{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNoMonomorphismRestriction -XDeriveDataTypeable #-} module Language.Lsl.Internal.Exec( ScriptImage(..), EvalState, ExecutionInfo(..), ExecutionState(..), FrameInfo(..), MemRegion, Binding, executeLsl, frameInfo, initLSLScript, initStateSimple, setupSimple, evalSimple, emptyMemRegion, runEval, scriptImage, softReset, hardReset, hasActiveHandler) where --import Debug.Trace import Data.Bits((.&.),(.|.),xor,shiftL,shiftR,complement) import Data.List(intersperse,find,intercalate) import Data.Data import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe(isJust) import Language.Lsl.Internal.Breakpoint(Breakpoint(..),StepManager(..),pushStepManagerFrame,popStepManagerFrame,emptyStepManager,mkBreakpoint) import Language.Lsl.Internal.CodeHelper(renderCall) import Language.Lsl.Internal.FuncSigs(funcSigs) import Language.Lsl.Internal.Util(fromInt,lookupM,ctx,findM) import Language.Lsl.Syntax(Expr(..), CompiledLSLScript(..), Statement(..), Func(..), FuncDec(..), Var(..), State(..), Ctx(..), Global(..), TextLocation(..), SourceContext(..), Handler(..), ctxVr2Vr, findFunc, findFuncDec, ctxItems, findState, fromMCtx, predefFuncs, isTextLocation, rmCtx) import Language.Lsl.Internal.Type(LSLType(..),LSLValue(..),typeOfLSLComponent,typeOfLSLValue,toFloat,toSVal, lslShowVal,replaceLslValueComponent,vecMulScalar,rotMulVec,parseVector,parseRotation, parseInt,parseFloat,invRot,rotMul,vcross,Component(..),lslValueComponent) import Language.Lsl.Internal.Key(nullKey,nextKey) import Language.Lsl.Internal.Evaluation(EvalResult(..),Event(..),ScriptInfo(..)) import Language.Lsl.Internal.Constants(findConstVal,llcZeroRotation,llcZeroVector) import Language.Lsl.Render import Control.Monad(foldM_,when,mplus,msum,join,zipWithM) import Control.Monad.State(lift,StateT(..)) import Control.Monad.Error(ErrorT(..)) import Debug.Trace(trace) -- initialize a script for execution initLSLScript :: RealFloat a => CompiledLSLScript -> ScriptImage a initLSLScript (CompiledLSLScript _ globals fs ss) = ScriptImage { scriptImageName = "", curState = "default", executionState = Waiting, glob = initGlobals globals, funcs = map ctxItem fs, states = map ctxItem ss, valueStack = [], callStack = [], stepManager = emptyStepManager, globals = globals, currentEvent = Nothing } initStateSimple script perfAction log qtick utick chkBp = EvalState { scriptImage = initLSLScript script, objectId = nextKey nullKey, primId = 0, scriptName = "script", myPrimKey = nextKey nullKey, performAction = perfAction, logMessage = log, qwtick = qtick, uwtick = utick, checkBreakpoint = chkBp, nextEvent = undefined } runEval = (runStateT . runErrorT) executeLsl img oid pid sid pkey perfAction log qtick utick chkBp queue maxTick = do let state = (EvalState { scriptImage = img, objectId = oid, primId = pid, scriptName = sid, myPrimKey = pkey, performAction = perfAction, logMessage = log, qwtick = qtick, uwtick = utick, checkBreakpoint = chkBp, nextEvent = undefined}) result <- (runEval $ evalScript maxTick queue) state case result of (Left s,_) -> return $ Left s (Right queue',evalState) -> return $ Right (scriptImage evalState, queue') -- The state of evaluation for a script. data EvalState m a = EvalState { scriptImage :: ScriptImage a, objectId :: String, primId :: Int, scriptName :: String, myPrimKey :: String, performAction :: String -> ScriptInfo a -> [LSLValue a] -> m (EvalResult,LSLValue a), logMessage :: String -> m (), qwtick :: m Int, uwtick :: Int -> m (), checkBreakpoint :: Breakpoint -> StepManager -> m (Bool, StepManager), nextEvent :: String -> String -> m (Maybe (Event a)) } type Eval m a = ErrorT String (StateT (EvalState m a) m) evalT :: Monad m => ((EvalState m b) -> (a,EvalState m b)) -> Eval m b a evalT v = lift ((\ f -> StateT (\ s -> return (f s))) v) -- the image, or 'memory state' of a running script. Includes the -- status of all stacks, global variables, and immutable items like -- the functions and state definitions. data ScriptImage a = ScriptImage { scriptImageName :: String, curState :: StateName, executionState :: ExecutionState, glob :: MemRegion a, funcs :: [Func], states :: [State], valueStack :: ValueStack a, callStack :: CallStack a, stepManager :: StepManager, globals :: [Global], currentEvent :: Maybe (Event a) } deriving (Show) data FrameInfo a = FrameInfo { frameInfoImageName :: String, frameInfoFrames :: [(String,Maybe SourceContext,Maybe Int,[(String,LSLValue a)])] } deriving (Show) frameInfo scriptImage = FrameInfo (scriptImageName scriptImage) $ frames ++ [("glob", bottomContext, Nothing, glob scriptImage)] where frames = (map collapseFrame $ callStack scriptImage) (bottomContext,bottomLine) = case frames of [] -> (Nothing,Nothing) _ -> let (_,ctx,_,_) = last frames in (ctx,Just 1) collapseFrame (Frame name ctx line (ss,_)) = (name,ctx,line,concat $ map scopeMem ss) -- a soft reset occurs when a script that has been running, but -- has been persisted to inventory, is reactivated. The curState -- stays the same, but if the script was running or sleeping, the -- script goes to the 'waiting' state, with its call stack and value -- stack cleared. -- if a script was