Module      : Body
Description : The Body module contains the type definition of a Body. 
License     : CC0
Maintainer  : frosch03@frosch03.de
Stability   : experimental
module System.KSP.Datatype.Body
    ( Body(..)
    , DeltaV
    , Celestial(..)
    , Object(..)

import System.KSP.Datatype.Object
import System.KSP.Datatype.System

-- Body --

-- | 'DeltaV' is an alias for a 'Double' value.
type DeltaV = Double

-- | The 'Body' type is the central data type within the KSP
-- library. It could be either 'Railed' or 'Movable'
--     * 'Railed' is everything withing ksp that is a star, a planet
--     or a moon. They are static in their orbits and are therefore
--     called railed.
--     * 'Movable' is every other part in ksp, that is physical. Here
--     they include deltaV counter, but are also modelled as celestial
--     objects. Actually in ksp orbits around movable parts arent
--     possible. Anyhow, within this data type such constructs are
--     doable.
data Body
    = Railed  { object :: Object, celestial :: Celestial }
    | Movable { object :: Object, celestial :: Celestial, deltaV :: DeltaV }
    -- deriving (Show)

-- | Make 'Body' an instance of Equalty
instance Eq Body where
    (Railed  o1 _)   == (Railed  o2 _)   = o1 == o2
    (Movable o1 _ _) == (Movable o2 _ _) = o1 == o2

-- | Make 'Body' an instance of Show
instance Show Body
      showsPrec p (Railed  o c)
          = (showString "R/")
          . (showString (name o))
      showsPrec p (Movable o c d)
          = (showString "M/")
          . (showString (name o))
-- instance Show Body
--     where
--       showsPrec p (Railed  o c)
--           =  ((name o) ++)
--           . (showString ": ")
--           . ((show c) ++)
--       showsPrec p (Movable o c d)
--           =  ((name o) ++)
--           . (showString ", dV:")
--           . ((show d) ++)
--           . ((show c) ++)

-- Celestial --

-- | The 'Celestial' type defines a celestial object within this
-- library. Every celestial object has
--     * 'r' [m] the radius (from the bodys center) in meter
--     * 'm' [kg] the mass of the object in kilo gramms
--     * 'soi' [m] the /s/phere /o/f /i/nfluence of the object in meter
--     * 'system' empty or a system of surronding objects.
data Celestial
    = Celestial { r      :: Double
                , m      :: Double
                , soi    :: Double
                , system :: System Body Body
                } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Make 'Celestial' an instance of Show
-- instance Show Celestial
--     where
--       showsPrec d (Celestial r m soi Empty)
--           = (showString "r:")
--           . ((show r) ++)
--           . (showString ", ")
--           . (showString "m:")
--           . ((show m) ++)
--           . (showString ", soi:")
--           . (if (soi < (1/0))
--              then ((show soi) ++)
--              else (showString "inf"))
--       showsPrec d (Celestial r m soi (System s))
--           = (showChar '(')
--           . (showString . show $ length s)
--           . (showChar ')')
--           . (showString "r:")
--           . ((show r) ++)
--           . (showString ", ")
--           . (showString "m:")
--           . ((show m) ++)
--           . (showString ", soi:")
--           . (if (soi < (1/0))
--              then ((show soi) ++)
--              else (showString "inf"))
--           where
--             -- fun []     = (showChar '\n')
--             -- fun (x:xs) = (showChar '\n') . (showsPrec d $ snd x) . (fun xs)