Module      : Text.LParse.Atomics
Description : Atomic parsers for use with LParse
Copyright   : (c) Marcus Völker, 2017
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : marcus.voelker@rwth-aachen.de

This module implements LParse's atomic parsers, i.e., parsers that are not built up from other parsers.
module Text.LParse.Atomics where 

import Control.DoubleContinuations

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Text.LParse.Parser
import Text.LParse.Transformers

-- | A parser that always succeeds, parses nothing and returns unit
noop :: Parser r t ()
noop = return ()

-- | A parser that consumes the whole input and returns it unchanged
full :: Parser r [t] [t]
full = many tokenReturn

-- | A parser that consumes the whole input and discards it, successfully
discard :: Parser r [t] ()
discard = void full

-- | A parser that parses nothing, but only succeeds if the input is empty
eoi :: Parser r [t] ()
eoi = cParse null noop ("Input not fully consumed")

-- | Extracts the first token from the input and applies the given function to it
tokenParse :: (t -> a) -> Parser r [t] a
tokenParse f = Parser (\s -> DCont (\btr etr -> if null s then etr "Unexpected EOI" else btr (f $ head s,tail s)))

-- | Consumes and returns the first token of the input
tokenReturn :: Parser r [a] a
tokenReturn = tokenParse id

-- | Succeeds exactly if the input begins with the given sequence. On success, consumes that sequence
consume :: (Eq t, Show t) => [t] -> Parser r [t] ()
consume pre = cParse ((&&) <$> (all id . zipWith (==) pre) <*> ((>= length pre) . length)) (pParse (drop (length pre)) noop) ("Expected " ++ show pre)

-- | Succeeds exactly if the input begins with the given token. On success, consumes that token
consumeSingle :: (Eq t, Show t) => t -> Parser r [t] ()
consumeSingle t = cParse (\s -> not (null s) && head s == t) (pParse tail noop) ("Expected " ++ show t)

-- | Extracts the first word (i.e. contiguous string of letters) from the input and returns it
word :: Parser r String String
word = some (cParse (\s -> not (null s) && isLetter (head s)) tokenReturn "Expected letter")

-- | Extracts the first integer (i.e. contiguous string of digits) from the input and returns it
integer :: Parser r String Integer
integer = read <$> some (cParse (\s -> not (null s) && isDigit (head s)) tokenReturn "Expected digit")