halted, it stays halted; if it was waiting, it -- stays waiting; if it was erroneous, it stays erroneous softReset image = let image' = image { valueStack = [], callStack = [] } in case executionState image' of SleepingTil _ -> image' { executionState = Waiting } Executing -> image' { executionState = Waiting } _ -> image' -- a hard reset occurs when a script is explicitly reset, either -- via an LSL call, or 'manually' (in the real SL, via the GUI) hardReset image = case executionState image of Erroneous _ -> image -- no effect Halted -> image -- halted scripts are scripts that are explicitly not in the run state _ -> image { curState = "default", executionState = Waiting, glob = initGlobals (globals image), valueStack = [], callStack = [] } type StateName = String -- a labeled block: a label and all the statements that follow it. data LBlock = LBlock String [Ctx Statement] deriving (Show) -- find a block in a list of labeled blocks findLBlock name = find (\ (LBlock n _) -> name == n) -- label the blocks in a list of statements `(i.e. -- (EXAMPLE: -- { -- @foo; -- if (i == 7) jump bar; -- @bar; -- llSay(0, (string) (i + j)); -- if (j == 10) jump foo; -- } -- In the above code, there are two labels, and there for two labelled -- blocks. The first is 'foo', labelling the block: -- if (i == 7) jump bar; -- @bar; -- llSay(0, (string) (i + j)); -- if (j == 10) jump foo; -- -- The 2nd is 'bar', labelling the block: -- llSay(0, (string) (i + j)); -- if (j == 10) jump foo; -- labelBlocks [] = [] -- labelBlocks ((Label s):stmts) = (LBlock s stmts):(labelBlocks stmts) -- labelBlocks (_:stmts) = (labelBlocks stmts) labelBlocks (ctxStmt:stmts) = case ctxItem ctxStmt of Label s -> (LBlock s stmts):(labelBlocks stmts) _ -> (labelBlocks stmts) -- A name/element pair is the basic unit of memory. Each memory -- location has a name (rather than an address) and can hold a value -- which can be of any LSL type. So 1 memory location can hold a -- vector, or a string, or a list, etc. type Binding a = (String,LSLValue a) -- a memory region is just a collection of NameElementPairs type MemRegion a = [Binding a] emptyMemRegion = [] initVar name LLInteger Nothing = (name,IVal 0) initVar name LLFloat Nothing = (name,FVal $ realToFrac 0.0) initVar name LLString Nothing = (name,SVal "") initVar name LLKey Nothing = (name,SVal "") initVar name LLList Nothing = (name,LVal []) initVar name LLVector Nothing = (name,VVal 0.0 0.0 0.0) initVar name LLRot Nothing = (name,RVal 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0) initVar name LLKey (Just (SVal s)) = (name,KVal s) initVar name LLString (Just (KVal k)) = (name, SVal k) initVar name LLFloat (Just (IVal i)) = (name,FVal $ fromInt i) initVar name LLInteger (Just (FVal f)) = (name,IVal $ floor f) initVar name _ (Just v) = (name,v) writeMem :: Monad m => String -> LSLValue a -> MemRegion a -> m (MemRegion a) writeMem name value cells = case break (\(name',element) -> name' == name) cells of (cells',[]) -> fail "no such variable" (xs,y:ys) -> return ((name,value):(xs ++ ys)) readMem :: Monad m => String -> MemRegion a -> m (LSLValue a) readMem = lookupM initGlobals :: RealFloat a => [Global] -> MemRegion a initGlobals globals = map (initGlobal globals) globals initGlobal globals (GDecl (Ctx _ (Var name t)) mexpr) = initVar name t $ fmap (evalLit globals) mexpr evalCtxLit globals (Ctx _ expr) = evalLit globals expr evalLit globals expr = let litExpr2Float expr = case evalCtxLit globals expr of (FVal f) -> f (IVal i) -> fromInteger $ toInteger i _ -> error "invalid float expression" in case expr of Neg (Ctx _ (IntLit i)) -> IVal (-i) Neg (Ctx _ (FloatLit f)) -> FVal (-(realToFrac f)) IntLit i -> IVal i FloatLit f -> FVal (realToFrac f) StringLit s -> SVal s KeyLit k -> KVal k ListExpr l -> LVal $ map (evalCtxLit globals) l VecExpr a b c -> VVal (litExpr2Float a) (litExpr2Float b) (litExpr2Float c) RotExpr a b c d -> RVal (litExpr2Float a) (litExpr2Float b) (litExpr2Float c) (litExpr2Float d) Get (Ctx _ nm,All) -> case find (\ (GDecl (Ctx _ (Var nm' t)) mexpr') -> nm == nm') globals of Nothing -> case findConstVal nm of Nothing -> error ("invalid global " ++ nm ++ " referenced in initializer") Just v -> v Just g -> let (_,v) = initGlobal globals g in v bindParm (Var name t) lslVal = if typeOfLSLValue lslVal == t then return (name,lslVal) else fail "type mismatch!" bindParms vars vals = zipWithM bindParm vars vals bindParmForgiving (Var name t) lslVal = case (t,typeOfLSLValue lslVal) of (LLInteger,LLFloat) -> let FVal v = lslVal in return (name,IVal $ floor v) (LLFloat,LLInteger) -> let IVal v = lslVal in return (name,FVal $ fromInt v) (LLKey,LLString) -> let SVal s = lslVal in return (name,KVal s) (LLString,LLKey) -> let KVal k = lslVal in return (name,SVal k) (t0,t1) | t0 == t1 -> return (name,lslVal) | otherwise -> fail "type mismatch!" bindParmsForgiving vars vals = zipWithM bindParmForgiving vars vals toBool x = if x == 0 then False else True --type Frame = (ScopeStack,EvalStack) data Frame a = Frame { frameName :: String, frameContext :: Maybe SourceContext, frameSourceLine :: Maybe Int, frameStacks :: (ScopeStack a, EvalStack) } deriving (Show) type LabelSet = [LBlock] --type Scope a = (MemRegion a,LabelSet) type ScopeStack a = [Scope a] type CallStack a = [Frame a] data Scope a = Scope { scopeMem :: !