and receive messages, but does
-- not store its state in permanent storage. The process once stopped, will restart anew 
---- It is used with `addMessageFlows` `hackMessageFlow` or `waiMessageFlow`
transient :: (Token -> IO ()) -> Flow   
transient f=  unsafeIOtoWF . f -- WF(\s -> f t>>= \x-> return (s, x) )

_messageFlows :: MVar (M.Map String Flow) 
_messageFlows= unsafePerformIO $ newMVar M.empty 

-- | add a list of flows to be scheduled. Each entry in the list is a pair @(path, flow)@
addMessageFlows wfs=  modifyMVar_ _messageFlows(\ms ->  return $ M.union ms  (M.fromList $ map flt wfs))
  where flt ("",f)= (noScript,f)
        flt e= e

-- | return the list of the scheduler
getMessageFlows = readMVar _messageFlows

--class ToHttpData a  where
--    toHttpData :: a -> HttpData  

thread t= show(unsafePerformIO  myThreadId) ++ " "++ show (twfname t)

--tellToWF :: (Typeable a,  Typeable c, Processable a) => Token -> a -> IO c
tellToWF t@(Token _ _ _ _ queue qresp ) msg = do  
    putMVar queue (Req msg)              -- !> (">>>>> telltowf"++ thread t)
    m <-  takeMVar qresp                 -- !> ("<<<<<< tellTowf"++ thread t)
    case m  of
        Resp r  ->  return  r            -- !> ("recibido  tellTowf"++ thread t)
        Fragm r -> do
                   result <- getStream   r
                   return  result

    getStream r =  do
         mr <-  takeMVar qresp 
         case mr of
            Fragm h -> do
                 rest <- unsafeInterleaveIO $  getStream  h
                 let result=  mappend  r   rest
                 return  result 
            EndFragm h -> do
                 let result=  mappend r   h
                 return  result

            Resp h -> do
                 let result=  mappend r   h
                 return  result

--data Error= Error String deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)

--instance ToHttpData String where
--  toHttpData= HttpData [] [] . pack

-- | The scheduler creates a Token with every `Processable`
-- message that arrives and send the mesage to the appropriate flow, then waht for the response
-- and return it.
-- It is the core of the application server. "MFLow.Wai" and "MFlow.Hack" use it
  :: (Typeable a,Processable a)
  => a  -> IO (HttpData, ThreadId)
msgScheduler x  = do
  token <- getToken x
  th <- startMessageFlow (pwfname x) token
  r  <- tellToWF token  x                         --  !> let HttpData _ _ r1=r in unpack r1 
  return (r,th)
  --start the flow if not started yet
  startMessageFlow wfname token = 
   forkIO $ do
        wfs <- getMessageFlows
        r <- startWF wfname  token   wfs                      -- !>( "init wf " ++ wfname)
        case r of
          Left NotFound -> do
                 sendFlush token =<< serveFile wfname
--               sendFlush token (Error NotFound $ "Not found: " <> pack wfname)
                 deleteTokenInList token
          Left AlreadyRunning -> return ()                    -- !> ("already Running " ++ wfname)
          Left Timeout -> return()                            -- !>  "Timeout in msgScheduler"
          Left (WFException e)-> do
               let user= key token
               print e
               logError user wfname e
               moveState wfname token token{tuser= "error/"++tuser token}

               sendFlush token $ HttpData [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] [] $
                                     case user of
                                       "admin" -> pack $ show e
                                       _       -> "An Error has ocurred."

