module Language.Lsl.Parse( parseScript, parseModule, exprParser, parseType, parseScriptFromString, parseModuleFromString, parseScriptFromStringAQ, parseModuleFromStringAQ ) where import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 import Data.Char(digitToInt) import Data.List(intersperse) import Language.Lsl.Internal.Pragmas(Pragma(..)) import Language.Lsl.Syntax(Expr(..),Statement(..),Func(..),FuncDec(..),Handler(Handler),State(..),Ctx(..),TextLocation(..),SourceContext(..),LSLType(..), Component(..),Var(..),LModule(..),LSLScript(..),GlobDef(..),goodHandlers) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ParsecExtras.Token as P import Text.ParserCombinators.ParsecExtras.Language( javaStyle, emptyDef ) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Error import Control.Monad.Error(liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans(MonadIO) import Debug.Trace data ParseState = ParseState { atStart :: !Bool, parseAntiQuotations :: !Bool, pendingPragmas :: ![Pragma], trailingWS :: !String, leadingWS :: !String } getAQState = getState >>= return . parseAntiQuotations newAQState = ParseState { atStart = True, parseAntiQuotations = True, pendingPragmas = [], trailingWS = "", leadingWS = "" } newNoAQState = ParseState { atStart = True, parseAntiQuotations = False, pendingPragmas = [], trailingWS = "", leadingWS = "" } data WS = WSSimple { wsText :: String } | WSSingle { wsText :: String } | WSMulti { wsText :: String } deriving Show custWS simpleSpace oneLineComment multiLineComment = do st <- getState ws <- many ((simpleSpace >>= return . WSSimple) <|> (oneLineComment >>= return . WSSingle) <|> (multiLineComment >>= return . WSMulti) "") let (trailing,leading) = if atStart st then ([],ws) else extractTrailing ws let pragmas = foldl extractPragma [] leading setState st { atStart = False, pendingPragmas = pragmas, trailingWS = wsCat trailing, leadingWS = wsCat leading } where wsCat = concatMap wsText extractTrailing [] = ([],[]) extractTrailing (WSSimple txt:rest) = case break (=='\n') txt of (ttxt,[]) -> let (t,rest') = extractTrailing rest in (WSSimple ttxt:t,rest') ([],mtxt) -> ([],WSSimple mtxt:rest) (ttxt,mtxt) -> ([WSSimple ttxt],WSSimple mtxt:rest) extractTrailing (ws@(WSSingle txt):rest) = ([ws],rest) extractTrailing (ws@(WSMulti txt):rest) | '\n' `elem` txt = ([ws],rest) | otherwise = let (t,rest') = extractTrailing rest in (ws:t,rest') extractPragma ps (WSSingle txt) = maybe ps (:ps) (parsePragma txt) extractPragma ps _ = ps parsePragma :: String -> Maybe Pragma parsePragma txt = case parse parser "" txt of Left _ -> Nothing Right p -> Just p where pragmaStyle = emptyDef { P.reservedNames = ["pragma","inline","noinlining"], P.commentLine = "--" } lexer :: P.TokenParser () lexer = P.makeTokenParser pragmaStyle reserved = P.reserved lexer ws = P.whiteSpace lexer parser = do ws reserved "pragma" pragma <- (reserved "inline" >> return PragmaInline) <|> (reserved "noinlining" >> return PragmaNoInline) eof return pragma -- define basic rules for lexical analysis lslStyle = javaStyle { P.reservedOpNames= ["*","/","+","++","-","--","^","&","&&", "|","||","==","=","!=","<","<=",">=",">", "<<",">>","!","%","~","@","+=","-=","*=","/=","%="], P.reservedNames = ["state","default","string","integer","list","vector","rotation","key","float","if","else", "while","for","do","jump","return","default", "$import", "$module","quaternion"], P.caseSensitive = True, P.identStart = letter <|> char '_', P.opLetter = oneOf "*/+:!#$%&*+./=?