{ {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} -- vim: filetype=haskell -- | -- Module : Jikka.Python.Parse.Happy -- Description : parses the code of the standard Python with Happy. -- Copyright : (c) Kimiyuki Onaka, 2020 -- License : Apache License 2.0 -- Maintainer : kimiyuki95@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable module Jikka.Python.Parse.Happy (run) where import Control.Arrow (first) import Data.Functor (($>)) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Jikka.Common.Error import Jikka.Common.Location import Jikka.Python.Language.Expr import qualified Jikka.Python.Parse.Token as L } %name runHappy %tokentype { WithLoc L.Token } %monad { Either Error } %error { happyErrorExpList } %errorhandlertype explist %token -- literals "None" { WithLoc _ L.None } INTEGER { WithLoc _ (L.Int _) } BOOLEAN { WithLoc _ (L.Bool _) } STRING { WithLoc _ (L.String _) } BYTES { WithLoc _ (L.Bytes _) } FLOAT { WithLoc _ (L.Float _) } IMAGINARY { WithLoc _ (L.Imaginary _) } -- keywords "def" { WithLoc _ L.Def } "if" { WithLoc _ L.If } "elif" { WithLoc _ L.Elif } "else" { WithLoc _ L.Else } "for" { WithLoc _ L.For } "in" { WithLoc _ L.In } "assert" { WithLoc _ L.Assert } "return" { WithLoc _ L.Return } "lambda" { WithLoc _ L.Lambda } -- punctuations "->" { WithLoc _ L.Arrow } ":" { WithLoc _ L.Colon } ";" { WithLoc _ L.Semicolon } "," { WithLoc _ L.Comma } "." { WithLoc _ L.Dot } "=" { WithLoc _ L.Equal } "_" { WithLoc _ L.Underscore } -- parens "[" { WithLoc _ L.OpenBracket } "(" { WithLoc _ L.OpenParen } "{" { WithLoc _ L.OpenBrace } "]" { WithLoc _ L.CloseBracket } ")" { WithLoc _ L.CloseParen } "}" { WithLoc _ L.CloseBrace } -- identifier IDENT { WithLoc _ (L.Ident _) } -- operator ":=" { WithLoc _ L.WalrusOp } "implies" { WithLoc _ L.ImpliesOp } "or" { WithLoc _ L.OrOp } "and" { WithLoc _ L.AndOp } "not" { WithLoc _ L.NotOp } COMP_OPERATOR { WithLoc _ (L.CmpOp $$) } "?" { WithLoc _ L.MaxOp } "|" { WithLoc _ L.BitOrOp } "^" { WithLoc _ L.BitXorOp } "&" { WithLoc _ L.BitAndOp } "<<" { WithLoc _ L.BitLShiftOp } ">>" { WithLoc _ L.BitRShiftOp } "+" { WithLoc _ L.PlusOp } "-" { WithLoc _ L.MinusOp } "*" { WithLoc _ L.MulOp } DIVMOD_OPERATOR { WithLoc _ (L.DivModOp $$) } "~" { WithLoc _ L.BitNotOp } "**" { WithLoc _ L.PowOp } "@" { WithLoc _ L.AtOp } AUGOP { WithLoc _ (L.AugOp $$) } -- indent NEWLINE { WithLoc _ L.Newline } INDENT { WithLoc _ L.Indent } DEDENT { WithLoc _ L.Dedent } -- reserved "as" { WithLoc _ L.As } "async" { WithLoc _ L.Async } "await" { WithLoc _ L.Await } "break" { WithLoc _ L.Break } "class" { WithLoc _ L.Class } "continue" { WithLoc _ L.Continue } "del" { WithLoc _ L.Del } "except" { WithLoc _ L.Except } "finally" { WithLoc _ L.Finally } "from" { WithLoc _ L.From } "global" { WithLoc _ L.Global } "import" { WithLoc _ L.Import } "is" { WithLoc _ L.Is } "nonlocal" { WithLoc _ L.Nonlocal } "pass" { WithLoc _ L.Pass } "raise" { WithLoc _ L.Raise } "try" { WithLoc _ L.Try } "while" { WithLoc _ L.While } "with" { WithLoc _ L.With } "yield" { WithLoc _ L.Yield } %% file_input :: { [Statement'] } : {- empty -} { [] } | file_input NEWLINE { $1 } | file_input statement { $1 ++ $2 } -- utilities opt(p) -- :: { Maybe a } : {- empty -} { Nothing } | p { Just $1 } rev_list1(p) -- :: { [a] } : p { [$1] } | rev_list1(p) p { $2 : $1 } list1(p) -- :: { [a] } : rev_list1(p) { reverse $1 } list(p) -- :: { [a] } : {- empty -} { [] } | list1(p) { $1 } rev_sep1(p, q) -- :: { [a] } : p { [$1] } | rev_sep1(p, q) q p { $3 : $1 } sep1(p, q) -- :: { [a] } : rev_sep1(p, q) { reverse $1 } sep1opt(p, q) -- :: { [a] } : rev_sep1(p, q) opt(q) { reverse $1 } fst(p, q) : p q { $1 } snd(p, q) : p q { $2 } both(p, q) : p q { ($1, $2) } -- 6.2 Atoms atom :: { Expr' } : identifier { $1 @> Name $1 } | literal { Constant `fmap` $1 } | enclosure { $1 } enclosure :: { Expr' } : parenth_form { $1 } | list_display { $1 } -- 6.2.1 Identifiers identifier :: { Ident' } : IDENT { let (L.Ident x) = value $1 in $1 @> Ident x } | "_" { $1 @> Ident "_" } -- 6.2.2 Literals literal :: { WithLoc Constant } : "None" { $1 @> ConstNone } | INTEGER { let (L.Int n) = value $1 in $1 @> ConstInt n } | BOOLEAN { let (L.Bool p) = value $1 in $1 @> ConstBool p } | STRING { let (L.String s) = value $1 in $1 @> ConstString s } | BYTES { let (L.Bytes s) = value $1 in $1 @> ConstBytes s } | FLOAT { let (L.Float x) = value $1 in $1 @> ConstFloat x } | IMAGINARY { let (L.Imaginary y) = value $1 in $1 @> ConstImaginary y } -- 6.2.3 Parenthesized forms parenth_form :: { Expr' } : "(" ")" { $1 @> Tuple [] } | "(" expression_list ")" { uncurry fromExprList $2 } -- 6.2.4 Displays for lists, sets and dictionaries comprehension :: { (Expr', [Comprehension]) } : expression comp_for { ($1, $2) } comp_for :: { [Comprehension] } : "for" identifier "in" implies_test opt(comp_if) { [Comprehension ($2 @> Name $2) $4 $5] } comp_if :: { Expr' } : "if" expression_nocond { $2 } -- 6.2.5 List displays list_display :: { Expr' } : "[" "]" { $1 @> List [] } | "[" expression_list "]" { $1 @> List (fst $2) } | "[" comprehension "]" { $1 @> uncurry ListComp $2 } -- 6.2.9. Yield expressions yield_expression :: { Expr' } : "yield" opt(expression_list) { $1 @> Yield (uncurry fromExprList `fmap` $2) } | "yield" "from" expression { $1 @> YieldFrom $3 } -- 6.3 Primaries primary :: { Expr' } : atom { $1 } | attributeref { $1 } | subscription { $1 } | slicing { $1 } | call { $1 } -- 6.3.1. Attribute references attributeref :: { Expr' } : primary "." identifier { $1 @> Attribute $1 $3 } -- 6.3.2. Subscriptions subscription :: { Expr' } : primary "[" expression_list "]" { $1 @> Subscript $1 (uncurry fromExprList $3) } -- 6.3.3. Slicings slicing :: { Expr' } : primary "[" opt(expression) ":" opt(expression) opt(snd(":", expression)) "]" { $1 @> Subscript $1 ($2 @> Slice $3 $5 $6) } -- 6.3.4. Calls call :: { Expr' } : primary "(" ")" { $1 @> Call $1 [] [] } | primary "(" starred_list ")" { $1 @> Call $1 (fst $3) [] } | primary "(" comprehension ")" { $1 @> Call $1 [$2 @> uncurry GeneratorExp $3] [] } -- 6.5. The power operator power :: { Expr' } : primary { $1 } | primary "**" u_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 Pow $3 } -- 6.6. Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations u_expr :: { Expr' } : power { $1 } | "-" u_expr { $1 @> UnaryOp USub $2 } | "+" u_expr { $1 @> UnaryOp UAdd $2 } | "~" u_expr { $1 @> UnaryOp Invert $2 } -- 6.7. Binary arithmetic operations m_expr :: { Expr' } : u_expr { $1 } | m_expr "*" u_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 Mult $3 } | m_expr "@" u_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 MatMult $3 } | m_expr DIVMOD_OPERATOR u_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 (fromDivModOp $2) $3 } a_expr :: { Expr' } : m_expr { $1 } | a_expr "+" m_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 Add $3 } | a_expr "-" m_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 Sub $3 } -- 6.8. Shifting operations shift_expr :: { Expr' } : a_expr { $1 } | shift_expr "<<" a_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 BitLShift $3 } | shift_expr ">>" a_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 BitRShift $3 } -- 6.9. Binary bitwise operations and_expr :: { Expr' } : shift_expr { $1 } | and_expr "&" shift_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 BitAnd $3 } xor_expr :: { Expr' } : and_expr { $1 } | xor_expr "^" and_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 BitXor $3 } or_expr :: { Expr' } : xor_expr { $1 } | or_expr "|" xor_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 BitOr $3 } -- Extra.1. Min and max operations min_expr :: { Expr' } : or_expr { $1 } | min_expr " BinOp $1 Min $3 } | min_expr ">?" or_expr { $1 @> BinOp $1 Max $3 } -- 6.10. Comparisons comparison :: { (Expr', [(CmpOp, Expr')]) } : min_expr { ($1, []) } | comparison comp_operator min_expr { let (e1, e2) = $1 in (e1, e2 ++ [($2, $3)]) } comp_operator :: { CmpOp } : COMP_OPERATOR { fromCmpOp $1 } | "is" { Is } | "is" "not" { IsNot } | "in" { In } | "not" "in" { NotIn } -- 6.11. Boolean operations not_test :: { Expr' } : comparison { convertCompare $1 } | "not" not_test { $1 @> UnaryOp Not $2 } and_test :: { Expr' } : not_test { $1 } | and_test "and" not_test { $1 @> BoolOp $1 And $3 } or_test :: { Expr' } : and_test { $1 } | or_test "or" and_test { $1 @> BoolOp $1 Or $3 } -- Extra.2. Implication operation implies_test :: { Expr' } : or_test { $1 } | or_test "implies" implies_test { $1 @> BoolOp $1 Implies $3 } -- 6.13. Conditional expressions conditional_expression :: { Expr' } : implies_test { $1 } | implies_test "if" implies_test "else" expression { $1 @> IfExp $3 $1 $5 } expression :: { Expr' } : conditional_expression { $1 } | lambda_expr { $1 } expression_nocond :: { Expr' } : implies_test { $1 } | lambda_expr_nocond { $1 } -- 6.14. Lambda lambda_expr :: { Expr' } : "lambda" ":" expression { $1 @> Lambda emptyArguments $3} | "lambda" sep1opt(identifier, ",") ":" expression { $1 @> Lambda (convertArguments' (reverse $2)) $4} lambda_expr_nocond :: { Expr' } : "lambda" ":" expression_nocond { $1 @> Lambda emptyArguments $3} | "lambda" sep1opt(identifier, ",") ":" expression_nocond { $1 @> Lambda (convertArguments' (reverse $2)) $4} -- 6.15. Expression lists expression_list :: { ([Expr'], Bool) } : expression opt(",") { ([$1], isJust $2) } | expression "," expression_list { first ($1 :) $3 } starred_list :: { ([Expr'], Bool) } : starred_item opt(",") { ([$1], isJust $2) } | starred_item "," starred_list { first ($1 :) $3 } starred_item :: { Expr' } : expression { $1 } | "*" min_expr { $1 @> Starred $2 } -- 7. Simple statements simple_stmt :: { Statement' } : expression_stmt { $1 } | assert_stmt { $1 } | assignment_stmt { $1 } | augmented_assignment_stmt { $1 } | annotated_assignment_stmt { $1 } | pass_stmt { $1 } | del_stmt { $1 } | return_stmt { $1 } | yield_stmt { $1 } | raise_stmt { $1 } | break_stmt { $1 } | continue_stmt { $1 } | import_stmt { $1 } | global_stmt { $1 } | nonlocal_stmt { $1 } -- 7.1. Expression statements expression_stmt :: { Statement' } : expression { $1 @> Expr' $1 } -- 7.2. Assignment statements assignment_stmt :: { Statement' } : expression_list "=" expression { convertAssign $1 $3 } -- 7.2.1. Augmented assignment statements augmented_assignment_stmt :: { Statement' } : augtarget AUGOP expression_list { $1 @> AugAssign $1 (fromAugOp $2) (uncurry fromExprList $3) } augtarget :: { Target' } : identifier { $1 @> Name $1 } | attributeref { $1 } | subscription { $1 } | slicing { $1 } -- 7.2.2. Annotated assignment statements annotated_assignment_stmt :: { Statement' } : augtarget ":" expression opt(snd("=", expression)) { $1 @> AnnAssign $1 $3 $4 } -- 7.3. The assert statement assert_stmt :: { Statement' } : "assert" expression opt(snd(",", expression)) { $1 @> Assert $2 $3 } -- 7.4. The pass statement pass_stmt :: { Statement' } : "pass" { $1 @> Pass } -- 7.5. The del statement¶ del_stmt :: { Statement' } : "del" expression_list { $1 @> Delete (fst $2) } -- 7.6. The return statement return_stmt :: { Statement' } : "return" opt(expression_list) { $1 @> Return (uncurry fromExprList `fmap` $2) } -- 7.7. The yield statement yield_stmt :: { Statement' } : yield_expression { $1 @> Expr' $1 } -- 7.8. The raise statement raise_stmt :: { Statement' } : "raise" opt(expression) { $1 @> Raise $2 Nothing } | "raise" expression "from" expression { $1 @> Raise (Just $2) (Just $4) } -- 7.9. The break statement break_stmt :: { Statement' } : "break" { $1 @> Break } -- 7.10. The continue statement continue_stmt :: { Statement' } : "continue" { $1 @> Continue } -- 7.11. The import statement import_stmt :: { Statement' } : "import" module_ opt(snd("as", identifier)) list(both(snd(",", module_), opt(snd("as", identifier)))) { $1 @> Import [] } | "from" module_ "import" "*" { $1 @> ImportFrom [] [] } module_ :: { [Ident'] } : sep1(identifier, ".") { $1 } -- 7.12. The global statement global_stmt :: { Statement' } : "global" sep1(identifier, ",") { $1 @> Global $2 } -- 7.13. The nonlocal statement nonlocal_stmt :: { Statement' } : "nonlocal" sep1(identifier, ",") { $1 @> Nonlocal $2 } -- 8. Compound statements compound_stmt :: { Statement' } : if_stmt { $1 } | while_stmt { $1 } | for_stmt { $1 } | funcdef { $1 } suite :: { [Statement'] } : stmt_list NEWLINE { $1 } | NEWLINE INDENT list1(statement) DEDENT { concat $3 } statement :: { [Statement'] } : stmt_list NEWLINE { $1 } | compound_stmt { [$1] } stmt_list :: { [Statement'] } : simple_stmt opt(";") { [$1] } | simple_stmt ";" stmt_list { $1 : $3 } -- 8.1. The if statement if_stmt :: { Statement' } : "if" expression ":" suite list(both(both("elif", expression), snd(":", suite))) opt(snd("else", snd(":", suite))) { convertIfElse $1 $2 $4 $5 $6 } -- 8.2. The while statement while_stmt :: { Statement' } : "while" expression ":" suite opt(snd("else", snd(":", suite))) { $1 @> While $2 $4 (fromMaybe [] $5) } -- 8.3. The for statement for_stmt :: { Statement' } : "for" identifier "in" expression_list ":" suite opt(snd("else", snd(":", suite))) { $1 @> For ($2 @> Name $2) (uncurry fromExprList $4) $6 (fromMaybe [] $7) } -- 