          Right _ -> do
--               let msg= "finished Flow "++ wfname++ " restarting"
--               logError (key token) wfname msg
--               startMessageFlow wfname token wfs

              delMsgHistory token; return ()      -- !> ("finished " ++ wfname)

  logError u wf e= do
     hSeek hlog SeekFromEnd 0
     TOD t _ <- getClockTime
     hPutStrLn hlog (","++show [u,show t,wf,e])  >> hFlush hlog

logFileName= "errlog"

-- | The handler of the error log
hlog= unsafePerformIO $ openFile logFileName ReadWriteMode

defNotFoundResponse msg=
   "<html><h4>Error 404: Page not found or error ocurred:</h4><h3>" <> msg <>
   "</h3><br/>" <> opts <> "<br/><a href=\"/\" >press here to go home</a></html>"

  paths= Prelude.map B.pack . M.keys $ unsafePerformIO getMessageFlows
  opts=  "options: " <> B.concat (Prelude.map  (\s ->
                          "<a href=\""<>  s <>"\">"<> s <>"</a>, ") paths)

notFoundResponse=  unsafePerformIO $ newIORef defNotFoundResponse

-- | set the  404 "not found" response
setNotFoundResponse f= liftIO $ writeIORef notFoundResponse  f
getNotFoundResponse= unsafePerformIO $ readIORef notFoundResponse

-- basic bytestring  tags
type Attribs= [(String,String)]
-- | Writes a XML tag in a ByteString. It is the most basic form of formatting. For
-- more sophisticated formatting , use "MFlow.Forms.XHtml" or "MFlow.Forms.HSP".
btag :: String -> Attribs  -> ByteString -> ByteString
btag t rs v= "<" `append` pt `append` attrs rs `append` ">" `append` v `append`"</"`append` pt `append` ">"
 pt= pack t
 attrs []= B.empty
 attrs rs=  pack $ concatMap(\(n,v) -> (' ' :   n) ++ "=\"" ++ v++ "\"" ) rs

-- |
-- > bhtml ats v= btag "html" ats v
bhtml :: Attribs -> ByteString -> ByteString
bhtml ats v= btag "html" ats v

-- |
-- > bbody ats v= btag "body" ats v
bbody :: Attribs -> ByteString -> ByteString
bbody ats v= btag "body" ats v

addAttrs :: ByteString -> Attribs -> ByteString
addAttrs (Chunk "<" (Chunk tag rest)) rs=
   Chunk "<"(Chunk tag  (pack $ concatMap(\(n,v) -> (' ' :   n) ++ "=" ++  v ) rs))  <> rest

addAttrs other _ = error  $ "addAttrs: byteString is not a tag: " ++ show other

--- basic file server ----

-- | Set the path of the files in the web server. The links to the files are relative to it.
-- The files are cached (memoized) according with the "Data.TCache" policies in the program space. This avoid the blocking of
-- the efficient GHC threads by frequent IO calls.So it enhances the performance
-- in the context of heavy concurrence.
-- It uses 'Data.TCache.Memoization'. 
-- The caching-uncaching follows the `setPersist` criteria
setFilesPath :: String -> IO ()
setFilesPath path= writeIORef rfilesPath path

rfilesPath= unsafePerformIO $ newIORef "files/"

serveFile path'= do
     when(let hpath= head path' in hpath == '/' || hpath =='\\') $ error noperm
     when(not(".." `isSuffixOf` path') && ".." `isInfixOf` path') $ error noperm
     filesPath <- readIORef rfilesPath
     let path= filesPath ++ path'
     mr <-  cachedByKey path 0  $   (B.readFile  path >>=  return . Just) `CE.catch` ioerr (return Nothing)
     case mr of
      Nothing -> return $ HttpData  [setMime "text/plain"] [] $ pack $  "not accessible"
      Just r ->
         let ext  = reverse . takeWhile (/='.') $ reverse path
             mmime= lookup (map toLower ext) mimeTable
             mime = case mmime of Just m -> m ;Nothing -> "application/octet-stream"

         in return $ HttpData  [setMime mime, ("Cache-Control", "max-age=360000")] [] r
   noperm= "no permissions"
   ioerr x= \(e :: CE.IOException) ->  x
   setMime x= ("Content-Type",x)