@\\^|-~", P.opStart = oneOf ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~", P.custWhiteSpace = Just custWS } lexer :: P.TokenParser ParseState lexer = P.makeTokenParser lslStyle identLetter = P.identLetter lslStyle identifier = P.identifier lexer reserved = P.reserved lexer operator = P.operator lexer reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer charLiteral = P.charLiteral lexer -- stringLiteral = P.stringLiteral lexer natural = P.natural lexer integer = P.integer lexer float = P.float lexer --naturalOrFloat = P.naturalOrFloat lexer decimal = P.decimal lexer hexadecimal = P.hexadecimal lexer octal = P.octal lexer symbol = P.symbol lexer lexeme = P.lexeme lexer whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer parens = P.parens lexer braces = P.braces lexer angles = P.angles lexer brackets = P.brackets lexer semi = P.semi lexer comma = P.comma lexer colon = P.colon lexer dot = lexer semiSep = P.semiSep lexer semiSep1 = P.semiSep1 lexer commaSep = P.commaSep lexer commaSep1 = P.commaSep1 lexer decimalFraction w = do char '.' fracPart True w fracPart reqDigit w = do digits <- (if reqDigit then many1 else many) digit "fractional part of decimal" p <- option 1.0 expon return $ p * (w + (foldr (\ b d -> (b + d) / 10.0) 0 $ map (fromIntegral.digitToInt) digits)) expon = do oneOf "eE" s <- option '+' (oneOf "+-") let k x = if s == '+' then x else 1/x digits <- many1 digit "exponent" let p = foldl (\ b d -> b * 10 + d) 0 $ map digitToInt digits return ((k (10^p))::Float) hex = do oneOf "xX" digits <- many1 hexDigit "hex digit" return (foldl (\ b d -> b * 16 + d) 0 $ map digitToInt digits) -- lsl doesn't support octal! -- oct = do oneOf "oO" -- digits <- many1 octDigit "octal digit" -- return (foldl (\ b d -> b * 8 + d) 0 $ map digitToInt digits) -- Like Parsec 'naturalOrFloat', but accept . and . as valid floating point numbers naturalOrFloat = do v <- natOrFloat "number" whiteSpace return v natOrFloat = (decimalFraction 0.0 >>= return . Right) <|> do char '0' option (Left 0) prefZeroNum <|> decimalOrFloat prefZeroNum = (hex >>= return . Left) <|> (decimalFraction 0.0 >>= return . Right) <|> decimalOrFloat decimalOrFloat = do wholeDigits <- many1 digit "number" let w = foldl (\ b d -> b * 10 + d) 0 $ map digitToInt wholeDigits mf <- option Nothing (char '.' >> option (fromIntegral w) (fracPart False (fromIntegral w)) >>= return . Just) case mf of Nothing -> try ( expon >>= \ p -> return $ Right (fromIntegral w * p) ) <|> (return $ Left w) Just f -> return $ Right f stringLiteral = lexeme ( do{ str <- between (char '"') (char '"' "end of string") (many stringChar) ; return (foldr (maybe id (:)) "" str) } "literal string") stringChar :: CharParser st (Maybe Char) stringChar = do{ c <- stringLetter; return (Just c) } <|> try stringEscape <|> (char '\\' >> return (Just '\\')) "string character" stringLetter = satisfy (\c -> (c /= '"') && (c /= '\\') && (c > '\026')) stringEscape = do char '\\' choice [char 't' >> return (Just '\t'), char 'n' >> return (Just '\n'), char '\"' >> return (Just '\"'), char '\\' >> return (Just '\\')] --- EXPRESSION PARSING ------------------------------------------------------- --mtrace s v = return v -- trace (s ++ show v) (return v) mtrace s v = -- trace (s ++ show v) (return v) combineExprs e [] = e combineExprs e0 ((p0,p1,op,e1):rest) = combineExprs (op p0 p1 e0 e1) rest isFollowedBy p = do lookAhead p return () reservedOp' name = lexeme $ try $ do{ string name ; ( (isFollowedBy (char '-')) <|> notFollowedBy (P.opLetter lslStyle)) ("end of " ++ show name) } opmatch s f = (reservedOp s >> return f) opmatch' s f = (reservedOp' s >> return f) op0 = ((opmatch' "*" mulop) <|> (opmatch' "/" divop) <|> (opmatch' "%" modop)) "operator" op1 = ((opmatch' "+" addop) <|> (opmatch "-" subop)) "operator" op2 = ((opmatch' "<<" shiftlop) <|> (opmatch' ">>" shiftrop)) "operator" op3 = (choice [opmatch' "<" ltop, opmatch' "<=" leop, opmatch' ">" gtop, opmatch' ">=" geop]) "operator" op4 = ((opmatch' "==" eqop) <|> (opmatch' "!