module Data.ListLike.Base
zip, zipWith, sequence_
) where
import Prelude hiding (length, head, last, null, tail, map, filter, concat,
any, lookup, init, all, foldl, foldr, foldl1, foldr1,
maximum, minimum, iterate, span, break, takeWhile,
dropWhile, reverse, zip, zipWith, sequence,
sequence_, mapM, mapM_, concatMap, and, or, sum,
product, repeat, replicate, cycle, take, drop,
splitAt, elem, notElem, unzip, lines, words,
unlines, unwords)
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.ListLike.FoldableLL
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
class (FoldableLL full item, Monoid full) =>
ListLike full item | full -> item where
empty :: full
empty = mempty
singleton :: item -> full
cons :: item -> full -> full
cons item l = append (singleton item) l
snoc :: full -> item -> full
snoc l item = append l (singleton item)
append :: full -> full -> full
append = mappend
head :: full -> item
last :: full -> item
last l = case genericLength l of
(0::Integer) -> error "Called last on empty list"
1 -> head l
_ -> last (tail l)
tail :: full -> full
init :: full -> full
init l
| null l = error "init: empty list"
| null xs = empty
| otherwise = cons (head l) (init xs)
where xs = tail l
null :: full -> Bool
null x = genericLength x == (0::Integer)
length :: full -> Int
length = genericLength
map :: ListLike full' item' => (item -> item') -> full -> full'
map func inp
| null inp = empty
| otherwise = cons (func (head inp)) (map func (tail inp))
rigidMap :: (item -> item) -> full -> full
rigidMap = map
reverse :: full -> full
reverse l = rev l empty
where rev rl a
| null rl = a
| otherwise = rev (tail rl) (cons (head rl) a)
intersperse :: item -> full -> full
intersperse sep l
| null l = empty
| null xs = singleton x
| otherwise = cons x (cons sep (intersperse sep xs))
where x = head l
xs = tail l
concat :: (ListLike full' full, Monoid full) => full' -> full
concat = fold
concatMap :: (ListLike full' item') =>
(item -> full') -> full -> full'
concatMap = foldMap
rigidConcatMap :: (item -> full) -> full -> full
rigidConcatMap = concatMap
any :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> Bool
any p = getAny . foldMap (Any . p)
all :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> Bool
all p = getAll . foldMap (All . p)
maximum :: Ord item => full -> item
maximum = foldr1 max
minimum :: Ord item => full -> item
minimum = foldr1 min
replicate :: Int -> item -> full
replicate = genericReplicate
take :: Int -> full -> full
take = genericTake
drop :: Int -> full -> full
drop = genericDrop
splitAt :: Int -> full -> (full, full)
splitAt = genericSplitAt
takeWhile :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> full
takeWhile func l
| null l = empty
| func x = cons x (takeWhile func (tail l))
| otherwise = empty
where x = head l
dropWhile :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> full
dropWhile func l
| null l = empty
| func (head l) = dropWhile func (tail l)
| otherwise = l
span :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> (full, full)
span func l
| null l = (empty, empty)
| func x = (cons x ys, zs)
| otherwise = (empty, l)
where (ys, zs) = span func (tail l)
x = head l
break :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> (full, full)
break p = span (not . p)
group :: (ListLike full' full, Eq item) => full -> full'
group = groupBy (==)
inits :: (ListLike full' full) => full -> full'
inits l
| null l = singleton empty
| otherwise =
append (singleton empty)
(map (cons (head l)) theinits)
where theinits = asTypeOf (inits (tail l)) [l]
tails :: ListLike full' full => full -> full'