(MemRegion a), scopeLabels :: !LabelSet, scopeMarks :: Int } deriving (Show) readVarScope :: String -> Scope a -> Maybe (LSLValue a) readVarScope name (Scope { scopeMem = mem }) = readMem name mem readVarSStack :: String -> ScopeStack a -> Maybe (LSLValue a) readVarSStack name ss = foldl mplus Nothing $ map (readVarScope name) ss readVarFrame :: String -> Frame a -> Maybe (LSLValue a) readVarFrame name = (readVarSStack name) . fst . frameStacks readVarCallStack :: String -> CallStack a -> Maybe (LSLValue a) readVarCallStack name = (readVarFrame name) . head writeVarScope :: String -> LSLValue a -> Scope a -> Maybe (Scope a) writeVarScope name val s@(Scope { scopeMem = mem} ) = writeMem name val mem >>= \ mem' -> return s { scopeMem = mem' } writeVarSStack rs name val [] = Nothing writeVarSStack rs name val (s:ss) = case writeVarScope name val s of Nothing -> writeVarSStack (s:rs) name val ss Just s' -> Just $ (reverse rs) ++ (s':ss) writeVarFrame name val frame = let (ss,es) = frameStacks frame in case writeVarSStack [] name val ss of Nothing -> Nothing Just ss' -> Just frame { frameStacks = (ss',es) } writeVarCallStack name val (frame:cs) = writeVarFrame name val frame >>= return . (flip (:) cs) type EvalStack = [EvalElement] type ValueStack a = [LSLValue a] data EvalElement = EvBlock [Ctx Statement] | EvCtxStatement (Ctx Statement) | EvStatement Statement | EvExpr Expr | EvMexpr (Maybe Expr) | EvAdd | EvSub | EvMul | EvDiv | EvMod | EvBAnd | EvBOr | EvBXor | EvBInv | EvNeg | EvNot | EvAnd | EvOr | EvLe | EvLt | EvGe | EvGt | EvEq | EvNe | EvShiftL | EvShiftR | EvCast LSLType | EvGet (String,Component) | EvSet (String,Component) | EvCons | EvMkVec | EvMkRot | EvPop | EvReturn | EvDiscard | EvBind String LSLType | EvCond Statement Statement | EvCall String (Maybe SourceContext) [Var] [Ctx Statement] Bool | EvPredef String | EvLoop Expr [Ctx Expr] Statement | EvMark deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) queryState q = evalT (\s -> (q s, s)) updateState :: Monad w => (EvalState w a -> EvalState w a) -> Eval w a () updateState u = evalT (\s -> ((), u s)) queryExState q = queryState (q . scriptImage) updateExState :: Monad w => (ScriptImage a -> ScriptImage a) -> Eval w a () updateExState u = updateState (\s -> s { scriptImage = u $ scriptImage s }) getTick :: Monad w => Eval w a Int getTick = join $ evalT (\s -> (lift $ lift $ qwtick s,s)) setTick v = do f <- (queryState uwtick) lift $ lift $ f v getNextEvent key name = do f <- (queryState nextEvent) lift $ lift $ f key name doAction name scriptInfo args = do perform <- (queryState performAction) lift $ lift $ perform name scriptInfo args logMsg s = do log <- queryState logMessage lift $ lift $ log s checkBp bp = do sm <- getStepManager chk <- queryState checkBreakpoint (result,sm') <- lift $ lift $ chk bp sm setStepManager sm' return result getGlob :: Monad w => Eval w a (MemRegion a) getGlob = queryExState glob getFuncs :: Monad w => Eval w a [Func] getFuncs = queryExState funcs getVStack :: Monad w => Eval w a (ValueStack a) getVStack = queryExState valueStack getCallStack :: Monad w => Eval w a (CallStack a) getCallStack = queryExState callStack getStates :: Monad w => Eval w a [State] getStates = queryExState states getCurrentEvent :: Monad w => Eval w a (Maybe (Event a)) getCurrentEvent = queryExState currentEvent getExecutionState :: Monad w => Eval w a ExecutionState getExecutionState = queryExState executionState getCurState :: Monad w => Eval w a String getCurState = queryExState curState --getEvalState :: (RealFloat a, Read a, Monad w) => Eval w a (EvalState w a) getEvalState = queryState id getObjectId :: Monad w => Eval w a String getObjectId = queryState objectId getPrimId :: Monad w => Eval w a Int getPrimId = queryState primId getScriptName :: Monad w => Eval w a String getScriptName = queryState scriptName getScriptImageName :: Monad w => Eval w a String getScriptImageName = queryExState scriptImageName getMyPrimKey :: Monad w => Eval w a String getMyPrimKey = queryState myPrimKey getStepManager :: Monad w => Eval w a StepManager getStepManager = queryExState stepManager setGlob g = updateExState (\e -> e { glob = g }) setVStack v = updateExState (\e -> e { valueStack = v }) setCallStack c = updateExState (\e -> e { callStack = c }) setStepManager m = updateExState (\e -> e { stepManager = m }) setExecutionState state = updateExState (\e -> e { executionState = state }) setCurState state = updateExState (\e -> e { curState = state }) setCurrentEvent event = updateExState (\e -> e { currentEvent = Just event }) setScriptImageName n = updateExState (\ e -> e { scriptImageName = n }) initStacks :: Monad w => Eval w a () initStacks = do setVStack [] setCallStack [] popScope :: Monad w => Eval w a (Scope a) popScope = do --((s:ss,es):cs) <- getCallStack (frame:frames) <- getCallStack let (s:ss,es) = frameStacks frame setCallStack (frame { frameStacks = (ss,es) }:frames) return s pushScope :: Monad w => MemRegion a -> LabelSet -> Eval w a () pushScope mem