=" neop)) "operator" opAndExpr opf ef = do pos0 <- getPosition op <- opf pos1 <- getPosition e <- ef return (pos0,pos1,op,e) exprChain opf ef = do e0 <- ef rest <- many (opAndExpr opf ef) return $ combineExprs e0 rest mulExpr = exprChain op0 expr2 addExpr = exprChain op1 mulExpr shiftExpr = exprChain op2 addExpr relExpr = do e0 <- shiftExpr rest <- (try (many (try (opAndExpr op3 shiftExpr))) <|> return []) return $ combineExprs e0 rest eqExpr = exprChain op4 relExpr bandExpr = exprChain (opmatch' "&" bandop "operator") eqExpr xorExpr = exprChain (opmatch' "^" xorop "operator") bandExpr borExpr = exprChain (opmatch' "|" borop "operator") xorExpr andExpr = exprChain (opmatch' "&&" andop "operator") borExpr orExpr = exprChain (opmatch' "||" orop "operator") andExpr bop op pos0 pos1 e0 e1 = let ctx = combineContexts (srcCtx e0, pos0, pos1, srcCtx e1) in Ctx ctx $ op e0 e1 mulop pos0 pos1 = bop Mul pos0 pos1 divop pos0 pos1 = bop Div pos0 pos1 modop pos0 pos1 = bop Mod pos0 pos1 addop pos0 pos1 = bop Add pos0 pos1 subop pos0 pos1 = bop Sub pos0 pos1 shiftlop pos0 pos1 = bop ShiftL pos0 pos1 shiftrop pos0 pos1 = bop ShiftR pos0 pos1 ltop pos0 pos1 = bop Lt pos0 pos1 leop pos0 pos1 = bop Le pos0 pos1 gtop pos0 pos1 = bop Gt pos0 pos1 geop pos0 pos1 = bop Ge pos0 pos1 eqop pos0 pos1 = bop Equal pos0 pos1 neop pos0 pos1 = bop NotEqual pos0 pos1 bandop pos0 pos1 = bop BAnd pos0 pos1 xorop pos0 pos1 = bop Xor pos0 pos1 borop pos0 pos1 = bop BOr pos0 pos1 andop pos0 pos1 = bop And pos0 pos1 orop pos0 pos1 = bop Or pos0 pos1 structAccess = do id <- ctxify identifier whiteSpace dot whiteSpace c <- oneOf "xyzs" whiteSpace return (id,stringToComponent [c]) var = try structAccess <|> do id <- ctxify identifier return (id,All) assignment = ctxify $ do v <- var op <- choice [reservedOp' "+=" >> (return IncBy), reservedOp' "-=" >> (return DecBy), reservedOp' "*=" >> (return MulBy), reservedOp' "/=" >> (return DivBy), reservedOp' "%=" >> (return ModBy), reservedOp' "=" >> (return Set)] "assignment operator" e <- expr return $ op v e stringToComponent "" = All stringToComponent "x" = X stringToComponent "y" = Y stringToComponent "z" = Z stringToComponent "s" = S listExpr = do whiteSpace exprs <- (brackets $ commaSep expr) "list expression" return $ ListExpr exprs -- structExpr = do whiteSpace -- char '<' "vector/rotation expression" -- whiteSpace -- e1 <- expr -- mtrace "structExpr:1 " e1 -- char ',' -- whiteSpace -- e2 <- expr -- mtrace "structExpr:2 " e2 -- char ',' -- whiteSpace -- e3 <- expr -- mtrace "structExpr:3 " e3 -- return (e1,e2,e3) -- vecRotExpr = do (x,y,z) <- structExpr -- mtrace "vec/rot" "hi" -- (do char '>' -- whiteSpace -- return $ VecExpr x y z) <|> -- (do char ',' -- whiteSpace -- e <- expr -- char '>' -- whiteSpace -- return $ RotExpr x y z e) -- there's a conflict between a relational expression embedded in the last component of a vector/rotation and the -- the normal end of the expression... in particular: -- v = <1,1,1 > -<1,2,3>>; -- is not a syntax error (but is a type error), but you can't tell the difference between that and -- v = <1,1,1 > -<1,2,3>; -- which is the difference between two vectors (which is both syntactically correct and type correct) until you -- parse the ';'. So the complexity of the grammar here exists to disambiguate these cases (which requires a -- bit of lookahead...) structStart = do whiteSpace char '<' "vector/rotation expression" whiteSpace e1 <- expr mtrace "structExpr:1 " e1 char ',' whiteSpace e2 <- expr mtrace "structExpr:2 " e2 char ',' >> whiteSpace return (e1,e2) vecRotExpr = do (x,y) <- structStart ((try (do z <- expr char ',' >> whiteSpace s <- tailStruct return $ RotExpr x y z s)) <|> (do z <- tailStruct return $ VecExpr x y z)) tailStruct = (try (do e <- expr char '>' >> whiteSpace return e)) <|> (do e <- shiftExpr char '>' >> whiteSpace return e) callExpr = do name <- ctxify identifier exprs <- parens $ commaSep expr return $ Call name exprs castExpr = ctxify $ do t <- parens typeName e <- choice [try postfixExpr, atomicExpr] return $ Cast t e ctxify f = do pragmas <- getState >>= return . pendingPragmas pos0 <- getPosition v <- f pos1 <- getPosition return $ Ctx (pos2Ctx (pos0,pos1) pragmas) v notExpr = ctxify ((char '!' "prefix operator") >> whiteSpace >> expr2 >>= return.Not) invExpr = ctxify ((char '~' "prefix operator") >> whiteSpace >> expr2 >>= return.Inv) negExpr = ctxify ((char '-' "prefix operator") >> whiteSpace >> expr2 >>= return.Neg) atomicExpr = do aq <- getAQState (ctxify $ try ( do m <- option 1 (reservedOp "-" >> return (-1)) n <- naturalOrFloat return $ case n of Left nat -> (IntLit $ m * fromIntegral nat) Right flt -> (FloatLit $ fromRational $ toRational m * toRational flt))) <|> (ctxify (stringLiteral >>= return.StringLit)) <|> (if aq then (ctxify (reservedOp "$string:" >> identifier >>= return . AQString)) else fail "") <|> (if aq then (ctxify (reservedOp "$integer:" >> identifier >>= return . AQInteger)) else fail "") <|> (if aq then (ctxify (reservedOp "$key:" >> identifier >>= return . AQKey)) else fail "") <|> (if aq then (ctxify (reservedOp "$float:" >> identifier >>= return . AQFloat)) else fail "") <|> (ctxify listExpr) <|> (ctxify vecRotExpr) <|> (ctxify $ try callExpr) <|> (ctxify $ do v <- var return $ Get v) <|> parens expr postfixExpr = ctxify $ do v <- var f <- choice [reservedOp' "++" >> return PostInc, reservedOp' "--" >> return PostDec] "postfix operator" return $ f v prefixExpr = ctxify $ do f <- choice [reservedOp "--" >> return (PreDec), reservedOp "++" >> return PreInc] "prefix operator" v <- var return $ f v unaryExpr = choice [try prefixExpr,notExpr,invExpr, negExpr,try castExpr,atomicExpr] expr2 :: GenParser Char ParseState (Ctx Expr) expr2 = choice [try assignment, try postfixExpr, unaryExpr] expr1 = orExpr expr :: GenParser Char ParseState (Ctx Expr) expr = do r <- choice [try assignment, expr1] mtrace "expr: " r exprParser :: String -> Either ParseError (Ctx Expr) exprParser text = runParser (whiteSpace>>expr) newNoAQState "" text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- STATEMENT PARSING statements = do whiteSpace many (ctxify statement) statement = declStatement <|> returnStatement <|> jumpStatement <|> labelStatement <|> exprStatement <|> blockStatement <|> nullStatement <|> whileStatement <|> ifElseStatement <|> stateStatement <|> doWhileStatement <|> forStatement declStatement = do t <- typeName id <- identifier rest <- (option Nothing (reservedOp' "=" >> expr >>= return . Just)) semi return $ Decl (Var id t) rest integerType = (reserved "integer" >> return LLInteger) floatType = (reserved "float" >> return LLFloat) keyType = (reserved "key" >> return LLKey) vectorType = (reserved "vector" >> return LLVector) stringType = (reserved "string" >> return LLString) rotationType = ((reserved "rotation"<|>reserved "quaternion") >> return LLRot) listType = (reserved "list" >> return LLList) typeName = choice [integerType,floatType,keyType,vectorType,stringType,rotationType,listType] returnStatement = do reserved "return" e <- (option Nothing (expr >>= return . Just)) semi return $ Return e jumpStatement = do reserved "jump" id <- identifier semi return $ Jump id labelStatement = do reservedOp "@" id <- identifier semi return $ Label id exprStatement = do e <- expr semi return $ Do e blockStatement = do stmts <- braces statements return $ Compound stmts nullStatement = (semi >> return NullStmt) whileStatement = do reserved "while" e <- parens expr stmt <- statement return $ While e stmt ifElseStatement = do reserved "if" e <- parens expr stmt1 <- statement stmt2 <- (option NullStmt (reserved "else" >> statement)) return $ If e stmt1 stmt2 stateStatement = do reserved "state" id <- (identifier <|> (reserved "default" >> return "default")) semi return $ StateChange id forStatement = do reserved "for" char '(' whiteSpace mexpr1 <- commaSep expr semi mexpr2 <- option Nothing (expr >>= return . Just) semi mexpr3 <- commaSep expr char ')' whiteSpace stmt <- statement return $ For mexpr1 mexpr2 mexpr3 stmt doWhileStatement = do reserved "do" stmt <- statement reserved "while" e <- parens expr semi return $ DoWhile stmt e parseType text = runParser typeName newNoAQState "" text ------------------------------------------------------------ -- HANDLER Parsing hparam theType = ctxify $ do t <- (typeParser theType) id <- identifier return $ Var id t typeParser LLInteger = integerType typeParser LLFloat = floatType typeParser LLList = listType typeParser LLString = stringType typeParser LLVector = vectorType typeParser LLKey = keyType typeParser LLRot = rotationType hparams [] = return [] hparams (theType:[]) = (hparam theType >>= return . (:[])) hparams (theType:ts) = do p <- hparam theType comma ps <- hparams ts return (p:ps) handlerName name = try (do id <- symbol name; notFollowedBy identLetter; return id) handler' name types = do ctxname <- ctxify $ handlerName name parms <- parens (hparams types) stmts <- braces statements return $ Handler ctxname parms stmts handler = choice $ map (\ (n,ts) -> handler' n ts) goodHandlers ------------------------------------------------------------- -- STATE parsing stateName = choice [reserved "default" >> return "default" , reserved "state" >> identifier] stateDecl = do name <- ctxify stateName handlers <- braces $ many handler return $ State name handlers stateDecls = many stateDecl -------------------------------------------------------------- varOrFunc = do pos0 <- getPosition pragmas <- getState >>= return . pendingPragmas (Ctx ctx (t,id)) <- ctxify $ do t <- try typeName id <- ctxify identifier "identifier" return (t,id) choice [func t id pragmas pos0, gvar ctx t id] <|> do pos0 <- getPosition pragmas <- getState >>= return . pendingPragmas id <- ctxify identifier "identifier" func LLVoid id pragmas pos0 func t id pragmas pos0 = do ps <- parens params stmts <- braces statements pos1 <- getPosition return $ GF $ Ctx (pos2Ctx (pos0, pos1) pragmas) $ Func (FuncDec id t ps) stmts gvar ctx t (Ctx _ id) = do mexpr <- option Nothing (reservedOp' "=" >> expr >>= return . Just) semi return $ GV (Ctx ctx (Var id t)) mexpr -------------------------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION parsing param = ctxify $ do t <- typeName id <- identifier return $ Var id t params = commaSep param -- function = do (t,id,ps) <- try $ do t <- option LLVoid typeName "type name" -- id <- ctxify identifier "function name" -- ps <- parens params -- return (t,id,ps) -- stmts <- braces statements -- return $ GF $ Func (FuncDec id t ps) stmts --------------------------------------------------------------- -- GLOBAL VARIABLES parsing -- globals allow no initialization or initialization by 'constant' expressions... -- we can allow any expressions though and have semantic analysis catch problems -- globvar = do var <- ctxify $ do -- t <- typeName "type name" -- id <- identifier -- return (Var id t) -- mexpr <- option Nothing (reservedOp "=" >> expr >>= return.Just) -- semi -- return $ GV var mexpr ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- IMPORT (meta-lsl directive) parsing gimport = do reserved "$import" "$import keyword" ids <- (ctxify (char '$' >> identifier >>= return . (:[]) . ("$"++))) <|>(ctxify $ sepBy identifier dot) let id = fmap (concat . intersperse ".") ids let binding = do id0 <- identifier reservedOp "=" id1 <- identifier return (id0,id1) bindings <- option [] $ parens $ commaSep binding prefix <- option "" identifier semi return $ GI id bindings prefix ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- all globals parsing globals = many $ choice [gimport,varOrFunc] lslParser = do whiteSpace globs <- globals ss <- stateDecls eof return $ LSLScript globs ss moduleParser = do whiteSpace reserved "$module" freevars <- option [] $ parens params globs <- globals eof return $ LModule globs freevars parseFromString parser string = case runParser parser newNoAQState "" string of Left err -> Left (snd (fromParseError err)) Right x -> Right x -- | Parse an LSL script into its syntax tree. parseScriptFromString :: String -> Either String LSLScript parseScriptFromString s = parseFromString lslParser s -- | Parse an LSL (Plus) module into its syntax tree. parseModuleFromString :: String -> Either String LModule parseModuleFromString s = parseFromString moduleParser s -- | Parse an LSL script, with possible antiquotations, into its syntax tree. parseScriptFromStringAQ :: String -> Either ParseError LSLScript parseScriptFromStringAQ s = runParser lslParser newAQState "" s -- | Parse an LSL (Plus) module, with possible antiquotations, into its syntax tree. parseModuleFromStringAQ :: String -> Either ParseError LModule parseModuleFromStringAQ s = runParser moduleParser newAQState "" s parseModule :: (MonadIO m) => SourceName -> m (Either (Maybe SourceContext,String) LModule) parseModule file = parseFile moduleParser file parseScript file = parseFile lslParser file fromParseError :: ParseError -> (Maybe SourceContext,String) fromParseError err = let pos = errorPos err msg = showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error" "expecting" "unexpected" "end of input" (errorMessages err) in (Just $ SourceContext TextLocation { textLine0 = sourceLine pos, textColumn0 = sourceColumn pos, textLine1 = sourceLine pos, textColumn1 = sourceColumn pos, textName = sourceName pos } "" "" [], msg) parseFile p file = do s <- (liftIO $ B.readFile file) >>= return . UTF8.toString case parser s of Left err -> return $ Left (fromParseError err) Right x -> return $ Right x where parser = runParser p newNoAQState file pos2Loc (pos0,pos1) = SourceContext TextLocation { textName = sourceName pos0, textColumn0 = sourceColumn pos0, textLine0 = sourceLine pos0, textColumn1 = sourceColumn pos1, textLine1 = sourceLine pos1 } "" "" [] pos2Ctx (pos0,pos1) pragmas = Just (pos2Loc (pos0,pos1)) { srcPragmas = pragmas } combineContexts (Nothing,pos0,pos1,Nothing) = Just $ pos2Loc (pos0,pos1) combineContexts (Just (SourceContext (TextLocation l0 c0 l1 c1 n) pre _ prag),_,_,Just (SourceContext (TextLocation l0' c0' l1' c1' n') _ post _ )) = Just $ SourceContext (TextLocation l0 c0 l1' c1' n) pre post prag combineContexts (Just (SourceContext (TextLocation l0 c0 l1 c1 n) pre post prag),_,pos,_) = Just $ SourceContext (TextLocation l0 c0 (sourceLine pos) (sourceColumn pos) n) pre post prag combineContexts (_,pos,_,Just (SourceContext (TextLocation l0 c0 l1 c1 n) pre post prag)) = Just $ SourceContext (TextLocation (sourceLine pos) (sourceColumn pos) l1 c1 n) pre post prag