module Data.List.Class (
List (..), ListItem (..),
take, takeWhile, genericTake, scanl, scanl1,
transpose, zip, zipWith,
concat, concatMap,
enumFrom, enumFromTo,
catMaybes, mapMaybe,
foldrL, foldlL, foldl1L, toList, lengthL, lastL,
merge2On, mergeOn,
execute, joinM, mapL, filterL, iterateM, takeWhileM, repeatM,
splitAtM, splitWhenM,
) where
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), join, liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT(..), evalStateT, get)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Prelude hiding (
concat, concatMap, enumFrom, enumFromTo, filter, repeat, scanl, scanl1,
tail, take, takeWhile, zip, zipWith)
data ListItem l a =
Nil |
Cons { headL :: a, tailL :: l a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
infixr 5 `cons`
class (MonadPlus l, Monad (ItemM l)) => List l where
type ItemM l :: * -> *
runList :: l a -> ItemM l (ListItem l a)
joinL :: ItemM l (l a) -> l a
cons :: a -> l a -> l a
cons = mplus . return
instance List [] where
type ItemM [] = Identity
runList [] = Identity Nil
runList (x:xs) = Identity $ Cons x xs
joinL = runIdentity
cons = (:)
instance Functor m => Functor (ListItem m) where
fmap _ Nil = Nil
fmap func (Cons x xs) = Cons (func x) (fmap func xs)
deconstructList :: List l => ItemM l r -> (a -> l a -> ItemM l r) -> l a -> ItemM l r
deconstructList onNil onCons list = do
item <- runList list
case item of
Nil -> onNil
Cons x xs -> onCons x xs
deconstructList' :: List l => l r -> (a -> l a -> l r) -> l a -> l r
deconstructList' onNil onCons =
joinL . deconstructList (return onNil) onCons'
onCons' x = return . onCons x
foldrL :: List l => (a -> ItemM l b -> ItemM l b) -> ItemM l b -> l a -> ItemM l b
foldrL consFunc nilFunc =
deconstructList nilFunc onCons
onCons x = consFunc x . foldrL consFunc nilFunc
fromList :: List l => [a] -> l a
fromList = foldr cons mzero
filter :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
filter cond =
(>>= f)
f x
| cond x = return x
| otherwise = mzero
foldlL :: List l => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> l b -> ItemM l a
foldlL step startVal =
deconstructList (return startVal) onCons
onCons x xs =
let v = step startVal x
in v `seq` foldlL step v xs
foldl1L :: List l => (a -> a -> a) -> l a -> ItemM l a
foldl1L = deconstructList (error "foldl1L: empty list") . foldlL
scanl :: List l => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> l b -> l a
scanl step startVal =
cons startVal . deconstructList' mzero (scanl step . step startVal)
scanl1 :: List l => (a -> a -> a) -> l a -> l a
scanl1 = deconstructList' mzero . scanl
genericTake :: (Integral i, List l) => i -> l a -> l a
genericTake count
| count <= 0 = const mzero
| otherwise = deconstructList' mzero onCons
onCons x = cons x . genericTake (count 1)
take :: List l => Int -> l a -> l a
take = genericTake
execute :: List l => l a -> ItemM l ()
execute = foldlL const ()
joinM :: List l => l (ItemM l a) -> l a
joinM =
joinL . foldrL consFunc (return mzero)
consFunc action rest =
liftM (`cons` joinL rest) action
mapL :: List l => (a -> ItemM l b) -> l a -> l b
mapL func = joinM . liftM func
takeWhile :: List l => (a -> Bool) -> l a -> l a
takeWhile = takeWhileM . fmap return
repeatM :: List l => ItemM l a -> l a
repeatM = joinM . repeat
filterL :: List l => (a -> ItemM l Bool) -> l a -> l a
filterL cond =
joinL . foldrL step (return mzero)
step x rest = do
b <- cond x
if b
then return . cons x . joinL $ rest