tails l
| null l = singleton empty
| otherwise = cons l (tails (tail l))
isPrefixOf :: Eq item => full -> full -> Bool
isPrefixOf needle haystack
| null needle = True
| null haystack = False
| otherwise = (head needle) == (head haystack) &&
isPrefixOf (tail needle) (tail haystack)
isSuffixOf :: Eq item => full -> full -> Bool
isSuffixOf needle haystack = isPrefixOf (reverse needle) (reverse haystack)
isInfixOf :: Eq item => full -> full -> Bool
isInfixOf needle haystack =
any (isPrefixOf needle) thetails
where thetails = asTypeOf (tails haystack) [haystack]
elem :: Eq item => item -> full -> Bool
elem i = any (== i)
notElem :: Eq item => item -> full -> Bool
notElem i = all (/= i)
find :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> Maybe item
find f l = case findIndex f l of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> Just (index l x)
filter :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> full
filter func l
| null l = empty
| func (head l) = cons (head l) (filter func (tail l))
| otherwise = filter func (tail l)
partition :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> (full, full)
partition p xs = (filter p xs, filter (not . p) xs)
index :: full -> Int -> item
index l i
| null l = error "index: index not found"
| i < 0 = error "index: index must be >= 0"
| i == 0 = head l
| otherwise = index (tail l) (i 1)
elemIndex :: Eq item => item -> full -> Maybe Int
elemIndex e l = findIndex (== e) l
elemIndices :: (Eq item, ListLike result Int) => item -> full -> result
elemIndices i l = findIndices (== i) l
findIndex :: (item -> Bool) -> full -> Maybe Int
findIndex f = listToMaybe . findIndices f
findIndices :: (ListLike result Int) => (item -> Bool) -> full -> result
findIndices p xs = map snd $ filter (p . fst) $ thezips
where thezips = asTypeOf (zip xs [0..]) [(head xs, 0::Int)]
sequence :: (Monad m, ListLike fullinp (m item)) =>
fullinp -> m full
sequence l = foldr func (return empty) l
where func litem results =
do x <- litem
xs <- results
return (cons x xs)
mapM :: (Monad m, ListLike full' item') =>
(item -> m item') -> full -> m full'
mapM func l = sequence mapresult
where mapresult = asTypeOf (map func l) []
rigidMapM :: Monad m => (item -> m item) -> full -> m full
rigidMapM = mapM
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (item -> m b) -> full -> m ()
mapM_ func l = sequence_ mapresult
where mapresult = asTypeOf (map func l) []
nub :: Eq item => full -> full
nub = nubBy (==)
delete :: Eq item => item -> full -> full
delete = deleteBy (==)
deleteFirsts :: Eq item => full -> full -> full
deleteFirsts = foldl (flip delete)
union :: Eq item => full -> full -> full
union = unionBy (==)
intersect :: Eq item => full -> full -> full
intersect = intersectBy (==)
sort :: Ord item => full -> full
sort = sortBy compare
insert :: Ord item => item -> full -> full
insert = insertBy compare
toList :: full -> [item]
toList = fromListLike
fromList :: [item] -> full
fromList [] = empty
fromList (x:xs) = cons x (fromList xs)
fromListLike :: ListLike full' item => full -> full'
fromListLike = map id
nubBy :: (item -> item -> Bool) -> full -> full
nubBy f l = nubBy' l (empty :: full)
nubBy' ys xs
| null ys = empty
| any (f (head ys)) xs = nubBy' (tail ys) xs
| otherwise = let y = head ys
in cons y (nubBy' (tail ys) (cons y xs))
deleteBy :: (item -> item -> Bool) -> item -> full -> full
deleteBy func i l
| null l = empty
| otherwise =
if func i (head l)
then tail l
else cons (head l) (deleteBy func i (tail l))
deleteFirstsBy :: (item -> item -> Bool) -> full -> full -> full
