LambdaHack- A game engine library for tactical squad ASCII roguelike dungeon crawlers

Safe HaskellNone



Breadth first search and related algorithms using the client monad.



getCacheBfsAndPath :: forall m. MonadClient m => ActorId -> Point -> m (Array BfsDistance, AndPath) Source #

Get cached BFS array and path or, if not stored, generate and store first.

getCacheBfs :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m (Array BfsDistance) Source #

Get cached BFS array or, if not stored, generate and store first.

getCachePath :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> Point -> m AndPath Source #

Get cached BFS path or, if not stored, generate and store first.

furthestKnown :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Point Source #

Furthest (wrt paths) known position.

closestUnknown :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m (Maybe Point) Source #

Closest reachable unknown tile position, if any.

Note: some of these tiles are behind suspect tiles and they are chosen in preference to more distant directly accessible unknown tiles. This is in principle OK, but in dungeons with few hidden doors AI is at a disadvantage (and with many hidden doors, it fares as well as a human that deduced the dungeon properties). Changing Bfs to accomodate all dungeon styles would be complex and would slow down the engine.

If the level has inaccessible open areas (at least from the stairs AI used) the level will be nevertheless here finally marked explored, to enable transition to other levels. We should generally avoid such levels, because digging and/or trying to find other stairs leading to disconnected areas is not KISS so we don't do this in AI, so AI is at a disadvantage.

closestSmell :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m [(Int, (Point, Time))] Source #

Finds smells closest to the actor, except under the actor, because actors consume smell only moving over them, not standing. Of the closest, prefers the newest smell.

closestTriggers :: MonadClient m => FleeViaStairsOrEscape -> ActorId -> m [(Int, (Point, (Point, ItemBag)))] Source #

Closest (wrt paths) AI-triggerable tiles with embedded items. In AI, the level the actor is on is either explored or the actor already has a weapon equipped, so no need to explore further, he tries to find enemies on other levels, but before that, he triggers other tiles in hope of some loot or beneficial effect to enter next level with.

condEnoughGearM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source #

Check whether the actor has enough gear to go look for enemies. We assume weapons in equipment are better than any among organs or at least provide some essential diversity. Disabled if, due to tactic, actors follow leader and so would repeatedly move towards and away form stairs at leader change, depending on current leader's gear. Number of items of a single kind is ignored, because variety is needed.

closestItems :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m [(Int, (Point, ItemBag))] Source #

Closest (wrt paths) items.

closestFoes :: MonadClient m => [(ActorId, Actor)] -> ActorId -> m [(Int, (ActorId, Actor))] Source #

Closest (wrt paths) enemy actors.