else rest
takeWhileM :: List l => (a -> ItemM l Bool) -> l a -> l a
takeWhileM cond =
joinL . foldrL step (return mzero)
step x rest = do
b <- cond x
if b
then return . cons x . joinL $ rest
else return mzero
toList :: List l => l a -> ItemM l [a]
toList =
foldrL step (return [])
step = liftM . (:)
lengthL :: (Integral i, List l) => l a -> ItemM l i
lengthL = foldlL (const . (+ 1)) 0
transformListMonad :: (List l, List k) =>
(ItemM l (k a) -> ItemM k (k a)) -> l a -> k a
transformListMonad trans =
t . foldrL step (return mzero)
t = joinL . trans
step x = return . cons x . t
zip :: List l => l a -> l b -> l (a, b)
zip xx yy =
deconstructList' mzero onConsX xx
onConsX x xs = deconstructList' mzero (onConsXY x xs) yy
onConsXY x xs y ys = cons (x, y) $ zip xs ys
zipWith :: List l => (a -> b -> c) -> l a -> l b -> l c
zipWith func as = liftM (uncurry func) . zip as
tail :: List l => l a -> l a
tail = joinL . liftM tailL . runList
lastL :: List l => l a -> ItemM l a
lastL = liftM fromJust . foldlL (const Just) Nothing
repeat :: List l => a -> l a
repeat = fix . cons
transpose :: List l => l (l a) -> l (l a)
transpose matrix =
joinL $ toList matrix >>= r
r xs = do
items <- mapM runList xs
return $ case filter isCons items of
[] -> mzero
citems ->
cons (fromList (map headL citems)) .
joinL . r $ map tailL citems
isCons Nil = False
isCons _ = True
mergeOn :: (Ord b, List l) => (a -> b) -> l (l a) -> l a
mergeOn f = joinL . foldlL (merge2On f) mzero
merge2On :: (Ord b, List l) => (a -> b) -> l a -> l a -> l a
merge2On f xx yy =
joinL $ do
xi <- runList xx
yi <- runList yy
return $ case (xi, yi) of
(Cons x xs, Cons y ys)
| f y > f x -> cons x . merge2On f xs $ cons y ys
| otherwise -> cons y $ merge2On f (cons x xs) ys
(Cons x xs, Nil) -> cons x xs
(Nil, Cons y ys) -> cons y ys
(Nil, Nil) -> mzero
sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
sortOn = sortBy . comparing
iterateM :: List l => (a -> ItemM l a) -> ItemM l a -> l a
iterateM step startM =
joinL $ do
start <- startM
return . cons start
. iterateM step
. step $ start
splitAtM :: List l => Int -> l a -> ItemM l ([a], l a)
splitAtM at list
| at <= 0 = return ([], list)
| otherwise = do
item <- runList list
case item of
Nil -> return ([], mzero)
Cons x xs -> do
(pre, post) <- splitAtM (at1) xs
return (x:pre, post)
splitWhenM :: List l => (a -> ItemM l Bool) -> l a -> ItemM l ([a], l a)
splitWhenM cond list = do
item <- runList list
case item of
Nil -> return ([], mzero)
Cons x xs -> do
isSplit <- cond x
if isSplit
then return ([], cons x xs)
else do
(pre, post) <- splitWhenM cond xs
return (x:pre, post)
listStateJoin :: (List l, List k, ItemM l ~ StateT s (ItemM k))
=> l a -> ItemM l (k a)
listStateJoin list = do
start <- get
return . joinL . (`evalStateT` start) $ deconstructList (return mzero) onCons list
onCons x = liftM (cons x) . listStateJoin
concat :: List l => l [a] -> l a
concat = join . liftM fromList
concatMap :: List l => (a -> [b]) -> l a -> l b
concatMap f = concat . liftM f
catMaybes :: List l => l (Maybe a) -> l a
catMaybes =
concatMap f
f Nothing = mzero
f (Just x) = return x
mapMaybe :: List l => (a -> Maybe b) -> l a -> l b
mapMaybe f = catMaybes . liftM f
enumFrom :: (List l, Enum a) => a -> l a
enumFrom x = cons x (enumFrom (succ x))
enumFromTo :: (List l, Enum a) => a -> a -> l a
enumFromTo from to
| fromEnum from > fromEnum to = mzero
| otherwise = cons from (enumFromTo (succ from) to)