module Converter where -- | converts a files contents from the LHS birdtick style -- to markdown, replacing the code marked by birdticks with ```haskell ... ``` convertToMd :: String -> String convertToMd = unlines . convert' "" . lines where convert' :: String -> [String] -> [String] convert' prev [] | isFirstOO prev "<>" = ["```"] -- close code tags at the end | otherwise = [] convert' prev (h:t) | not (isFirstOO prev "<>") && -- checks for code to stars, inserts newline above code block if needed isFirstOO h "<>" = (if prev == "" then [] else [""]) ++ ["```haskell", drop 2 h] ++ rest | isFirstOO h "<>" = (drop 2 h):rest -- checks for code | isFirstOO prev "<>" = ["```"] ++ (if h == "" then [] else [""]) ++ [h] ++ rest -- checks for code end, insers newline after code block if needed | otherwise = h:rest where rest = convert' h t -- | converts a files contents from git flavoured markdown -- to literate haskell, replacing code marked with ```haskell ...``` with > birdticks -- and code marked with ``` ... ``` with < birdticks -- quotes are converted to `NOTE:` marked lines. convertToLhs :: String -> String convertToLhs = unlines . convert' False False "" . lines where convert' :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> [String] -> [String] convert' inCode inSample prev [] = [] convert' inCode inSample prev (h:t) | inCode && h /= "```" = ["> " ++ h] ++ (convert' True False h t) -- handles code | inSample && h /= "```" = ["< " ++ h] ++ (convert' False True h t) -- handles code sample | headingN h /= 0 = [headingO h ++ (tail $ dropWhile (=='#') h) ++ headingC h] ++ rest -- converts headings to html | h == "```haskell" = (if prev == "" then [] else [""]) ++ convert' True False prev t -- handles code block starts, adds newline if needed | (inCode || inSample) && h == "```" = (if length t > 0 && (head t) == "" then [] else [""]) ++ convert' False False prev t -- handles code and sample block ends | take 3 h == "```" = (if prev == "" then [] else [""]) ++ convert' False True prev t -- handles sample block starts, adds newline if needed | isFirstOO h ">" = ["NOTE: " ++ drop 2 h] ++ rest -- handles quotes | otherwise = h:rest where headingO h = "" -- heading open tag headingC h = "" -- heading close tag headingN h = length $ takeWhile (=='#') h -- looks for headings rest = convert' False False h t -- | uses @isFirst@ to check multiple characters isFirstOO :: String -> [Char] -> Bool isFirstOO l e = or $ map (isFirst l) e -- | checks wether the first two characters of a string are -- a given character and ' ' -- useful to look for code and quotes isFirst :: String -> Char -> Bool isFirst [] _ = False isFirst (h:' ':_) a = a == h isFirst (h:_) a = False