8.6. Function definitions funcdef :: { Statement' } : list(decorator) "def" funcname "(" opt(parameter_list) ")" opt(snd("->", expression)) ":" suite { $2 @> FunctionDef $3 (convertArguments $5) $9 $1 $7 } decorator :: { Decorator' } : "@" expression NEWLINE { $2 } parameter_list :: { [Arg] } : parameter opt(",") { [$1] } | parameter "," parameter_list { $1 : $3 } parameter :: { Arg } : identifier opt(snd(":", expression)) { ($1, $2) } funcname :: { Ident' } : identifier { $1 } { (@>) :: WithLoc a -> b -> WithLoc b (@>) = ($>) fromExprList :: [Expr'] -> Bool -> Expr' fromExprList [] _ = bug "empty list for fromExprList" fromExprList [e] False = e fromExprList es@(e : _) _ = e $> Tuple es fromCmpOp :: L.CmpOp -> CmpOp fromCmpOp = \case L.DoubleEqual -> Eq' L.NotEqual -> NotEq L.LessThan -> Lt L.LessEqual -> LtE L.GreaterThan -> Gt L.GreaterEqual -> GtE fromDivModOp :: L.DivModOp -> Operator fromDivModOp = \case L.Div -> Div L.FloorDiv -> FloorDiv L.FloorMod -> FloorMod L.CeilDiv -> CeilDiv L.CeilMod -> CeilMod fromAugOp :: L.AugOp -> Operator fromAugOp = \case L.AugAdd -> Add L.AugSub -> Sub L.AugMul -> Mult L.AugAt -> MatMult L.AugDiv -> Div L.AugFloorDiv -> FloorDiv L.AugFloorMod -> FloorMod L.AugCeilDiv -> CeilDiv L.AugCeilMod -> CeilMod L.AugPow -> Pow L.AugBitRShift -> BitRShift L.AugBitLShift -> BitLShift L.AugBitAnd -> BitAnd L.AugBitXor -> BitXor L.AugBitOr -> BitOr L.AugMin -> Min L.AugMax -> Max convertArguments :: Maybe [Arg] -> Arguments convertArguments args = emptyArguments { argsArgs = fromMaybe [] args } convertArguments' :: [Ident'] -> Arguments convertArguments' args = emptyArguments { argsArgs = map (\x -> (x, Nothing)) args } convertIfElse :: WithLoc a -> Expr' -> [Statement'] -> [((WithLoc a, Expr'), [Statement'])] -> Maybe [Statement'] -> Statement' convertIfElse head cond body elifs orelse = head @> If cond body cont where cont = case elifs of [] -> fromMaybe [] orelse ((head', cond'), body') : elifs -> [convertIfElse head' cond' body' elifs orelse] convertCompare :: (Expr', [(CmpOp, Expr')]) -> Expr' convertCompare (e, []) = e convertCompare (e, ops) = e $> Compare e ops convertAssign :: ([Expr'], Bool) -> Expr' -> Statement' convertAssign ([], _) _ = bug "empty targets for convertAssign" convertAssign (xs, comma) e = head xs $> Assign [fromExprList xs comma] e happyErrorExpList :: ([WithLoc L.Token], [String]) -> Either Error a happyErrorExpList (tokens, expected) = Left err where err :: Error err = WithGroup SyntaxError (withLocation tokens (Error msg)) withLocation :: [WithLoc L.Token] -> Error -> Error withLocation [] err = err withLocation (token : _) err = WithLocation(loc token) err msg :: String msg = tok tokens ++ " is got, but " ++ exp expected ++ " expected" tok :: [WithLoc L.Token] -> String tok [] = "EOF" tok (token : _) = wrap . show $ value token exp :: [String] -> String exp [] = "EOF is" exp [item] = wrap item ++ " is" exp items = intercalate ", " (map wrap $ init items) ++ ", or " ++ (wrap $ last items) ++ " are" wrap :: String -> String wrap ('\'' : s) = '`' : s wrap s = "`" ++ s ++ "'" run :: MonadError Error m => [WithLoc L.Token] -> m Program run tokens = wrapError' "Jikka.Python.Parse.Happy.run failed" $ do case runHappy tokens of Left err -> throwError err Right stmts -> return stmts }