deleteFirstsBy func = foldl (flip (deleteBy func))
unionBy :: (item -> item -> Bool) -> full -> full -> full
unionBy func x y =
append x $ foldl (flip (deleteBy func)) (nubBy func y) x
intersectBy :: (item -> item -> Bool) -> full -> full -> full
intersectBy func xs ys = filter (\x -> any (func x) ys) xs
groupBy :: (ListLike full' full, Eq item) =>
(item -> item -> Bool) -> full -> full'
groupBy eq l
| null l = empty
| otherwise = cons (cons x ys) (groupBy eq zs)
where (ys, zs) = span (eq x) xs
x = head l
xs = tail l
sortBy :: (item -> item -> Ordering) -> full -> full
sortBy cmp = foldr (insertBy cmp) empty
insertBy :: (item -> item -> Ordering) -> item ->
full -> full
insertBy cmp x ys
| null ys = singleton x
| otherwise = case cmp x (head ys) of
GT -> cons (head ys) (insertBy cmp x (tail ys))
_ -> cons x ys
genericLength :: Num a => full -> a
genericLength l = calclen 0 l
where calclen !accum cl =
if null cl
then accum
else calclen (accum + 1) (tail cl)
genericTake :: Integral a => a -> full -> full
genericTake n l
| n <= 0 = empty
| null l = empty
| otherwise = cons (head l) (genericTake (n 1) (tail l))
genericDrop :: Integral a => a -> full -> full
genericDrop n l
| n <= 0 = l
| null l = l
| otherwise = genericDrop (n 1) (tail l)
genericSplitAt :: Integral a => a -> full -> (full, full)
genericSplitAt n l = (genericTake n l, genericDrop n l)
genericReplicate :: Integral a => a -> item -> full
genericReplicate count x
| count <= 0 = empty
| otherwise = map (\_ -> x) [1..count]
class (ListLike full item) => InfiniteListLike full item | full -> item where
iterate :: (item -> item) -> item -> full
iterate f x = cons x (iterate f (f x))
repeat :: item -> full
repeat x = xs
where xs = cons x xs
cycle :: full -> full
cycle xs
| null xs = error "ListLike.cycle: empty list"
| otherwise = xs' where xs' = append xs xs'
instance ListLike [a] a where
empty = []
singleton x = [x]
cons x l = x : l
snoc l x = l ++ [x]
append = (++)
head = L.head
last = L.last
tail = L.tail
init = L.init
null = L.null
length = L.length
map f = fromList . f
rigidMap =
reverse = L.reverse
intersperse = L.intersperse
toList = id
fromList = id
concat = L.concat . toList
rigidConcatMap = L.concatMap
any = L.any
all = L.all
maximum = L.maximum
minimum = L.minimum
replicate = L.replicate
take = L.take
drop = L.drop
splitAt = L.splitAt
takeWhile = L.takeWhile
dropWhile = L.dropWhile
span = L.span
break = L.break
group = fromList .
inits = fromList . L.inits
tails = fromList . L.tails
isPrefixOf = L.isPrefixOf
isSuffixOf = L.isSuffixOf
isInfixOf = L.isInfixOf
elem = L.elem
notElem = L.notElem
find = L.find
filter = L.filter
partition = L.partition
index = (L.!!)
elemIndex = L.elemIndex
elemIndices item = fromList . L.elemIndices item
findIndex = L.findIndex
sequence = M.sequence . toList
mapM_ = M.mapM_
nub = L.nub
delete = L.delete
deleteFirsts = (L.\\)
union = L.union
intersect = L.intersect
sort = L.sort
groupBy func = fromList . L.groupBy func
unionBy = L.unionBy
intersectBy = L.intersectBy
sortBy = L.sortBy
insert = L.insert
genericLength = L.genericLength
zip :: (ListLike full item,
ListLike fullb itemb,
ListLike result (item, itemb)) =>
full -> fullb -> result
zip = zipWith (\a b -> (a, b))
zipWith :: (ListLike full item,
ListLike fullb itemb,
ListLike result resultitem) =>
(item -> itemb -> resultitem) -> full -> fullb -> result
zipWith f a b
| null a = empty
| null b = empty
| otherwise = cons (f (head a) (head b)) (zipWith f (tail a) (tail b))
sequence_ :: (Monad m, ListLike mfull (m item)) => mfull -> m ()
sequence_ l = foldr (>>) (return ()) l