labels = do (frame:frames) <- getCallStack let (ss,es) = frameStacks frame setCallStack (frame { frameStacks = (Scope { scopeMem = mem, scopeLabels = labels, scopeMarks = 0}:ss,es) }:frames) pushVal value = do vstack <- getVStack setVStack (value:vstack) popVal :: Monad w => Eval w a (LSLValue a) popVal = do vstack <- getVStack case vstack of [] -> fail "empty value stack" (v:vs) -> do setVStack vs return v peekVal :: Monad w => Eval w a (LSLValue a) peekVal = do vstack <- getVStack case vstack of [] -> fail "empty value stack" (v:_) -> return v valStackEmpty :: (RealFloat a, Read a, Monad w) => Eval w a Bool valStackEmpty = getVStack >>= (return . (==[])) elementStackEmpty :: Monad w => Eval w a Bool elementStackEmpty = do (frame:cs) <- getCallStack case frameStacks frame of (_,[]) -> return True _ -> return False popElement :: Monad w => Eval w a EvalElement popElement = do (frame:frames) <- getCallStack let (ss,e:es) = frameStacks frame setCallStack (frame { frameStacks = (ss,es) }:frames) return e getEStack :: Monad w => Eval w a [EvalElement] getEStack = do (frame:frames) <- getCallStack return $ snd $ frameStacks frame popElements 0 = return () popElements n = do popElement popElements (n - 1) popMarks 0 = return () popMarks n = do e <- popElement case e of EvMark -> popMarks (n - 1) _ -> popMarks n pushElement element = do (frame:frames) <- getCallStack let (ss,es) = frameStacks frame setCallStack (frame { frameStacks = (ss,element:es) }:frames) pushElements elements = do mapM pushElement elements return EvalIncomplete callStackEmpty :: Monad w => Eval w a Bool callStackEmpty = getCallStack >>= return . null popFrame :: Monad w => Eval w a () popFrame = do (f:cs) <- getCallStack stepMgr <- getStepManager let stepMgr' = popStepManagerFrame stepMgr setStepManager stepMgr' setCallStack cs --pushFrame :: Monad w => Eval w () pushFrame name ctx line = do stepMgr <- getStepManager let stepMgr' = pushStepManagerFrame stepMgr setStepManager stepMgr' cs <- getCallStack setCallStack (Frame { frameName = name, frameContext = ctx, frameSourceLine = line, frameStacks = ([],[])}:cs) getFunc :: Monad w => String -> Eval w a Func getFunc name = do funcs <- getFuncs incontext ("func: " ++ name) $ findFunc name funcs setVar :: Monad w => String -> LSLValue a -> Eval w a () setVar name val = do cs <- getCallStack case writeVarCallStack name val cs of Just cs' -> setCallStack cs' Nothing -> do glob <- getGlob glob' <- incontext ("setting " ++ name ++ ":") $ writeMem name val glob setGlob glob' getVar :: (RealFloat a, Read a, Monad w) => String -> Eval w a (LSLValue a) getVar name = do cs <- getCallStack glob <- getGlob case msum [findConstVal name, readVarCallStack name cs, readMem name glob] of Nothing -> fail ("no such variable " ++ name) Just val -> return val initVar1 :: (RealFloat a, Read a, Monad w) => String -> LSLType -> Maybe (LSLValue a) -> Eval w a () initVar1 name t mval = do --(((m,l):ss,es):cs) <- getCallStack (frame:frames) <- getCallStack let (sc@Scope { scopeMem = m }:ss,es) = frameStacks frame let frame' = frame { frameStacks = (sc { scopeMem = initVar name t mval:m }:ss,es) } setCallStack (frame':frames) initVars1 :: (RealFloat a, Read a, Monad w) => [Var] -> [LSLValue a] -> Eval w a () initVars1 vars vals = foldM_ (\_ -> \ (Var n t, v) -> initVar1 n t $ Just v) () $ zip vars vals unwindToLabel name = let f n = do (frame:frames) <- getCallStack let (ss,es) = frameStacks frame case ss of [] -> fail ("label " ++ name ++ " not found") (Scope {scopeLabels = l, scopeMarks = marks}:ss') -> case findLBlock name l of Just (LBlock _ stmts) -> return (n + marks,stmts) Nothing -> do setCallStack (frame { frameStacks = (ss',es) }:frames) f (n + marks + 1) in f 1 modMark f = do (frame:frames) <- getCallStack let (ss,es) = frameStacks frame case ss of [] -> return () (sc@Scope { scopeMarks = marks }:ss') -> do let marks' = f marks let sc' = sc { scopeMarks = marks' } setCallStack (frame { frameStacks = (sc':ss',es) }:frames) data ExecutionState = Waiting | Executing | Halted | SleepingTil Int | Erroneous String | Crashed String | Suspended Breakpoint | WaitingTil Int -- in a waiting state, but won't process new events until time t deriving (Show,Eq) matchEvent (Event name _ _) [] = fail ("no such handler" ++ name) matchEvent event@(Event name values _) ((Ctx _ (Handler (Ctx ctx name') parms stmts)):hs) | name == name' = do mem <- bindParms (ctxItems parms) values return (mem,stmts,name,ctx) | otherwise = matchEvent event hs findHandler name handlers = ctx ("finding handler " ++ name) $ findM (\ (Ctx _ (Handler (Ctx _ name') _ _)) -> name' == name) handlers evalScriptSimple :: (Read a, RealFloat a, Monad w) => Int -> [String] -> [Binding a] -> [LSLValue a] -> Eval w a (EvalResult,Maybe (LSLValue a)) evalScriptSimple maxTick path globbindings args = do setupSimple path globbindings args evalSimple maxTick evalSimple maxTick = do result <- eval maxTick glob <- getGlob case result of EvalComplete Nothing -> do empty <- valStackEmpty if empty then return (result,Just VoidVal) else do val <- popVal return (result,Just val) _ -> return (result,Nothing) setupSimple path globbindings args = do