    ("html",	"text/html"),
    ("htm",	"text/html"),
    ("txt",	"text/plain"),
    ("hs",      "text/plain"),
    ("lhs",      "text/plain"), 
    ("jpeg",	"image/jpeg"),
    ("pdf",	"application/pdf"),
    ("js",	"application/x-javascript"),
    ("gif",	"image/gif"),
    ("bmp",	"image/bmp"),
    ("ico",	"image/x-icon"),
    ("doc",	"application/msword"),
    ("jpg",	"image/jpeg"),
    ("eps",	"application/postscript"),
    ("zip",	"application/zip"),
    ("exe",	"application/octet-stream"),
    ("tif",	"image/tiff"),
    ("tiff",	"image/tiff"),
    ("mov",	"video/quicktime"),
    ("movie",	"video/x-sgi-movie"),
    ("mp2",	"video/mpeg"),
    ("mp3",	"audio/mpeg"),
    ("mpa",	"video/mpeg"),
    ("mpe",	"video/mpeg"),
    ("mpeg",	"video/mpeg"),
    ("mpg",	"video/mpeg"),
    ("mpp",	"application/vnd.ms-project"),
    ("323",	"text/h323"),
    ("*",	"application/octet-stream"),
    ("acx",	"application/internet-property-stream"),
    ("ai",	"application/postscript"),
    ("aif",	"audio/x-aiff"),
    ("aifc",	"audio/x-aiff"),
    ("aiff",	"audio/x-aiff"),
    ("asf",	"video/x-ms-asf"),
    ("asr",	"video/x-ms-asf"),
    ("asx",	"video/x-ms-asf"),
    ("au",	"audio/basic"),
    ("avi",	"video/x-msvideo"),
    ("axs",	"application/olescript"),
    ("bas",	"text/plain"),
    ("bcpio",	"application/x-bcpio"),
    ("bin",	"application/octet-stream"),
    ("c",	"text/plain"),
    ("cat",	"application/vnd.ms-pkiseccat"),
    ("cdf",	"application/x-cdf"),
    ("cdf",	"application/x-netcdf"),
    ("cer",	"application/x-x509-ca-cert"),
    ("class",	"application/octet-stream"),
    ("clp",	"application/x-msclip"),
    ("cmx",	"image/x-cmx"),
    ("cod",	"image/cis-cod"),
    ("cpio",	"application/x-cpio"),
    ("crd",	"application/x-mscardfile"),
    ("crl",	"application/pkix-crl"),
    ("crt",	"application/x-x509-ca-cert"),
    ("csh",	"application/x-csh"),
    ("css",	"text/css"),
    ("dcr",	"application/x-director"),
    ("der",	"application/x-x509-ca-cert"),
    ("dir",	"application/x-director"),
    ("dll",	"application/x-msdownload"),
    ("dms",	"application/octet-stream"),
    ("dot",	"application/msword"),
    ("dvi",	"application/x-dvi"),
    ("dxr",	"application/x-director"),
    ("eps",	"application/postscript"),
    ("etx",	"text/x-setext"),
    ("evy",	"application/envoy"),
    ("fif",	"application/fractals"),
    ("flr",	"x-world/x-vrml"),
    ("gtar",	"application/x-gtar"),
    ("gz",	"application/x-gzip"),
    ("h",	"text/plain"),
    ("hdf",	"application/x-hdf"),
    ("hlp",	"application/winhlp"),
    ("hqx",	"application/mac-binhex40"),
    ("hta",	"application/hta"),
    ("htc",	"text/x-component"),
    ("htt",	"text/webviewhtml"),
    ("ief",	"image/ief"),
    ("iii",	"application/x-iphone"),
    ("ins",	"application/x-internet-signup"),
    ("isp",	"application/x-internet-signup"),
    ("jfif",	"image/pipeg"),
    ("jpe",	"image/jpeg"),
    ("latex",	"application/x-latex"),
    ("lha",	"application/octet-stream"),
    ("lsf",	"video/x-la-asf"),
    ("lsx",	"video/x-la-asf"),
    ("lzh",	"application/octet-stream"),
    ("m13",	"application/x-msmediaview"),
    ("m14",	"application/x-msmediaview"),
    ("m3u",	"audio/x-mpegurl"),
