{-# OPTIONS -XDeriveDataTypeable -XScopedTypeVariables #-} module Test where {- A stateless flow example. Convert it into persistent by uncommenting {- step -} and see the differences. after 10 seconds without user interaction, the process is killed (set by setTimeout) -} import MFlow.Hack.XHtml.All import Control.Concurrent import qualified Data.Vector as V main= do -- syncWrite SyncManual putStrLn $ options messageFlows forkIO $ run 80 $ hackMessageFlow messageFlows adminLoop options msgs= "in the browser navigate to\n\n" ++ concat [ "http://localhost/"++ i ++ "\n" | (i,_) <- msgs] messageFlows= [("noscript", runFlow shopCart )] --shopCart1 :: V.Vector Int -> FlowM (Workflow IO) b shopCart = do setTimeouts 10 0 shopCart1 (V.fromList [0,0,0:: Int]) where shopCart1 cart= do i <- {-step . -} ask $ table ! [border 1,thestyle "width:20%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto"] <<< caption << "choose an item" ++> thead << tr << concatHtml[ th << bold << "item", th << bold << "times chosen"] ++> (tbody <<< (tr <<< td <<< wlink 0 (bold <<"iphone") <++ td << ( bold << show ( cart V.! 0)) <|> tr <<< td <<< wlink 1 (bold <<"ipad") <++ td << ( bold << show ( cart V.! 1)) <|> tr <<< td <<< wlink 2 (bold <<"ipod") <++ td << ( bold << show ( cart V.! 2))) ) let newCart= cart V.// [(i, cart V.! i + 1 )] shopCart1 newCart