setScriptImageName (concat (intersperse "." path)) updateGlobals globbindings (params,stmts,ctx) <- getEntryPoint path mem <- bindParmsForgiving params args initStacks pushFrame (concat $ intersperse "." path) ctx Nothing pushScope mem $ labelBlocks stmts pushElements [EvMark,EvBlock stmts] setExecutionState Executing where updateGlobals [] = return () updateGlobals ((name,val):bs) = do glob <- getGlob glob' <- writeMem name val glob setGlob glob' updateGlobals bs getEntryPoint [funcName] = do funcs <- getFuncs (Func (FuncDec name _ params) stmts) <- findFunc funcName funcs return (ctxItems params,stmts,srcCtx name) getEntryPoint [stateName,handlerName] = do states <- getStates (State _ handlers) <- findState stateName states (Ctx _ (Handler name params stmts)) <- findHandler handlerName handlers return (ctxItems params,stmts, srcCtx name) incontext s f = case f of Left s -> fail s Right v -> return v evalScript :: (RealFloat a, Read a, Monad w) => Int -> [Event a] -> Eval w a [Event a] evalScript maxTick queue = do executionState <- getExecutionState case executionState of Suspended _ -> setExecutionState Executing >> evalScript maxTick queue Erroneous _ -> return queue Waiting -> do oid <- getObjectId pid <- getPrimId primKey <- getMyPrimKey scriptName <- getScriptName case queue of [] -> return queue (event:queue') -> do states <- getStates curState <- case event of -- when a state_exit event occurs we've already changed the state variable in the image -- to the new state. the event itself contains the name of the old state, so we can -- find the right event handler. Event "state_exit" _ m -> case M.lookup "last_state" m of Just (SVal s) -> return s Nothing -> logMsg "not a valid state exit!" >> getCurState _ -> getCurState (State _ handlers) <- incontext ("state " ++ curState ++ ":") $ findState curState states case matchEvent event handlers of Nothing -> return queue' Just (mem,stmts,name,ctx) -> do initStacks pushFrame name ctx Nothing pushScope mem $ labelBlocks stmts pushElements [EvMark,EvBlock stmts] setExecutionState Executing setCurrentEvent event evalScript maxTick queue' Executing -> do result <- eval maxTick case result of EvalComplete (Just newState) -> do curState <- getCurState setCurState newState setExecutionState Waiting if curState /= newState -- the event queue gets cleared, with the state exit/entry events added. then return [Event "state_exit" [] $ M.singleton "last_state" (SVal curState), Event "state_entry" [] M.empty] else return queue EvalComplete _ -> setExecutionState Waiting >> return queue YieldTil i -> setExecutionState (SleepingTil i) >> return queue BrokeAt bp -> setExecutionState (Suspended bp) >> return queue _ -> return queue SleepingTil i -> do tick <- getTick if (tick >= i) then setExecutionState Executing >> evalScript maxTick queue else return queue WaitingTil i -> do tick <- getTick if (tick >= i) then setExecutionState Waiting >> evalScript maxTick queue else return queue Halted -> return queue eval :: (RealFloat a, Read a, Monad w) => Int -> Eval w a EvalResult eval maxTick = do t <- getTick let t' = t + 1 setTick t' (if (t' <= maxTick) then do result <- eval' case result of EvalIncomplete -> eval maxTick x -> return x else return EvalIncomplete) eval' :: (RealFloat a, Read a, Monad w) => Eval w a EvalResult eval' = let continue = return EvalIncomplete popAndCheck :: Monad w => Eval w a EvalResult popAndCheck = do popFrame noMoreFrames <- callStackEmpty return (if noMoreFrames then EvalComplete Nothing else EvalIncomplete) in do cs <- getCallStack vs <- getVStack es <- getEStack noMoreElements <- elementStackEmpty if noMoreElements then popAndCheck else do element <- popElement case element of EvReturn -> do val <- peekVal logMsg ("return: " ++ lslShowVal val) popAndCheck EvBlock [] -> popScope >> eval' EvMark -> modMark ((-)1) >> continue EvBlock (s:ss) -> pushElements [EvBlock ss,EvCtxStatement s] EvCtxStatement s -> do pushElement (EvStatement $ ctxItem s) case srcCtx s of Just (SourceContext { srcTextLocation = txtl }) -> let bp = mkBreakpoint (textName txtl) (textLine0 txtl) 0 in do brk <- checkBp bp if brk then return $ BrokeAt bp else continue Nothing -> continue EvStatement (Return mexpr) -> pushElements [EvReturn,EvMexpr $ fromMCtx mexpr] EvStatement (NullStmt) -> eval' EvStatement (StateChange s) -> return $ EvalComplete $ Just s EvStatement (Do expr) -> pushElements [EvDiscard,EvExpr $ ctxItem expr] EvStatement (Decl (Var name t) Nothing) -> do initVar1 name t Nothing continue EvStatement (Decl (Var name t) mexpr) -> pushElements [EvBind name t,EvMexpr $ fromMCtx mexpr] EvStatement (If expr stmt1 stmt2) -> pushElements [EvCond stmt1 stmt2,EvExpr $ ctxItem expr] EvStatement (While expr stmt) -> modMark (+1) >> pushElements [EvMark,EvLoop (ctxItem expr) [] stmt,EvExpr $ ctxItem expr] EvStatement (DoWhile stmt expr) -> modMark (+1) >> pushElements [EvMark,EvLoop (ctxItem expr) [] stmt, EvExpr (ctxItem expr),EvStatement stmt] EvStatement (For mexpr1 mexpr2 mexpr3 stmt) -> do let expr = case mexpr2 of Nothing -> (IntLit 1) Just expr2 -> ctxItem expr2 modMark (+1) pushElement EvMark pushElement (EvLoop expr (mexpr3) stmt) pushElement (EvExpr expr) pushElements [EvDiscard, EvExpr (ListExpr mexpr1)] continue EvStatement (Compound ss) -> do pushScope [] $ labelBlocks ss pushElement EvMark pushElement (EvBlock ss) continue EvStatement (Label _) -> eval' EvStatement (Jump name) -> do (n,stmts) <- unwindToLabel name popMarks n pushElements [EvMark,EvBlock stmts] continue EvMexpr Nothing -> pushVal VoidVal >> continue EvMexpr (Just expr) -> pushElements [EvExpr expr] EvDiscard -> popVal >> continue EvBind name t -> do val <- popVal initVar1 name t (Just val) continue EvLoop expr mexpr stmt -> do val <- popVal when (trueCondition val) $ do pushElement element -- last, re-evaluate loop pushElement (EvExpr expr) -- next-to-last, re-evaluate expr) pushElements [EvDiscard, EvExpr (ListExpr mexpr)] -- evaluate end-of-loop expressions pushElement (EvStatement stmt) -- first, evaluate statement) continue EvCond stmt1 stmt2 -> do val <- popVal pushElement (EvStatement (if trueCondition val then stmt1 else stmt2)) continue EvExpr (IntLit i) -> pushVal (IVal i) >> continue EvExpr (FloatLit f) -> pushVal (FVal (realToFrac f)) >> continue EvExpr (StringLit s) -> pushVal (SVal s) >> continue EvExpr (KeyLit k) -> pushVal (KVal k) >> continue EvExpr (VecExpr e1 e2 e3) -> -- TODO: this is probably the WRONG order of evaluation!!! pushElements [EvMkVec,EvExpr $ ctxItem e3, EvExpr $ ctxItem e2, EvExpr $ ctxItem e1] EvExpr (RotExpr e1 e2 e3 e4) -> pushElements [EvMkRot,EvExpr $ ctxItem e4, EvExpr $ ctxItem e3, EvExpr $ ctxItem e2, EvExpr $ ctxItem e1] EvExpr (ListExpr []) -> pushVal (LVal []) >> continue EvExpr (ListExpr ((Ctx _ e):es)) -> pushElements [EvCons,EvExpr (ListExpr es), EvExpr e] EvExpr (Add expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvAdd expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Sub expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvSub expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Mul expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvMul expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Div expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvDiv expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Mod expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvMod expr1 expr2 EvExpr (BAnd expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvBAnd expr1 expr2 EvExpr (BOr expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvBOr expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Xor expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvBXor expr1 expr2 EvExpr (And expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvAnd expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Or expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvOr expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Lt expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvLt expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Le expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvLe expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Gt expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvGt expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Ge expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvGe expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Equal expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvEq expr1 expr2 EvExpr (NotEqual expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvNe expr1 expr2 EvExpr (ShiftL expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvShiftL expr1 expr2 EvExpr (ShiftR expr1 expr2) -> pushBinary EvShiftR expr1 expr2 EvExpr (Not expr) -> pushUnary EvNot expr EvExpr (Neg expr) -> pushUnary EvNeg expr EvExpr (Inv expr) -> pushUnary EvBInv expr EvExpr (Cast t expr) -> pushElements [EvCast t,EvExpr $ ctxItem expr] EvExpr (Get var) -> pushElements [EvGet $ ctxVr2Vr var] EvExpr (Set var expr) -> pushElements [EvSet $ ctxVr2Vr var, EvExpr $ ctxItem expr] EvExpr (IncBy var expr) -> pushModBy var EvAdd $ ctxItem expr EvExpr (DecBy var expr) -> pushModBy var EvSub $ ctxItem expr EvExpr (MulBy var expr) -> pushModBy var EvMul $ ctxItem expr EvExpr (DivBy var expr) -> pushModBy var EvDiv $ ctxItem expr EvExpr (ModBy var expr) -> pushModBy var EvMod $ ctxItem expr EvExpr (PreInc var) -> pushModBy var EvAdd (IntLit 1) EvExpr (PreDec var) -> pushModBy var EvSub (IntLit 1) EvExpr (PostInc var) -> do -- after all operations, top of stack should be var value prior to increment pushElement (EvPop) -- take that value off, leaving the original value pushModBy var EvAdd (IntLit 1) pushElement (EvGet $ ctxVr2Vr var) -- put the current value on the stack continue EvExpr (PostDec var) -> do -- after all operations, top of stack should be var value prior to increment pushElement (EvPop) pushModBy var EvSub (IntLit 1) pushElement (EvGet $ ctxVr2Vr var) -- put the current value on the stack continue EvExpr (Call (Ctx _ name) exprs) -> case findFuncDec name predefFuncs of Just (FuncDec _ t parms) -> pushElements [EvPredef name, EvExpr (ListExpr exprs)] Nothing -> do (Func (FuncDec ctxName t parms) stmts) <- getFunc name pushElement (EvCall (ctxItem ctxName) (srcCtx ctxName) (ctxItems parms) stmts (t == LLVoid)) pushElement (EvExpr (ListExpr exprs)) -- first evaluate the arguments continue EvCons -> do (LVal l) <- popVal val <- popVal pushVal (LVal (val:l)) continue EvCall name ctx parms stmts voidFunc -> do (LVal val) <- popVal -- should be the list of arguments logMsg ("call: " ++ renderCall name val) pushFrame name ctx Nothing pushScope [] $ labelBlocks stmts initVars1 parms val -- a void function may not have an explicit return; if it does, this -- element will get popped off without being evaluated. when voidFunc (pushElement EvReturn >> pushElement (EvMexpr Nothing)) pushElements [EvMark,EvBlock stmts] continue EvPredef name -> evalPredef' name EvGet (name,c) -> do val <- getVar name pushVal $ lslValueComponent c val continue EvPop -> popVal >> continue EvSet (name,c) -> do val <- peekVal varVal <- getVar name let t = typeOfLSLComponent varVal c let val' = case (t,val) of (LLFloat,IVal i) -> FVal (fromInt i) (LLString,KVal k) -> SVal k (LLKey,SVal s) -> KVal s (t, v) | t == typeOfLSLValue v -> v | otherwise -> error ("can't implicitly convert from " ++ (show $ typeOfLSLValue v) ++ " to " ++ (show t)) let varVal' = replaceLslValueComponent c varVal val' setVar name varVal' continue EvAdd -> evalBinary $ \val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal v1, IVal v2) -> IVal (v1 + v2) (FVal v1, IVal v2) -> FVal (v1 + fromInt v2) (IVal v1, FVal v2) -> FVal (v2 + fromInt v1) (FVal v1, FVal v2) -> FVal (v1 + v2) (VVal x1 y1 z1, VVal x2 y2 z2) -> VVal (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2) (z1 + z2) (RVal x1 y1 z1 s1,RVal x2 y2 z2 s2) -> RVal (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2) (z1 + z2) (s1 + s2) (LVal l1,LVal l2) -> LVal (l1 ++ l2) (v,LVal l2) -> LVal (v:l2) (LVal l1, v) -> LVal (l1 ++ [v]) (SVal s1,SVal s2) -> SVal (s1 ++ s2) _ -> error ("invalid Add operands: " ++ (show val1) ++ ", " ++ (show val2)) EvSub -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (i1 - i2) (IVal i1,FVal f2) -> FVal (fromInt i1 - f2) (FVal f1,IVal i2) -> FVal (f1 - fromInt i2) (FVal f1,FVal f2) -> FVal (f1 - f2) (VVal x1 y1 z1,VVal x2 y2 z2) -> VVal (x1 - x2) (y1 - y2) (z1 - z2) (RVal x1 y1 z1 s1,RVal x2 y2 z2 s2) -> RVal (x1 - x2) (y1 - y2) (z1 - z2) (s1 - s2) _ -> error ("cannot apply - operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvMul -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (i1*i2) (IVal i1,FVal f2) -> FVal (fromInt i1 * f2) (FVal f1,IVal i2) -> FVal (f1 * fromInt i2) (FVal f1,FVal f2) -> FVal (f1 * f2) (v@(VVal _ _ _),IVal i) -> let f = fromInt i in vecMulScalar v f (v@(VVal _ _ _),FVal f) -> vecMulScalar v f (IVal i,v@(VVal _ _ _)) -> let f = fromInt i in vecMulScalar v f (FVal f,v@(VVal _ _ _)) -> vecMulScalar v f ((VVal x1 y1 z1),(VVal x2 y2 z2)) -> FVal $ x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 + z1 * z2 (v@(VVal _ _ _),r@(RVal _ _ _ _)) -> rotMulVec r v (r1@(RVal _ _ _ _),r2@(RVal _ _ _ _)) -> rotMul r1 r2 _ -> error ("cannot apply * operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvDiv -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (i1 `div` i2) -- TODO: how does SL handle divide by zero? (IVal i1,FVal f2) -> FVal (fromInt i1 / f2) (FVal f1,IVal i2) -> FVal (f1 / fromInt i2) (FVal f1,FVal f2) -> FVal (f1/f2) (v@(VVal _ _ _),IVal i) -> let f = 1.0 / fromInt i in vecMulScalar v f (v@(VVal _ _ _),FVal f) -> vecMulScalar v (1/f) (v@(VVal _ _ _),r@(RVal _ _ _ _)) -> rotMulVec (invRot r) v (r1@(RVal _ _ _ _),r2@(RVal _ _ _ _)) -> rotMul r1 $ invRot r2 _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvMod -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (i1 `mod` i2) (v1@(VVal _ _ _),v2@(VVal _ _ _)) -> v1 `vcross` v2 _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvBAnd -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (i1 .&. i2) _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvBOr -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (i1 .|. i2) _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvBXor -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (i1 `xor` i2) _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvAnd -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (if (toBool i1 && toBool i2) then 1 else 0) _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvOr -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (if (toBool i1 || toBool i2) then 1 else 0) _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvLt -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ i1 < i2 (FVal f1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ f1 < f2 (FVal f1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ f1 < fromInt i2 (IVal i1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ fromInt i1 < f2 _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvLe -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ i1 <= i2 (FVal f1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ f1 <= f2 (FVal f1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ f1 <= fromInt i2 (IVal i1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ fromInt i1 <= f2 _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvGt -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ i1 > i2 (FVal