    ("man",	"application/x-troff-man"),
    ("mdb",	"application/x-msaccess"),
    ("me",	"application/x-troff-me"),
    ("mht",	"message/rfc822"),
    ("mhtml",	"message/rfc822"),
    ("mid",	"audio/mid"),
    ("mny",	"application/x-msmoney"),
    ("mpv2",	"video/mpeg"),
    ("ms",	"application/x-troff-ms"),
    ("msg",	"application/vnd.ms-outlook"),
    ("mvb",	"application/x-msmediaview"),
    ("nc",	"application/x-netcdf"),
    ("nws",	"message/rfc822"),
    ("oda",	"application/oda"),
    ("p10",	"application/pkcs10"),
    ("p12",	"application/x-pkcs12"),
    ("p7b",	"application/x-pkcs7-certificates"),
    ("p7c",	"application/x-pkcs7-mime"),
    ("p7m",	"application/x-pkcs7-mime"),
    ("p7r",	"application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp"),
    ("p7s",	"application/x-pkcs7-signature"),
    ("png",     "image/png"),
    ("pbm",	"image/x-portable-bitmap"),
    ("pfx",	"application/x-pkcs12"),
    ("pgm",	"image/x-portable-graymap"),
    ("pko",	"application/ynd.ms-pkipko"),
    ("pma",	"application/x-perfmon"),
    ("pmc",	"application/x-perfmon"),
    ("pml",	"application/x-perfmon"),
    ("pmr",	"application/x-perfmon"),
    ("pmw",	"application/x-perfmon"),
    ("pnm",	"image/x-portable-anymap"),
    ("pot",	"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"),
    ("ppm",	"image/x-portable-pixmap"),
    ("pps",	"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"),
    ("ppt",	"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"),
    ("prf",	"application/pics-rules"),
    ("ps",	"application/postscript"),
    ("pub",	"application/x-mspublisher"),
    ("qt",	"video/quicktime"),
    ("ra",	"audio/x-pn-realaudio"),
    ("ram",	"audio/x-pn-realaudio"),
    ("ras",	"image/x-cmu-raster"),
    ("rgb",	"image/x-rgb"),
    ("rmi",	"audio/mid"),
    ("roff",	"application/x-troff"),
    ("rtf",	"application/rtf"),
    ("rtx",	"text/richtext"),
    ("scd",	"application/x-msschedule"),
    ("sct",	"text/scriptlet"),
    ("setpay",	"application/set-payment-initiation"),
    ("setreg",	"application/set-registration-initiation"),
    ("sh",	"application/x-sh"),
    ("shar",	"application/x-shar"),
    ("sit",	"application/x-stuffit"),
    ("snd",	"audio/basic"),
    ("spc",	"application/x-pkcs7-certificates"),
    ("spl",	"application/futuresplash"),
    ("src",	"application/x-wais-source"),
    ("sst",	"application/vnd.ms-pkicertstore"),
    ("stl",	"application/vnd.ms-pkistl"),
    ("stm",	"text/html"),
    ("sv4cpio",	"application/x-sv4cpio"),
    ("sv4crc",	"application/x-sv4crc"),
    ("svg",	"image/svg+xml"),
    ("swf",	"application/x-shockwave-flash"),
    ("t",	"application/x-troff"),
    ("tar",	"application/x-tar"),
    ("tcl",	"application/x-tcl"),
    ("tex",	"application/x-tex"),
    ("texi",	"application/x-texinfo"),
    ("texinfo",	"application/x-texinfo"),
    ("tgz",	"application/x-compressed"),
    ("tr",	"application/x-troff"),
    ("trm",	"application/x-msterminal"),
    ("tsv",	"text/tab-separated-values"),
    ("uls",	"text/iuls"),
    ("ustar",	"application/x-ustar"),
    ("vcf",	"text/x-vcard"),
    ("vrml",	"x-world/x-vrml"),
    ("wav",	"audio/x-wav"),
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