module Main (main) where import Codec.Picture import Codec.Picture.Extra import Criterion.Main main :: IO () main = defaultMain [ bgroup "scaleBilinear" [ baction "512 × 512" (scaleBilinear 512 512) "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "256 × 256" (scaleBilinear 256 256) "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "1024 × 1024" (scaleBilinear 1024 1024) "data-examples/lenna.png" ], bgroup "crop" [ baction "on 256 horizontally" (crop 256 0 256 512) "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "on 265 vertically" (crop 0 256 512 256) "data-examples/lenna.png" ], bgroup "flipHorizontally" [ baction "512 × 512" flipHorizontally "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "100 × 100" flipHorizontally "data-examples/lenna-scaled-down.png" ], bgroup "flipVertically" [ baction "512 × 512" flipVertically "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "100 × 100" flipVertically "data-examples/lenna-scaled-down.png" ], bgroup "rotateLeft90" [ baction "512 × 512" rotateLeft90 "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "100 × 100" rotateLeft90 "data-examples/lenna-scaled-down.png" ], bgroup "rotateRight90" [ baction "512 × 512" rotateRight90 "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "100 × 100" rotateRight90 "data-examples/lenna-scaled-down.png" ], bgroup "rotate180" [ baction "512 × 512" rotate180 "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "100 × 100" rotate180 "data-examples/lenna-scaled-down.png" ], bgroup "beside" [ baction "1024 × 512" beside' "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "200 × 100" beside' "data-examples/lenna-scaled-down.png" ], bgroup "below" [ baction "512 × 1024" below' "data-examples/lenna.png", baction "100 × 200" below' "data-examples/lenna-scaled-down.png" ] ] where beside' img = beside [img, img] below' img = below [img, img] -- | Run a benchmark given a function to benchmark and where to get image to -- pass as the input. baction :: -- | Name of the benchmark String -> -- | The transformation to perform (Image PixelRGB8 -> Image PixelRGB8) -> -- | Where to get the image to start with FilePath -> Benchmark baction name f path = env getImg (bench name . nf f) where getImg = do (Right (ImageRGB8 img)) <- readImage path return img