f1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ f1 > f2 (FVal f1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ f1 > fromInt i2 (IVal i1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ fromInt i1 > f2 _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvGe -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ i1 >= i2 (FVal f1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ f1 >= f2 (FVal f1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ f1 >= fromInt i2 (IVal i1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ fromInt i1 >= f2 _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvEq -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (LVal l1, LVal l2) -> toLslBool $ length l1 == length l2 -- special case of LSL weirdness (SVal s, KVal k) -> toLslBool $ s == k (KVal k, SVal s) -> toLslBool $ k == s (FVal f1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ f1 == fromInt i2 (IVal i1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ fromInt i1 == f2 (v1,v2) -> toLslBool $ v1 == v2 EvNe -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (LVal l1, LVal l2) -> IVal (length l1 - length l2) -- special case of LSL weirdness (SVal s, KVal k) -> toLslBool $ s /= k (KVal k, SVal s) -> toLslBool $ k /= s (FVal f1,IVal i2) -> toLslBool $ f1 /= fromInt i2 (IVal i1,FVal f2) -> toLslBool $ fromInt i1 /= f2 (v1,v2) -> toLslBool $ v1 /= v2 EvShiftL -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (i1 `shiftL` i2) _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvShiftR -> evalBinary $ \ val1 val2 -> case (val1,val2) of (IVal i1,IVal i2) -> IVal (i1 `shiftR` i2) _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val1) ++ " and " ++ (show val2)) EvNot -> do val <- popVal pushVal $ case val of (IVal i) -> IVal (if i == 0 then 1 else 0) _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val)) continue EvBInv -> do val <- popVal pushVal $ case val of (IVal i) -> IVal $ complement i _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val)) continue EvNeg -> do val <- popVal pushVal $ case val of (IVal i) -> IVal (-i) (FVal f) -> FVal (-f) (VVal x y z) -> VVal (-x) (-y) (-z) (RVal x y z s) -> RVal (-x) (-y) (-z) (-s) _ -> error ("cannot apply operator to " ++ (show val)) continue EvCast t -> do -- TODO: what are the valid typecasts? -- TODO: what are the formats? val <- popVal pushVal $ case (t,val) of (LLInteger,IVal i) -> IVal i (LLInteger,FVal f) -> IVal (truncate f) (LLInteger,SVal s) -> IVal (parseInt s) -- TODO: can you cast a key to an int? (LLFloat,FVal f) -> FVal f (LLFloat,IVal i) -> FVal (fromInteger $ toInteger i) (LLFloat,SVal s) -> FVal (parseFloat s) -- TODO: can you cast a key to a float? (LLString,v) -> toSVal v -- TODO: can you cast anything but a string to a key? (LLVector,SVal s) -> parseVector s (LLRot,SVal s) -> parseRotation s (LLKey,SVal s) -> KVal s (LLKey,KVal s) -> KVal s (LLVector, v@(VVal _ _ _)) -> v (LLRot, v@(RVal _ _ _ _)) -> v (LLList, LVal l) -> LVal l (LLList,v) -> LVal [v] continue EvMkVec -> do z <- popVal y <- popVal x <- popVal pushVal $ VVal (toFloat x) (toFloat y) (toFloat z) continue EvMkRot -> do s <- popVal z <- popVal y <- popVal x <- popVal pushVal $ RVal (toFloat x) (toFloat y) (toFloat z) (toFloat s) continue trueCondition (IVal i) = (i /= 0) trueCondition (FVal f) = (f /= 0) trueCondition (SVal s) = not (null s) trueCondition (LVal l) = not (null l) trueCondition v@(VVal _ _ _) = v /= llcZeroVector trueCondition r@(RVal _ _ _ _) = r /= llcZeroRotation trueCondition (KVal k) = k /= nullKey && case map tr k of "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff" -> True _ -> False where tr c = if c `elem` "0123456789abcdef" then 'f' else c toLslBool bool = IVal (if bool then 1 else 0) evalBinary f = do val1 <- popVal val2 <- popVal pushVal $ f val1 val2 return EvalIncomplete pushUnary evalElement expr = pushElements [evalElement,EvExpr $ ctxItem expr] pushBinary evalElement expr1 expr2 = pushElements [evalElement,EvExpr $ ctxItem expr1,EvExpr $ ctxItem expr2] pushModBy var evalElement expr = pushElements [EvSet $ ctxVr2Vr var,evalElement,EvGet $ ctxVr2Vr var,EvExpr expr] evalPredef' name = do (LVal args) <- popVal let args' = case find (\ (fname,_,_) -> name == fname) funcSigs of Nothing -> args Just (_,_,argTypes) -> convertArgs argTypes args key <- getMyPrimKey sid <- getScriptName oid <- getObjectId pid <- getPrimId event <- getCurrentEvent let scriptInfo = ScriptInfo oid pid sid key event (evalResult,retval) <- doAction name scriptInfo args' pushVal retval return evalResult where convertArgs argTypes args = zipWith convertArg argTypes args convertArg LLFloat (IVal i) = FVal $ fromInt i convertArg LLInteger (FVal f) = IVal $ floor f convertArg LLKey (SVal s) = KVal s convertArg LLString (KVal k) = SVal k convertArg _ v = v ctxList es = map (Ctx Nothing) es data ExecutionInfo a = ExecutionInfo String Int (FrameInfo a) deriving (Show) hasActiveHandler simage handler = case find ( \ (State ctxname _) -> curState simage == ctxItem ctxname) (states simage) of Nothing -> False Just (State _ handlers) -> isJust $ find (\ (Ctx _ (Handler ctxname _ _)) -> handler == ctxItem ctxname) handlers