All kinds of contributions to the LambdaHack engine are gratefully welcome! Some of the contributors are listed below, in chronological order. Andres Loeh Mikolaj Konarski Tuukka Turto Veronika Romashkina Daniel Keefe Pablo Reszczynski RafaƂ Szczerski Oleg Grenrus Simon Michael bulbousBullfrog Alex Byaly Jamie Fristrom Fonts 16x16xw.woff, 16x16xw.bdf, 16x16x.fnt, 8x8x.fnt and 8x8xb.fnt are are derived from fonts taken from, copyrighted by Leon Marrick, Sheldon Simms III and Nick McConnell and released by them under GNU GPL, version 2 or any later version (confirmed at Any further modifications by authors of LambdaHack are also released under GNU GPL version 2. Font 16x16xw.bdf is derived from 16x16x.fon by changing all but a few glyphs, converting to BDF format, extending character set and hacking the font file with bdftopcf and pcf2bdf to include full bitmaps, not only non-zero portions, for otherwise SDL2-ttf was not able to display the glyphs. Font 16x16xw.woff was derived from 16x16xw.bdf by changing format to TTF with bitsnpicas, faking descendent offsets to be 1 point lower to prevent freetype from adding an extra pixel to the descendent, tweaking with fontforge glyphs 3 5 6 8 A a S s b d h to prevent antialiasing of their vital parts when zoomed out, auto-hinting, manually simplifying hints in some glyphs and converting to WOFF format. Fonts BinarySansProLH-Regular.ttf.woff, BinarySansProLH-Semibold.ttf.woff and BinaryCodeProLH-Bold.ttf.woff are compiled from sources at and published with the following copyright notice: Copyright 2010-2019 Adobe (, with Reserved Font Name 'Source'. All Rights Reserved. Source is a trademark of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. The sources are modified and processed as follows (see for background): in Roman/Instances/Semibold/font.ufo/glyphs/s.glif put advance width="452" rm Roman/Instances/Semibold/font.ufo/data/com.adobe.type.processedHashMap bash pyftfeatfreeze -f 'cv03' -S -U LH -R 'Source/Binary' target/TTF/SourceSansPro-Semibold.ttf BinarySansProLH-Semibold.ttf pyftsubset BinarySansProLH-Semibold.ttf --unicodes="*" --flavor=woff --with-zopfli --output-file=BinarySansProLH-Semibold.ttf.woff and similarly for BinarySansProLH-Regular.ttf.woff, while for BinaryCodeProLH-Bold.ttf.woff the last steps are: pyftfeatfreeze -f 'cv02' -S -U LH -R 'Source/Binary' target/TTF/SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf BinaryCodeProLH-Bold.ttf pyftsubset BinaryCodeProLH-Bold.ttf --unicodes="*" --flavor=woff --with-zopfli --output-file=BinaryCodeProLH-Bold.ttf.woff Fonts DejaVuLGCSans.ttf.woff and DejaVuLGCSans-Bold.ttf.woff are downloaded from and compresses with pyftsubset. Their copyright notice is DejaVu fonts 2.37 (c)2004-2016 DejaVu fonts team. Fonts are (c) Bitstream (see below). DejaVu changes are in public domain. Font Hack-Bold.ttf.woff is downloaded from and compresses with pyftsubset. Its copyright notice is Hack work is (c) 2018 Source Foundry Authors. MIT License. Bitstream Vera Sans Mono (c) 2003 Bitstream, Inc. (with Reserved Font Names _Bitstream_ and _Vera_). Bitstream Vera License. The Ubuntu Font Family fonts are currently removed, because they are a little too tall (some glyphs on consecutive lines are touching) and also considered non-free by Debian and so we can't include them in Debian and some other GNU/Linux distributions anyway. If there is sufficient interest, they may be brought back. They were fonts ubuntu-v14-latin-ext_latin-regular.ttf.woff, ubuntu-v14-latin-ext_latin-500.ttf.woff and ubuntu-mono-v9-latin-ext_latin-700.ttf.woff that were generated via from 'Ubuntu Font Family' fonts with the following copyright notice: Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd. Licensed under the Ubuntu Font Licence 1.0 The files were compressed with pyftsubset to save some space and make sure they are created from TTF, not coverted OTF fonts. Unfortunately, being TTF fonts and having broken hinting in the mono variant, they require forcing TTF.Light hinting in the SDL frontend. If ever OTF fonts emerge, they should be used instead (similarly compressed).